《Shy Walking Shadows; Book 1 of the Blood Moon Series》Chapter 13 - The Third Exchange



I stare at the wall as Nicolaus rolls off the opposite side of the bed, turned away from him, I can hear him pull his pants on. I curl up on my side, trying to get as far away from him as possible. I'm not sure how long I've been in his lair, his prisoner. I no longer have any tears to cry as he uses me, over and over. Stealing my or Anthony's blood so he can perform.

Since being here, I've learned that for a male Vampire to perform sexually, he has to have blood. Blood taken from a warm body, willing or not. When he first took me to his bed, I fought. I fought with everything in me and more.

He beat that response right out of me, but I keep trying. He'll laugh at my tears and pleas to leave me be. My left ankle is still in its shackle, which is attached to the end of the bed. I can move, even get off the bed. But I can't get far, only a few feet.

Nicolaus and Anthony would have sex next to me for hours. Although Nicolaus would not let Anthony touch me in any way, he would still be allowed in the room as he himself had his way with me. The bed itself is a heavy four-poster with a high headboard and drapes that could be letdown along the sides. They're never let down.

My nude body is cold in the open air. I've noticed since Nicolaus' first exchange with me that my body temperature has been slowly declining, but that could also be from the lack of food I'm getting, not wanting me to be too strong to fight back effectively. So far he's given me two blood exchanges.

The fire that courses through my body from his blood is changing me. My lowered body temperature, sharper eyesight, keener hearing, and the repulsive thought of food are just a few things I've noticed. My need for the bathroom has also declined, but again, that could be due to the fact I get very little food or water.

Nicolaus had indeed sent his pet Werewolf out after my sister, but he had returned without her. He'd said he couldn't find her, that she wasn't in the parking lot, the woods or the house. That her scent trail had led to our house, but stopped there.

At first I was worried, but as time goes on, I become glad. They can't find her, which means they can't hurt her. Still don't know where I am, but get the impression that I'm underground since the walls behind the drapes seem to be cement.

The door that I had seen Anthony come through when I first woke up here had led to a hallway. Through one of the doors in said hallway led to this room, the bedroom. I've been kept in this room since they moved me, however long ago that was.

If I had to guess, I'd say I've been down here for a few days. Each night is spent fighting against Nicolaus. Vampire though he is, he seems to be able to be up and around all day, only having to sleep for a few hours. Never goes out during the day though, so it seems Vamps indeed can't do the whole sunlight thing.

The damage Kierra had done to Anthony has healed, mostly. Every time he shifts he'll heal more. His groin is fully healed, as is his eye socket, the actual eyeball though is gone.

All that's left of it is a mass of scars. Even the scars on the rest of his face have faded. Not sure if that's due to Nicolaus giving him blood or if it's a Werewolf thing. I haven't seen him yet today...or is it night? Hell if I know anymore.


Nicolaus comes over to my side of the bed, looking down at me. I look at him out of the corner of my eye. He's thinking of something judging by his expression, his weird slit eyes looking contemplative.

I give him my full gaze over my knees as I move them up to my chest, holding them against me tightly. Flinching as he reaches out to me and starts petting my side like I'm some kind of dog. My eyes harden as I steel myself for lashing out at him to not touch me, but his words stop me.

"I will give you the last exchange tonight, and then we must leave this place. I've disobeyed my Master, and there will be consequences. He's not to find you though, I will not give you up."

After that, he walks away, leaving me in the room by myself. Confusion reigns in my brain. He's mentioned his Master before a few times, even briefly talked about him to Anthony in front of me once, didn't understand a thing that was said though.

I relax slowly, my body aching. Light and dark bruises cover most of my skin from either fighting the Vampire or the chain that binds me. My neck throbs from all his biting, as well as my thighs.

Movies make it look so erotic, when in fact, blood drawn from the thigh hurts like a bitch. I move my legs over the edge, the small gold bells around my right ankle jingling all cheery like. Put on to sound an alarm every time I go to move off the bed.

Getting up, the red silk sheet comes with, hair hanging limply around me. My skin is so cold I don't even feel the coolness of the material. My clothes are long gone, I think Anthony had thrown them out.

