《The Children of Atlantis.》Narfordshire - 1200's - Part 7 - Day Court


Enid grasped the handles of her throne, there was no better description for it. She glanced at the knight she had fought two nights before. She knew him to be Lord Henry Stewart, third son of the Duke of Westminster. He had dark hair, grey eyes, he was clean shaven today. He wasn’t in his armor, so his well-toned frame was more apparent in the tunic and pants he wore. He hadn’t taken his eyes off her since he entered the court chamber. He had his arms crossed and wore a sword as his hip. She wasn’t usually drawn to mortals especially seeing as she was married and had been for almost fourteen hundred years. It wasn’t like Lucius hadn’t had his fun without her. But that was Rome. She looked to the others assembled in the court chamber. The bishop and a couple of his men who were in armor and armed. He had insisted in case the peasants got out of hand. Her lady in waiting sat to her left. Her herald stood on the floor of the dais to her right. She rang the silver bell at her side.

“Allow them in, lets get this over with.”

Within a couple of minutes, a line of twenty of her peasant vassals formed along with a crowed behind them. Enid nodded to her herald.

“Go ahead Siegfried.”

He nodded in return.

“Please form a line, Lady Sarah of Savia will hear ye concerns and mediate any disputes as she see fit.”

Enid looked over the line. She noticed Gabriel amongst those present. She raised an eyebrow and sat forward. She glanced down at the sword leaned against the arm of her seat. It was no Bloodseeker but the glint of the steel in the lantern light was comforting none the less she stroked the pommel absently. The first in line stepped forward and Enid met his gaze. He went down on one knee. Enid wasn’t familiar with him, she waved him forward.

“Introduce yourself to the court, good sir.”

“I am Christoff. I was wondering if you had some work for me, I was a squire with the templars before the Garrison was attacked and now, I’ve nothing. I am skilled with a blade.”

Enid sized him up. He had the hands of one who’d trained with weapons, he was smaller but that would come with age, he was perhaps fifteen. She wrapped her fingers around the arm rests of her throne and pulled herself up unpinning her cloak.

“I shall be the judge of that. Someone, give the boy a sword.”

The assembled all looked at each other in confusion as Enid picked up the sword that leaned against her chair and unsheathed it.

“Was my king’s English not clear? Give the boy a sword.”

Lord Henry moved forward drawing his sword, offering it to Christoff hilt first. He nodded to Enid.


Henry bowed and backed away. Christoff held the blade with an experienced grip, but sweaty palms, his sword hand trembled slightly. She glanced at Henry who grinned widely. The bishop and his men and the rest of the assembled towns folk all stood in various stages of shock and concern.

“Did you think you would just walk in here, and get a position as man-at-arms with word alone? You need to prove you can protect my family. Surely you aren’t frightened of a woman, in a dress, no less.”

“Nay, I just don’t want to harm you milady.”

“That won’t be a problem. Let’s do this, hmm?”


Enid waved him forward with her blade he slipped into a fighting stance. And started to slowly step to his left. He feinted to the right and moved forward with a halfhearted stabbing attack. Enid slapped the blade aside with ease and slipped past him slapping him on the cheek.

Well he knows how to hold a sword and stand. That’s a good start.

“Surely you can do better than that Christoff, if I’d wanted to your head would be on the ground now.”

The gathered townsfolk were now engaged in the fight happening before them. The bishop held his men back looking to Henry who nodded. He stood nearby arms crossed. Her herald looked like he was about to faint.

Christoff rubbed his cheek. Then moved forward in a pouncing attack doing a series of rapid blows. She parried them; It would look like she did so easily to those unskilled with battle. Not as easily as Enid would have liked.

Blasted dresses.

Christoff attacked again with a slow swipe, Enid parried the blow and used the momentum of it to slide his blade up hers to the hilt-guard then spun her blade around which twisted his hand send the sword flying to the ground. She stepped by smiling. There were cheers from the gathered townsfolk. Enid curtsied to them with a flourish.

