《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 54


(Charlotte POV)

“Where is Olivia at the moment?”

I approached the nearest Royal Guard and asked him. He flinched and sweated profusely.

“U-Um, her Majesty is currently at the Grigant Empire visiting the Empress.”

I gritted my teeth. That clever bitch.

She knew that if I die then all fingers will point to her. Father would most likely go mad and blame anyone he sets his eyes on after my death.

She went regardless if they succeed in killing me or not. Does that bitch not care about a human life?

I can’t say I’m the same. I’d honestly kill her in cold blood too. My evidence may be lacking but I’m sure she was the cause for mother’s illness.

No one of my faction is aware of what happened yet since I’m been in my villa all month. Even if Damian said their mission failed, I was still wary of my surroundings. After Elsa did a clean sweep of the kingdom and found no other enemies, was I able to relax.

Father has been trying to get into contact with me for a while now. I ignored him because of how blinded he is by that witch’s beauty and not see her twisted side.

I told him countless times not to make her queen and he thought it was as innocent as not being used to my stepmother. How is he that blinded? Or could it be that Olivia is simply too good at acting as the perfect wife?


I stormed into father’s study and slammed a piece of paper down.

“My baby girl.”

He approached me but I only pushed him away. With a sad expression, he glanced at the scroll.

“Ahem. Ancient language? Also, where were you all this time? Captain Elsa reported that the Minerva Clan was ordered to attack you. Those bastards!”

“Do you have any leads as to who it might be?”

He shook his head.

“Haa... Please read the paper.”

Since father also studied ancient language during his younger years, he should be able to read it.

His eyes widened when he read the contents.

“How is this... possible?”

He looked at me.

“Please have the palace doctor concoct this. We must go to my mother as soon as possible.”

He nodded and began operating the communication orb.

After he finished with the call, he gestured for me to follow him.

He walked out of the study room still wearing his night robe. It seemed he was also worried about mother’s condition. The head maid told me that she has to take him food everyday since he stays in the study if there is nothing important that involves his attention.

After walking for a few minutes, we ran into the Pope that came with the royal doctor.

“Pope Rondart. I don’t remember calling for you.”

They were following close behind us as we speed walked to mother’s chambers in the Inner Palace. The other concubines also peeked their heads through and greeted father. He ignored them and only glared at the Pope.


The latter only smiled.

“Ah, I apologize. I was in the middle of a meeting with Doctor Ulan when I heard you mention that you finally found a cure through the orb.”

Father grunted. The doctor lowered his head apologetically.

The Holy Temples and the Church aren’t affiliated with the kingdom. They are an independent organization located in Pine City. They have branches all over the continent with the Holy City being the HQ. The pope was visiting our kingdom to help those in need.

He must be looking to steal the information regarding this cure.

“Very well. But you will stay back during the making of this drug.”

The Pope’s expression hardened for a second at father’s words. The king was blatantly telling him that he doesn’t trust him.

“Hahaha. Very well, your majesty.” Pope Rondart laughed as cold sweat trickled down his forehead.

The old man kept glancing at the scroll in the doctor’s hands. Only Royalty should learn the Ancient language. It’s a sort of password we need for all our treasures. We can open the royal vault for example simply by chanting a name in ancient language.

I already translated the contents for the doctor. If he’s finished then I will have him burn the contents.

The Pope shouldn’t know what was written on the paper.

“Charlotte, you will explain to me everything in detail later.”

Father’s words reached me.

Should I tell him about the United Empire? If I do then I must ensure that he doesn’t take my plans away from me.


“Oh, my.”

Mother flinched when all of us entered. She was busy reading a book and tilted her head at all the people. Even the other wives came along.


She looked at father and I with a confused expression

“There’s no time to explain, Dia. Let’s get you to the infirmary room.”

“What’s the matter?”

Mother pretended to look fine. I could tell by her quick breaths that she’s forcing herself to not cough in front of us. Now that I know she’s acting, I could catch small details like this.

I went to her.

“Char? Where have you been...”

“Mother... seeing you act like everything is okay is even worse then seeing you pale and gasping for breath.”

Her eyes widened. So she didn’t expect me to notice...

She bitterly smiled.

“My end is already near. There’s nothing anyone can do about it now.”

Her eyes fluttered as she gently spoke to me. Her skin lost colour and then she broke into a fit of coughs.

The blood from her mouth stung my heart when I saw it. It felt like needles were piercing my heart as she began showing her real state.

Her hair was already falling out. Her body looked weak and skinny. I could even see her sunken cheekbones and eye sockets.


