《The Butcher of Gadobhra》Chapter 83: Chapter: Digging In


A small war council was being held in the tavern in Sedgewick. Sir Timothy and Brandon were there and they had invited various group leaders. Izak the Terrible was leader of a group of fairly nice guys, who insisted on names like Mung the Merciless and Brutesquad Bluto. Morbid Morty was a necromancer who led a small guild of spell casters. Varsil led an all female mercenary squad called the Vixens who were mostly after men and beer. They were all here today to see what the plans were after half the raid ended up dead one way or another the night before. The free beer and food was also a big incentive to show up.

No one was happy with the casualties from the night before. Since the surrender by ACME was off, planning was needed. Timmy was going over details, "We still have a significant lead with 60 fighters. ACME has a half dozen. Unfortunately, we don't know who they all are, though we have some ideas. But we can't take casualties like that again. We are going to pull everyone into two positions. We don't need to scatter everywhere looking for them. They can't win as long as we hold the objectives."

"Most people will be here in town right around the tavern or inside of it. It's fortified, lots of room downstairs, and is essentially two of the positions we need to hold. We'll put twenty people at the ruined city, to hold that point. No one goes off alone. No hunting in the forest, no parties or sneaking off for a little 'alone time'. Momco will make it up with some bonuses after this is all over."

Izak looked over at Brandon who wasn't talking. Izak had heard something about him getting his jaw broken by the butcher. Timmy hadn't come out of that fight in good shape either. Why they still let the guy wander around the town was beyond him. Dump the guy in a cornfield and be done with it. "So, who's in charge then? You, Timmy? Brandon hired us."

Brandon looked at Timmy, who just shrugged. Brandon grumbled, "ME. But if Timmy gives an order, follow it." The people at the table just nodded or drank their beer. The man’s mouth was just hanging open as he tried to talk, so the rest of the conversation was with Timmy.

"All right then, Sir Timothy, sir. Are we going after the rest of the ACME fighters? Be more fun than all of us sitting here. We can go smoke them out. Take full crews of 6-10 so they can't pull anything."

"I'm not really sure about that," Timmy was undecided and glanced at Brandon who shrugged. "But tell you what, Izak, if you can figure out how to find them, we can send a crew out on an assassination run."

"I think I have one figured out," Mortimer spoke up. "The second in command. I think it's a dead rabbit."


Izak laughed, "Yeah, with a last name like 'Bunnie', the rabbit part fits. Why do you say dead?"

"I've been up to the bunny meadow. Those fat things would have a hard time killing anything; it’s not even worth going to there past level 2, so it's pretty deserted. But I smelled some necromancy nearby. Like calls to like. One of my powers is sensing the dead."

Izak laughed louder, "Wow, now that's just weird as hell if true. You think there's a necromancer character up there using dead rabbits to attack people they catch in small groups? God, that would be embarrassing. Timmy, can we go bunny hunting? Mortimer and I will take another six people and check it out."

Timmy didn't really see how that could go wrong. "Sure. Go handle that, but don't get adventurous. Let's concentrate on not losing anyone. Play defensive."

Varsil looked at the window at the drizzle starting to come down. "Shit, so I guess my group gets first shift on the gate. Lots of rain these next couple of days. Sitting up at the old city is going to be a bit miserable."

Suzette came out of the kitchen with a big platter of very small sandwiches cut into little triangles with the crust cut off. "Ooooh, you're right miss. I'll have to let Betty know to make a big kettle of hot soup to keep those poor folk warm. We need to keep you all healthy and fed. Too bad you don't have the big tent up there. That would keep you warm."

Varsil asked a question while putting another two sandwiches in her mouth, "What big tent?"

Suzette grabbed empty mugs and platters, "Oh, Billy had some of the workers stitch it together out of extra hides when we were first getting started. It came in handy when new workers showed up and we had no houses. Should I tell the boys to go set it up to keep people dry?"

Mortimer took a sandwich, but gave Suzette a puzzled look, "I thought you worked for ACME? Why so helpful all of a sudden?" He'd heard some odd shit yesterday about Brandon laying into the girl, even killing her and making her respawn. She looked okay now, if a little ditzy. Actually, she was looking really good.

"Well, I used to. But that's all sort of up in the air now. My job is tied to the tavern and I'll work for whoever is in charge of the town - and that's Sir Timothy now. Is there anything else I can get you Timothy? I cut up the sandwiches special for you and Brandon. Do you like them?" The barmaid smiled at everyone in general, making a few hearts skip a beat."

