《Spirit Reincarnation》Chapter 33 - Love


(Arielle Luxembourg POV)

When was it when I felt that I was inferior to my older siblings?

We’re from the same family and have the same genes yet I can’t seem to catch up to them as I had hoped. My only talent was for the sword.

Before Clyde and Arthur took lessons at our mansion I tried studying diligently everyday to improve myself. No matter how many times I tried to understand administration or how economics works, I always fail.

“You’re so stupid. I can’t believe I have a sister like you.”

Those words that my sister said to me stung my heart. It felt so painful being insulted by the one I look up to most.

Kenia Liliana Luxembourg. Aside from the second princess, Denise(Charlotte’s older sister), she is known to be one of the brightest minds on the continent. Her marks at the academy are always at the top, she has excellent wind attribute magic, her beauty turns the heads of all the people regardless if they’re married or not, old or young ,male or female.

She’s the perfect woman. That’s what I’d say if someone were to ask me what I thought of her back then.

And my brother?

He has talents related to strategic planning and tactics for war. His first ever campaign was when he was 12 years old. What did I achieve when I was 12? Basically nothing. That’s what separates me from them. I had to work hard to become as strong as I am today. And I’m not even close to Arthur–No, Artoria. But that’s fine with me. She has far more talent than me.

I had another motivation for working hard besides trying to become a better person.

The one I came to love, Clyde. I only saw him as inferior to me because I wanted to vent out my pent up frustrations on him. Whenever he talked back to me, I’d hit him. Whenever I order him what to do, he’d listen.

It’s really embarrassing remembering my old self. Was I really that much of a cliché spoiled noble brat? The kind that picks on commoners to prove their superiority?

I wonder why he stuck by my side despite how I was towards him. He’d always help me with the work we received from the instructor. He’d even comfort me on my rainy days.

I won’t forget that day when he gently wiped my tears away and looked into my eyes.

“Don’t cry. I’m still here with you even if your siblings aren’t there to give you love.”

It’s funny. He was still 10 years old but could say such mature lines to a 12 year old. That was the first time my heart beat so much in my chest. I only ever saw him as a brat that needs to be ordered around and pummelled by my fist. But day after day… I saw him as a man and fell for him.

It’s odd how I can remember the day so vividly three years later. A person would normally forget their interactions from years ago. But I still remembered it clearly.

His tone. The sparkle of his green eyes that has a bit of blue light within. The smell of his body after the long day of training his magic in the courtyard.

The two of us grew up together and that’s a memory I’d want to keep forever.



Clyde came into his room and found me sitting on his bed. This is the second time I’ve done this.


I just got out of the bath a few minutes ago and forgot to put on clothes since I was thinking of my past.

The only thing covering my bare body is a towel.

Clyde’s eyes widened and his face flushed a little red. But he didn’t turn away. I always knew he was such a pervert.

I got up and approached him. I could see his Adam’s apple moving up and down as he gulped hard. His glaring gaze was making my body more and more hot.

–Then we can start a family….

Those were my words back then.

I put my arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes. His breath quickened and I could see a tent pitching in his pants.

“I came to say goodbye.”


His eyes then widened.

“N-Not forever. Just… until I can find the path I want to take in my life. I know this is selfish of me but can you wait for me when I become the best me that I can be? As I am now, I fear I won’t even be able to protect our family if we made one right now.”

Clyde’s pupils shook as I continued talking.

“Mother is missing. She left me here alone. I feared that this would happen. She has no allies in this house aside from me. Father is never around and it feels suffocating being with Sadith and my two siblings. I–“

Tears fell from my eyes and I averted my gaze. I’m too much of a coward to gaze into his eyes.

“I’m all alone…”

I put my head on his shoulder and cried. He stroked my wet silver hair gently.

“I can’t really say that I understand what you feel but you can’t say you’re alone. You still have me.”

His words were the same as that day he found me crying on the floor after I was insulted and beat up by my sister.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that–“

“I know.” His eyes scanned my body. I didn’t shy away.

His hands gripped the ends of my towel and slowly unfurled it.

I held his hands but didn’t pull him away, rather, I helped him unfurl it.


He looked at my chest and slowly put his hands on them.


The candle light was slowly burning out as the moon shined down on us. Clyde pushed me back onto the bed and softly threw me down.

My heartbeat quickened in expectation.

He opened my legs and slowly kissed me upwards until he reached my mouth.

It felt so pleasurable feeling the person I love grope my body.

His tongue was so sweet and squishy. His body gave off the scent of sweat since he was training with Artoria.


His hands went further down my belly and reach my privates. He gazed into my eyes as if to seek confirmation.

I nodded with a feverish sigh. I want him. So badly.

He pulled his pants down and I saw the thing that will connect the two of us. I want it.

I want him.


My pained but pleasurable moans and his grunts filled the entire manor as we engaged in the play of intimacy between man and woman of the highest degree.

I never wanted the night to end.


(Clyde Astley POV)

I woke up only to gaze directly into the sun which blinded me.


My right side didn’t have the warmth I felt last night anymore.


She really left.