“Valiant effort. I tell you what, I’ll give you another chance if you cut any piece of my dress you are hired, and I’ll train you myself. If I draw blood you have failed and its over.”

There were a few gasps from the crowed along with a few jeers. Henry nodded again, smiling. He couldn’t seem to keep his eyes of her. Christoff nodded and picked the sword up off the ground. He took his fighting stance again. Enid looked him over again, she could see it in his eyes. Life or death now. That’s what she wanted. He’d fight for real now.

Enid made the come get me motion with her sword again. Christoff was cagier this time, choosing his strikes more wisely. Enid dodged each one but was forced to parry the last as her feet caught in the dress. Enid rolled away taking her stance again.

“Getting better.”

Cristoff charged again and Enid slapped him on the behind with the flat of her blade after dodging to the side, she hit him hard enough to send him sprawling. Henry chuckled as did most of the crowd.

“Get up boy. Next time I’ll draw blood and it will be over.”

Christoff pushed himself off the ground and picked up the sword. Enid motioned him to come at her again. His strikes spoke of more desperation now, he was trying to hit her. As opposed to the dress. Enid smiled parrying the blows. They spun around each other, sparks flying as blades met. Enid played with him, she could have ended it a hundred times over, but that would hardly be fair to the boy.

He’s got spirt, courage, strength and he’s stubborn.

She dodged and weaved his blows. He was starting to breath heavy. Enid being a vampire never tired from physical exertion she could go all day and all night. His blows were getting clumsy. She took pity on him but didn’t make it easy. She purposely left an opening, so he’d have to strike her arm. He’d been very careful not to hit some place he might hit flesh under the dress. He took the opening and his sword cut through her dress and into her arm. At the same moment, and so he wouldn’t cut too deep she flipped him on his back her blade slicing into his neck just enough to draw a small amount of blood. She released him and he scrambled away sword in hand. Before Enid knew what was happening, he’d been tackled and was on the ground under Henry and the Bishops men. He struggled to escape. There were gasps of shock from the gathered townsfolk.


“How dare you injure a countess!” Henry was yelling now all signs of jest gone from his demeanor.

“Release him! He cut my dress, he’ll be hired and trained.”

Henry stood immediately but the Bishops men didn’t pay her heed.

“I said release him, do so or you’ll face my blade.”

They looked to the Bishop who nodded, and they released Christoff who struggled to his feet holding his throat. He kneeled before Enid on one knee.

“I swear I am your man milady until you send me away, or I die in your defense.”

“Rise Christoff, go get the wound tended to.”

Enid tore a strip off her dress and wrapped it around her own wound pulling it tight with her teeth. Henry retrieved his sword and sheathed it standing closer to Enid, arms crossed again staring daggers at the bishop’s men.

“Seneschal, the next may be heard.”

Enid recognized him immediately, it was Gabriel he immediately took a knee.

“Milady if it pleases you, I have come to ask how I can repay you for saving my twins and my Annie?”

“Raise your children with love, and kindness. Teach them to be brave. Treat your wife with affection. And ensure your harvest is bountiful. That is how you can repay me, Gabriel. Tell me, what did you name them?”

“Well the girl, we named Sarah, milady, we could think of no other name that would be proper, and the boy is John.”

“Good strong names, both. May they both grow up strong and healthy.”

Enid gave a genuine smile, rare for her, most were a mask and nothing more.

“I will Milady, I will, thank you milady.”

Gabriel held his hat tightly as he walked looking to the ceiling then to the Bishop who waved him over. Enid couldn’t hear what they said even with her enhanced hearing, to much background noise. The bishop patted him on the shoulder and made the sign of the cross. The procession of folks moved forward. Enid listened to each of their pleas in turn, all of them minor and transient as she saw it, but to each it was lifechanging. The tanner stepped forward. Enid looked him over. His apprentice carried something covered by a blanket.

“Milady, I have come to give you two gifts, to honor you for saving me, and slaying the hell hound that hunted to folk of the town. The metalsmith forged a medallion in your honor and I crafted the thong.”

