《Bookwyrm》Chapter 2


Nick was trying to be professional, he really was. There were a few things working against him that were making it very difficult for him. First off, taking orders from someone his own age already was a sore spot for him. Second off, Master LaMonte had him working on the strangest things. Nick had worked on animals infected with various ailments including poisons. His new master had him trying to stop the decaying processes on already dead creatures. That assignment in itself would not be so bad if the creatures hadn’t already started to decay. Finding any excuse to get away from the lab Nick found his way down to the library to return one of the scrolls on preserves. Salt seemed to be the favorite for preserving flesh but Master LaMonte wanted to stop the decaying process and possibly reverse it. Complaining internally about the futility of such a feat Nick placed the scroll on the desk of the dozing librarian.

The old man gave a snort as he woke that morphed into a glare. He glared down at the shoddily wrapped scroll on his table back up to Nick.

“Is it ripped?” The man asked.

“No.” Nick sputtered surprised by the harshness of the question.

“Did you get anything on it?” The man’s eyes narrowed as if to pre-maturely scold him.

“I don’t…I don’t think so.” Now Nick wasn’t so sure.

“If that’s the case put it away then.” The old man huffed leaning back in his chair as if to go back to sleep.

“Actually…” Nick cleared his throat. “I don’t know where it goes. You I wasn’t the one who-“

“GRIFF!” The old man hollered out startling Nick.

“COMING!” Replied back a voice belonging to a younger man. Nick could hear some rustling coming from within the library before a man just a little younger than himself appeared from around a bookshelf.

“Yes, Master Apricot.” Said the young man eagerly. Nick couldn’t help but stare at the younger man’s state. From his rumbled dark brown hair to his bare feet Nick couldn’t help but make assumptions.

“Help him.” Was all Master Apricot said before going back to his nap. Realizing he had just been passed off to the scruffy teen Nick turned his attention to this Griff person.

“I need to return this.” Nick said awkwardly holding out the scroll for Griff to take. The teen snatched the scroll to undo the poorly tied ribbon. Nick wasn’t quite sure what to do next as the teen began to read the scroll in earnest.

“Um…excuse me?” He asked getting a glare from the teen.

“Yeah what?” Barked Griff clearly annoyed he had to stop reading.

“I was also wondering if you could help me find research on preserving living flesh.” Nick inquired trying to sound more authoritative than he felt. Not looking up from the scroll Griff wandered back behind the bookshelf he emerged from. Clicking his tongue Nick followed afterwards to give the impolite imp a good earful. Just as the teen was in reaching distance he stopped suddenly almost causing Nick to run into him.

“Three shelf from the top, fifth books from the left. It’s a short read but it might what you are looking for.” Griff instructed before wandering off again. Blinking in surprise Nick looked up to where the teen had said the book was to see a thin light blue bound book. He then looked to the retreating back of the teen to see him make his way to what appeared to be some sort of nest next to a fireplace. Realizing he was taking too long Nick grabbed the book to head back to the upper labs.


Spacing out Nick entered the lab without noticing anything unusual at first. The place always smelt faintly of decay and strong herbs to the point where Nick didn’t notice there was a new scent in the mix. Hugging the outskirts of the main work area Nick made his way to his work station in the back. A small table coupled with a stool was placed in the very corner of the lab away from all the other bustling usually going about.

Sitting on his stool Nick relished in the quiet in the rare quiet for a moment. The silence was short lived as the door swung open with a bang. Backing into the room was a strong man holding an end of what looked to be a board with a sheet draped over the object they were carrying. Since this was an often occurrence Nick turned his back to group to focus on his book.

“Nicholas! There you are. Come here.” Master LaMonte called out sending a trickle of dread to go down his spine. Setting down the book he slipped off his chair to investigate what his master wanted. Coming closer to the object Nick was able to make out what appeared to be a human under the sheet. Praying to the Gods above he was wrong Nick tried not to look at the object to address his master.

“You wanted to see me Master LaMonte?” Nick asked his Master’s back. LaMonte was shuffling around the many tables placed strategically around a large invoking circle in the middle of the room. He’d only seen it used once during his month long stay in the lab and he was futilely hoping he wouldn’t be around for the next time.

At first Nick was intrigued by the various symbols painted onto the floor. There were invoking and containing elements along with several elemental ones as well. Upon closer inspection between the invoking and containing circles tiny zodiac symbols were painted instead of words. His eagerness to see the circle in action was meet not two weeks into his stay. Like earlier two strapping men carried it a board with what appeared to be a human body on it. That time however it was clay figured shaped like a person and there wasn’t a sheet covering it.

The clay figure was laid in the middle of the circle before LaMonte beckoned Nick over to observe. Feeling like a child about to receive a present Nick knelt down to get closer look at what was about to happen. LaMonte and his two other apprentices (whose names Nick never bothered to learn) gather around the circle to activate it. LaMonte instructed the other two to lend their Divine Blessing to the transmutation. Together the circle lit up with a bright red light, as Nick watched the red morphed into a purple and then to bright blue. Never before has Nick ever heard of the light changing color mid-transmutation. There have only been two very distinct colors: blue for organic matter like plants/animals and red for everything else. The confusion from the shifting colors was quickly forgotten when the light faded. Whatever they were working it had to be revolutionary!

On the surface the clay figure unchanged. Disappointed Nick looked over to the exhausted men criticizing them for being so tired after doing nothing. His internal tirade was cut short by a strange squeaking sound coming from the clay figure. Looking down he saw the figure began to twitch and move all on its own. With a grating noise the head swivel to look at Nick causing the man to give a yelp and scramble backward away from it. Hitting a desk Nick was forced to stop retreating. Now living the clay figure, no, Golem reached its hand out towards him. As if pleading for help.


