《The Secrets Of Dragons》Chapter 28


Abraham Crowley

This being at the gym every day after classes and football practice was starting to get fucking old. Jay was running a tight ship, and one that only she was allowed to control. She refused to take even one night off, and it was starting to run my body ragged. It irritated more now that Ryker had to not only crash our training session the other night but makes a constant regular appearance since. There were even days when he would show up early, and plaster on his most idiotic smile whenever we would walk through the doors.

Jay seemed unphased by it, but I was confident that the little vein that throbbed at her temple was also in the mild irritation that I was also feeling. She did her best to put on a good face, but not so well that I couldn’t tell the difference. The past couple of weeks had been a revelation, getting to know her inner workings. It seemed like she had a hard childhood, which she wouldn’t really talk about other than her brother. She would make small talk about campus, Giovanni’s latest shenanigans, and her and Elsie’s latest adventures.

I think that’s what puzzled me the most. Her and Elsie. The fact that they were becoming as close as they were in such a short amount of time. They were like night and day, but even then, opposing sides usually compliment the other. This week alone, she had dropped her guard throughout our training more than she ever had with me, but I believed it to be because the fight was coming up in two short days. She underestimated her ability to get the job done, since she had been out of practice for just a couple of months.

I didn’t.

She beat my ass too many times for me to believe otherwise.

Hell, she even beat Ryker’s ass without shame.

But with their more than obvious attraction towards each other, she had told me quite a bit more than she is willing to tell Ryker. I took a large amount of satisfaction in that thought, but even I had to face reality. She was only so forthcoming about her thoughts with me because she knew I was a safe place, having already known about most of her dealings, and with finding out about her being Smoke.

That was the only thing I was having trouble with. She walked around like Ryker, himself, was not part of the very mob she worked for. It had to be somewhere in the back of her mind, and maybe she was just remaining blissfully unaware; all for the sake of trying to appear normal. Ryker hadn’t come clean about knowing who she was, and that was even more confusing. He might not know about Smoke, but we were all made aware that when Giovanni was to start college that Black was making his personal bodyguard tag along. It had been an ongoing joke between Nick, Ryker, and me.

Giovanni needed protection in the form of a small girl.

But that small girl turned out to be a badass that none of us had been prepared for.

It seemed to comfort her a bit when I had come clean about who I was and what family I came from. You could see the visible relief when she vented about her job within a job, and how Black always found some way to fuck her over time after time. I believed every word that spilled from her pouted lips that were always in a perpetual state of frowning.


I swallowed down the fire in my throat at the thought of how her face curved in the most perfect way, or how her brow would furrow when she would turn cross at me. God, help me. I nearly jumped as a loud thump broke me out of my thoughts and I looked up into the ring just as Ryker hit the mat, blood spurting from his nose.

“That’s going to fucking hurt in the morning.” I chuckled aloud.

“The fuck do you mean?” Ryker spit blood to the side before standing back up. “It hurts now.”

Jay backed away from him, bouncing her weight from foot to foot, back and forth in an equal rhythm, laughing. “You shouldn’t have left yourself wide open, Ryker.”

He glared in her direction, blood still dripping down his chin.

“If you can’t take the heat..” I started.

Jay snickered. “Then stay out of the kitchen.”

Ryker then turned his attention toward me, about to no doubt, say something about how I should keep my mouth shut. I only grinned. Before he could even say one word, Jay took advantage of his turned back and lunged forward, swinging her leg in a back kick that effectively knocked him back down to the mat. She twisted her leg around his torso and pinned one leg. He was done for. That same move she had used on me countless times usually ended with a solid punch to the jaw, only this time she just giggled at his shocked expression and lightly tapped her glove to his cheek.

I couldn’t help the ignite of flames of jealousy that caused my stomach to turn. I knew there was something there, even if I refused to admit it. Ryker was so busy trying to get her approval, that she did not see that I had even a fleck of intention towards her. If Ryker was in the room, no one else really ended up on her radar.

“Okay.” I stated, breaking up their moment without guilt. “So how about a bet?”

Jay released her hold on Ryker and stood up, extending her hand to help him jump to his feet. “What did you have in mind?” She asked as she bent forward and retrieved a towel for Ryker to wipe away his blood.