She pressed a switch underneath her bed.

An illusion stone. A stone that can paint a picture the user wants others to see and feel. They are expensive but very effective.


She really faked it all along.

“Miss Melodia...”

“Oh my goodness...”

“S-She’s so pale...”

The others gazed at mother with shock on their faces. Only three of them are on good terms with mother. The others are only here to act concerned. I ignored them and clenched my fists.

Mother’s smile didn’t carry radiance nor did her voice sound pleasant to the ears.

“I-I couldn’t show such a side to my child...”

A gravelly tone of voice came out of her mouth. It even looked like breathing was hard for her.

I shakenly took her bony hand. I felt her trembling as her warmth reached me.

Even my own words were struggling to come out. I then noticed my vision was blurry.


I’m crying..

Father knelt and gazed sadly at mother.

“We can fix this. When this is finished then you can run around the garden again. We can visit all the places you want to go.”

“Aah, that would be nice...”

She smiled before coughing again.

Priests arrived with a stretcher a few minutes later. The doctor was still busy making the elixir. It shouldn’t take too long now.

My mother fell asleep after one of the mages casted [Sleep] on her.


“Will you tell me now how you acquired a blueprint that should’ve been a fairy tale?”

My father and I were speaking in his office. The doctor was still busy making the elixir so we had time to talk before the treatment.

I hesitated even as my father narrowed his eyes. Maybe out of consideration for my secret, he asked the other nobles to stay outside.

I thought whether telling my father would be the best course of action.


His fist hit the desk.

“Charlotte Rosemary Colchis.”

My father looked at me with a cold glare.

I gulped audibly before speaking hesitantly.

“Father... the place we got it from–“



My father’s face looked both amazed and shocked at the same time.

“I wanted to wait until I become queen before revealing what I found...”

“And since you revealed that scroll, it would be obvious that it was found in that very empire... That or someone faked it.”

He rubbed his temples.

“Never mention this to anyone. Make sure that Clyde and Damian stay quiet.”

“Do not worry. Both are taken care of.”

“Come to think of it. Where is Clyde?”

I felt awkward hearing his question.


“Did something happen?”

I nodded.

“He went to the Elca Kingdom in hopes of finding a method to restoring his cores.”

“Do those elves really have such a method? I hate elves more now for not sharing something like that with our kingdom mages. Does that mean he’s not your guard anymore?”

Part of the reason I did it was that I still felt guilty. I actually had a thought of killing him as if throwing away old food.


My father sighed and smiled wryly.

“I do not have so much power to protect you, my child. You must gather your own strength. That is why I send you more funds than I do to your siblings. They are already fully supported by stronger backers. And I do admit, it’s favouritism at play as well.”

“I know that...”

“I was looking forward to making Clyde my son-in-law! I wanted such a capable mage in our family! Hahaha!”

My face turned cold when I heard him. He coughed once before continuing.

“Anyway. I need to discuss something else. Since you were missing before you could have a party for your coming of age, how about we hold a big event for your 16th birthday?”


My eyes sparkled.

I could invite the people I promised to meet on that day. Many people could use my birthday party as an excuse to make connections with the royal family.

There’d be many people I could win over as well. I’ve calculated and mulled over the problems many of the fief lords and nobles of the court are faced with. I’m positive that they’ll come once I send over a letter to each of their houses.

“So, how does that sound?”

I nodded my head and hid my excitement.

“Very well.” Father got up and took the communication orb on his shelf, “I’ll have to let the Sky Kingdom know of this. The prince was eager to see you, after all. You may leave.”

My excitement died down as I stood up.

‘That egotistical human being will also come to my party?’

We have met on several occasions in the past. I could describe him as the typical young master with the title of a prince. He is arrogant, selfish and egotistical.

I’m not good with people of his sort. They think the entire world should revolve around them. I’m sure that the only reason he’s into me is because our kingdom is the reward if he can court me and help me to become queen.

I’d say he’s like Arielle’s brother. The two can be best pals since they are exactly the same.

I looked at the scroll with the list of the guests that will be attending my birthday.

A name caught my eye.

Kenia Luxembourg.

‘So she was also given an invitation...’

She also sent me letters inviting me over for tea. I’m curious what she wants to talk about. The contents of her letters are extremely vague.

Whatever it is, it’s not simply talk about girly stuff. I find it hard to believe she could even be into tea parties.

“What’s wrong? You can leave and go see your mother.”

“Ah, yes...”

I’ll hear what she has to say when the time comes.

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