《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 060 [Mark]


Mark grunted, Brye’s leaned over his shoulder, breasts pressing against his back as her hand squeezed his throbbing cock. The fox was methodical and slow, stroking him in a rhythmic motion that caught his breath and pulled it right out of him. Just fast enough to keep him at the edge, slow enough not to push him over.

“Hm… this is fun,” she cooed. Both of her black tails had a slow wag to them that was almost amused. Her breasts pushed more firmly against his naked back, her could feel her nipples poking at him. “Are you ready to cum yet?” Both of her vulpine ears were perked, aimed squarely at him, the young man having the whole of her attention.

“Fuck off.” Mark grit his teeth, fighting against the hemp rope keeping him bound against the chair. He couldn’t do much else, he was helpless. And Brye knew what she was doing, his whole body was flushed.

Her fingers caressed his shaft, teasing the base and working their way back up to the glans, she blew cool teasing air into his ear. “You’d love me to fuck you properly, wouldn’t you?” A mirthful chuckle left her hand clenching slightly, just enough to make him grunt. She leaned in to nip at his earlobe, using her other hand to tweak at his nipple. “These collars are amazing. Just some fun and the bond snaps in place like a glove.” She licked his neck, kissing the flushed skin as Mark fought against the rope once more, snarling. “Shery? You sure you don’t want some?”

“Don’t see the point. Bond’s there, let’s get the job done… whatever it is,” the gray-skinned woman spoke with a bored droll, taking one of the smaller crates and prying it open.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to figure out what Noah had planned… This one’s filled with fivers.”

“No shit!?” Brye vanished from behind Mark, appearing next to her companion.

Mark grunted, his mind relieved at the stop of her teasing, his body complaining from the lack of stimulation. His shaft bobbed to his heartbeat, straining against the cool air of the cave. Mark growled, closing his eyes tightly as he fought against the arousal. The fox had given him something, blew some dust onto his face, now the stuff burned within his veins, hot enough he’d be having a hard time holding back had he not been tied up. Every breath felt as if he were exhaling fire and inhaling ice. Arching tingles coursed through his body, fueling the arousal and keeping him unable to calm down. He could barely keep coherent enough to stop from calling out for her to come back.

Gritting his teeth, Mark pulled on the rope, the pain giving him enough clarity to hold on. His ears strained, he couldn’t let himself become lost to the fog.

“Do you think that asshole planned to use one of these on us?”


“He used it on his own girls. Why do you think the Boss sent us?” A sigh. “… Should we open the cursed thing already?”

“Do you figure she’s marinated enough in there? Maybe she’s close to being feral already. That’s going to be fun.”

She? The word brought the image of Brye’s wide hips and modest breasts, of Shery’s athletic figure. Mark shook his head to push the ideas out, the gesture catching their attention. “You gave him more dust? Fuck Brye, we don’t need an addict.”

“But it’s so much fucking fun.” The fox appeared right on Mark’s lap, naked soft thighs spread wide, her pussy pressing against his cock without any ceremony. Her eyes shone with amused glee when Mark’s body responded instantly, trying to hump himself into her hot wet sex. She returned the gesture, slowly grinding out her lower lips and coating his shaft on her juices. “Come on, you can’t deny it. Noah kept fucking us like we were feral mutts, it’s a nice change of pace being the one in charge.”

She wasn’t even looking at him, staring over her shoulder at the gray skinned woman.

“Shame it won’t last.”

“My point exactly.” Brye laughed, reaching down to grab his cock and begin pumping him in earnest. Mark’s back tensed. His mind wanted this to stop, his body wanted more. The sensation knocked the air out of him and he could only pant, tearing his eyes away from her body. He couldn’t lose to the fog, not again.

“Once we get back to the Boss, it’ll be goodbye to being on top and straight back to our knees with some other guy shoving it into our mouths. Why not enjoy it while we can?” The fox’s golden eyes turned back to the human, meeting his flustered growl, her free hand caressing his cheek. “Come for me, my naughty pet. Come for your foxy mistress.”

Letting go of his cock, she pressed her thighs at either side of his cock, rubbing her pussy against him as she humped in earnest. Her face flushed and smirk widened. Humiliation burned inside his chest. The human couldn’t stop his body any more than he could hold his breath indefinitely. With a strangled cry, the orgasm wracked through his system like an uncoiling spring. It whipped down his spine and out of his cock, spurts of white erupted outwards, Mark’s breath knocked right out of him as his juices coated the monster’s thighs and flat stomach. His mind turned into white noise, the heat within his core finally finding escape.

Brye cooed, stroking him still, urging several more spurts. “That’s a good boy.” She patted his head with her free hand, leaning down to claim his lips in a kiss.

