《Another World Trip: Journey with My Cat and an Otaku Loli Goddess》Chapter 26 - Suffering From A Lack of Common Sense


“Young master Xue!”

“Who are you!? Remove your foot from the face of the young master this instant!”

“Well hello everyone, my name is Long Di, thank you for asking, and I would like to keep my foot where it is if you don’t mind.”

I looked at everyone as they all looked at me as if I was… not well. I’ve been getting those types of looks a lot lately.

Uncle Tian Lu was looking at me and everyone else with a smirk. I think he’s gloating about the fact that everyone else has to deal with me. Great, that’s the OP element that I was going for.

“I don’t care who the hell you are! If you don’t move your leg, I will cut it off!” One of the two 6 Star Core Martial Masters threatened.

“First of all, you were the ones that asked me my name, I’m simply answering. If we can’t have a normal conversation, this is going to be very difficult.”

“G-Get your foot off of me!”

“Quick question, how are you able to talk with my foot in your face? I’m not insulting you or anything, I’m genuinely interested.” I asked him when I saw the so-called young master.

His face was getting red with veins stretching across it. I wondered if this was some obscure communication method. Either that or he must be one of those ugly young masters.


The aura of a peak Cauldron Forging realm burst out as his 9 red high ranked Cauldrons appeared!

Based on what feeling, I’m guessing he’s using that as some way to get me off. Well, his face does look nasty, so I’m gonna move it.

Seeing that he was able to ‘move me,’ he quickly tried to regain the same haughty look he had before.

“So it turned out to be a human!? Tch! I never thought that your sect could fall any lower, but for you to accept a human into your ranks. How pitiful!”

Upon realising that their young master was free, one of the 6 Star Core members immediately moved to take Long Di down before he was stopped by Xue Zi.

“I want to take him down myself or I won’t be able to wash away this shame. Once I trample over him, I’ll just go back to their sorry excuse of a sect and destroy it! Hey human, prepare yourself!”

“Not gonna lie, you’re sounding pretty racist there,” Long Di said while looking at him.


“Racist?” Xue Zi appeared genuinely confused by the word and was even beginning to feel a little sorry for what he said.

Wait a minute, he’s a top expert that is going to take over the Blood Crypt! How could he care for the feelings of those beneath his station!?

“Hmph! Useless sophistry, just a sorry form of ammunition for the weak!” Not wasting any more time, he began to circulate his energy ready to launch an attack.

“Ah, I see. So you consider talking with common sense useless. Got it.”

“Are you making fun of me!?” Xue Zi’s scowl deepened the more and more he listened.

“What are you talking about? Commonsensical deprivation is no laughing matter.”

I tried to stress the importance of his affliction as much as I could, but it was like the more serious I tried to be, the angrier he got.

At this point, everyone quieted down and watched the battle between the two.

“I’ll kill you!”

Xue Zi couldn’t stand the lack of disregard this human gave him! He quickly took out a sword, circulating one of his sect's techniques.

“Scarlet Wave Slash!”

As he swung his sword, a red wave of energy spread out and rushed towards Long Di intending to cleave him apart!

“The young master’s mastery of the Scarlet Wave Slash has increased once again!” One of the 6 Star Core experts commented when he saw the attack.

The elders and disciples of the village/sect looked on with worry in their eyes.

They didn’t really know Long Di, but it was obvious that he was affiliated with them and fought for them, so if he fell here, that would be a further blow to their morale and would be like them losing one of their own.

Long Di simply stuck his hand out to defend against the attack, shocking everyone present!

“This fool! Is he trying to show off and thinks he can defend against my attack barehanded!” Xue ZI sneered in contempt when he saw Long Di’s actions.


The attack crashed into Long Di and kicked up another explosion.

“Fool! The price for acting arrogant in my presence is death!” Xue Zi spat out the words and didn’t even pay attention to this matter before he turned around heading to the group of disciples, already considering Long Di dead.

At this time, he was riding his own momentum to take the otherworldly beauty he espied away.