He held out the crest of her noble house lovingly crafted from silver and inlaid with gold. Enid took it with a nod. He stepped back and pulled the blanket off.

“And I crafted this saddle from the finest black leather fit specifically for you, Milady.”

Enid stood and moved forward looking over the saddle, feeling the intricate crafting and stitch work. Enid took the saddle and carried it back to her seat. Leaving a shocked courtroom in her midst, she retook her seat.

“I thank you, and humbly accept these gifts though they were not necessary, it is my duty to protect and serve the people of my lands. As my vassals you should all expect that. Though gifts are appreciated.”

She smiled and nodded to the tanner. Her herald motioned the last group forward. Six men, one of them bound, a woman with a cloth sack over her head and a pig. She quirked an eyebrow.

This has got to be interesting.

“Speak and be heard.”

“Milady, I am Jameson, pig farmer. This is my pig Milly. This cruel man violated my Milly, then when I called him on it and told people he had a witch hex me! Look at my arms they are filled with boils!”

Enid looked at the other man whose eyes never left the stone floor. She was glad for centuries of experience in dealing with stupid crimes. She would have burst out laughing otherwise. Instead she maintained an air of seriousness.

Violated a pig? What on earth.

“I’m sorry but could you please, describe how you came to the conclusion that this man violated the pig in question?”

“Well I came out cause, I heard the pigs make a heck of a racket and there he was plain as day pants down his ankles and behind the Milly. And he was doing this.”

The man started thrusting his hips. Enid kept a straight face. The court chamber erupted into laughter and Enid was forced to hold up her hand.

“Silence, they came to be heard so we shall hear them. And the woman, why is she bound with a cloth over her head.”

“She’s the witch milady, she has the evil eye. She has commerce with the devil, seeing as she’s a bitter old woman whose husband left her. I want you to make her release the curse she put on me before you burn her at the stake.”

“Be careful with those kinds of accusations. They have a way of running away with themselves and hurting innocents. Pull the sack off so I can look upon her face.”

“No milady! She’ll kill us all with her vile gaze!”

“Nonsense, do as I ask, I’m getting tired of repeating myself today, someone’s going to be beheaded soon.”

One of the men holding the woman’s arm pulled the sack off. Her face had scar, the skin was swollen and covered one of her eyes. It was obvious it was from burns. Her good eye looked around the court in a panic. Enid stood and stepped forward putting her hand on the woman’s swollen cheek, she was perhaps thirty, if that. She looked into the good eye.

“Focus on me, be calm, I will hear your side. Be calm. Shh.”

The woman stopped hyperventilating and her arms went slack and she nodded.

“Good, just be calm while I get the rest of this sordid tale, gather your thoughts and I will hear you when you’re ready.”

The woman nodded. The bishop watched Enid actions intently. And whispered something to one of his priests who walked out. Enid continued standing, and picked up her sword pressing the point against the floor hands on the pommel folded over the pommel. The assembled audience seekers before her looked frightened now.

“Let us start from the beginning and then you can fill in the details I missed. Jameson, your complaint is that this man.”

She pointed to the bound one, he was perhaps sixteen, and lanky, not at all attractive.

“Had relations in the biblical sense, with your pig Milly. You then developed boils. How long after you chased him away and kept watch over your pigs, and how did you keep watch over them?”

“It was a fortnight milady, and I slept with them, no other way to be sure he wouldn’t do it again.”

Enid blew out, with a long sigh.

“That is a serious crime. I believe the bible says both the human and animal are to be burned. Is that correct your excellency?”

The bishop gave a nod. She glanced as the man who was bound scratched his crotch and thighs unabashed. One of the men behind him elbowed him sending him sprawling forward. He scrambled to his feet and looked around. His eyes were full of fear. Enid sighed.

Well the pig was violated there is no doubt. Farmer seems attached to the pig.

