《The Children of Atlantis.》Narfordshire - 1200's - Part 5 - The Bishop and The Knight
Narfordshire – The Bishop and The Knight
Enid was reading one of Odocar’s numerous books on theological doctrine the library was getting thin after three months of monotony. She heard a pounding at the door. She listened for the footsteps of her lady in waiting and the creak of the heavy oak door. William had suggested taking her on and a couple of other mortal servants to keep up appearance. Enid closed the book and placed it on the table beside her throne. She ensured Bloodseeker was concealed properly behind the chair and sat down, crossing her legs and adjusting her posture to seem the perfect young noblewoman. Enid closed her eyes and focused on the voices of her servant and the visitor.
“Your excellency the Lady is in her court. Shall I announce you?”
Bishop, already? I thought it would take more than three months.
“No child, go attend your duties.”
Enid waited for the doors to swing open and they did. The bishop hadn’t been what she expected. She was accustomed to men fat off the donations of their gullible sheep, but he was lean, muscular. He was older, with greying hair. He wore his vestments well. He was flanked by two priests and outside her court she saw two armed men. Enid stood moving down off the dais. She tried to recall proper decorum for such an occasion. The bishop stopped in front of her offering his ecclesiastical ring.
To bad I can’t just kill them all and be done with this charade.
Enid went down on one knee and kissed the ring.
“Gloria in excelsis Deo, your grace. Deo gratias.”
The bishop pulled his hand back. Enid took her seat on the dais.
“Your Latin is excellent child. Were you tutored in it?”
“My father insisted we speak only Latin at home.”
“Is he here child?”
“No, he still resides in his castle in the highlands. He bid me come and maintain my uncle’s lands in his name until he finds a suitable match for me.”
The bishop looked at Enid intently.
“You don’t move like a spoiled nobleman’s daughter and your hands are calloused, am I to believe you are who you say you are?”
“Your grace, I am who I say I am, if not my word, take my uncles.”
Enid produced a scroll, the wax seal had the impression of Odocar’s ring, and was signed by himself and the local priest. One of the bishop’s retinue moved forward and took the paper and read it aloud. He then spoke in an Italian dialect.
“That is Father Leon’s signature your excellency.”
Enid replied in the same dialect.
“It most certainly is, Father.”
The bishop raised his eyebrow.
“You are quite the linguist for such a young woman.”
“My father thought it was best I know how to speak several languages, your grace.”
“And did he also see fit to teach you in the ways of war?”
“Yes, he did your grace.”
“The story the Tanner tells of you cutting down a giant hell hound were not as fanciful as we were led to believe?”
“It was hardly a hell hound your grace, just a large dog that had gone rabid, though it was black as pitch and I’m sure the Tanner was delirious from his injury. There was quite a lot of blood.”
“And the tanner’s daughter told us of you tending to the poor man’s wounds. For one so young you are quite accomplished.”
“My mother believed a woman should know how to tend to her husband should he be injured in battle. We scots are have war in our blood or so she said. Bless her soul.”
“Then the people of Narfordshire are lucky to have you as their liege.”
“I do not know about that, your grace, I only hope I can serve them as well as my uncle until such time as a suitable match can take over so I can get on with the business of being a mother and wife.”
“I see you aspire to be a godly woman then.”
“Of course, your grace.”
“Have your men investigated the fire at the church, or the attack on the templar garrison?”
“I am sad to say my retinue were killed trying to assist the templars. There was one witness who escaped the templar garrison, her name is Katherine and she has been taken in by a local merchant and his wife who were childless. She told a story of dark-skinned men, I assume she was describing Saracens, I’ve never seen one in person, but I’d imagine that is what they were. I wrote everything she described down, in hopes she would not have to be interrogated further. She watched her mother get cut down the poor girl.”
Enid rang the bell that sat beside her on a small table. Her lady in waiting arrived quickly.
“Mary, please go get the sealed scroll that has the templar’s mark on it from the study. Hurry we must not keep the bishop waiting.”
“And the church, do you have any information on what happened?”
“Alas we have not been able to find out much. I have a suspicion however, my uncle passed two days before, and his men abandoned their posts and stole valuables. One of the townsfolk let me know that one of my uncle’s men, Thomas, was seen selling what appeared to be a gold chalice that could be used for the sacrament. In the next village over. The merchant seedy as he was wanted no part of it and Thomas was on his way. But with my men dead and, my uncles having abandoned his post I’ve had no one to go check on it and as much as I think myself quite capable, riding off to chase down a hardened soldier seems like a terrible idea.”
“Worry not child, I have brought men with me and will send them to investigate. We will track these godless heathens down.”
Mary returned offering a rolled stack of parchment to the bishop. She curtsied and left. The bishop broke the seal and began reading.