I walk around, stretching my legs, getting out kinks, and trying to get my blood moving to provide some kind of heat. The annoying bells doing what they do best, being noisy as hell in this silent room. Wincing and making small pain sounds the whole way as clenched muscles stretch. Trying to stifle them doesn't work, they always manage to escape me.

Can't go far, but it's better than nothing. I swear when I get out of here, I'm never looking at a damn bed again, I'll sleep on the damn floor.

I walk out as far as the heavy chain will let me. A totaling of around four feet at its max with no sag. The room itself is about the size of a large master bedroom in any normal middle-class house. Maybe a little bigger.

The walls are painted cement and covered in drapes and silks. Ground is covered in heavy rugs and piles of pillows. A long banquet table takes up one wall, lots of candles, and several large glass punch bowls on it.

That's where the laptop sits, but I've never seen it opened. The very instrument of my demise. The bowls hold ashes of the things Nicolaus burns. Not only is he insane, but he's also a pyro. Go figure.

Two doors; one leading to the hallway, the other to a bathroom. I can get to the bathroom doorway, but can't go in. If I have to use the toilet, I have to ask Nicolaus.

Inside the room are a large tub, no shower, a small free-standing sink, and a toilet. Another long table is against one side next to hanging chains attached to the wall. The table's full of assorted instruments to cause pain.


From knives and daggers to a whip and a metal barbed flogger. A drain in the middle of the floor completes his little torture room. Having been at the tender mercies of that room a couple of times, I avoid it whenever possible.

Don't want to ask for permission to use the facilities when going into the room will just give Nicolaus ideas. The lashes on my back, rear end and thighs ache in remembered pain from one of the many times I disobeyed my demented captor. Each of those tools having been used on me at least once.

Going back towards the bed to sink down next to it against the wall and landing on one of the rugs arranged on the floor, I pull the chain into lay beside me. I need to think of a way out of here. First of all though, to get out of this damn chain.

Looking down at it reveals no answers for me. It never does. Trying to pick it won't work without any tools, and Mr. Pain in my Ass was very good at not leaving things within my reach.

I hear scratching at the door before it opens. Huddling where hunched, I don't want anything to do with what's coming in, so I pull my knees up to my chest once more and fold my arms over them. Soft footsteps make their way towards me, the whisper of fur along rug patches the only telltale sound.

Anthony in his wolf form. I lay my head down on my arms, wishing he would just go away. The light footfalls come around the bed's corner, I do my best to ignore them and try to come up with a plan to get away from here. I lose time for a moment, for the next thing I know, there's a cold nose pushing against my arms.

"Go away Antho..."

What's in front of me is not Anthony, but a very large mountain lion. I recognize it from one of Kierra's many animal books. Large eyes stare at me from a feline face, orange-gold colored with a slit pupil. Mountain lions don't have slit pupils, do they? I can't remember.

Its eyes are above me, looking down, whiskers twitching lightly as its nose sniffs at me.

"Umm, hello?"

Rounded ears swivel towards me. Good job Faline, annoy the darned thing. I shut my mouth and just stare at it.

Its coat is a tawny golden, with white markings on his face, chest, and tail tip. The big cat sits down and just looks at me, eyes focused, and non-moving. Unnerving. The eye color looks familiar...


Oh my... Could things get any weirder? Please, God, don't answer that.

I look at him closely, without moving my body, of course. The cat form is new. Aren't Vampires supposed to turn into wolves or bats? Dammit, where's a rule book when you need one?

Watching his tail twitch, he chirps at me. Wincing, my eyes go back to the face, his mouth open and lips raised as he growls lightly.

"What? What do you want?"

I practically shout in his face. He pulls back, looking surprised for a second, then raises back to all four huge feet. I watch as his fur ripples and disappears into his body.

Claws reach out before retracting to form hands, the long tail pulls up, shrinking as it steadily disappears behind him. Nicolaus crouches as his face shifts back to human. Everything changes back except his eyes, they shrink a bit, but the color and slit pupil stay the same. I can never make up my mind if it's a feline thing or snake.

The whole process takes only seconds. It would have been really cool, but this person in front of me...really isn't. The Vampire just crouches there looking at me, the clothes he had put on now gone.


