《Jack and Jill Conquer the Shattered World》75: Draconian Bargain


The heavenly realm of the Shattered World occupied a large portion of the Shattered World’s multiverse. It was a relatively stable, relatively safe, segment of the grand nebula that was shared by a number of the Shattered World’s sibling universes. Travelling to this Shattered Heaven from the chaotic sea was a relatively easy matter. Similar to sailing into a calm bay, from the tumultuous and stormy parts of the ocean. Though many of the gods and immortals that had been forced to make this journey would say that this feat was easier said than done.

This heavenly realm was primarily made up of the Shattered Heavens, proper, which was home to the immortals and gods of the Shattered World and its sibling universes. It was also home to the Shattered Wonderland, where the elder-fae of the Shattered World’s fae, wilder spirits, and tamer less-antagonistic demons, resided.

Finally, there was the Prism Spine, a range of mountains the smallest of which were hundreds of millions of miles in height, and the tallest of which could be measured in light-years from bottom to top. This Prism Spine was home to the Shattered World Dragons. A group made up not only of the true-dragons of not only the shattered world itself, but those who spread elsewhere in the multiverse The Prism Spine was also home to this multiverse’ allotment, or apportioning, of the angelic host.

Kian Greenscale, Current Empress of the Shattered-World’s Dragons, finally returned home to her people and her palace, after decades spent settling their recent, centuries old, feud with the pantheons of the Shattered-Star and Lost-Moon. When she returned to her home, she didn’t return alone. She brought...guests...with her.

She’d brought home the two strange and alien beings that broke up, and ruined, what would have been a devastating rout for the dragons, otherwise. This ultimate effect on the direction of the three-way war between the Dragons, the Shattered-Star pantheon, and the Lost-Moon Pantheon, was one reason that the Dragons of the Shattered World went along with Kian when she said she was going to try to reach out and make friendly relationship with the strange beings. The second reason, being the two beings’ near-absolute strength. A strength that might have been more at home in the higher-planes of the cosmos.



Kian now sat within her tea room, a room decorated with class dainty furniture built by dwarven-immortals to accommodate Kian, even her dragon-state. A room filled with countless gems, jewels, crystals, and books, because as a proper dragon of the Heavenly Realm, Kian was expected to have at least “some” of her hoard on display when entertaining guests.

Kian was currently in her human form. A form that was only a little over seven feet in height, fair-skinned, with cold yellow eyes, pale green hair, and an aloof, aimless, atmosphere. She took a sip of the spirit-willow tea that her servants had brewed. A tea made from a rare immortal-grade herb known for its ability for clearing the mind and sharpening the senses. Then Kian turned her yellow-eyed gaze to the young woman in front of her. Bemused to find herself wondering exactly which of them was the actual dragon in the room.

The beautiful white-haired, pale-skinned, monster in the plain black cultivators’ robe sat with more self-confidence, comfort, and ease, than Kian had ever had in her life. They were both powerful beings, whose essence and refinement had reached a level beyond mortal realm, yet it was the other woman whose atmosphere dominated the room. This wasn’t merely a matter of the other woman being more powerful. Just by looking at the woman’s blue-gray eyes, Kian could see a fundamental arrogance and pride that emanated from the woman’s very soul. Even if this woman were just a mortal, even if she was just some ditcher digger, or washerwoman, she’d still carry this absurd, queenly, bearing.

Overall, it left Kian feeling very awkward because...well, Kian was the one wearing an actual crown. It was like a police officer, or military official, running into someone who just innately seemed to hold more authority despite the lack of a badge or uniform. It was a puzzling and discomfiting feeling and Kian had to do her utmost to avoid being swept up in the other woman’s pace. A thing that was especially difficult, considering the Dragon Empress’ ordinarily milquetoast nature. Where Kian had to project and feign confidence and a domineering air, the other woman just seemed to ooze it.



“So, you invited me here, because you wanted to talk...So let’s talk, shall we?” said Jack. Hands steepled and resting on her knee.

“Ah...Er, yes. Indeed I did,” said Kian. Feeling flustered and hating it. Aware that this negotiation had already started off on the wrong foot, with the way the strange being of darkness had taken charge of everything, after Kian initially made contact.


“Ah…*Sigh* Okay, so as we’ve been discussing during our trip through and from the chaotic sea, our Dragon Empire admires the strength you and your husband showed during the battle between ourselves and the two pantheons,” said Kian.

“And you’d like to hire, or invite, us as guests, guest-elders, employees of the Empire, what have you...I get that already. We've already largely clarified your intentions on the way over here. The answer that we still haven’t made clear is why we would do this. My husband and I will join you in exchange for what exactly?” said Jack.

Sounding somewhat impatient. Showing a blatant hunger, and greed, that should have put her in the weaker position, but instead now just emphasized how strong the two alien entities were, and how valuable their services would be.

Kian furrowed her brow, feeling put upon. However, she hadn’t been empress of an entire empire of immortal dragons for thousands of eons for nothing. So she gave as good as she’d gotten said,

“Well, to be fair...As you mentioned before we’ve become talking this matter over in circles for the duration of our years-long trip, and think the main issue is that ‘you’ haven’t been clear on exactly what it is you want...You’ve hinted, you’ve implied, but we can’t truly make a bargain if our two sides aren’t transparent on what they’re hoping to gain, and what they have to lose,” said Kian.

“Hm, fair enough...fair enough,” said the pale-haired woman. Then Jack looked the green-haired dragon up and down and her expression turned strange.

“On a completely unconnected note, I couldn’t help but notice that there’s no sign of any imperial consorts, or imperial harem…If you don’t mind me asking, what is the situation there?” said Jack. Throwing the Green-scaled Empress for a loop.

“Eh?!... I- I beg your pardon?!” said Kian. Wondering what this mad demoness was on now.

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