《Bookwyrm》Chapter 6
There was once was a time when humans roamed the earth like the animals. Over time the humans began to change the world they live in. Sowing seeds of their choice rather than wandering through the wilds. Soon they began to tame the animals to work side by side instead of against them. With the new flourishing life the natural need for a leader birthed the king Gilgamesh. Though Gilgamesh was almost as powerful as a God he used his power selfishly. Instead of lifting his people up he ground them under his foot like dirt.
Hearing the pained cries of the people the Gods created Endiku to end Gilgamesh’s tyranny. Even though Endiku was born of the wilds Gilgamesh was too strong. Instead of ending Endiku’s life he befriended the kindred spirit thus ending Gilgamesh’s reign of terror.
Griff gave a noise of annoyance.
“Look this is important. Without this story there would be no other stories.” Snapped Nick annoyed that he was interrupted. “The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the first written stories known to man. According to the legends once the tablets were completed there was a great assembly of the Gods. When the other Gods of world saw the tablets they became jealous. Instead of smashing the tablets they wanted some for themselves.”
A terrified yell reminded both men they were technically not alone. Turning to the sound of the panicked scream they saw a man had wandered up to where they were. Frozen by fear he couldn’t move from where he stood. Other men’s voice called after the man standing on the edge of clearing. Seconds later three burly soldiers burst through the tree line weapons drawn. Nick scrambled to get on top of Griff’s head between his horns. The two of them furiously looked around for a place to run. To the left and right the trees were too old and study to force their way past. Griff could plow his way forward but the soldiers where brandishing their weapons thinking they got the best of him.
There was no other real choice. They spun around to face the cliff, Nick watched as the soldiers were knocked to the ground by Griff’s massive tail. In one motion Griff had bent his knees to launch himself into the air. For the second time in two days, Nick was hanging onto the back a dragon for dear life. The wind stung at his eyes forcing him to hide his face into the spike he was holding onto for dear life. Neither man heard the shouts of the soldiers below over the wind. Bracing for impact Nick waited for the inevitable hard landing. When it didn’t come he opened his eyes as far as he could to see that they were airborne! Their excitement didn’t last as they began to slowly fall out of the sky. Panicking Griff tried to regain flight by flapping his wings but that only made them fall faster.
The impact of them hitting the ground threw Nick onto the hard ground. Getting back up they checked over themselves for injures not sure how far behind the troops were. Pride hurt worst than his body Griff bowed his head in shame.
“I guess it is a little too soon to start flying.” Griff made a noise. Chuckling Nick walked over to pat the dragon on one of his massive claws, “Don’t worry about it too much. We just need to build up some muscles before we try again. For now, let’s just get as much road between us and that army as we can ok?” Nodding he lowered his head to allow Nick to get back up.
The sun was much closer to the west when they did eventually stop. There was much less snow where they finally stopped time. Sprawling out Griff's body almost took up almost every inch of the new clearing. Nick peeled his cold hands off the spike allowing himself to slid off onto the ground. Even though there was less snow this far south Nick still managed to fall face first into a patch of it. Body refusing to respond he just laid there doing his best to ignore the biting snow poking his eyes.
Thankfully Griff took pity on his friend and rolled Nick onto his back using his snout. "We need a new plan." Nick found enough energy to lift of his to point to the sky. " I mean, clearly we cannot walk all the way across the Mediterrain, cross the sands and jungles of Africa all the way to the Library in one afternoon." His head gave a protest pulse of pain reminding him he hadn't eaten or drank anything for over a day. Moving his head a little he noticed that the dragon's eyes are closed.
"Hey, Griff?" He called out hoping he was just napping. Not opening his eyes the dragon gave a grunt of acknowledgment. "Did you so happen to see a village or a farm before we stopped?"
A quick grunt followed by Griff pointing just to Nick's left using his long talon to point. Sitting up he motioned to the direction he thought his friend was indicating. Griff didn't answer.
"Is it far?" Nick asked still not getting an answer. Huffing in frustration Nick took a breath ready to yell to get Griff's attention when the dragon turned onto his side. He didn't hear it last night but right now Griff was snoring. "Right, I'll just get going then." Hoping he wasn't going to get too lost Nick found a path created by several animals walking through this spot. The path was wider than he expected maybe cows used this area to graze. He kicked a few rocks wondering it would be a good idea to turn them into gemstones for trade. He weighed out the pros of walking around with that much wealth on his person out in the woods. Money tends to be a motivator for most people to help out. On the other hand what is to stop those same people from robbing him?