“Jamison, are you sure you saw the boy doing this thing? I would regret the loss of his life and the value of your pig over a mistake. Are you completely certain, swear to the lord our god that it was this boy with the pig? And that there was actual violation happening?”

Jameson scratched the back of his head. The gears slowly turning in his mortal mind.

“Well, no milady, if you put it that way.”

“Noted and how did you determine this was the witch he hired to curse you?”

“Because when we were hunting for him after the boils started, I knew he had cursed me, we found him there pants down. And her touching him like a woman shouldn’t it was ungodly!”

“So, you have no other proof that she is a witch that cursed you, then she was touching him with his pants down.”

“Aye hands all over him! It was ungodly, who but a witch would do such a thing, and have you seen her face? Burned by the fires of hell she was. Devil’s kiss! Why else would the boy be with such a beast?”

“Surely if you’re certain he violated your pig nothing is beneath such an ungodly monster.”

“But I have witnesses to her”

Enid held up her hand. She was growing more annoyed and her anger was showing. Those assembled started stop back. Even without using blood an imperial vampire’s rage was enough to cower weak willed mortals. She wasn’t there yet but the sense of fear was palpable in the room. Only three people were unaffected, the Bishop, Lord Henry and the accused witch. Enid forced herself to calm down.

“Silence, I’ve heard enough from your side, now the accused may speak. Make me silence you again there will be consequences.”

She looked to the accused man who was still bound. With two quick fluid strikes she cut his hands and feet free. Then moved back to her position standing with her palms on the pommel of her sword. He stared at her, eyes wide with fear.

“Tell me boy, why are you hear being accused of sticking your prick in a pig?”

The mood in the room lightened slightly, Henry’s lips curved in a half smile his eyes never leaving her. The bishop frowned, but a few townsfolk chuckled then jeered him on. Enid held up her hand and waved downwards, and the crowd silenced.

“Did you stick your tongue in as well and got it torn off, or are you going to tell us your story?”

There were more chuckles and she made another motion to silence them. He looked behind him and back to Enid. If his cheeks were any redder she’d swear his head would explode.

“Come now, you stand accused of a serious crime, violating another man’s pig, use this chance to speak in your defense or I’ll have to pass judgment based on his story alone.”

“Milady, I was, I mean, I thought it would cure me.”

“Oh, it must have been serious if you’re willing to risk your third leg to a pig, they are known to eat humans you know.”

“Well its just, I have trouble with women.”

Laughter erupted from the back of the room, Enid motioned for silence again.

“Let him speak in his defense, it’s his right.”

Enid motioned for him to continue.

“And well the others they said doing certain things with a pig would fix it.”

“How did that work out for you?”

“It didn’t, I got boils all over my bits.”

Enid smirked and nodded.

“Not very bright, are you? But that’s no crime. Now tell me did you actually succeed in violating this pig? Be truthful, and sure of your words, this is the sort of crime you will face torture and then a very painful death for. Be honest about your crime and I will be merciful.”

He was on his knees a this point. Enid walked forward sword in hand, lifting his chin looking him in the eye. He was shaking. She could smell his fear. Those gathered in the court became very silent. He shook his head but couldn’t look away from Enid’s piercing gaze.

“Speak up boy, did your prick actually penetrate the pig?”

“N… no… milady.”

Enid released his chin and sat back down in her chair crossing her legs. Laying the sword across her lap.

“Well then the only crimes you’ve committed are trespassing and disturbing a man’s livelihood. Lucky for you, you couldn’t get it up.”

She lifted her sword up straight then laid it back down causing the court to erupt in laughter once again. She motioned for silence.

“And the woman here, why did you go to see her?”

“She’s Cindie, she knows cures. I thought she might have something for them, they hurt something fierce milady.”

Enid glanced at Henry, he was smiling at her, admiration in his eyes. She spared him a small smile then turned back to the young man with the burning bits.

“What is your name?”

“Jacob, Jacob Mason.”

“Jacob are you sorry for attempting to violate the pig? Will you ever do it again?”

“Yes milady, I will never do it again, it hurts and even if it worked it weren’t worth the pain.”