“Ryker and I. Man to man. In the ring.” I smirked.

“What would be the terms?” She snorted.

“Well, there is karaoke night at Tony’s.” Ryker interjected.

We all groaned.

“Elsie said something about that this morning. I totally forgot.” Worry creased her eyebrows.

“Alright then. If I win, Ryker must sing.” I chuckled. Not one of us really enjoyed karaoke night.

“And if I win, you can sing, mate.” He retorted.

“Alright, deal.”

I wasn’t going to lose this fight. Not even if my life depended on it.

Thirty minutes later, I had Ryker trapped in a chokehold. We were both covered in scruff marks and bruises that would look worse in the morning. He refused to tap as I tightened my grip, grasping at my arm, desperate for air. Jay circled us, pacing like a feline, her eyes never leaving Ryker’s as he attempted to free himself. I forced him down to his knees, closing off the rest of his throat until he finally tapped against my arm. I kept my grip for a few seconds more before I released him, and he gasped for breath as Jay glared up at me.

“Not cool.” She hissed as she knelt beside him, like a lost fucking puppy.


I shook my head and headed for the showers; my fists clenched in silent fury.

Fuck him.

When we were back in my truck, headed to the bar, Jay was still as pissed as she had been. The steam was practically coming out of her hair as her anger filled my truck to the brim, making it a little hard to breathe.

“What the fuck was that, Abe?” She growled, still not looking at me.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Bullshit.” She snarled. “He fucking tapped, and you didn’t let go. What the fuck is your problem?”

My grip tightened on the steering wheel until my knuckles turned to a nice shade of white. “Nothing.”

“Stop being such an asshole, will you?” She sighed. “I don’t have time to referee Ryker and yours's pissing contest. That shit gets old, and I’m tired of suffocating in your guys’ testosterone.”

“Well, I did say I was going to win.” I grinned.

She tried not to cave, but one side of her mouth curved up at the corner just a bit. “You’re such an ass.”

“Come on, Jay.” I chuckled. “You can’t say it didn’t feel good seeing him get his ass kicked after all the trouble he’s given you in the past few weeks.”

“Still, Abe.” She rolled her eyes. “That’s really none of your business. And if I think he deserves an ass beating, I want to be the one that hands it to him. Not you.”

“Well, I still won.” I snickered. “Karaoke should be interesting.”

“Let Elsie pick the song, okay?” She looked over at me, finally. “She really enjoys karaoke, and we should include her.”

“Alright.” I agreed as we pulled in and I parked on the far side of the lot.

To my annoyance, Ryker pulled up right beside us and stepped out of his car. Jay said nothing else before she stepped down from my truck and he pulled her in for a tight hug. I ignored the swelling jealousy again and turned my vehicle off, hopping out to hear the ass end of their conversation.

“No, I’ll sing with you. It’s no big deal.” She smiled lightly.

“That wasn’t part of the bet.” I argued gently, trying to not further piss her off.

She rolled her eyes. “You didn’t say it wasn’t when you made the bet, so here we are.”

She turned into Ryker, and he loosely wrapped an arm over her shoulders as we walked into the bar, still glaring at me over the top of her head.

Fucking tool.

When we finally got through the door, Elsie was on stage singing away and we all paused to admire her. Elsie was a sweetheart, soft and curvy, whereas Jaylyn was all hard surfaces and jagged edges. Still an unbelievable pairing of the two. I couldn’t see Elsie as more than a friend, not after the way Nick had staked his own claim over her with the crew.

The boys had been joking around like normal in the garage. Ryker had been shoulder-deep in his motor as our normal group of men rough housed around, talking cars and women. One of them had mentioned Elsie where Jay was concerned, something along the lines of getting her into bed at least once to see if she was still a sweetheart in the sheets.

Nick had come unglued and nearly beat him to an inch of his life.

It was the first time any of us had seen the infamous Nick Black shed his cool serene attitude he always carried with him no matter the situation or where he was. Since that afternoon, no one spoke of her without the highest respect, in fear of how Nick might respond.

When she was done singing, Jay joined her at her table, us on her heels.

“Hey, Els. Nice pipes.” Ryker said, always the kiss-ass.