Getting no help from anyone the Golem tried to pull itself up only to have its arm give under the weight of the rest of it. The Golem’s head shattering brought Nick out of his terror fueled stupor. Ever since that day Nick avoided even looking at the circle if he could. Until this moment that is.

“Yes, I wanted to know how your research is coming along.” Master LaMonte shuffled around the transmutation circle looking for errors.

“Some progress. Most literature is on preserving food than living flesh so there are some setbacks there.” Nick admitted. LaMonte made an unhappy noise in the back of his throat. Ever since the Golem incident Master LaMonte’s attitude had been rather cold towards Nick.

“Well maybe seeing what we are working towards will help encourage your efforts.” Not liking the vague implications of that statement Nick glanced from his Master to the covered item in the circle. Calling out LaMonte summoned his other apprentices to his side for their assistance again. “Behold,” LaMonte pulled away the sheet to reveal what was underneath. “The future of war.”

It took everything he had not to vomit. Nick’s worst fears had come true. It was the remains of a fallen soldier that had been stitched back together. From what he could tell the soldier died from a fatal wound to where the neck connected to the shoulder. Parts of the skin had begun to take on the distinct coloration of rot. While Nick was trying not to make a fool of himself his Master began to monologue.

“Soon we will have an army of soldiers just like this one. A perfect fighter not bogged down by the need to eat or sleep. This is why I needed you Nicholas! With your healing capabilities we might be able to build a new warrior all together. Think of all the lives we could save together.” Master LaMonte was smiling as his other apprentices looked on with admiration. Nick did not share in their merriment though. When Nick says he wants to end wars this was not what he meant. If LaMonte was successful how many innocents would be caught up as these abominations marched on towards their goals?

Master LaMonte got down placing his hands on the circle. His other assistance followed suit without hesitation. Blue light flared up so bright it was almost white. Praying to the Gods in the other realm for this to fail Nick could only watch on. Too soon the light was gone leaving what Nick was hoping a still dead corpse. Several seconds went by silent as a night when the entire body seized by as if struck.

What happened after that Nick never knew. In an attempt of self-preservation his entire body moved as one to leave the area as fast as possible. Maybe someone was shouting after him or maybe it was the incoherent noise of the solider. Either way Nick took a flying leap over one of the passed out apprentices to make it to the door. He only stopped running when he found himself on the steps leading to the inside of The Academy.


Nick did not know how long he had been sitting on the steps to The Academy watching the townsfolk go by. A bitter breeze reminded him that even though the flowers were in full bloom winter was only a few short weeks ago. Now that he was fully calmed down the gnawing pain of hunger reminded him it was around time for mid-day meal.

Plotting out all plan Nick made his way to the great ballroom packed wall to wall with circular tables. Each table was assigned to a Master from the Upper Labs. Fearing information leaks all apprentices were required to sit with their masters during each meal time. Unless an apprentice was laying deathly ill no one was exempt from joining their peers under the watchful gaze of their master. Judging by the sounds coming from the Ballroom sized dining area Nick was already late to join his group.

Pushing open the door he was greeted by a wave of noise as the various tables were chattering amongst themselves. No one paid attention as Nick made his way towards his table. Master LaMonte didn’t bothering looking up from his winter stew to acknowledge Nick’s presence. The other apprentices snickered under their breaths at the site of him. After moments of being ignored Nick addressed his Master.

“Master LaMonte, I would like to be taken off the project.” Nick said. The other apprentices snorted loudly as if he just said a joke. Master LaMonte set down his spoon with an audible sigh.

“If this is about your childish reaction to the experiment I have decided to forgive you.” Master LaMonte tore off a piece of the coarse bread being served. More laughter erupted from the table causing other nearby groups to give them glaring looks.

“What? NO!” Fueled by a combination of anger and embarrassment Nick forgot all decorum. “I’m asking to be taken off this ungodly experiment. Who is this supposed to be helping?”

All around them the room went silent. Realizing this Nick looked around to see he had drawn attention to himself. His annoyance faded to panic as all members of the council were eyeing him with contempt. Master LaMonte abandoned his meal to grab Nick’s arm to drag him away from the room. Barking over his shoulder he called out to his other apprentices to follow suite.

Soon as the last person was through the lab door it was locked. Master LaMonte released Nick’s arm to pace around the room for a moment. He ran his fingers through his hair a few time taking deep breaths to calm himself. Fearing the wrath of Master Nick rubbed the part of his arm where he had been grabbed by. Seeing everyone standing around awkwardly Master LaMonte ordered the other apprentices to find something to clean.

“You.” LaMonte pointed at Nick in accusation. Even from half-way across the room Nick could see a vein throb in the other young man’s neck. “Do you have any idea what you just did?” Nick didn’t answer, not sure how this fanatic man would do next. A few deep breathes later LaMonte noticed that the other apprentices were only pretending to tidy up around the lab.

“The rest of you turn in for the night.” LaMonte order motioning towards the door.

“It’s only mid-day.” Protested the skinniest apprentice.

“I said out! I can have you all be stable hands for the rest of your miserable lives. Now GET OUT!” The others left leaving Nick still standing in the middle of the room.

“I know you are uncomfortable with my work. But that is no excuse to undermine me in front of the entire Academy like that!” Deflating a little LaMonte leaned over a nearby table. Seeing him in this state reminded Nick that they were the same age. “It was hard enough to convince the Council I should be the one to head this experiment over someone older. Your little stunt just now just now is all the evidence they need to replace me.” LaMonte straightened up to really pick up around the lab.

“That was not my intention. I…just…wanted.” Nick managed to spit out. There was a knock on the lab door. Both men knew who was on the other side.

“It doesn’t matter now. Looks like neither one of us are getting what we want. Let’s just get this over with. Open the door.”

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