“Jacob as restitution you will help Jameson clean his pigs and pig pen. And you’ll help him build a new pig pen in a different spot.”

“Jameson, wait after court I have something that will help with your boils, and give you something to wash the pigs down with. They’re diseased but it’s something that can be cured so you can sell their meat at market. You will need to move the pen and burn that area thoroughly with oil, if you require oil or funds to complete these tasks, speak to my seneschal he will see to it you’re provided enough. You can repay me when you are able. I will charge no interest I’m no moneylender. Your pigs are your lively hood I suggest you heed my words. Do you accept my judgment?”

“Yes milady. Yes, I do indeed if you can cure my boils and remove this curse.”

“Its not a curse, it’s a skin condition. Now retract your accusations against this woman she was only trying to treat the boy for the same condition which you both caught from your pigs.”

“I am sorry Milady, I was mistaken about this woman, she is no witch.”

“Remove her bindings.”

The men holding Cindie kept her tightly held.

“She’s dangerous milady!”

“You can’t just let a witch go free!”

“She’ll hex us all!”

Enid swung her sword and sliced through Cindie’s bindings. She then pointed the sword moving it between the two men.

“Cindie, why was the boy in your house?”

“I was helping him with his boils, milady.”

“What was he paying you?”

“He wasn’t paying, he needed help I was helping him.”

Enid nodded then looked between the five men who had accompanied Jamison. Leveling her blade at each in turn.

“You would have me torture this woman to extract a confession then burn her for the crime of showing mercy to her fellow man? What then should I do to you for invading her home, beating her, and kidnapping her? Tell me, out of the lot of you, who has committed the worst crime?”

The men all took a step back looking between each other. Lord Henry’s men filled in ranks behind them. Enid stepped forward towards them standing next to Cindie. She looked at Cindie.

“I am sorry these men kidnapped you and accused you of such heinous crimes. Please stay after court so we can talk further. If it pleases you.”

Cindie nodded. Enid motioned for Mary to approach and indicated the pair should go to her private chambers.

“You lot.”

She looked at the other men who came with Jameson.

“You should be ashamed, going on a witch hunt. Making such accusations, taking an innocent woman from her home. I should have you all whipped. But I won’t. Never do this again. Remember that Christ would rather us show mercy then provide sacrifice. If you have a concern about someone bring it to my attention and it will be handled properly. Go.”

She waved them away. Lord Henry’s men moved out of their way and they rushed from the court.

“Jacob, you stay with Jameson after court and I will give you something to tend to your boils as well. Don’t ever show up accused of something in my court again or I swear by god you will regret it. Don’t forget my mercy today, I’m sure the father will have more to say on the matter. Confession is your friend.”

She returned to her seat leaning the sword against the armrest. She nodded to her herald.

“Does anyone else have a concern to bring to the Countess’s attention today?”

No one else stepped forward. She leaned forward and whispered into his ear he nodded and rushed off. Then turned to address the crowd.

“Thank you for coming everyone, I bid you good day.”

The seneschal appeared in the chambers beyond the court chambers with other servants and began handing out fresh bread. Enid stood picked up her pack and moved towards Jacob and Jameson. She dug through it as she walked pulling out several pouches wish she placed on the table and began to mix them. She handed both a pouch.

“Mix a handful with water, rub the paste on, leave it to dry and wash it off the next day, do it for the rest of the week, should you run out come to the keep and request more, I’ll have it prepared, and pray. Won’t cure you but you both need to have a long conversation with god. Come back two days from now and I’ll have the mixture ready for the pigs.”

She waved them away and turned to find Henry still in the court chambers leaning on a pillar arms crossed. He smiled as she approached.

“Milady you are a font of wisdom the likes of which I’ve never witnessed. You can best me in battle, you know the ways of a cunning woman, and you have a wit to match your blade skills. Then to hear the farmer whose wife you saved say it, the voice of an angel and a healing touch.”

“Lord Henry, the only thing in that statement that was true is that I can best you in battle.”

