《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 40


I just came back from our last class. The practical class wasn’t that fun since no one was able to survive one spell from me. Damian is also overpowered.

It took him only a few blows to end our classmates without injuring them too much.

Eris kept disappearing when she had to fight someone. We only saw her at the end of the class. Thankfully, she wasn’t that hurt. My mana I synchronized managed to help her.


I looked at my staff in disbelief when I saw a large crack on the crystal.

‘No way, it’s close to breaking?’

I might have to buy a backup crystal in case it does.

When I put my staff down after wrapping it up, a letter caught my attention.

It had the royal crest embedded in the red candle wax.

I picked it up and saw the sender was Charlotte.

–Hello, my knight. I have received news from father. He’s sending me to my first ever campaign. I’ve never done one since my duties had to be placed on hold because I had to gain supporters for the future. He said that the army stationed at the Polomine Border have no head commander at the moment. Please be ready to depart in a few days. Since you and miss Helen are my guards, I’ll need you there while miss Helen looks after the residence. I’ll first arrange some things with the chairman since we have to leave the academy once again.

“First campaign?”

Maybe this will be a good chance for Charlotte to gain recognition. The king might’ve had this in mind when he gave her the order.

Charlotte lost a lot of support from the nobles that she tried so hard to get on her boat. A few loyal ones stayed but they won’t be enough against her siblings who already have nearly half of the kingdom as their supporters.



While I was reading the other information Charlotte sent, I heard a crack under the cloth on my staff.



“No, no , no!”

‘Don’t tell me my precious crystal is breaking!’

It might have been one copper but it’s still one of the best mana crystals I’ve ever used.

Even as I tried to use mana bending to reattach the broken pieces, the crystal kept breaking.

“Shit. Stop breaking–“


A large amount of energy was released, sending me flying against the wall.


It was so powerful that it burned a hole in my uniform and caused an injury.

I was hit there earlier this morning and it was not fully healed yet. Just my luck.

I turned my gaze up and was met with pure blue eyes right in front of my face.


The blue eyes narrowed in happiness and spoke.

–My human.

Pitch black wings flapped happily behind its back as it licked my face.

I was in a daze.


I grabbed it and held it at arm’s length like a puppy and got a good look at it.


Small pitch black scales as dark as Vantablack. Small horns extending above its head. Big blue eyes and the body shape of a lizard.

No. Not lizard.

A dragon.

“Is this real…?”

The crystal was nowhere to be seen. I saw fragments of red dust on the little dragon’s head and instantly realised.

It came from the crystal.

“Y-You are….”

It gave a cute harrumph and flapped out of my arms into the air.

–You may call me Edna. The daughter of the True Dragon Lord, Sapphire. Since you are my human, I will not order you to kneel.

It spoke without even moving its mouth. Telepathy?

It gave off another arrogant harrumph and landed on the bed.


Right. I’m dreaming. There’s no way a real dragon that calls itself the child of a true dragon lord is in front of me right now.

–H-Hey! Where are you going!?

I stood on the window pane with my hands on the window.

‘Maybe if I jump and die then I’ll escape the dream.’

–Hey! You can’t jump! I didn’t order you to die!

The little dragon bit my ear.

“Ouch! What the heck!?”

Blood dripped down along with a sharp tingling pain. I grabbed my ear with a grunt.

“What the…”

Normally, when you experience pain in a dream then you shouldn’t feel anything.

‘I’m not dreaming?’

–Of course not! You’ll give me a heart attack even though I’m only 6 years old.

The dragon landed back on the bed and looked at me.

–Tell me your name, human.


What is this power I feel?

Somehow, this little dragon gives off the same aura as Clark and Laura. They are the only members of the White Order I’ve met so far.

“I’m Clyde…”

The dragon nodded.

–Now give me food. I have been crystalized for many years so I am hungry.

‘How can it be six years old if it was trapped for that long?’

The dragon started looking around the room for any signs of food.

“Err… the food is kept downstairs.”

I’m on the third floor. I live with three other students in this house the academy provided.

–Then lead the way. My stomach will eat itself if I don’t consume nutrients.

The dragon, Edna scratched at the door.

“Hey! You can’t go outside!”

If people saw me with a dragon, wouldn’t that cause trouble? Dragons are rare and if you keep babies confined then you will be arrested. That counts even if it is a wyvern. They might misunderstand that I kidnapped this dragon. Even worse than that, it’s the child of an ancient dragon, a true dragon variant.

No one would want to piss off a True Dragon Lord.

People view dragons as the national animals like back on earth.

–Why? I do not sense any being that can threaten me.

No, no. That’s not the problem here.