It’s not that I’m angry. It’s her choice to do what she wants with her life.

I know what it feels like going down the wrong path. I don’t want her experiencing the same and dying somewhere after someone’s blade pierced her body.

I recalled last night.

Arielle’s debauched expression. The way she locked her legs around my waist while keeping my eyes locked with hers. Our bodies making obscene sounds as the bed shook.

There was a letter on my folded robe on the chair next to the bed.

I stretched my upper body first and opened it up.

–I’ll be heading to the Rusa Empire in the east. They nurture the best swordsmen on the continent. I’m not really good with expressing myself with words so I can only say:

I’ll miss you.

And I’ll always love you. I hope to finish my right of passage and come back to start a family with you.

Please wait for me, my love.

‘Who would’ve thought that she’d be writing things like this.’

I mean, she has a ferocious personality that can scare any weak hearted man. Tons of guys have asked for her hand in marriage before but she’d either kick their asses for touching her and insulting me or she’d hurl swearing words at them.

“I’ll miss you too.”

Arielle’s gone now.

‘Will mother and father head back to the village?’

I don’t have anything to do until the academy reopens in a week so I’ll go with them.


I suddenly noticed that the crystal on my staff had more cracks on it.

“Tsk. I’d have to find a master craftsman to fix this…”

Even the elves couldn’t help me with this.

After cutting out the stained sheet of Arielle’s blood and pocketing it, I went downstairs for breakfast.


I saw our bags already packed when I passed by the huge living room. Mother seems to have been up early to prepare our stuff before we leave.

Noises and voices came from the dining room. I fixed up my hair and tidied my formal clothes and entered.

After greeting everyone present, I took my seat next to Kenia. Throughout breakfast, she kept gazing at me.

Does she know that Arielle and I are in a relationship already? She must think that I’d interfere with her position of head.

‘I have no interest in political strives.’

I ate my breakfast and ignored her suspicious gaze.

“A letter arrived for you, Clyde.”

Duke Luxembourg spoke to me as I was about to finish up.

He flicked his finger to a maid in the corner. She went to go retrieve something and came back a minute later.

“A letter… from who–“

I saw the sender. Even the fancy letter and candle wax with the Royal Crest can immediately tell you that it’s from Royalty.

“Now this is interesting…”

I heard Kenia mutter something as I opened it up.

–You must want to spend time with your family so I can’t expect you to visit me so often. I’ll make arrangements for you to attend my class so we can be together. Someone might be from Olivia’s faction in my class so it’s natural that I have my strongest knight with me, right?

Anyway, when you visit the kingdom again, please come to my villa. I’ll be staying there with miss Helen for the time being.

It’s good that she didn’t act too intimate with me in the letter. Others might mistake our relationship that way.

When I closed the letter, I even felt Eric’s gaze on me.

Do I look like a monkey in a zoo? Both of their eyes look at me with interest.

After we finished our breakfast, the entire family saw us off at the door. Since the duke has to get back to his territory, he will be riding behind us.

I found Artoria underneath the shade.

I approached her.

“Are you not coming?” She shook her head.

“The White Order is keeping a close eye on me. I can’t really disobey them since my power is still limited at the moment.”

Does that mean that she’s stronger than them if she’s full power?

“I’ve been wondering something… how long were the two of us together?”

Artoria tilted her head as she pondered.

“I can’t remember anything past 22 years old. My memories are sealed whenever I get regressed. I can only remember something if it’s mentioned just like that time when I remembered this sword.”

She tapped the sword on her waist.

The [Heaven Piercer].

“I can only recall a few things about the future. Although the memories of anything important are filtered out.”

“I see…”

I rubbed my forehead.

“Clyde, I know we can’t immediately become lovers… Can we try at least? We were lovers two times before and I hoped we can be like that again. I-I want the two of us to be together again… well?”

She gripped my arm; hard. Is this her way of telling me she won’t let me refuse?


When I looked at her face, I saw her with hollow eyes and an empty smile.

A fly landed on her eyeball and kept walking before flying away. She didn’t even blink.

The words of my future self. And that name Artoria… Ah, how could I forget those words… Artoria… the one that protected him until the end… Did future me lie in order to protect her identity?

Now that I think back to when we were kids, he’d always stay next to me. When kids tried to bully me then he’d kick their butts.

So Arthur was this Artoria he mentioned. If I had known, would my behaviour have been different?

I averted my gaze from her eyes.

I only saw him as a brother…

Her grip on my arm loosened.

“Is it no good?”

She had tears in her eyes.

“…Alright… I’m still trying to process everything that happened so far…”

Her empty smile vanished and was replaced by a bright one.

“…T-Thank you… I won’t disappoint you…”

I didn’t hug her when she spread her arms. She awkwardly lowered her arms.

“I guess it’s goodbye for now…”

I nodded.

“I’ll miss you…”


I stepped away without a word. Mother and Father looked at me worriedly when I came into the carriage.

Artoria looked so lonely beneath that tree as she gazed at our carriage.

But she didn’t cry. She held it in.

I turned my gaze away from her figure as the manor grew smaller and smaller as we rode in the carriage.

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