When everything calmed down, however, everyone gave him strange looks, perplexing him.

Sensing this Xue Zi started to look all over himself, wondering if some blood had maybe splattered on him.


Suddenly, a hand landed on his shoulder. When he looked to see who it was. Who else could it be but Long Di, wearing that same impassive expression?

“Are you okay?” Long Di asked.

“Yeah, I am,” Xue Zi absentmindedly responded. “But everyone’s looking at me strange and I can’t figure out why.”

“Do you maybe need some milk?”

“No thank you. I had some before I came he…”

He suddenly figured out what the strange looks were for.

“Why you!”


He swung his sword in a hurry, hitting nothing but air.

How embarrassing was this? He thought he slew his enemy and even walked away acting all cool, and yet, this Long Di wasn’t affected, there wasn’t even a scratch on him.

He humiliated himself in front of people he considered beneath him. He had never felt so aggrieved before!

Even his own protectors, the two 6 Star Core Martial Masters, were shooting him strange looks.

“Why are you still alive!?” He asked, seething with rage.

Long Di gave him one of those strange stares as well, infuriating him more, “I’m fine, thanks for asking.”

“I don’t care if you’re fine! I asked you, why are you still alive!? How come my attack had no effect!?” He clarified himself.

“Uhm, did you even check my cultivation realm?” Long Di asked.


No one checked Long Di’s cultivation level. After all, he’s just a human that somehow managed to join a declined trash sect. Even if he is the best, it would be the best among trash.

The two girls were at the highest level, and they were at the 1st and 2nd Duan of the Cauldron Forging realm. So how high could this human be? This was what Xuan Zi thought.

However, since it was brought up, all but Uncle Tian Lu extended their senses to learn his cultivation realm. When this was done, however, their expressions turned to one of horror.

“W-What are you!?”

The ones to react first were the two 6 Star Core Martial Masters. They had the highest cultivation realms and were thus able to see through his strength the fastest.

“Young Master Xue, get away from him now!”

They quickly made a move to save their young masters, but how could Long Di give them this chance!?

He was much closer, so it didn’t take him much effort to close in on Xue Zi!

When Xue Zi saw that Long Di charged up to him, he quickly became flustered, even forgetting to put up his defences, “What are yo-”


A resounding slap sounded out that instantly refreshed everyone’s mind.

However, the recipient Xue Zi only felt dizzied by the force of the slap he received.

Long DI took advantage of his muddle headedness and grabbed him by the neck, suspending him a few inches above the ground.

“Release the young master now, human trash!”

The two 6 Star Core experts ran towards Long Di to take him down.

‘Hhmmm, everyone seems to be suffering from a lack of common sense, it seems. No wonder most MCs end up intellectually mutilated,’ Long Di thought.


“No!” The two 6 Star Core experts were scared out of their wits when they saw Long Di’s hands tighten around Xue Zi’s neck.

“Hmph! Young one, do not make a mistake that you will regret later! Release the young master and we will let bygones be bygones,” one of the 6 Star Core experts spoke.

The two finally calmed down and placed their hands behind their backs, regaining the bearing of an expert. After all, panicking at this point would just make everything worse.


Long Di’s cultivation base burst out in full force.

The two experts had an uneasy feeling when they saw this, “What are you-”


The winds only picked up as Long Di finally released all that he bottled up ever since he came here. His black hair danced in the wind of his own doing, while his expressionless demeanour only served to further elevate the mysterious aura he currently exuded.


The phenomenon of Long Di’s cultivation finally revealed itself.

“What in the world is that!?” Someone asked with a tremor in their voice.

Nine black cauldrons materialised, rotating slowly with an ominous light.

Each one of them had inlaid in their groove an immensely pure clear pearl save for 1 that glowed with a grey light casting the entire thing with an ancient tinge.

Yes, at the moment, Long Di broke through to the Flame Evocation realm. At the age of eleven, he was a one Star Core Martial Master!

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