“Your written Latin and penmanship rivals that of some of our monks, I gather your father was exacting in that too.”
“Yes, your grace, he was known to say, God created you, and anything you do is a reflection of how you use that gift, nothing short of perfection will please him.”
“Your father sounds like a wise man.”
“And very demanding, your grace.”
“This seems very comprehensive. I should not need to bother the girl further.”
“I appreciate that your grace, she has been through quite a lot.”
“I have a missive from the pope, he bid I provide it to your uncle, but with is passing it would fall on you.”
He waved one of the priests forward he offered Enid a leather case. Enid took then end off and looked over the parchment, it did bear the papal seal.
“My estate is at your disposal, your grace. I have had one of the priests from a nearby village come and provide mass at the chapel, I assume this will no longer be necessary?”
“Of course, a priest has been sent with me from Rome to take up the position permanently.”
“Also, your grace if you will indulge me for one more brief moment. This is towards the repair of the church and I hope, to increase its size, I have made arrangements to have extra land granted for it.”
Enid lifted a chest from under the table, and presented it to the bishop who took it, placing it on the ground and opened it.
“Child, this is quite generous.”
“I feel somewhat responsible as it was my being delayed that led my Uncle’s men to get free of their contracts. And led to the destruction. A church is a spiritual center of a community, how can we hope to be godly without it?”
“Child, you are blessed with a kind and generous soul.”
“I have little in the way of servants, but any service they or myself can be to you, I offer freely in the service of God.”
Enid rang the bell again and her lady in waiting came in.
“Please see to it the Bishop and his retinue are feed, and ensure their rooms are prepared.”
“Thank you, Lady Sarah, we shall rest our weary feet and leave you to your duties.”
“No, thank you, your grace for blessing our humble town with your presence.”
Her lady in waiting closed the doors to the room on their way out and Enid collapsed back in the chair. Rolling her eyes.
I need to wash my mouth out.
She sighed and lifted the book she had been reading and picked up where she left off.
Best to keep a distance from the bishop, no point in tempting fate.
She was another two hours into the book when she heard a knock on the door.
Enid sighed, she hadn’t meant to sound so angry. She heard her lady in waiting’s heart beat speed up. Imperial vampires could kill a mortal by fear alone if they were angry enough. She marked her place in the book and placed it down. Adjusting to a more civil tone.
“I’m sorry, I meant what do you need.”
The doors opened and her lady in waiting, along with the tanner’s daughter entered, both looking white as sheets.
“Milady, Rosealyn, the tanner’s daughter requested an audience and I didn’t think it would do any harm, please, we can come back later.”
Mary looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here, the same look was mirrored on Rosealyn’s face. Enid waved them forward straightening up in her chair.
“Come in, I’m sorry I have a headache. Too much reading. How can I help you today Rosealyn? Your father is in good health is he not?”
“Well, yes, milady, I was wondering, that is to say, if you, no I’m sorry I shouldn’t have bothered you milady.”
Rosealyn curtsied hurriedly.
“You’ve already disturbed my reading, speak and be heard.”
“I was wondering if, you would, teach me how to be a healer, like you are.”
Enid laughed, then laughed some more. Mary and Rosealyn looked at each other and seemed about to flee. Enid held up her hand, as she calmed herself.
“Inside joke, I apologize. I will have to think that over Rosealyn, it took me several years to master and it is my hope I will not be here that long. If I leave your education half finished, you’d do more harm than good. And to be honest I’m a much better killing people then fixing them. Come back tomorrow at first light, I’ll have an answer. And Mary I don’t care if the pope himself comes to the door, don’t disturb me further today.”
“Yes milady, the girls said in unison.”
Enid stood after they had left and sealed the doors. She folded her hands behind her backs and paced.
Mother would want me to help her learn. Pass the knowledge on so it can help people. She used to say that she can only mend one person at a time, but if she teaches five people, then she is mending ten people at a time. I always thought she was bad at math.
Enid sat cross legged on the floor and opened her pack, pulling out the scrolls on healing her mother had given her, the remedies, the treatments. She no longer needed them, she used the tablet father had given her, and had long since put them in it, but the feel of the parchment, the intricacies her mother’s handwriting. She’d have to translate it from Greek. Hopefully the girl could read otherwise it would take far longer to impart her knowledge. She gathered up the parchment and made her way to her study. She’d have to make a copy in Latin, in a book, something that gathered the knowledge her mother had passed on in one place so that she could pass it to Rosealyn.
“Lady Sarah, I don’t believe I’ve ever witnessed a woman who was so studious or quick with a translation between Greek and Latin. Those parchments look ancient. What do they contain?”