Henry chuckled.

“You know peasants. Its either magic, a miracle or the devil. You handled court well, I am truly impressed you have the stoic composure of a statue when you need, yet you can also be compassionate and sensitive. You’re truly an angel given human form I think.”

If he’d ever met one he’d not think them so nice.

“You should be less cruel with your words, Angels are hardly angels. They’re kind of assholes.”

“Whatever do you mean milady?”

“Pay me no mind Lord Henry, just out of sorts, I despise court, it is boring and I get frustrated with people’s inability to solve their own problems, it’s always Lady help me, god help me. I just want to cry, no help yourselves first!”

Lord Henry laughed again.

“You are truly a lady after my own heart. You had no need to challenge me last night, or that boy today but you did because you needed that to get your blood flowing. You aren’t some meek lady content to sit by the side of a man and serve him.”

“Never have been.”

“Tell me countess, are you bound by a betrothal?”

“No, why do you ask?”

“Oh, I assumed such a majestic beauty as yourself would have been since a young age.”

“Hardly, my father was too scared of me!”

“Of that I have no doubt, a woman like you would scare most men away.”

He glanced up noticing Mary waving to Enid.

“I believe you are being summoned milady, do not let me keep you from your guests. I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality and the entertainment today.”

Henry bowed, Enid nodded and move towards Mary.

“Milady, Cindie she seems to be panicking, you should come quickly.”

Enid sighed, it had been too long, and her influence had waned.

“Thank you, Mary, go about your other duties bring something to eat and drink in an hour or so please.”

Enid moved into her private meeting chamber. Cindie was pacing back and forth. She looked about to faint.

“Cindie, thank you for waiting.”

“Are you going to burn me? Why are you keeping me here?”

“No, never Cindie, you’re here under my protection.”

“I don’t know how you did that back there but I’m no common folk, I’m a cunning woman and I know you spelled me with magic.”

“You are right, I did use a charm to calm you down, because if I hadn’t you might have done something rash and that would be all the bishop would need to accuse you of real witchcraft and I could never let a fellow cunning woman suffer that fate.”

“You are no cunning woman; You have such power. I can feel it radiating from you. You are a sorceress!”

“Shh, shh, would not do for the Bishop or his men to hear such talk will it?”

“You’re right milady.”

“Let us sit and talk.”

“Why would milady use her time like that?”

“Because you were dragged from your home, held captive, they didn’t harm you, otherwise did they?”

“No, they dared not I told them I’d make their bits shrivel off.”

Enid genuinely laughed.

“Hardly going to help if you end up on trial for witchcraft. Which will not do either of us any good. How old are you Cindie?”

“Twenty-three seasons, milady. The years have not been kind.”

“How did you come to be burned on the face?”

Cindie looked at the floor and shifted in her seat.

“When I was a young girl I didn’t know to hide my gift, and my father caught me using it, and pushed my face into the fire. Told me that he was trying to cleanse me of the devil’s taint.”

“I’m so sorry. I think I might know something of your gift and it may mean we’re related in a fashion. I might be able to fix the damage, but it will be painful and there is a cost.”

“There always is, that is how it works. Balance must be maintained. How could we be related I sense the royalty in your blood. The dynasty that has spanned all time and before.”

“Yes, that is my second father’s blood. But I’m talking about my other blood, you see I have the same gift you do, see the truth in things, get glimpses of the future. I’ve always had it long before the rest. My father abused my gift for his own power. My other father has used me to hunt criminals for centuries. We will always be feared and used by men.”

“You speak the truth. You are truly ancient.”

“And I am no sorceress, the power I wield is the power stored in my blood.”

“You are vampyr.”

“Yes, I knew you would notice which is why I kept you here, its something the Bishop, the townsfolk, my servants, and the world of large cannot know.”

“You mean to kill me if I say no to your offer.”

“Yes, that is also true. I hold no grudge against you but the Covenants are involatile and must never be broken again.”