Mark’s mind snapped back into place, he growled, biting down on her tongue with everything he had, jaw clenching tight enough to hurt. Hard enough he was sure it should have hurt.


She moaned, leaning further in, pressing her soft lips with his own, pulling her tongue from his death-grip as if it were nothing more than a love-bite. “Oh that’s good.” She cooed, grasping his hair and yanking his head back, forcing him to look up into the featureless dirt and rock the cave had for a ceiling. “That’s very good, are you sure you don’t want me to give you more?”

Pulling back, she moved her hand down to caress the jizz coating her lower body, pulling it up to lick at her palm, cleaning it with a tongue that was slightly too long to be human. “Shery, mind getting me some food? Our pet deserves a reward.”

Mark was left panting, burning anger and impotence coursing through him, a bile that burned inside his chest. He wanted to hurl insults at them, kick and scream and bite and scratch. And then what? Get gagged again? A glower escaped him instead, and he grit his teeth and fought against the restraints once more, the heat in his body not quite gone but enough it gave him clarity of mind.

The gray-skinned woman looked at his struggle and chuckled. “There there.” She caressed his cheek, forcing his head to look down so their eyes would meet. The golden irises felt as if they could stare right through him, there was something in them that glimmered in the dark. “I like it when you struggle, it’s fun. That’s all it is, just a little fun.” She cooed hands moving down his chest, caressing his ribs. “Come now, boy, bite me again.”

She leaned for another kiss. Mark’s body reacted right away, biting again as a snarl rose in his throat in his attempt to rip her tongue off.

But, as was to be expected, no such thing happened. Brye just moaned, pushing herself against him harder, pushing his chair back. Mark held back from yelling as it tipped over and fell. Their combined weight pressed down against his own hands. “Nasty,” the vulpine woman proclaimed, straddling his stomach, her tongue freed the instant Mark had gasped for air. She shuddered with equal parts amusement and enjoyment. “Do that again.”

“What the fuck are you!?” He spat up at her. It should have at least hurt! Damn it, she barely looked phased- more like it had only turned on more. “You freak!”

For the first time since his imprisonment, Mark’s words had an effect that had not amused the monster. She flinched at the proclamation, a moment of pain that wiped away her amusement. Anger came flooding right after, she growled, her fangs flashed as she snarled. Those golden eyes locked onto him and suddenly Mark felt a twinge of fear, wincing as her sharp nails sank ever so slightly into his chest. The pain, however, gave him focus.

He glared back.

“Brye, don’t!” Shery had stepped in, putting a wooden plate right in front of her face, blocking her golden gaze. “If you want to play, play, but don’t damage the goods. Boss might forgive us about Noah, but not without this guy.”

A long grunt escaped the fox, her claws pulled out from his skin, leaving ten little droplets of blood on the spot they had occupied. “Fuck, right. Give me that.” Brye snatched the plate from Shery’s hands, and looked back down at Mark, the threatening edge she’d shown a moment ago gone, replaced back with a thoughtful look. “I think we’ve been unfair with you. All locked up like some animal, no wonder you’d lash out.” A deep sigh, her shoulders relaxed, the amused smirk came back to her lips. “How about a little gift? I’ll give you something I’m sure you’ll enjoy. How does that sound?”

Turning her gaze towards Shery, she plucked a raisin out of the plate with food, shoving it against Mark’s lips. He bit her finger, and she cooed as if he was suckling on it.

“You can’t hurt me, but don’t stop.” With a widening grin, she blew him a kiss. “So do it, bite hard, yank, fight. I’ll love every second. Do you even know how these collars work? They’re not the usual shit.” Her finger reached out to the gray choker, hooking the finger into it and tugging. “Whoever’s buying these better be paying ten times their weight in gold.”

“Drop dead.” Mark spat the raisin at her face. “Bitch.”

“I think I have just the outlet for that anger, a proper outlet.”

The gray-skinned woman just rolled her eyes, putting her hands on her hips. “Look, I get that you have a new toy you want to play with, but this shit is starting to get too far.”

“Oh, come now, don’t be like that.” Brye smirked. “Here I was thinking about giving our little guest a chance at revenge for what happened to his human woman.”

As soon as she spoke the words, Mark’s breath hitched, his eyes widened, but it was followed by suspicion. Still, the involuntary act was not missed; Brye’s ears twitched in his direction and Mark could only curse at himself. Of course she was messing with him.

“No tricks,” she said as if she’d read his thoughts. “What would you say about getting the chance to kill Noah? He did give the order to murder you broad after all, and back then we were bonded to him, so it wasn’t like we could disobey.”

She traced a finger down Mark’s chest, smirking.

“And as a bonus, we take away the rope.” Her lips bent into a smirk, golden eyes glowing with amusement.

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