Enid looked up to see the Bishop staring at her. She laid her quill down.
“They are Roman, Greek, Egyptian, and earlier groups, studies on remedies for injuries and ailments. They are so old I decided it was time to put them in a bound book, before they crumbled to dust. They belonged to my mother before she passed, she did the original translations.”
“I am impressed with your intellect, and your breadth of knowledge. Would you consider returning to Rome with me when our business is concluded here? We have a large wealth of information of our ancient past, and few who are skilled at understanding or translating them. You would be richly rewarded, provided you have knowledge of Hebrew and the other Jewish dialects and languages. The pope has offered a rich reward for anyone who can translate a set of scrolls that were found.”
Enid scrunched her toes inside her silk shoes. Then forced her cheeks to become flush.
Must not tell him to go fuck himself.
“Oh, your grace, I am speechless at such an offer, to think I could service the church in such a way. I wish I could, but I promised my father, and my uncle I would serve the people of Narfordshire, and I never break my word.”
“That is sad news.”
“If the Holy see is in such a need, perhaps you could send for them to be brought here? I understand they are rare and priceless and irreplaceable; I would surely love to serve the church in such a way, your grace. I am indeed fluent in reading and speaking the languages you described.”
Stupid, stupid, why are you offering to help the church! Because you’re curious what they say you idiot.
“When I send word back to the holy father, I will mention I found someone who may be able to do the translations but is unable to travel to Rome. He is very interested in having them translated and has searched for several years to find someone who could.”
“I hope your confidence in me is well placed, your grace.”
The bishop nodded and moved on. Enid continued copying. She could feel the night coming on.
I cannot wait to get out of here.
The moment Enid sensed the sun dip below the horizon she slipped out one of the secret exits Odocar had installed in the Estate. Too a casual observer she was wearing a simple tunic and breeches, but under them she wore her familiar armor and on her hip was Bloodseeker. She had no reason to go out she was flush with blood.
Freedom. However brief.
She slipped into the stables and found Noctus munching on hey, she gently patted his flank.
“The bishop’s horses treating you well?”
Noctus nuzzled her hand and pressed his head against her chest.
“I haven’t forgotten it’s time to feed you.”
Enid bit her palm and offered it to Noctus who lapped at it, she let him drink for a few minutes and then willed the wound closed.
“I would love to take you for a ride tonight, feel the wind on our faces. But with the Bishops men camped outside it would look suspicious. So how about we just stay here and groom you.”
Enid held her hands out and Noctus lifted his rear hoof and she started to scrub it out. Noctus flicked a bit. She laughed.
“Playful tonight aren’t we.”
Noctus neighed in response.
“Hey, who’s in there?”
Enid glanced behind her. It was a young man, wearing a full suit of chain, he had a mace propped on his shoulder and he had a swagger about him. He wore the tabard of King Edward, not the bishop. Maybe he was newly arrived. Noctus snorted and stomped his front hooves.
“That’s the lady’s horse you scamp, are you trying to steal it?”
The man is either has no idea about horse mannerisms, or he’s an idiot.
Noctus stomped his front hooves again, Enid sensed he was getting ready for a charge. He was a warhorse through and through, probably trained charger for the calvary. Enid placed her hand on Noctus’s nose, closed her eyes willing him to be calm. He let out one more snort of annoyance then stopped stomping. Enid felt a hand on her shoulder. Her body reacted instantly. Muscle memory’s draw back is sometimes the body moves before the mind catches up. Her hand wrapped around his wrist and she stepped back and in a fluid motion the knight was on the ground with her sword tip pressed against his neck. He stared up, his eyes wide. She paused there for a few seconds. Then stepped backwards and sheathed her sword. He pushed himself back across the dirt reaching for his mace. He stood, grabbing the shaft of the mace with both hands.
“You dare attack a knight. You’ll be hung for this.”
“I have my doubts that will happen.”
“Show your face boy. I want to know who I need to execute.”
I shouldn’t be doing this. Calm Noctus, calm.
“Make me.”
Enid gave a come get me motion with her hand. The knight gave a howl of rage and she spun to the side and his mace hit dirt and he stumbled off balance.
“So how did you become a knight? Did they see a stable boy and say, hey he’s alive, let’s make him a knight? A real knight would have just had me there.”
The knight growled, swinging the mace upwards. Enid ducked under it and slipped in behind him kicking him in the ass.
“Lot of padding there, guess you spend more time eating then training.”
“I will end you.”
The knight stepped back adjusting his footing into a better fighting stance. Holding the mace in both hands then he feinted forward then jogged to the right and swing the mace in a powerful swing. Enid ducked under the blow and danced around him, grabbing his left arm and twisting enough the mace when flying deeper into the stable.
