《Jack and Jill Conquer the Shattered World》12: Appraisal Day


There was another outbreak of vermin on the Marrow Estate grounds. By this point in time, I’d already grown past the point where I needed to be cautious of a few dozen killer-gophers, and if I weren’t still trying to be low-key about my abilities I could have handled the issue myself. After passing all the corpses to the kitchens, I was now returning the equipment to the groundskeeping shed. Just as I entered the shed I felt a tingle from the bundle of senses that I’d recently developed that weren’t smell, taste, touch hearing, sight, or any of the basic senses that people commonly have. The bundle of senses that were all cumulative tossed under the term “sixth sense” because they were rare enough for people to not really have a proper means to describe them.

I looked up and to the right, and saw Jack. A normal person probably wouldn’t have seen her. She had her shadows surrounding her. Forming a cocoon of gloom that most people would just sort of shy away from, because it was so dark that it might as well not be there. Jack was just sort of chilling in a corner of the shed’s ceiling. Hanging almost upside down, like a bat, and looking completely at ease while doing so. She read a book, while her pale gray-blue eyes glowed in the gloom. I opened my mouth to say hi, then I had a thought.

“You know...It just occurred to me, that I never thought to ask just how the hell a clan-brat like yourself got so good at climbing?” I said. A wry smile on my face.

Jack looked up from her book and then rolled her eyes at me.

“Well, I did it the usual way...My grimoire teaches can pass down skills and certain attributes as well as spells...Our house is stupidly large so they’re always all sort of little vermin around, spiders, woodlice, centipedes, and geckos. Beasts that are barely worthy of the name, but still technically can feed the grimoire so long as I catch enough of them to form a sort of ...cumulative monster-core from the slivers of crystalized spirit-essence in their tiny bodies...and also one cat, that I loved dearly, and my shit-lord brother, Yulien drowned because he was in a bad mood one day,” said Jack. Her expression soured near the end as she recalled that particular unpleasant memory.


“Ah...Okay...So, er, were you waiting for me, or were you just sort of hanging out here,” I said.

“Funnily enough, the latter option. Today’s an important day, and I don’t trust any of my siblings or my father’s wives, to not try and pull a Cinderella on me,” said Jack.

“Especially, since you actually have an evil-stepmother and step-brother,” I said. Sighing.

Jack smiled wryly. Closing her book.


“So, what day is today? Your family is always having some ceremony or party...or whatever...I only know what’s going on when they make me bring out the special outdoor furniture,” I said. Hands in my pockets.

“Oh, you didn’t know?!” said Jack. Looking surprised.

“I wouldn’t be asking if I did…” I said.

“Right...Okay, so every five years our Brine Empire sends out a team of Imperial Appraisers to test the talents of the clan-generations and noble youth...Technically, even you could get appraised if you join one of the dozens of little tournaments that a bunch of groups are setting up for that purpose,” said Jack.

“Meh…” I said.

“...Meh?” said Jack.

“Meh...I’m good,” I said.

“Why though?” said Jack.

“For various reasons, I’d rather not pull myself into the attention of the imperial state,” I said.

“Ah...Oh. Oh! Yeah, shit...I kind of...Forgot about that. Funny the things you just sort of get used to,” said Jack.

“How about you? Wouldn’t this whole imperial appraisal business be dangerous for you too?” I said.

“No...I’ve gotten good enough with my shadow powers to hide a portion of my talents...and the rest of my talents are good enough that I could maybe get a shot at getting invited to the Imperial College...and if that happens can you imagine the look on my family’s face, when ‘I’ end up being the one that brings our clan glory by becoming an imperial officer? Shit, I can practically taste how awesome that’d feel,” said Jack. Smiling broadly.


“Hm...Okay. Good luck with that,” I said. Giving her my own lazy smile. Genuinely wishing her the best, because if there was anyone in the world that deserved a break, Jack was right up there.

“Thanks…” said Jack.

“So are you going to be staying out here all night?” I said.

“Pretty much,” said Jack.

“Do you want me to leave the light on?” I said.

“And give away my hiding spot?” said Jack. One brow raised.

“Right...Welp, good night,” I said.

“Night,” said Jack.

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