《Jack and Jill Conquer the Shattered World》78: Entering High Society


I tightened and adjusted my tie, and took a final look at the dark suited, dark cloaked, gentleman in the mirror. The face looked familiar but the proportions seemed to have reached a level of refinement and symmetry that diverged into the uncanny valley. The skin was a clear warm brown. The eyes were endlessly dark abysses framed in a sea of white. The dark hair had been trimmed, combed back, and gelled. The figure was fit, and the explosive musculature looked much more subdued and gentlemanly, underneath the sharp black suit and charcoal button-down shirt.

“How do I look?” I said. As I sensed Jack entering the room. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

Jack was dressed in a shimmering light gray dress, with ruffled lace on the skirt and sleeves, and the deep-vee neck that revealed her ample assets, just enough to be provocative but still tasteful. Her hair was done up in an elegant, layered loose french-braid that looked like she’d just woken up an hour ago and she was suddenly a fairy princess.

“You look fine, hon! Good enough to eat, my sweet...Except we don’t really have time for that right now...and I don’t want to mess up my makeup. Anyway, there’s no need to be so nervous. Just be yourself, and the rest will sort itself out,” said Jack. Giving me a kiss on the cheek after helping me straighten my collar a bit.

I nodded. I always got a bit nervous when it came to dealing with new people, and there’d been a fair bit of build up in the weeks before. After Jack and I were finished dressing, we left our residence within our private dimension and went to pick up Kalpana, who was waiting alongside a few of her sisters. Kalpana was wearing a green-gold dress that reminded me of the transition between summer and fall. Her hair was done up in a tidy bun with two needles sticking out of it.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey!” said Kalpana. Smiling and returning my greeting with a wave.

Once we’d picked up Kalpana and the other harvester-princesses it was time to leave the private dimension and head out to the world outside. We were still living in the Shattered World’s Dragon Empire in the Prism Spine which was convenient because our ride and escort to this little event was Empress Kian. A stodgy old dragon that was taking the form of your stereotypical old butler came to our quarters to pick us all up and take us to where the Empress was waiting.


The Empress and her retinue were gathered outside the imperial palace. Empress Kian was discussing something with her handmaidens and courtiers, while standing outside a massive carriage made of platinum, gold, jade, and crystal. I quickly realized that the ornate carriage seemed to be modeled after the palace it was parked in front. Essentially serving as a miniature palace.

There was a team of one hundred men harnessed to the carriage. At the command of another man in armor, the hundred men transformed into two teams of fifty dragon-horses, all of them emitting a horrifying aura that could trigger the end of a small world.

Empress Kian wore a set of flowing imperial robes, and a lavish headdress filled with feathers, gems, and jewels. Her face was covered in make-up that brought out the richness of her natural complexion and brought out the depth and sharpness of her cold yellow eyes. Her green hair was braided like an auspicious shape, and looked like a well-manicured shrubbery. Her hair was also decorated with black lace and gold ribbon.

“Yo,” said Jack. Ignoring the somber and ostentatious mood everyone else had and just walking up to the Empress like it was no big thing.

“Ah, it’s good to see you’re ready,” said Kian. Seeming to startle, and rankle, for a moment before recognizing who it was and instantly mellowing in her response.

“Yeppers, peppers! I’ve got my dude, I’ve got a kickass dress, let’s show those gods and devils how we roll,” said Jack. Grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

“Hm, yes...In that case, let us...as you say it ‘get this show on the road’,” said Kian. Nodding and smiling.

A few minutes later everyone that needed to be in the carriage was in the carriage. A dozen smaller, less fancy, carriages followed behind us. Carrying servants and the nobles who served directly beneath the Empress.


Garvan of the Northern Flames idly sipped the wine that was put out for the guests. It was pretty good, there were notes of spices and a sour and minty fruit that felt familiar but he couldn’t quite name. Garvan currently wore a ceremonial robe from the culture he’d been a part of back when he was mortal. He was one of the many guests that had been invited to the Annual Gathering of the Immortals. An event that started off a neutral meeting of the devils and divines and then expanded to include all the immortals as the Shattered World’s Heavenly Realm grew larger and more populous.


“Hey, hey, if it isn’t the Great Rear-guard General of the Shattered-Star Pantheon,” said a jeering voice.

Garvan didn’t bother turning around, his spiritual senses having already picked up the figure that stood behind him.

“Evening, Dilshad,” said Garvan. Taking another sip of wine. His expression stayed stiff and unemotive, despite his annoyance at the appearance and approach of the other person.

“Tch, that’s no fun...Even if we’re on opposite sides there’s no need to be so cold. We were once such close friends, weren’t we? Now look at you,” said Dilshad. Scolding the tall fire-giant.

“Hmph, if you truly cherished that friendship of ours you wouldn’t have...Tch, whatever, what’s in the past is in the past. Just say what you wanted to say…” said Garvan.

Dilshad’s playful look faded and became a bit pained. The conversation now felt a whole lot heavier than it had been before.

“Uh, well...I mostly just wanted to say hi. You generally don’t show up to this sort of thing,” said Dilshad. Suddenly acting shy.

Garvan snorted. Unmoved.

“Of course, I’m here. If you look around you’ll find that a great number of the faction leaders and group heads have actually managed to show up tonight…”

“Ah, I see…” said Dilshad. Her dark purple eyes narrowed as her gaze swept the room.

“Why though?” said Dilshad.

“The Dragon Empress is coming today...The Dragon Empire finally opened its gates to outsiders again...Everyone whos anyone is painfully clear that something big has entered the waters,” said Garvan. His gaze tilted towards the entrance of the ornate palace that belonged to one of the leading independent Immortals of their Heavenly Realm. His expression turned grave as he recognized the heavenly carriage that joined all other carriages parked to the side of the immortal’s territory.

“Oh, that’s going to be troublesome,” mumbled Garven as he saw the Dragon Empress alight from her carriage and recognized the terrifying auras of the two figures that exited the carriage along with her.

“What? Oh shit…” said Dilshad looking in the direction Garvan had turned his attention and recognizing the chaotic emanations coming off the two figures as well.

The volume of the room seemed to fall by several levels as everyone turned their attention to the Dragon Empire’s retinue. Empress Kian took the lead, entering the room at a leisurely and prideful gait. Gracefully gliding across the floor like something out of a dream or nightmare. Showing neither tiredness, nor trepidation, as she received the glares of those still holding a grudge over that last war.

Then the two figures behind Kian entered the palace and the room grew even quieter. The first figure was a beautiful, snow-haired, demoness. Her elegant black horns, six wings, and nine tails artfully clashed with her pale garb and appearance. Her tyrannical aura of dark hunger stifled a great many of the angry looks from before. Behind the woman was a man.

The man was the tall, dark and handsome type. Blackholes for eyes. His beauty was enough to fascinate even the fae and angels. At first it felt like the man wasn’t there. There were no emanations coming from his person, there was no aura of an immortal about him. The man was empty. He was like air, flavorless, colorless, and void. Then suddenly something changed, the man’s gaze swept through the room and he went from being air, to being a hurricane.

Suddenly, everyone realized that they were standing in the eye of the storm. A few folks panicked and tried to resist only to end up coughing blood and passing out. This led to a panic which led to the party officially beginning to pop off, as the numerous faction-heads all left their subordinate to deal with the mess, before making up their minds about what direction they wanted to take this “chance” meeting, and stepping forward to say hello to the Dragon Empress and her guests.

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