My body starts to shake. Him naked is never a good thing. With one leg folded under him and the other up, bracing himself, his groin is thankfully hidden from my view. Tapered hands are folded into fists against the floor in front of him, muscles bulging in his arms.

His long, dark brown hair falls around his slim but strong shoulders, the blood-red streaks a shock to it and the paleness of his skin. The scarred half of his face is hidden by the falling strands as he looks at me. I hug my legs tighter to me, hoping he'll go away now that he's found a new way to frighten me.

Again, my luck has abandoned me as he leans in. My knuckles turn white as I try to pull my legs into my body, folding myself in half.

"My love, you are going to bruise yourself."

That's a laugh, since my body is covered in them from his handling. I take a deep breath, hard as it is to do with me cinching myself the way I am, trying to calm myself. I don't think it's going to work with him around, let alone with him naked. Clutching the blood-colored sheet to me as I move to stand, I don't want to be on the floor if he tries anything.

To my utter dismay, my legs get caught in it, causing me to stumble right into him. His arms go around, holding me to his hard body. Mine goes rigid, unyielding.

He doesn't seem to notice, picking me up and taking me back to the bed even though I start to struggle, my heart pounding in my chest. Kicking my legs and pushing against him, he just sets me down on the edge of the mattress.

"Hush, little one. I'm not here to harm you. The time has come. When next you wake, you will be like me and will be forever mine. You will have what you always wanted, what you always wished for."

His low voice is coaxing, sounding smooth as melting chocolate on your tongue. I'm about to hyperventilate if he doesn't get away from me, his words really not helping matters. I give up trying to push him away, but I double my efforts at kicking.

"How many times have I told you to leave me alone? I've told you over and over that I don't want to be like you. Why won't you understand?"

I yell.

I scream.

He ignores me.

Tears creep past my eyes as I try to fight him off. Nothing works. Whenever I find an opening, he's there before me, blocking. My well-placed kicks deflecting off his legs and knees, punches falling on skin that doesn't react to the fact that I landed a hit.

My scratches to him heal within seconds of me inflicting them. I grow tired real fast, my already low energy running out, even my adrenaline can't get me far. Full length on the bed, having been moved into the new position while trying to fight him off, I'm right where he wants me.

"I don't want this! Please, I don't want it. Just leave me be. Please!"

My pleas fall on deaf ears while my arms are pinned above my head, the sheet long gone. His lower body holds mine down against the bed. The fighting has gotten him aroused, pressed hard against my thigh.

The Vampire lays his forehead on mine, and since I can't move my body at all, I turn my head instead, eyes closing. Licking at my throat jerks my head back around, eyes opening to find his looking into mine.


I try closing them again, but they won't move. Dammit, will I never learn?

"I have to hand it to you, young Faline, no other has fought me as hard as you have. By my first bite, others have begged me to change them. Of course, once that happens I have to kill them. Simpering things they were, doing anything I wanted them to. Anthony and I would play with them for a while, but then they had to go, becoming rather boring."

My breathing has slowed way down as he lulls me with his eyes and voice. Like a fool, I let him catch me. Mind racing while my vocal cords are frozen, his hands slide down my arms, going over my shoulders to my chest.

I can't move my arms, his gaze causes my whole body to disobey my commands. Cold fingers slip over my breasts till hands span my ribs, thumbs touching over my sternum. My mind fills with screams of denial.

His forehead is still pressed against mine, eyes closed, lips just a breath away. Images are being pushed into my brain. Ones I've seen before.

Flashes of color, ancient places I have no name or recollection of. Large and small cats prowling in forested and sandy landscapes, then more colored flashes. Like someone lit a party strobe light in my head.

I hear many voices but can't make out or distinguish what they're saying. My heart goes back and forth between a hard, fast beat to a super slow, calm, stuttering lope.

"I'm going to make you mine. Forever."

Nicolaus whispers under his breath, I just barely hear him.

I'd laugh at the bad movie line, but this is far from any fail scripting. His head moves, grazing my lips with his. Feather-light kisses trail down to my neck, laving his tongue over the prominent vein before biting down.

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