When the treeline broke revealing an overturned two-wheeled cart. If going by the vegetation intertwining around the broken parts it had been there a while. Rust was overtaking the edges of the metal parts. Getting an idea he knelt down to examine the forgotten cart. Using his fingernail he scratched off a few flecks of rust seeing how bad it truly was. Even though no one appeared to be around he tried to casually look around to see if anyone was watching. He reached into his breast pocket of his cloak to pull out the Philosopher's Stone.
He pressed it against the metal thinking about gold coins instead of just gold bars like he did in the lab. He thought of the design how heavy each one felt in his hand. While he focused he felt the stone grow pleasantly warm for a moment. There was the same red light that accompanied all the other transmutations before. He was not including the horrible one two days ago with Griff. That was an incident that he will be happy to just be done with as soon as possible. Opening his eyes he saw not just the small section he was touching turned to coins but the other metal parts changed as well. He quickly gathered the cooling coins before standing up straight again.
He appeared to be just outside a singular farmhouse all alone. The barn was more of a wall-less shelter where a single horse was eating. There were several cows behind the poorly made stick fence surrounding their pasture. A gaggle of chickens where resting in the sun near the door of the only house. When Nick approached the chickens protested being disturbed. Knocking on the door he hoped someone pleasant would greet him.
"No food or water to be found here, lad." A glaring eye was just peeking out the door. Even though time had ravaged the owner of eye's voice Nick could tell that he was dealing with a woman none the less. Expecting that sort of welcome he merely revealed a single coin for her gaze upon. In the time it took for him to blink the woman managed to open the door just enough to snatch the coin away in her talon-like fingers. She inspected the quality of the coin using her few remaining teeth.
"It is real I assure you." Nick felt the need to defend his work. "There is also more where that came from if you are willing to trade." Satisfied with her coin the old woman looked a little kinder to Nick.
"Don't have much to give stranger but name your trade." Still wondering how using your teeth to help legitimize the purity of metal Nick failed to realize she asked him a question.
"Yes. Well, ahem," he cleared his throat hoping to get him more time to collect his thoughts. "I require food. A whole cow to be specific."
"A whole cow?" She asked wiping the saliva off her coin before pocketing it as if it always belonged to her.
"It’s for me and my colleagues. We did not wish to alarm you with our numbers so they sent me by myself." The woman eyed Nick for a second before allowing him into her house.
"You are a liar. But as long as the rest of your coin as as honest as this one you may have your cow." She waved at him retreating further into the house. "Rochè, fetch the man a cow." Thinking about the odd turn of phrase that money could be honest he failed to notice the burly young man sharpening an ax just inside the door.
"I'll leave you to my grandson here." Rochè forced Nick to walk backward so he wouldn't be knocked over by the large young man. Making sure not to walk too closely to Rochè Nick followed the man into the animal pen. The cows seemed uninterested in the two men as they ate the little vegetation they could find. Even when the young man tied a length of rope around the nearest one it continued to eat.
"Is twenty gold coins ok?" Nick asked gathering all the loose coins in his hands. Judging by the slightly surprised look in the man's eyes it was more than ok. Pretending like he didn't realize he was being robbed blind Nick handed over the coins for the cow. Maybe the young man would rush back to his grandmother and not follow Nick back to where Griff was resting.
Nick spent the night trying to forget what he witnessed the second he back to the clearing. The fate of the cow was inevitable but he was not prepared for what he saw. All Nick wanted anyone to remember is that he had a wonderful hind leg to eat for dinner and that was it.
It took three more instances that he would also like to forget before they reached the outskirts of one of the major cities on the coast. Griff was getting stronger with each passing day with his flying though he still needed long periods of rest between flights. Getting used to his wings they began to climb so high they startled birds as they passed. Midday on the fourth day Griff slipped between two mountains to reveal the sea. Even Griff managed to sound impressed at the sapphire colored water stretched out below. Nick was so enthralled by the view that when Griff turned hard to the left he almost fell off. Still rather clumsy the two of them landed on the abandoned property of what looked like olive farmers. When Nick dismounted the dragon flopped on his side.
“Good eye, Griff.” Nick said stretching out his own back. “I couldn’t even see this place from up there.” The trees where overgrown with ripe olives weighing heavily on the branches. The reddish-brown colored fruit looked tempting but everyone knew that uncured these would taste bitter as vinegar. The sound of snapping branches drew his attention back the dragon just in time to see the great beast bite off part of an olive tree. It was like with the cows all over again. Olives rained down as Griff swallowed down the tree top. He gave huge gulp swallowing the whole thing down. Satisfied with his meal he gave a stretch before lying on his side in the warm sun.