Timmy had just been thinking how good the sandwiches were. "Hmm, yeah, that sounds like a good idea. People will be less likely to go AWOL trying to get warm if we do that. Thank you, Suzette."


"I'm just so happy I can help. More beer?"


Ben went looking for Rolly in the woods beyond the last pasture, "Rolly? Where the hell are you hiding?"

A voice came from somewhere nearby, "Nice try, but you won't catch me that easy knave! What's the password?"

Ben sighed, Rolly was having way too much fun, and things got strange when that happened. "Keel Moose and Squirrel. Now where are you?"

"Hallooooo!" And something heavy landed on Ben, knocking him to the ground.

Picking himself up and dusting off leaves and dirt, he found Rolly sitting on a tree stump. "You do understand you should be doing that to people on the other side, and not me?"

"Gotta practice! And you were convenient. But what's the word? I saw them acting dumb and smiling. It's always funny when people fall for that. Themis was a big help! That story about doppelgangers was awesome. I didn't know the game would actually do that. Did Ozzy know that somehow? How the hell does he always figure these things out?"

"I'll take any help we can get. Including our new angelic recruit. Pass on to Fearless Leader that people are going after Bennie, and the city gates will always have a dozen fighters on guard. Suzette says they are going defensive and trying to slowly pick people off."

"Won't help them. Fearless Leader has a plan," Rolly cocked his head to the side, with a goofy grin, "Or so I hear. I'm just a poor neutral contract worker trying to stay out of trouble. But I'll pass on your gossip."

"Well you have fun out here in cow country. How's Squirmie doing with all of this?"

Rolly's face broke out into a broad grin, "Oh, having the time of his life. He can't wait to see what happens next. Oh, and he wants to know if we should go ahead and level up. He says Ozzy and Suzette feel suspiciously powerful."

"We might as well. No one from ACME in game, Vern left before he got killed. And Ozzy had some advice. We definitely get the upgrades before they calculate bonuses. He also said if you are offered a Role, you should take it. It will make it tougher for people to know we leveled."

"Awesome, thanks Ben. I'm going to find Squirmie and get started.”


Varsil and her group of fighters had only been guarding the area for an hour and were already completely soaked. Cloaks and oilskins only went so far when you just stood around in the rain. Seeing some workers coming with a wagon was a welcome sight - especially when the girls saw who was pulling it. "Heads up Vixens! We've got a beefcake alert. Make sure not to spook the poor boy this time. I'm especially looking at you Hildy and Filthyfoot!" The dwarf and halfling so named did their best to look innocent and then broke out into laughter.

Four workers were escorting the wagon filled with poles and leather. Instead of a mule they had Ozzy pull it. He was walking along as if the weight of the wagon behind him was nothing. Picks dug holes in the hard ground, poles were inserted and the huge leather tarp was stretched between them to make an awning about thirty feet on a side.

Varsil scratched her head, "I'm not complaining. There's headroom even for me on the sides, but it droops a bit in the middle."

Jon was attaching ropes to the tops of the poles, "Not to worry ma'am. Once we get the ropes and stakes installed, Ozzy will put in the center post. That will put the center up about twelve feet and give some slope so the water runs off."

The butcher grabbed the last huge pole and pushed up the center of the tent. "There you go girls. That will help keep you a bit warmer." Ozzy suddenly found himself surrounded by six women. The dwarf who had stolen his borrowed kilt winked at him, "You know that we could all keep warmer if you just decided to stay up here a bit."

Ozzy smiled at the group and leaned back against the pole, crossing his arms. "Is that a fact? But there seem to be quite a few of you. How would we establish an order for, uh, keeping warm?"

"I say shortest goes first, only fair!" Filthyfoot was at least half a foot shorter than Hildy. The dwarf had her own ideas, "I say we drink and last gal standing gets him."

Vasil snorted, "Trying to give him to me? You know I can drink your butt under the table."

Ozzy seemed to be enjoying the attention, "Well, how about this, ladies? I'll pick up a keg of something to drink and be at the barn late tonight. Maybe if you wander by when your shift is over, we can see what happens?" That idea was met with agreement. Ozzy and the boys took the wagon back down the road, the butcher waving to the ladies a couple of times.

Varsil was in good spirits, "Well, that was easy. The big boy provides a place to sleep out of the rain, alcohol and some entertainment. I've half a mind to buy his contract from Momco and take him with us." Hildy stared down the road, "Not a bad thought. But mom always said it was good to check the quality of goods before you buy. We'll have to see how he stands up to the workload."

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