“Thank you. I didn’t know you guys were coming. I thought you might have forgotten about karaoke night.” She looked a bit embarrassed.

“Never.” I spoke up, trying to calm her growing nerves. Nick would kill me if I didn’t keep an eye on her at the least. “We wouldn’t forget. Sorry for running behind.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled. “No big deal. Plus, Giovanni and Sarah came to keep me company.” She motioned in their direction.

“Well, it might please you to know that I finally beat these two in a fight.” I tried to change the subject. “On a bet.”

“Oh, yeah?” She looked surprised and glanced at Jay.

“Oh, yeah, is right.” Jaylyn scoffed and the sound rang through my chest. “If cheap sucker punches are the best way to win a fight.”

“Hey, it got me where I needed to be, didn’t it?” I joked.

“Sure, buddy.” Jaylyn hissed under her breath, and I had to shift my weight onto the other foot in a lame attempt to stop my cock from twitching in my jeans.

She was absolute fire.

“So, if it was a bet, what were the terms?” Elsie questioned the three of us.

“Well...” Ryker hesitated and then groaned. “Jay and I have to sing for karaoke night.”

I stopped myself from correcting his false statement, trying to not make a complete ass out of myself.

“Oh, well that’s not too bad then, right?” It was relief.

“I guess.” Jaylyn snarled. “I hate singing.”

Jesus fucking Christ, I needed more self-control.

“It’ll be alright.” Ryker lowered his voice into a more soothing tone, and I wanted to punch him.

“Best part is, Elsie, you get to pick the song.” I smiled in her direction.

“Do I?” Visible excitement rolled off her shoulders.

“Yeah.” Ryker answered as he looked down at Jay.

“Okay.” Elsie hopped off her chair and wasted no time getting lost in the crowd.

“Well, you were right about that, Jay. Good to let her choose.” I smiled, and for some reason, it was genuine.

“I think I would know my friend, Abe.” She sat up and waved a waitress over to get a beer.

“I hope so.” I chuckled. “Hopefully, she doesn’t pick something out of your tune.”

“Let’s hope so.” She said sarcastically.

“We’ll be fine.” Ryker smiled.

“You sure about that? Might get a bit too entertaining, Rye.” I laughed and Elsie joined back with the rest of the group.

“What’s so funny?” She asked quietly.

“Abraham thinks he is pretty clever...” Ryker started.

“Figures you would pick a song that would end up embarrassing us both.” Jaylyn finished for him, and I clenched my fists.

“Why would I do that?” She turned and looked at me, raising her brow again. “I picked a song I think they would be good at. I hope you guys like it.”

“Really?” I thought I whispered under my breath. Apparently not.

“Well, duh. I’m not out to make anyone feel bad.” Always the goddamn sweetheart. Nick better be completely infatuated with this one.

“Now you see why I said Elsie could pick.” Jay smirked, specifically to me.

She got me.

“That’s not fair.” I teased lightly.

“It totally is.” She smiled. “A deal’s a deal.”

Jay and Elsie got wrapped up talking about cheer shortly after and I did extraordinarily little to ignore their conversation as I scanned the room. Jay may not have noticed, but I had spotted a few Jade members as soon as we had walked in. Rather than make a scene over it, I simply scanned the room every few moments. They knew I was watching them as they were watching us. They kept their distance thankfully. Probably guard detail on Jaylyn to make sure she wasn’t going to run out on her agreement with Lee.

Without much notice, Nick joined our group, and smiled at Elsie. His eyes warmed at the edges whenever she was around, and he stood over her protectively. No doubt he had noticed exactly what I had. Jade members, regardless of what happened, should not be in our territory. Black will need to be made aware of what is going on, even if it put mine and Jaylyn’s ass on the line. She might understand, might not. But in the end, business was business.

They had already made their way onto the stage, and I only broke my concentration long enough to admire Jaylyn under the stage lights. Deal be damned, I needed to leave and handle this rising development. Nick looked over at me knowingly, and nodded once, barely visible to anyone else besides myself.

He knew and I knew that this would mean a mess.

I nodded back and melted into the wave of onlookers as Jaylyn’s haunted voice filled my chest. It was going to be a long drive, but Black needed to hear it in person. Hopefully, he would be in a decent mood once I arrived.

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