He seemed comfortable. Too comfortable for Nick’s liking.
“I’ve been thinking about for the last few days.” Nick started to pace as he spoke. “With your current strength there is no way we could fly across that sea. So that idea is out. We could have you swim across the sea, but who knows how long that would take. Our only real option is to buy a bunch of junk metal and turn it into more coins. With those coins will purchase a ship large enough to house you in the cargo bay. We will then purchase a crew to take us south where I would unload you under the cover of darkness.” Nick had a crazed smile on his face when he finished speaking. In response the dragon looked away with a huff. Jilted Nick snapped, “Yeah like you have a better idea?” Griff gave another huff sending loose dirt flying.
“That’s what I thought. Now I will be getting more supplies this time since we're going across the sea. Think you can eat two cows this time and it last you?" Nick inquired straightening the straps to his bag. Griff made a noise he classified as a firm, 'Maybe.' Chuckling Nick said his good-bye as the dragon began to doze off in the afternoon sun. Hoping he could remember how to get back he headed for the town.
The sea town was more loud and bustling than he could have imagined. Vendors shouted loudly their wares over one another. The town smelled faintly of fish and sea salt lingering on the wind. Admiring the freer city lay out a new smell caught his attention. It was the warm scent of freshly baked bread. Griff had his snack why couldn’t Nick have one too?
Hoping to find the source of the scent he discovered someone peddling maps along with other supplies, 'no seafaring man worth his salt' would be caught without. For his smarts, Nick forgot about fresh water. There was an expansive variety of canteens made out of tanned leather in various shapes and sizes. Interested Nick picked up one with a particularly wide opened mouthed canteen.
"Could fit an entire scroll through here." Nick ran his finger around the lip of the canteen thinking aloud. Curiosity bubbling he held it up higher seriously questioning the concept.
"For three more coin, I can fill it for you." Offered the man. Nick didn't bother to look at the man as he shoved a fist full of coins into the man's waiting hand. "That won't be necessary."
People were giving Nick questioning looks as he bit into one of the rolls he purchased. Moaning loudly through a mouthful of roll he forgot how much he loved bread. He would go so far as to pluck the larger crumbs off his outfit to savor as much as he could.
Now fully satisfied he pulled out the large empty canteen and research papers. Hoping this idea would protect their research from sea water Nick rolled each page one by one to slip inside the canteen. Deciding to keep the Stone where it was Nick felt he had everything he needed to cross the sea. In much higher spirits Nick had a smile on his face as he went to collect their ship.
He had gotten further than a few shops when a man’s hand fell on his shoulder. Nick turned around to see a rather dashing man in a crisp naval uniform standing right behind him. An English leather-wrapped naval uniform to be precise. Instinctively Nick placed his hand over the Philosopher's Stone which, thankfully, looked just like someone trying to calm themselves after a fright.
"Did not mean to startle you, Sir Nicolas." The man's voice sounded like he gargled sand every morning.
"I'm sorry I was not expecting anyone to recognize me is all." Nick managed to give a half smile. The man's leering expression did not change at all.
"Sir Nicolas I have been asked by the crown to deliver you to the shored of the South to where the Prince is commanding." While the man spoke Nick could see two men on their side of him shuffling in a little closer. If he ran they'd catch him with breaking a sweat. Even if he could somehow manage to break away there was always a chance they could follow him back to Griff!
"Seems like a lot of work for a lowly Alchemist such as myself." Nick said trying to sound ignorant. He was hoping he could weasel how much they actually knew out of them.
"Nonsense. The Kingdom would not be wasting our time during a war for a lowly Alchemist. Now let's get you into a nice cabin, shall we? Let's not to keep the prince waiting." The Captain reached a large callused hand out to place on Nick back. Figuring it was better to go quietly rather than potentially knocked out Nick allowed the man to guide him to the ship. "Best not dawdle too much, or else your food will get cold."
The man was treating Nick like he was an honored guest rather than a prisoner. Nick thought for a minute before realizing, he just might be an honored guest. Technically Nick was carried off by a dragon and not fleeing from anyone. This thought calmed him just a little bit. A glimmer of hope that no one was looking for Griff and that now Nick had been found his friend would be left alone. Nick was steered all the way to the deck of the ship where the men were waiting. A man with muddy pants scurried over to the two them with a bright smile.
The captain made a motion to shoo away the Seamen before he got too close. With a confused look, the Seamen nodded before turning right back in the direction he came from. Nick wondered briefly what that was all about as the captain started to talk about how happy he was to find Nick.
