《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 41: Faceless white figure


Damian brought me to a bar in the slums. Does he live around here? He led me to this place as if he has been here before.

Well, I said I’d leave the destination up to him. Plus, even if someone tries to rob me, I can just blow them away. Since I don’t have a staff to control my power, I might just blow an entire building away.

I’ve been going to bars a lot even though I’m not of age yet.

Damian ordered alcohol and chugged it down as if he’s used to drinking it. I ordered orange juice. I don’t like the taste of ale anyway.


Damian sighed after chucking the ale down. I then proceeded to speak.

“So how did you end up going to the academy despite being from ‘that’ clan. I thought they hated being around nobles. But if you don’t want to talk about something like that…”

They are contract killers so they don’t kill indiscriminately. That seems to be normal around here. They are what us Earthlings call hitmen.

He closed his eyes for a second.

“No. It’s actually nice to talk to someone about my problems. Anyways, I purposely made it so that my father can kick me out of the clan. It was a cold winter night of four years ago. I received my first mission to assassinate a high ranking noble of the court. This order came from an anonymous tip. They said that the man kidnaps boys and hits them to fulfil his sadistic tendencies.”

He swirled the mug with his hand on his chin.

“I cut his throat. The blood from his neck splattered into my face. I felt nothing seeing a person like him die. The boy he beat to near death was right there when I killed the man. He was more afraid of me than he was of that man.”

He looked up.

“That boy was from the academy. I always heard the wonderful things you can do and the careers you can pursue if you finish your education there. After that day, the boy and I became friends. I regularly visited him at the academy. I even attended a class. Those days were good until a certain point though…”

“…What happened?”

“I was too busy enjoying life that I didn’t complete any orders from that moment on. I was a real child for the first time in my eleven years of life. Not a killer that killed my first when I was five. That boy…” He sighed again. “Father killed him.”


“He said I had no right to be a regular human being. I was only a machine meant for killing. His words. You know what I did? I went up to him one night and tore off the family insignia on my jacket in front all of the heads of the clan. That was the first time anyone has ever done that and it’s the most disrespectful way to leave the clan. Normally, those that leave will immediately be killed so they don’t tarnish our clan’s name. Nonetheless, I took my little sister and fled from that deranged family.”

I sat there in silence. He grew up in such a family yet I have the nerve to think my family from Earth sucked. I wasn’t forced to kill like he did. I lived an ordinary life.

“Ah, sorry for talking so much. You’re the first friend I had after my previous friend’s death. And I rarely talk with people besides my sister.”


“It’s fine. I can’t say I understand what you went through. I hope I won’t be mulled to death by one of your family members though.”

He laughed.

“They don’t care who I associate myself with anymore anyway. And if it comes down to it then we should just kick that person’s ass.”

We continued speaking as night fell over the slums. Damian said him and his sister rent a room from a family of five. He has to leave her there since he has a dorm house on the academy. His sister helps out in their inn as a waitress. Damian also does adventuring so they have enough money to support themselves.

He says he was born with dark magic. It’s an ability just as rare as the light attribute. I wonder if he can summon undead like a necromancer.

“Hey, you want to go somewhere fun?”

Damian grinned and grabbed my arm.


“This is somewhere fun?”

We arrived at the red light district. The heavy scent of perfume stung my nostrils. Many woman were coyly calling out to men from their establishments.

“What cute boys.”

“Look at him blush.”

A few ladies laughed as they passed us. They were wearing revealing clothes that hid basically nothing.

Damian led me to one of the more expensive looking brothels.

“Rooms for two please~ You aren’t a virgin, right? I’d feel bad to let one of these women take it.”

I shook my head hurriedly.

A thick woman holding a long cigarette came out from the counter.

“Huu. That will be two gold coins. Oooh? Academy students?”

She looked at our uniforms with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, ma’am! We’re second years.”

“Huhuhu. The ladies here will enjoy cute boys like you two.”

She poured magic power into a crystal and spoke.

“We have two very important guests up front. Those available please come to the front desk.”

She told us to sit on the couch and wait.

Damian looked awfully excited.

“You come here a lot?”

“N-No. I’m just looking forward to taking a milf into bed. The mature ladies are better than the young ones. Ehehehe.”

He went to the hall with an impatient expression.

Just then the door to the other room opened.

I gulped.

A lot of beauties came through the door wearing different extravagant dresses that revealed their assets.

“Ladies, please make sure them enjoy their night.”

Damian chose three women while I only took one to bed.


It was a little passed one in the morning when we came out.


I let out a hot sigh. My clothes smelled like thick perfume.


Damian hiccupped on my shoulder. I had to drag him out of the room since he overdid it. I can’t believe that he managed to handle three woman without rest. Well, he was trained from childhood to be agile as an assassin and have a lot of stamina. They also drank alcohol throughout their play.

My time with my partner was kind of awkward since I only ever had sex once in this world. It took a while until I got into action and managed to make the girl orgasm four times. My moves were a little rusty. I’m glad Arielle was an inexperienced virgin who didn’t know what sex was.

