《Freaks and Slashers》Hey Howdy Hey! (author note)


So, you may have noticed that I just dumped the last couple of chapters, and there're a couple of reasons for that, however, before I get into it, I'd like to really quickly just thank all of you who've supported this project, you've certainly reinvigorated my love of RoyalRoad.

Anyway, first things first, this ended up taking waaay longer than it was supposed to, not least of all because of my dumb ass thinking I could skip chapters without repercussions causing extended delays between chapter posting, this has gone from a month-long to a 3 month-long project.

I don't mind, of course, but this is my job and I kind of need to make money off it :P

This was never really supposed to be a serialized or ongoing/perpetual project. Yes, I will be posting the sequel's chapters in this fiction, but Freaks and Slashers is straight up a series of novels that I started in August 2020 with the intention of releasing Halloween 2020... and then February 2021... and then Halloween 2021. As you can see, it's been going very well.

Secondly, and I suppose finally, I wanted you guys to have full access to the story before I need to take it down and post on Amazon (with Kindle Unlimited), and seeing as my edits and cover are now being finalized, I figured I should just drop it all at once to give you all the best chance of reading through it (still won't come down for a few days at least, but still).

Beyond all that, thank you all so much for your reviews and kind words, and I'll be sure to start posting something that actually works in a perpetual format soon :P

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