"Imagine my shock when we all found out a man was taken by one of those scaly monstrosities. Vile creatures those dragons. If they're not setting fire to the countryside they're stealing gold and women." The Captain complained. Nick bit his tongue. He knew that dragon has no need to steal from men, they simply made their own gold! As for stealing women, that was a new one. Sounds like a charming tale to cover up a woman running away from home.
"Should be wiped off the face of the earth those ungodly creatures. Demons straight from the darkest corners of Hell." The captain kept on with this trait.
"Now that's being a bit, harsh Captain." Nick's mouth said before he could contain it. The captain gave a snort.
"Don't tell me you've caught a touch of the Maiden Fever." The captain inquired looking mildly concerned.
"Beg your pardon?"
“You know of the stories! Virgin girls so pure they could tame even a unicorn. That naïve sweet nature is what the demons of this world wish to steal. That why we men must protect women from themselves. Lest they be swept away right under our noses. Don’t tell me you see good in this devil?” The question came off a joke but judging by the man’s eyes Nick knew his answer would seal his fate.
Not looking up Nick muttered to the ground, “Of course not.” The captain gave a roaring belly laugh of approval before smacking Nick on the back.
“Good on yah lad. Can’t have some weak kneed ninny lose on my ship can we?”
Nick was guided by the captain’s hand firmly on his back through the bustling market. People were started to move alongside them chatting excitedly about something near the bay. He didn’t have to wait long to see what everyone was so excited about.
To his horror, Nick saw Griff strapped down to a wooden wheeled platform. Cold terror caught Nick’s breath in his throat at the thought of Griff being killed. Was he really gone that long? Nick felt more comfortable this far south but was the Crown’s reach truly that far? The captain smacked Nick in the back to snap him out his stupor.
“Easy there it can’t hurt you. He’s tied down with some of the finest chains the kingdom has to offer.” The captain bragged as the two of them got closer. Each link was made of thick iron, too strong for Griff to just flex out them.
"Does that mean?" Nick began to ask but was afraid to finish asking the question.
"Don't worry, one of the High Council members brewed the sleeping drought themselves. He said it could knock out an entire army." Assured the man.
'Or one dragon.' Nick thought relieved his friend was just sleeping and not dead.
"So wait, what are you going to go to him?" Nick tried to sound calmer than he felt. The captain gave Nick a look before answering.
"Not my place to say. We need to keep moving, can't leave the prince waiting." The captain increased the pressure on Nick's back. Too worried about the multiple horrible fates that could befall Griff he could pay attention to anything else. All too soon Nick was sitting on the upper deck looking down at his muddy shoes.
It could be the simplest thing, just bow his head and get swept away. Getting up Nick walked over to the side of the boat facing the sea where Nick knew that his future was set from here on out. He got what he wanted, to be acknowledged for his greatness. All that was left to do was just sit back and let the waves carry him to his future. Griff gave a sneeze behind him.
Almost against his will Nick's feet carried him to get a better look at Griff. Several guards were shooing the townsfolk away when they got too close. A figure in a robe similar to the one Nick was wearing was poking around the softer part of the dragon's body. When the figure did something Griff gave a noise of pain as he attempted to break free of the chains in his sleep.
"Oi, what are you doing?" Nick cried out. The figure turned to see where the shouting was coming from allowing Nick to the Head of the Council himself was here. The man walked away from the bleeding dragon towards the ship as if stabbing an animal in its sleep was commonplace. Nick glared at the man as he walked up the gangplank to talk to him. For a man who should have turned to turned to dust years ago he moved rather swiftly.
"Ah, Sir Nicholas Flamel." The man put an unusual emphasis on the Sir part. "It’s been far too long. I say imagine my delight to discover you were not consumed by the monstrosity that is the late Griff Sparrow."
"Griff is not dead. You should know you just thrust your knife into his side." Nick snapped no longer afraid of what the old man could do to him.
"Though we may not be in the laboratories anymore without my generosity, you wouldn't be given a sniff of a chance elsewhere. So mind your tongue. If you do as I say I can make this worth your while." The old man gave a smile as crooked as his soul.
"The prince wishes to see my research and my research alone. This has nothing to do with you." Nick gripped the strap of his bag out comfort more than anything. The old man's eyes flickered to the bag assuming all of Nick's research was squirreled safely inside.
"As ungrateful as ever. There is an Inn not too far from here; you will meet me there later tonight. I expect to see there later tonight, we have much to discuss." The old man walked away leaving Nick feeling like he had been scolded like a child.
Nick gripped the side of the railing. Several dark thoughts rattled through his head as he stared at Griff's sleeping form. The bright red blood was still visible from where he was. Whatever the old man or the council was planning Griff may not survive.