“I see a great fire scorching a city of marble.”

“Yes, Nero burned Rome to destroy my kind, he failed, but he came close, many of my family died.”

“Death might be better than suffering like this.”

“Oh, the flesh is easy to fix once you’re a vampire, as a mortal it would kill you.”

“You mean to turn me?”

“Yes, like I said there is a cost, you will be turned and trained in the ways of the Seer, how to enforce the covenants. In return you’ll have everlasting life, your face will be beautiful once again and you’ll be above all others on this earth save the royal family and council. But you’ll be a woman apart. If you decline, I will kill you, this is not a threat, just the reality of the situation. In many ways your gift is a curse and this one of them. I can’t have you wandering about like you are. The cost either way is death, I cannot tell you what lays at the end of the other path, that’s something my sister would have known more of if she were not already dead again. At the end of the other, you will be bound to me, you will need to feed on blood, no more shall the sun warm your face gently, and servitude. Along with that is a certain amount of freedom, everlasting life and power beyond your wildest dreams. Touch my face and see.”

Cindie touched Enid’s cheek and her good eye rolled back. Her hand released Enid and she leaned heavily on the table.

“So much power at your fingertips, so much death. How do you not play god?”

“I live by the Covenants and when they show no guidance, I live by the example my second father and mother provided.”

“You are offering this to me? How do you know I’m worthy?”

“Cindie, I have the same gift you do, I see into your soul and I know.”

“It is as much a curse as a gift.”

“That is the truth.”

“You’ve seen so much.”

“That is also true.”

“Let me think it over.”

Enid nodded and put her hand over Cindie’s mouth and whispered.

“Mary is coming with food.”

Soon afterward the door opened, and she motioned a servant to put down a tray. He stared at Cindie’s disfigured face. Mary tugged him out of the room, and Enid could hear her chastising the whole way out of her private chambers.


Enid picked up a piece of bread and ate it, taking a sip of wine afterwards.

“But you’re…you cannot…”

“Some of the legends are true for some of us, most aren’t for my kind.”

“That would explain what else I saw.”

“What did you see?”

“A child of both life and death. And a silver fruit.”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it was the clearest image of all of them, and a woman of darkness whispering that she would take her due for this favor.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

“Her name is Lilith and she is the reason I still live. She has her hand in this Narfordshire business. I knew that clueless idiot couldn’t make a Strix on his own. It’s the darkest of blood magics. I’d hoped it was some new moon, accidental thing, and now he’s dead so I can’t ask him. Well played you old hag.”

“You killed the monster hunting the dark of night. I saw that too. It nearly killed you.”

“Yes, it was far more powerful than it had any right to be being so young. That kind of power I wouldn’t have expected until it had been hunting for centuries.”

“She must have fed it, and she must have been here, or is here. That cagey bitch.”

“Are you sure you should be speaking of her like that, she is very powerful. I can sense that. The kind of power created by eons of rage.”

“If she’s offended, she can blow it out her fucking crusted over she-bitch hole. It’s about the only thing that can come out of there.”

Enid had descended into a mix of Latin and the pictish language when she started making up new names for Lilith. Cindie’s eye widened at the stream of profanity leaving Enid’s lips.

“Sorry, she is a manipulative…being of pure evil, she managed to get my father to execute my sister and got my husband to help. Curse them both.”

Enid took another swig of the wine and chewed on more bread. Not what she wanted to be biting at the moment, but it would do.

“I have made up my mind, but I will not be able to be trained by you, one will come with a message and you’ll send me with her.”

“I sensed that too. Then tonight we will turn you, after I’ve had my servant gather food. I have just the men in mind.”

“As you say.”

“Go outside, enjoy the summer sun, it will be the last time you can.”

Enid rang the bell again, and a few minutes later Mary showed up.

“Mary, take Cindie to my private gardens and stay with her, and ensure no one bothers her. Not even the Bishop.”

“Yes milady.”

Enid leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. She ran through the faces of those she’d met while in Narfordshire.

Which one was her?

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