《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 34 - Family


(Artoria(Arthur) POV)

How did I land on this planet?

I can’t really remember much from my first life aside that by the day I died, there were wars and death everywhere.

That’s the only memory I have of the first timeline.

I also remembered “Him”.

The figure that can’t be described other than calling him a monster. He had a male body but I couldn’t make out his face since his entire body had this dark miasma covering him.

Was it to hide himself or was his figure just naturally so?

I couldn’t tell.

I can remember a few pieces of my previous lives. Clyde wasn’t in the 4th and 6th timelines. I wonder why. Did he not die on that planet he calls Earth?

He always used to tell me his life before he reincarnated. I can’t get bored of it no matter how many times I listen to him.

It was around a campfire where the two of us shared our stories. I was an angel of the highest race, the Archangels. We were variants that’s why I’m called a Valkyrie. I can’t use magic and can only use my body as a weapon.

I was banished because I wasn’t born with pure blood. That’s about the only thing I remember from my life as a divine deity. My mentality as a deity shrank through my regressions and my many deaths. I can even be classified as human now.

It’s so frustrating that I can’t remember anything.

Clyde was an ordinary person from earth born with ordinary talent unlike in this life. He died when he was 25 years old on earth but in his previous lives it was different. Sometimes it would be when he was 34, 50 or 13.

Fate and the way of destiny is weird. I can’t understand why the future or the past are never the same.

Yesterday when Clyde looked at me like I’m a stranger, it really saddened me. The way he distanced himself from me was different before I changed into my real form.

The negative emotions started to rise. I knew that I couldn’t do the ‘thing’ I did from my last regression.

I knew it was wrong but it was only to keep him from danger and hide him from the rest of the world. My jealousy reached its peak back then. He was always surrounded by beautiful women that would throw themselves at him, the strongest mage to ever exist after the death of Odette.

I hated that. I wanted him to stay with me alone. So what was the stupid solution I came up with?

I confined him. Yes, I confined him after destroying his cores. The spirit core and his mana core was destroyed by me. His life as a mage was over. Did I care enough to worry about that?

No. The memories where I saw him die many times still remained within my regressions. Why is it only the bad memories that remained?

I saw him die by beheading from the King. Killed by aliens that invaded our world after its destruction. Died by the hands of that shadowy figure. He was killed from poison by his own lord, Charlotte when he was heavily injured and useless to her.

That’s the reason I hate that princess. She might not look like it but eventually she’ll throw Clyde away after he loses his worth. I’m not sure what will happen if I intend to tell him of that. I still remember that Divine Punishment is given to Regressors if they tell certain things to humans of the world they regressed in.


I know why she turned out like that since something devastating happened to her to change her entire personality. But that’s still not an excuse.

My solution was the best choice to me of that time. I cut off his limbs so he couldn’t escape.

His eyes broke my heart.

It was the eyes of looking at the person he hated the most. But I didn’t care and only kept him for my own enjoyment and wish fulfilment.

He was mine finally. There was nothing stopping me from doing whatever I wanted.

Without his arms, he couldn’t hit me.

Without his legs, he couldn’t run.

I got what I wanted. But at what cost?

“Do you have any intention of invading our kingdom?”

The leader of the White Order, Iris, was on the opposite chair to mine. We were in a sky fortress called [Nebular] that is above the clouds of the impossible dungeon called the ‘Red Abyss’.

We came here through flight magic.

And now I’m in a completely white room, having to answer questions with an oath magic circle drawn on my hand. It would glow red if I lied and white if I tell the truth.


It glowed white when I said no.

“Are you an agent from the Republic sent to start a revolution?”


It glowed white yet again.

“Hm... so all 50 questions are white marked. His Majesty had to do this to calm down the nobles. I hope you understand, ‘Miss’ Artoria.”

I smiled wryly.

“Last question. This is my own question. How did you know you were worthy of the sword? And what is this sword?”

“I had a dream telling me to pick up the sword.”

She nodded as if accepting my explanation.

“The sword is a weapon crafted by the Old Gods a billion years ago. It was deemed ineffective and was thrown to some far-off world. This world. At least that’s what was written in the tabloids of the Angel Temple.”

She snorted.

“Even something like an oracle would’ve been more believable.”

She tidied up the documents and stood up. Clark, the Spear God moved away from the corner. His eyes were on me the entire session.

It was doubtful eyes directed at me.

It makes sense.

None of my statements make sense even though the magic circle itself is confirming that it’s the truth.

I’d need to stay a lot longer until they finally finish with their tests.

I want to see Clyde.


We arrived at our village a week later.

“Young master!!”

When I entered our house after my parents, two pairs of arms wrapped around me.

“Miss Aisha?”

It was our maid that always used to look after me when I was a child.


She hurriedly bowed her head with tears in her eyes.

“We sent a letter but it seems she’s still in shock. Did you miss my son that much?”

Father snickered.

“I-I apologize for my rude behaviour.”

She meekly lowered her head.

She’s a 21 year old girl that began working here when she was 8. She mostly looks after Jessica and Chloe since I’m always away. It was when I was a toddler when she arrived in our village. She was a war orphan after her village along with countless other regions were destroyed by armies from the Republic. My parents took her in. She wasn’t around much when Arthur came to our house since she was completing her education at a school for young ladies.


Her short red hair still has that same unique scent I always loved. When she used to pick me up when I was little, I’d bury my face in her chest and her hair just to smell her. I’m a pervert, I know.

But I at least get to use my advantages as a baby, right?

Jessica and Chloe went to their room to unpack their things.

Mother asked Aisha to help her with dinner preparation.

While I was left with–

“Hey, son! Want to spar with your old man!?”

My father brought me out to the courtyard and threw a wooden sword at my feet.

