《The Children of Atlantis.》Narfordshire 1200's - Part 4 - Court Night


Narfordshire – Court Night

Enid sat in the rebuilt throne of Odocar, her legs crossed Bloodseeker leaning against the left side of her seat, she was wearing a green silk gown. She spared a withering glance to her right where William Smith stood. The looked to the vampire in front of her.

“I am Desemir, child of Erik, who was begotten by Toran, who was begotten by Titus, who was begotten by Descis, who was begotten by Hesiod of Sparta.”

Desemir flourished a bow. Enid nodded to him.

I was done after the first three went through two names, these Pugmentia sure are full of themselves and their linages. Suppose I should return the favor.

Enid stood.

“I am Enid, daughter of Sextus, Emperor of the vampires, begotten by himself in times before history, wife to Lucius, Crown prince of our empire. Thank you all for coming.”

She sat down and leaned back crossing her legs. The gathered vampires looked at each other. Their confusion and fear evident for the briefest of moments. Enid glanced up at William. He stepped forward.

“Her majesty the crown princess of the empire, has invited you here to discuss the status of Narfordshire and the vampires who dwell within. Please feel free to bring forward your concerns so she may hear them.”

A woman stepped forward, based on her introduction her name was Agnes, she was perhaps decade turned, and in her forties before so, the dress she wore didn’t suit her calloused hands.

Must have been a peasant farmer’s wife. She worked for a living.

William bowed and stepped back. The woman hesitated as she was about to speak.

“Spit it out.”

Enid glared at Agnes. Not bothering to conceal her annoyance at the pomp and ceremony.

“I apologize but I’m unsure of how to address you.”

“Does it matter?”

William seemed to sense his mistress’s annoyance and spoke up.

“Milady will suffice.”

Agnes nodded to William. She looked up at Enid, still seeming quite hesitant.

“Milady, I’ve a concern, the revenant has it been dealt with?”

“Yes Agnes, I killed it last night.”

Enid patted the pommel of Bloodseeker. Agnes tripped backwards a step.

Hilarious, well it’s not going to be her in charge when I leave.

“Thank you, Milady.”

Agnes fumbled through a clumsy curtsey and took her place again.

Another vampire stepped forward who looked expectantly at William, who quickly stepped up seeming to realize he’d breached court decorum.


“The court of her royal highness recognizes, Gawain.”

“Your highness, Please let me say for all the vampires of this fair township how glad we are to have you here in these trying times, and that you were able to clean up the mess caused by our previous leadership so quickly with so little harm to ourselves and our town. We hope that her highness would understand that we were not involved in any of it and would beg forgiveness for any transgression we may have inadvertently caused in service to our previous Lord and his rashness.”

Someone is kissing up. How I hate brainless lackeys who assume I’m brainless.

Enid blinked slowly, choosing this time to stand and pick up Bloodseeker stroking the red silk of the hilt. Gawain stood tall, but she could see the fear in his eyes. She looked to the twelve vampires assembled in a semi-circle, meeting each one’s gaze briefly.

“As you know, I’m a Seer, some call us Reapers. Know that we don’t revel in bloodshed, nor do we kill indiscriminately. And we take into consideration extenuating circumstances. You are each a citizen of our glorious five-thousand-year-old empire. You each have rights, as did each citizen of Rome. Until you give up those rights by violating the Covenants we live by. Even then you have a right to be judged fairly by your actions and have a right to a fair trial by the Imperial council. I want to be very clear, I’m not here to rid this area of pugmentia, Children of Lilith if you prefer. My only concern is stability and the continuation of leadership. Until the Imperial council decides on a successor to Lord Ococar of Savia, I will remain to keep order and ensure you are protected. Unlike my brother and father, I have no ill will towards your bloodline. I promise to be as fair and even handed as possible. And we will hope for a swift decision by the council so you can get things back to normal, and I can continue with my real job, keeping our kind safe from the humans.”

“Has there been any word from the council, your highness?”

Enid frowned, leaning Bloodseeker on her throne again and folded her hands behind her back.

“No, they are politicians who have been politicians for millennia, they debate endlessly and will likely send a messenger rather than use blood magic. To notify us. Or perhaps my Husband will slow progress to annoy me. We are all stuck in this together, so let us make the most of it.”


“Excellent your royal highness.”

Gawain flourished a deep bow and stepped back. Another of the vampires stepped forward. He wore a black silk tunic, was fairly broad shouldered. His hair was blonde with streaks of grey in it, a think beard graced his chin. He didn’t bow. William spoke up.

“The court recognizes Einar.”

“Milady, what will become of the territories that belonged to the former Lord, his spawn, and Richard?”

“I take it you’re interested?”

“Yes milady, they are prime feeding spots, and with the church burnt down the land could be valuable.”

“The territories that once belonged to Lord Ococar will be maintained by myself and fall to my successor who can do with them what they will. The territories that belonged to Richard, will go to William once I have released him from his tirocinium. Any territories that belonged to Joiten and others who died to the strix will be distributed based on merit. Prove you’re worthy and I will ensure you are rewarded.”

Enid sat back down in the throne.

“As it should be milady.”

Einar stepped back. William glanced at Enid, she nodded.

“Does any other vampire have an issue to speak?”

William looked around the room, none stepped forward.

“Her majesty will address the assembled guests.”

Enid closed her eyes feeling the wood of the chair under fingers. She could feel every detail of the surface with her enhanced senses. She had used such things to calm her over the centuries. She opened her eyes.

“Narfordshire has had a rough time of late. The church being destroyed and the templar garrison, and the killings, they are all going to draw attention to it. The church will want the king to step in so we can expect a high noble to show up with troops, and we can also likely expect a bishop or a cardinal with their own personal forces to show up. Things are going to be very busy here so we must be careful with feeding, watchful of what is going on around us. I have set myself up as Odocar’s mortal niece and heir. When the church forces and representatives show up I will invite them to stay at the estate.”

Enid paused, letting her words sink in, she heard several gasps and smiled.

“Do not worry, unlike you I am able to pass more easily as a mortal, Imperials are flush, warm to the touch and do not sleep during the day. I can survive exposure to the sun. And as you all now know holy relics and their bearers have no effect on any of us. I encourage you all to provide funds so I can provide a larger donation to the church. The church was the center of this community, we need to ensure it is repaired quickly, and if possible built larger. A bigger church means more traffic, more trade, and more people, so we have more food.”

Enid met each vampires gaze.

“With the destruction we wrought last night we have a chance to lay a foundation for a solid population. The more funds we provide the more workers the church will bring in, and the more funds will be spent in the town. With the increase in people, we are better hidden. And if the local business which each of you have a hand in were to profit, you will profit. Any money put towards the church is an investment into the future of your territory. I have no respect or love for the church and their ilk, but the people are slaves to it.”

Enid looked down and back up.

“Finally, by donating to the church we put ourselves above suspicion. Good people donate to the church, cursed creatures of the night would never do such a thing. I leave the decision to you.”

Enid looked at each vampire on final time.

“In short, once the investigators arrive be careful and cautious. Don’t leave town, just act normally and ensure any of your blood slaves are kept on a tight leash. Leave the rest to me. Have a fair evening.”

The assembled vampires started to take their leave and Enid collapsed back in her chair. When the last had left the estate she turned to William.

“At this rate I’ll cut my own head off, so I don’t have to be nursemaid to them any longer.”

William nodded and smiled.

“Yes, milady.”

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