They have to escape tonight, but how?
The System Slaves
Heroes selected from all races competed to prove their race worthy of living free. The Troll heroes failed... miserably. Their Race is paying the price. Most Trolls lost their sentience. This Troll did not, and now he must serve the system and try to prove his race worthy of redemption. Thing is, it's hard to save a race when you can't understand the squiggles that appear in your vision. It's even harder to save a race when you can't tell which thoughts are yours and which thoughts the system put in your head. And what do you do when you never loved Trollkind in the first place? .......................... Update Schedule: Two or more chapters a month. 1500+ words. I am a new writer so bear with me, correct my grammar, and point out things you want to add. I plan on finishing, it may take a while though. The cover isn't mine and isn't exactly the way I like it, I'll be on the lookout for something that fits better. ....... This is a Litrpg story, I kinda regret making it so, but what's done is done. The system is clunky and I forget stuff sometimes, don't hesitate to point out stuff that looks wrong or is wrong. There will be some cultivation aspects and some kingdom building later on.
8 233File Not Found
Year 2152, 6 years after the revolution that met a violent end. Couple of rebels have gone underground and are trying to prepare for a new attack on the tyrannical government. A disillusioned hacker accidentally finds out about a big conspiracy and has to work with the rebels to give the world another chance.
8 162Sovereign of Massarce
The Main Protagonist chibu a orphan who on his way to join a gang but who would have thought that the gangsters would take him for a member of the other rival gangsters and shoot him dead by accident. And gets transmigrated into a cultivation world by accident into a body named Ma chibu
8 112The Mysterious Sickly CEO
A black horse has entered the business world, and in just a few years, it managed to overthrow its former rulers. Briars Corporation now truly sat at the top. The sole owner of the coporation, only known through the moniker, 'Black Rose' has never shown their face to the public. Black Rose's four 'suits' namely the King of Spades, The Jack of all Trades, The Ace of Hearts and the Upright Fool, shows their faces in the public and while the owner handles matters behind the scenes. In the end, it leaves everyone curious; just who is Black Rose and when will the mystery be revealed? *This is the first time I wrote a story online. I would be grateful for the constructive criticism that will be given. I hope you'd enjoy my story as I have enjoyed writing it.
8 185Impossible Devices
Twenty years after the start of the new millenium, the world was largely at peace. Crime was at an all-time low in most nations. No large scale conflicts between countries currently existed, and the people of Earth had even begun to see hope for the future. In the year 2020, all of that changed. The first occurrences of the interdimensional reality altering zones occurred. Named 'Dungeons' these supernatural and alien existences unleashed monsters and mayhem upon the world. Only after considerable loss of life and adaptation to the new world order did people begin to rally back. The discovery of a strange artificact item in one of the dungeons allowed humanity to develop powers far beyond their wildest imagination. This device worked on principles considered to be impossible. It was not the only one. Items of super-science and magic were discovered inside the dungeons of the world that could not possibly work according to the known laws of physics. Yet, they did. A special school was built to train young people so that they could specialize in dungeon exploration, in the defeat of monsters and the acquisition of the Impossible Devices. Warning: Tagged as [18+] for mature content that includes Adult Situations, Sexual Situations, Graphic Violence, and offensive language. Further: This story is a work of comedy and parody. It is not designed to be a gloriously realistic story, even though there are a few deep themes and other mature concepts involved.
8 137A KiriBakuKamiDeku {discontinued}
-Ship is obviously KiriBakuKamiDeku❤️🧡💛💚-College Au, No quirks. And I most certainly will NOT be writing smut! Izuku Midoriya - 16, poly, asexual, trans ftm, gay. Katsuki Bakugo - 17, poly, gay. Denki Kaminari - 16, poly, trans ftm, gay. Eijiro Kirishima - 17, poly, gay. ^^if anything changes I'll change the Description^^🧡💚I have changed their birthdays, don't hate me for that. If there are any warnings I will put it at the start❤️💛*they/them - Denki**he/him - Izuku, Katsuki, Eijiro*Other characters include - Shoto Todoroki, Mina Ashido, Shouta Aizawa (Dadzawa).-Izuku has a dead sister and no one knows expect Shoto since he lost his brother but I shall try do flashbacks and nightmares-Kirishima and Bakugo are already dating and they add Kaminari and Midoriya later on after they all hang out more*chapter 7 says a person has a quirk - I meant it like it was a curse and they go round turning people to vampires - I know this book said "no quirks" however it's not a quirk I just can't think of the right word to use - it's like a curse, easy way of putting it*
8 194