《The Unstoppable Ascension of Zu Mari, Time-Looper》Interlude! The Master Of Time? Ozyri Tori Approaches!


Ozyri Tori, greatest assassin in history and future God of Death, unexpectedly found himself falling from the sky. Though disoriented by the sudden shift, he recovered quickly and hit the ground in a perfect three point landing.

"Again?" growled Ozyri in frustration. "Who dares to interfere with my vengeance?!"

Never before had anything like this happened. As he slaughtered his way across Chartreuse Cougar territory, his time field made him unstoppable. Immortal. The greatest assassin ever to be born to Clan Tori.

The Chartreuse Cougars would regret their disdain. They would pay for their insults in blood and death. Ozyri Tori would see to it.

At first he'd assumed one of his targets had caught on to what he was doing and employed some deadly long distance technique. But he found no cause for his death, and the loop reset at different times. If it were someone within the loop attacking him, it should have been happening exactly the same every time.

This was something different. Whatever he did, however well he hid and completely concealed his presence, the loop restarted within minutes. He had killed enough Chartreuse Cougar initiates to know the level of their strength. None possessed this kind of power.

This interference must be someone else's fault.

Yet he still did not deactivate the time field. For all his confidence, still a tiny doubt plagued him. If he was wrong, if it was not the artifact being interfered with but instead a force strong enough to slay him instantly, it would mean his death to deactivate the field. One way or another, he had to find and slay whoever was responsible.

Before he’d taken three steps, the world shifted.

Ozyri fell from the sky, twisting in midair to land perfectly in a cloud of dust.

“Why is this happening?” Ozyri raged in helpless fury.


Alas, he had no one to tell him and did not dare take the risk of deactivating his field long enough to find out.

He set out resolutely toward where his prey should be waiting, resigned to the knowledge that at any moment he’d be dropped without warning right back where he started.

But at least the loops were getting longer, on the whole. There were the occasional aberrations, but in general they were lasting longer each time. With enough time, he would find whatever or whoever was doing this.

He’d find who dared interfere with his revenge.

And then... he’d get more revenge.

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