The little dragon glared at me. It looked oddly cute.

“S-Stay here. I’ll see if I can find something.”


I don’t want to upset this dragon. It might have a short temper and could instantly obliterate me. Every dragon has a personality that differs from others. There’s the white dragons in the east that even lets people ride them. They say that dragon is gentle towards humans and Demihumans.

–Humph. I’ll wait for you then.”

The little dragon patted the sheets and moved in a circle before laying down.

I hurriedly left the room.


I emptied out the entire fridge artifact since I didn’t know what the dragon would like.


The dragon broke the bone of an ox with one bite and swallowed it up.


It then drank the milk I brought along.

I brought so much food that five people could enjoy it but this little dragon ate everything.

No, what I’m looking at is a young girl eating the food like a pig.

I don’t know what happened. When I entered the room, this unfamiliar black haired girl was inside.

It was the dragon… in human form. She looks like a middle schooler even though she said she’s six years old. By the way, she’s also naked. It doesn’t appeal to me since I’m into girls my age and older. Milfs are even better.

I gave her my robe which she put on without complaining.

I read in books on earth that dragons can take forms of any animal and even transform into a human.

“I-Is it good?”

I rubbed my hands together timidly.

My eyes kept glancing at her stomach. wondering how the hell all that food fits in there.

“Hm. I applaud you for providing me the necessary liquids and nutrients to quench my thirst and satiate my hunger.”

She rubbed her stomach with a burp.

“Now rub my belly, human.”

“Of course, madam. Hehehe.”

I shouldn’t anger this dragon. I shouldn’t anger this dragon.

I kept repeating that phrase to myself as I rubbed her belly.


She made cute noises as I stroked her chin too. It’s like petting a dog.

‘Crap. I was distracted.’

I still have to ask why she’s here. And how she’s here.

She pouted at me when I removed my hand.

“C-Can I please know why your esteemed self was within that crystal that cost me only one copper?”

“Copper? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

“That’s not what you should be focusing on… May I know how you were able to emerge from the crystal?”

She tilted her head and closed her eyes as if recalling something.

“Well, I’m not proud of retelling the fall of our race but I will tell you since you are my human.”

This dragon keeps saying that as if saying to a dog “You’re my dog.”

It was one thousand years ago when their planet Draconia fell. They were attacked by a celestial deity that wanted to eradicate the dragon species and destroy their world.

The dragon god fought against this being as his people escaped from their burning world.

They used an ancient wormhole to escape the planet which sent them here.

But not all of them managed to escape. Edna’s mother, Sapphire, the Flame Dragon along with the thirteen other dragon lords fought with the Dragon god. Her mother used [mana crystallization] to seal Edna in a mana core strong enough to last eons without breaking. It was also crafted from her own blood so no one could break it apart.

From what I know, only seven dragon lords exist in our world.

Edna landed on this planet when the United Empire was still around.

“The connection between mother and I was broken off immediately after I entered this world’s atmosphere.”

Her cheeriness from before was gone. She had a sullen expression on her face as she recalled that day.

“So you never forgot even after all these eons?”

“[Mana Crystallization] is a technique only us dragons can cast. When mother used it on me, I lost all my senses. I remember everything as if it were yesterday even if it wasn’t.”

It’s almost like that God rank spell that froze our time when we were within a pocket dimension. The principle is the same even if the method is different.

“Then how were you able to recognize me when you came out?”

“It is because of your mana which was sent through the crystal. Since us dragons are the embodiment of mana, your control in your spells surpassed any normal crystal. In fact, it was your mana that woke me from my vegetative state.”

“It was?”

She nodded as she chewed on a piece of meat.

“Since you can use spirit magic, our connection was strong even on your first try.”

‘Ah, that’s right. Dragons can also use spirit magic.’

Although their magic is far different from elves and humans. They can perfectly use all elements even from birth. I can only use water and space magic.

‘I wonder if she can teach me about spirit magic.’

“I can.”

‘She can read my thoughts!?’

It’s like I’m naked in front of somebody when my thoughts are revealed. It’s the same as when I met future me.

“I can do this because our mana has slowly but surely fused to be able to synchronize without any limits."

“We can?”

When she was about to answer, a knock came from the door.

–Clyde, you there?

It was Damian’s voice.

I forgot the two of us still had to go somewhere.

“Be right there!”

I shouted to the door and look at Edna.

“Listen. Don’t leave the room no matter who knocks when I leave. Understand?”

Her face scrunched up.

“Who are you to order me what to do?”

“I’ll bring more food later on.”

Her mouth closed shut.

–Err, you done yet?

I hurriedly grabbed my uniform and put my hand on the doorknob.


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