The girl was a complete mess when I finished. That shotacon tasted her own medicine for underestimating me just because I’m a kid.


I dragged Damian to the academy as the moonlight shined down on us.

The streets were quiet except for the occasional people passing by. A few tried to rob us but it took only showing them a flicker of flames on my finger before they backed away.

Mages seem to be feared by the populace. I wonder how strong I am compared to the average mage.

Whenever I disperse my raw mana into the air, it gives of a combined colour of Blue with a little silver, although not too much. That must be a sign that my mana is busy with its growth refining process. If I were to wait naturally then it might take months before my mana enters the realm of silver.

By constantly draining myself of mana, that could quicken the process but that’s not a very bright idea. Since I’m still growing, it takes longer for my mana to fully recover. I’m still not even fully charged yet even though I’m going on Charlotte’s first campaign in a few months. Who knows? Maybe I’ll unlock the rest of my sealed mana before I turn 20.

I took Damian to his dorm house. He lives alone which kind of makes me jealous. I have to live with snotty noble brats that constantly smears their household names in my face.

‘You’ll have to forgive me for this.’

I took a few parcels of food for Edna when I get home. I forgot to go to the shops yesterday.

After leaving a few silver coins, I left the house with the bag of food.

Edna was, as expected, mad when I got back. She at least listened to me and didn’t leave the room like I asked.

She didn’t touch the food though since she was too sleepy. Did she wait for me?

When I climbed in bed with an exhausted sigh, she changed her form and laid on top of my legs. She curled up like a puppy in the cold.


It was few minutes after three in the morning as I looked up at the ceiling.

So many things are happening in my life. I’m not even 15 yet and already had to survive on another continent, fight mythical monsters and became a knight to a princess of a kingdom. What did I achieve on earth before 15? Basically nothing.

I only ever got serious in my studies when I failed 11th grade. That earned me a scholarship. I even entered a math competition and came second out of the entire country’s participants.

People only then began seeing me as the Liam Foster I was born as.(Yes, this is his name from Earth) It wasn’t that I wasn’t bright, it was just that I was an unconfident person that always feared that my efforts would be for nothing. So I never put in any hard work before failing in school.

I met Clementine for the first time at my valedictory. She was there for her brother’s valedictory since she was already finished with school. I was ashamed of who I was before we met again.

It took only a few months before we hit it off again and started dating. Why am I suddenly thinking about her? Well, she was the one that helped me become a better person. The two of us shared many mutual interests.

She was the one that came first in the competition. I chose her as my motivation. I wanted to catch up with her. And what happened after I lost my only pillar in life?

I became a piece of shit. A waste to human society. I became depressed just because of one girl.

Am I not pathetic? The gods must’ve found my live pitiful and decided to reincarnate me into this kid’s body. I felt partly guilty for killing him before he was even born by inhabiting his body. Well, saying that I killed him is too much.

I’m thinking of telling my parents when the time comes that I’m a reincarnated person. Not really sure what their reactions will be if they hear that I was once a 25 year old man that reincarnated into their child’s body.

I’m older than both of them in mental age. I should be 39 by now if I count this life and my life on Earth.

I stared into the flickering flames of the candle as my heavy eyelids slowly closed.



When I opened my eyes again, I was surrounded by darkness. This familiar place... It was the dome that contains my two cores.

When I turned around, I saw it yet again.

Two giant spheres of pure energy floating next to each other. One was blue while the other was white.

‘Huh? Why do they look closer than before?’

The two cores looked far closer than when I came here as a baby. A strange purple smoke was encircling my spirit core and wrapping around my mana core.

I approached the spirit core and put my hand on it.


A white flash blinded me for a second.

–Were you the one that killed him?

An emotionless voice rang out.

When I lifted my head, I saw two human feet next to me. The strange thing was that the person’s entire body was white and when I looked up...

A faceless white mannequin was how I could describe it.

I hurriedly backed away to get a good look at it.

Three spheres were encircling behind its back. All three of them were releasing different kinds of energy.

The figure was looking up ahead.

I followed its gaze.

There he or more like It was again. A muscular dark figure stood there with a giant lance shaped as his hand.

The two of them were busy talking but I could hear nothing since many rewound sounds overlapped to filter out their voices.

‘Fuck! What is this!?’

I couldn’t understand why I always see these visions. What is the meaning of this? Is this a scene from a different universe?

The white figure’s body began.... releasing a dull and grey light.

No way.

No way.

That’s what happens when Lightborn activates!

The figure disappeared and instantly appeared before the dark man.

He swung his fist to the confused and startled enemy.

That was all I saw before my consciousness faded away again.



A pair of small but strong hands shook me awake as my consciousness returned.

'Huh? It’s already morning?'

When I looked up, I saw Edna on top of me.

She sighed in relief.


My arm was glowing white again. This time the glow reached up until my neck.

“What is this...?”

Edna touched my arm with a confused expression.

It left me confused as well.

Something new happened this time. Why was there something similar to a white crown floating around my head?

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