‘Is... is this what they call bonding in this world?’

On Earth, fathers normally play catch with you.

I picked up the sword and winched at the weight of it.

I immediately called the spirits to gather in my body.

‘Ah, that’s better.’

“Let’s see how much stronger you’ve gotten. Magic is allowed but only lower ranking spells. You win if you can hit me with a spell.”

“Oh? You suddenly grew arrogant in your old age.”

“Tch. You little brat. I’m not even 40 yet.”

Father got into a sword stance. It was a familiar style I’ve seen him perform in his battles in the past.

His previous playful side vanished and I could only see a knight looking at his enemy.

“If that’s the only way to win, then...”

I poured mana into my veins and tightened my grip on the sword. I’m an amateur when it comes to the sword so I can only imitate what I’ve seen Arielle do.

“Once this coin falls to the ground then we begin.”

He flicked a coin. It flew into the air and spun. I looked at it intently but kept my guard up just enough to escape if George suddenly appeared before me.


When the coin fell, I created more distance between the two of us. He looked like he expected it as he didn’t look surprised in the slightest.

“[Giga Flame]!”

He said no spell above the lower rank but what about lower rank spells enhanced with my spirits?

His eyed opened wide.

‘You should’ve been more precise, father.’

I threw the gigantic fireball as he was about to chase after me.

He didn’t dodge though. He used his own Ki to slice the fireball in half.

‘My old man is not weak at all.’

He dodged the ice lances I threw at him with fluent movements. Not one lance hit the target successfully. Those that managed to reach him were crushed by his Ki barrier.



George and I exchanged blows and I felt the heavy weight in his strength. He was trained as a knight ever since he was a little child.

They always hire my father for difficult missions like subjugating monsters, taking down bandits etc…

Now I know why the people trust him so much to protect them.


Father’s blows were heavy and fast. I had to pour mana into my eyes just to dodge his slashes that were aiming for my arms. His intention is to knock the sword out of my hand. But won’t that cause my bones to break if he succeeds? That’s not very fatherly of you, George.

The swords we’re using are at least 200kg. Even I, a mage can lift something a person from Earth would need years to build muscle for. People with mana and Ki are naturally stronger in this world.

The only reason I haven’t lost yet is because of the constant supply of mana into my veins. My mana is being rapidly consumed as the fight drags on.

Father’s attacks are relentless.


I managed to dodge a strike and aimed my wind spell at his ribcage. It would shatter a person’s ribs if it hit but father is different.



He literally grabbed my hand. The wind spell did nothing against his reinforced skin.

It felt like a steel hand was pushing me to the ground.

“Give up?”

Father smirked.

This cocky old man.



“You forgot one thing father.” I looked into his eyes with amusement. “I can use magic chantless.”

His eyes widened.

I casted [Quagmire] and his feet immediately sank into the ground.

His expression was enough to let me know that he didn't think ahead.

Well, that’s natural. When warriors fight mages, they assume mages can’t fight at close range. It’s true. But only for people that can’t use chantless magic.

I smirked.

“Shit! You little rascal–!”



I threw a giant fireball just like earlier into his face.

I then gained distance. My hand was numb from his strong grip on it. I’m definitely at a disadvantage if I don’t use big spells.

“Hahaha. I guess I lose.”

When the smoke dispersed, father was grinning from ear to ear with a black face covered in ash. He coughed a few times before speaking.

“Good work, son.”

‘He doesn’t even look injured…’

He ruffled my hair with a smirk.

“But don’t think your surprise attack will work twice. Gyahahaha!”

He walked away with a laugh and his hand on his belly.

‘His hair is still burning.’


I spend a while outside training my spirit magic before I went back home. The sun was already setting over the horizon creating an orange hue over the village.

It’s moments like these where I think that this world is far more peaceful than Earth. There’s wars nearly every day in third world countries.

The kingdom’s last big war was 30 years ago. That was because of the succession war that took place in the kingdom.

The past royal family members started a civil war that killed thousands of people that supported their enemies. The only surviving members of the previous royal family is the current king and his elder sister–who’s on house arrest 24/7 in the tallest tower of the palace.

It would’ve been a disaster if she were to become queen of Colchis. How much would our entire family suffer? Duke Luxembourg supports the king so it’s only natural that we would’ve been slaughtered.

I hope nothing like that’ll happen in the future.

When I opened the door, Aisha greeted me and led me to the bathroom. I was still covered in sweat from training.

She offered to wash me but I refused with a firm shake of my head. It’s not that I’m embarrassed. It’s just that I’m already old enough to do things on my own.

Think about it, wouldn’t it be weird for a grown woman to wash a boy going through puberty? I might push her down…

When I got out of the bath, dinner was already on the table. My family was only waiting for me to arrive.

Aisha was also invited to dine with us before she went home.

We did a short prayer to goddess Varian to thank her for our family’s safety. I never believed in this world’s gods but I still prayed with everyone.

Aisha also attends the church so it would look bad if I disrespect the goddess she believes in. I use to go with her sometimes but only because I wanted to spend time with her. I was needlessly clingy back then.

The atmosphere was nice. I truly felt glad to have come back safe to my family.



–I want to start a family with you…

I keep remembering the night when Arielle confessed to me. Our first time together that night felt amazing that I wanted time to stop so we could stay connected.

Her touch and smell was real. The pleasurable expression on her face as I rammed into her repeatedly. The way she affectionately said how she loved me.

Her passionate gaze and happy smile made me excited to be with her that night.

‘Arielle… whether you choose to come back or not, I hope you’re safe out there… Wherever you are.’

And if she were to be in danger then I wouldn’t hesitate to go save her with all my power.

Our dinner proceeded in a merry mood. We had great company and delicious food thanks to our chef, Eleanor.

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