《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 36


(Arielle POV)

Cold water was poured on my face as I was sleeping.


It was so cold that my heart felt like it’ll explode.

I grabbed my sword and aimed it at the neck of the intruder.


Celina was standing there with a bucket in her hands.

“Why the fuck did you have to wake me up like that!?”

I felt like punching her beautiful face.

She calmly spoke, “You weren’t waking up even though I was shaking you so much.”


I got up while grumbling.

It’s true that I’m a heavy sleeper. That’s how Clyde got away with touching me so much at night.

“Madam Rosetta is looking for you at the gate.”

Celina walked out of my room and closed the door shut.

“First day of training.”

My previous master said something along the lines of ‘Whatever you do, don’t give up in the middle of training. Miss Rosetta doesn’t like quitters. I learned that the hard way.’

Whatever training she throws at me, I shouldn’t give up. This is necessary for my growth to become strong with the sword.


I saw a tray of food next to the bed.

–This is all I'll give you for your first day. From tomorrow onwards, hunt your own food like the rest of us.



I must say, she's kinder than she acts. The meat was a little burnt but it tasted delicious regardless. I wonder if it was Celina that made this. Or do they have a cook here at the dojo?

After I finished eating my breakfast, I put on my training gear which was a black robe with short sleeves.

A knock came from the door followed by someone’s voice.

–We have to line up, Miss Arielle. The master does roll call in the mornings.

The person walked away afterwards.


I might be punished if I don’t go now.

There was already the sound of someone getting whacked in the head.

–Be on time when I get here!


It was Lady Rosetta.

I quickly went outside. All my seniors were lined up outside their door, with tensed expressions.

Rosetta did the roll call by reading off piece of paper. For some reason we were all assigned with numbers. I was number 46.

Maybe I got the number since I’m the 46th person to come to this dojo. I’m not sure how many disciples are currently at the dojo. I was too tired to socialize with anyone yesterday.

Rosetta led us all to the back of the dojo covered in vegetation. There was a spot big enough for training on the flattened grass.

“Well then.” Rosetta spoke. “Everyone get your swords.”

She went to the middle of the training ground and unsheathed her thin blade.

“Master, what kind of training are we doing today?”

One of the disciples curiously asked.

Rosetta smirked.

“All of you will be fighting me. Not one on one. All of you can come at me at once.”

She swung her sword, causing a thin gale to dance with her sword’s direction afterward.

I could barely see her doing any large movements but her sword created such a strong shockwave.

She released her own Ki and directed that power towards us.

Many were shook by her power that no one dared to move.

“What’s wrong? I thought my disciple would be more brazen than this… I knew I should’ve asked the older students to stay here instead of going on a trip. They would be far better opponents than you little kids.”

She made a disappointed expression.

Among the many hesitating disciples only one person stepped up.


Her sword was unsheathed and pointed straight at Rosetta. She released her own Ki and spoke.


“Talking condescendingly to us huh.”

I didn’t notice that I also stood next to Celina when I came to my senses.

My body subconsciously moved.

‘Huh? I don’t feel the fear from before.’

Rosetta smirked.

“Then come at me then. I might die from old age from waiting.”

Celina shot forward with a powerful jump. Her jump created a crater in the ground.

‘She’s using her full power right at the start?’

Rosette stood her ground and pointed her sword at Celina. There was no fear etched onto her face. Even her Ki was gentle like a lake during the midst of summer.

‘Is she that confident in her strength?’

That was a stupid question I asked to myself. Because–



Celina went for the strike but was fended off with extreme power from her opponent.

It was only a split second. It was exactly the same as yesterday.

That Rosetta person drew her blade, twisting her muscles and tensed her body in a split second.

I trembled seeing such power and skill from a real veteran.

I didn’t notice the smile on my face.


Rosette looked at me with amusement in her eyes.

The other disciples stood by and watched, no one daring to interfere in our two on one.

In certain cases this would be considered unfair. But the person we're facing a damn monster. No ordinary person can stand up to her.

My Ki burst out of my body and I unsheathed my sword.

“I was wrong after all.” Rosette spoke as I stood next to Celina. Both our Ki were spiralling into a chaotic mess.

I was sure of it. Celina was also excited as we stood in front of a real master swordsman. A person that integrated their body with the will of their sword.

Both of us roared, causing the ground to rumble. Both our Ki made the entire dojo shake.

Rosetta still had a smirk on her face.

“One day I'll wipe that smirk off you face, you arrogant hag.”

Celina shot forward first. I followed suit afterwards.

I was excited.

I was excited meeting such a powerful person. A person that I wanted to surpass. Who I could make my goal. And if I surpass her then I’ll just make someone stronger my goal.

For power is my only driving force.

I want it. I want to taste show it feels to be at the peak of swordsmanship.

How strong is Iris of the White Order? How strong is that vampire lord?

“Oh, my. Your face tells me you're excited.”

Rosetta disappeared from where she stood. Celina's sword cut nothing but air.

Rosetta appeared on my side. I swung my sword with a ferocious roar causing more of my Ki to exit my body.

It was my first day but I was already fighting the master of the dojo.


The power behind her strike felt real.

But the fear I felt yesterday was gone.

Rosetta's eyes opened wide.

“Come on, Lady Rosetta. I bet you can hit harder than that!”

I released a flurry of attacks under the astonished eyes of my fellow disciples.

How strong will I be in the future when I become a master swordsman?

What did my master say other than the fact that Rosetta hates quitters?

‘Ah. Now I remember.‘

–But if a determined swordsman enters her dojo then she will do whatever it takes to let that person ascend to the peak of swordsmanship. I couldn't because my talent was limited. Arielle, will you be that person?

I clenched my sword, ready to fight our master along with Celina.

‘I will…’

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