《Seabound》Chapter 23. Night killer


I knew he didn`t mean to hurt me, but that night Alessandro rubbed salt on my wound. Yesterday I decided to look in the mirror − for the first time since that incident in the Count`s room. Well, I had to prepare for the masquerade, right? I stared at my face and I thought I noticed a change. My cheekbones were slightly sharper and my eyes glittered with gold like paurozo's.

What effect did chiamata have on its owner? I couldn`t find the answer, though I`d read all the scrolls the holy sisters kept in their archives. For the first time I realized how inexperienced and naive I was. Like a child playing on the shallows at low tide, unaware that the sea might swallow him up when the time came. Magic was just a game to me and our connection with Pulcino was seemed as natural as breathing. But Carita was different. Could I have changed after all the mornings spent at her lair? Who was I now? What would happen to my personality?!

"Believe me, you have nothing to worry about," Pulcino consoled me when he was particularly annoyed by my throwing. “Personality, huh? You haven't changed at all since we got here. Still a timid stupid girl.”

But recently I realized that Pulcino had changed too. He got a kind of awareness. Any seagull lived as God blessed while Pulichino learned to think about the consequences.

"What makes you sad, beautiful donna? Such a lovely girl should not bother herself with any problems tonight," someone said behind my back.

I glanced back and saw a stranger in a motley doublet, long cloak and a black velvet mask. I had no idea who he was. There were too many new faces at the party tonight. I guessed I saw him with Ines before. Or with Joanna, maybe? I didn`t know for sure. With such a dazzling mess around, that was quite predictable, though.

The signor bowed politely.

“I hope I have something to ease your grief, " he said, handing me a folded letter.

I hesitated. Could it be the same admirer who had urged me to meet him at St. Marina's church? If there is a proposal for another date, I will simply pin this handsome man to the wall, tear off his mask and get my answers! I thought angrily as I opened the envelope. Clearly, I was influenced by the predatory paurozo`s habits.

I was so excited that the lines of the letter were jumping before my eyes. The note was short – only a few sweeping lines.

"How are you, Julie? I'll try to get back to the party. Take care. Faithfully yours, Rico."

What a relief! All my anger and anxiety vanished without a trace. I even wanted to kiss that kind caring wizard in a mask who brought me such happy news. Rico was back, at last! I held the precious letter tight. The stranger smiled at me.

"Feeling better?"

"Oh, Yes, thank you. But I need to get home right now!”

We needed to prepare everything for Ricardo. Make dinner and light the fire in his bedroom.

I rushed to the terrace. Where was our gondola? Where was Fabrizio? My new acquaintance, barely able to keep up, followed me.

"Fabrizio is not here, senhorita," one of the gondoliers, dressed in a black doublet and red stockings, the colors of don Arsago`s house, bowed to me. "He asked me to tell you that he has gone to meet the young master."


Just my luck. I even stamped my foot with annoyance. What if Ricardo was already in our house? Why didn't he write to me before so I could decorate the rooms, ask our cook to bake crabs, make Ascolan olives and serve the wine which Ricardo was fond of.

“If you wish to go to the Granacci house, I shall be honored to be at your service," the red-and-black gondolier bowed, smiling broadly. His white teeth gleamed in the torchlight.

Great idea! I grasped his hand gratefully as I climbed into gondola. A stern shout from the terrace made us both stand still.


The black silhouette of donna Assunta emerged from the orange and black grid of the lighted windows. I waved my letter impatiently.

"It's from Ricardo! He's coming back! I'm going home now!”

"Well, it's about time," Assunta agreed calmly, picking up the edge of the gown and climbing into the boat behind me. "I'll send for my things tomorrow. And when the Countess gets well, do not forget to visit and thank her for her kindness.”

I had no time for etiquette. Ricardo was here, I could finally see him! The road to the house flashed in a blur. The darkness of the Grand Canal faded into the black velvet of the night, and the reflections of torches and lamps burned brightly somewhere deep. When the oar dipped into the thick water, golden folds ran across it like a silk carpet.

Granacci's house was the darkest and quietest on our street. Most of the servants had gone to celebrate with their families, so I could see the light only in two windows below and just one torch on the dock. The chain gleamed dimly in its light. I thought regretfully that I had forgotten about Carita. What if she had been startled by the festive noises and the exploding firecrackers?

Well, that could wait. Now all my thoughts were focused on my brother. I needed to find people to find everything necessary in the stock, to light more lights…

Suddenly I heard a noise and splash behind me. When I looked back, I saw Assunta tripped and falling on her knees. The gondolier raised his hand, the blade of the knife gleamed dimly in the dark. He stabbed her maliciously in the back. There was a groan, a wheeze. And I could only stand there and watch.

That was a bad dream. I had to wake up, quickly. That couldn`t be… But the gondolier kicked the body aside and now was coming toward me. The knife in his hand was black with blood. I wanted to scream, but no sound came out of my dry throat. My legs suddenly went weak, as if all the bones had been taken out of me. I stumbled backward and tripped over a clanking chain.

"Your chain thing is having a party tonight, too," the assassin said, grinning.


His shadow loomed over me like a mountain.

He'll feed our bodies to paurozo, I thought. Everyone will think Carita got out of control and killed us both. Oh, Madonna! Somebody, help me!