“Maybe you should try a sword, mace seems like it was a little complicated for you.”
He drew his sword. Enid could see the blind rage in his face and he charged at her. She danced to the side of his blow and elbowed him in the back sending him stumbling forward. He caught himself before he fell on his face.
“Wow could you imagine how embarrassing this would be if I had my sword out?”
“You’re no common thief, you’re an assassin sent to kill the Bishop or the Lady.”
“If I were, they’d be as good as dead with a lout like you standing watch. Here let me get my sword out, maybe you can learn something before I hang you from the rafters in one of the Lady’s dresses. You might want to call for help. If one boy is too much for you to handle. Or do you like boys?”
Enid drew Bloodseeker, who she could feel yearning to feed. She forced her will upon him. Her grin was concealed by her hood. Then made a come get me motion with the sword.
“You will pay for that peasant.”
“Don’t make go making promises you have no way of keeping.”
The knight growled again and charged Enid parried the blow with ease. He struck again and again, and each blow Enid parried. She let him attack again and again. The noise had attracted an audience of sorts, several of the bishops men-at-arms had rushed to the stable entrance but stopped when they saw the pair crossing swords. Enid spoke quietly as the knight panted after exerting himself with so many quick blows.
“You can stop now, no need for me to embarrass you in front of the men, hmm?”
The men seeing his exhaustion started to move forward to join the fight. The knight waved them back, speaking between ragged breaths.
“He’s mine stay back!”
“Come on man, you’re exhausted let them help so I can embarrass the lot of you.”
“No, I will finish you myself.”
“You’re funeral.”
The knight having caught his breath lunged forward again Enid reposted, then grabbed his arm and spun him around slapping him in the ass with the flat of her blade.
“You’re strikes are clumsy and too slow. Do you even know how to use that thing?”
“Are you going to fight, or talk my ear off boy?”
“Oh, you want me to try? Should I use my off hand, or my main one? I wouldn’t want to insult you by not giving it my all.”
“Cease chattering and fight like a man if you’re able.”
Enid attacked with blinding speed, her stabbing attack sliced through the chain near the knight’s abdomen and she sliced downwards. She was careful not to injure him. A glowing red blood seeker would have to end in everyone’s deaths. She hadn’t intended for the fight to last this long. There were gasps from the doorway and weapons were drawn. The knight didn’t slow and attacked her with an overhead swing. Enid parried the blow then disarmed him sending the sword flying. She then slipped past the knight kicked the back of his knees. Forcing him to kneel. The blade of bloodseeker was at his throat.
“Yield, Sir Knight. You have been bested.”
“Death first!”
Enid sighed.
Maybe one of these centuries I’ll understand why men are so idiotic and proud.
The men at the door wavered, then were startled when someone spoke behind them.
“Milady, if you’re done sparing, we’ve received word that one of the farmer’s wives is in labor and it is going badly, and the midwife was recently killed by the rabid wolf.”
Enid nodded. Releasing her hold on the knight. He fell forward on all fours his hand rubbing his neck.
“William get my pack and have someone ride ahead to the tanner’s house, I’ll need his daughter’s help.”
Enid pulled back her hood and offered her hand to the knight who stared up at her.
“Sir Knight, I apologize we have to end our dual, I’ve a baby to deliver.”
The knight took her hand and pulled himself up. His face a deep red. The men at the stable entrance all took a knee.
“Milady, Had I known.”
Enid laughed.
“Well that wouldn’t have been any fun would it?”
She sheathed Bloodseeker and started getting Noctus saddled. The knight stared at Enid the whole time.
“Are you trying to catch horse flies, Sir Knight?”
Enid tugged on the leather straps of the saddle with one hand while patting Noctus’s side with the other. The knight blinked a few times.
“I’m sorry milady, I believe I hit my head while we were sparring. You shouldn’t be travelling at night alone; I shall prepare my horse as well.”
Noctus snorted and neighed. Enid laughed patting Noctus again.
You said it boy, you said it.
“Are you sure you’re okay to ride that horse it looks quite spirited and untamed.”
“Noctus is a warhorse he’s supposed to be aggressive and spirited. Aren’t you boy? Now go wait in the courtyard. She patted his rear and Noctus trotted outside and waited for her. As for you Sir Knight, perhaps you stay here and rest. I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
Enid walked out of the stable, William was waiting with her pack and she strapped it to Noctus’s saddle. She hopped in the saddle and urged Noctus on.
“Come Noctus, run like the wind, let us see if we can save a life instead of taking one tonight.”
She spared a glance back towards the knight who had his helmet off. He wasn’t an ugly man, quite the opposite.
Not bad, not bad at all probably tasty too.
Enid galloped off into the night.
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