Something pushed me aside so that I fell and scraped my hands and elbows. I think I was screaming, but there was no sound. The ground went upside down and the back of my head exploded with pain. I could see two fighting figures on the terrace. Paurozo's wet skin glistened in a torchlight as the assassin tried to get her out of his hand. There was a crunch, a growl that made my blood run ice cold. The man twitched and managed to hit – once, twice. Then both fell into the channel. And I finally got my voice back.


"Help! Somebody, help me!”

I managed to get on my feet somehow. The wharf was empty except for a black, motionless body at the very edge. Donna Assunta! I fell beside her, trying to lift her head. The pulse was very weak, but she was still alive! My hands were covered in her sticky blood.

There was another splash on the canal, and I almost fainted, imagining that the murderer came out of the water safe and sound. Fortunately, I recognized the voice. A boat was hurrying towards our house, with Alessandro calling my name out loud in the night. A door finally swung open, splashing a patch of yellowish light onto the terrace. Frightened voices broke the silence. Suddenly I was surrounded by the whole crowd of people and everyone was shouting. A woman in a shawl was sobbing beside me but I`m too afraid to take my hand away from Assunta's neck, where a blue thin vein is barely beating.

"Get a doctor, quick! Call signor Faletrus!” I kept telling that over and over again, but no one listened to me.


If Assunta survived, she would owe it to Alessandro.

As soon as he got out of the boat, Alessandro immediately put things right. Some servants were sent to get doctor Faletrus, some carried unconscious Assunta upstairs to her bedroom. And I was seated in the kitchen with a cup of hot broth. My hands were trembling so that the cup clattered against the saucer. Signor di Goro sat opposite, keeping silent and staring into the fire. We both waited for Faletrus`s verdict. I supposed I should have prayed for my aunt, but I just couldn't concentrate. My thoughts were confused, and the image of Carita grappling with the killer on the edge of the terrace came back to me again and again.

I cleared my throat.

"They... haven't found him yet?" I asked. It was unbearable to sit in silence and wait.

Alessandro shook his head.

“My men pulled the body of the gondolier out of the water,” he said reluctantly, “but it will be difficult to identify it.”

“Morrays?” I whispered. Alessandro nodded.

I wasn't thinking about the killer, though. I promised Carita to set her free. And now she was dead… Why did she decide to save me?!

“Why did you leave, by the way?” Alessandro asked.

At first, I didn`t get it. What was he talking about? The masquerade and the gaiety in the house of Arsago now seemed nothing but a long-forgotten dream. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago I was enjoying myself at the ball.

“Did I offend you?" he went on anxiously. “Please, forgive me. I was really rude. I'm so sorry, Julia…”

I rubbed my forehead. What did he want to know? Why did I suddenly rush home? Oh, right, the letter!

The envelope was still in my bodice. I put on the table and tossed it away from me like a venomous snake.

Alessandro leaned forwards with interest.

"I`ve heard Ricardo was coming back, too," he said after a while. “But it's not his handwriting. It isn`t his style either. He would never write a letter like this”.

And the real Julia would have known it, I thought. A chill of fear ran down my spine, and my hands turned icy cold. Now he caught me for sure.

I was sitting with my cup in my hands, not daring to look up. Strange enough, but I felt relieved. Now I could finally tell him everything. To get that burden off my chest. I`d been hesitating for too long, and because of that two people almost died tonight!

If only I had shown that letter to Assunta. She wouldn`t be hurt, and Carita would be alive too. I shouldn`t have taken it. Signor di Goro was the head guard and it was his duty to deal with crimes, not mine. No other man in Venetta looked so trustworthy to me.

Such a pity he was so deeply, so blindly devoted to don Arsago.

Signor Sacketti`s voice was ringing in my ears. "Don Arsago has tamed the boy better than one can train a dog. He turned him into a weapon. But even the most reliable sword can break…»

Alessandro treated me like a friend, but as soon as I told him my suspicions against the Count, he would immediately change his attitude and become my greatest enemy. Would he want to help? Or would he throw me into the canal to finish the case?

Still, I had to tell him. I took a deep breath, when suddenly Melina, our maid, appeared in the doorway. She didn`t have time to change and was wearing a shawl over her nightwear, with her face red and swollen with tears.

My throat closed up.

"How is she?”

“Signor Faletrus said he will stay with her for a night,” Melina sighed. She sobbed and wiped her eyes with the corner of her shawl. "I lit a fire in your bedroom, senhorita. You can go to bed if you want…”

The picture of a warm bed was very tempting, but I would have to force myself a long way up the stairs. I could hardly move. My body was so heavy as if I was stuck in the muddy ooze of the lagoon and the whole mass of water was pressing on me. The outlines of the kitchen utensils blurred before my eyes. I felt dizzy. Probably, that was Faletrus`s fault as he`d put some medicine into my broth. The spots of light started their slow whirling dance on the walls, and somewhere in the distance came the voices of the maid and Alessandro.

"Shall we call a doctor?"

“No, she's just sleeping. I'll take care of it. Give me some light”.

My God, I felt so sleepy. The warm soft blanket of darkness was wrapped around me, and I couldn`t even see where it ended. Flickering lights flashed around me like shining glowworms. This picture seemed so familiar... Well, of course! I was at home, back in the convent crypt. I felt safe again and that sense made my chest ache and brought me to tears.

“He wanted to stab me with a dagger," I complained to the darkness as it gently touched my cheek.

“Don`t worry. I won't let him," came the reply, and the tone was so convincing and sure, that I couldn`t help smiling. Finally, I fell asleep.

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