《The Butcher of Gadobhra》Chapter 58: Awakening


Diego watched the young courier ride out of Rowan Keep and gallop down the road towards the next village. It had been interesting to talk to him on their ride from Thunderfall. The inquisitor had kept his horse to a slower pace in order to stretch things out. By the end of it he was well acquainted with many of the people Benjamin called friends, and something of an idea of the goals that the ACME corporation had.

As usual, it all came down to power and money. The new player guilds and corporations were not much different from the noble houses, trade guilds, and mercenary companies he normally had to investigate. This case was at least interesting.

They hadn't arrived until late in the night at Rowan Keep. They'd gotten a scant few hours of sleep. Diego dragging himself up in the pre-dawn light as the legion stirred. Benjamin had the effrontery to roll out of bed totally refreshed.

Now he was riding out an hour before the sun rose.

Benjamin had not been gone a minute before Diego went to find the centurian. After the pleasantries were over, he asked a direct question. "That was a Declaration of War that you gave to the courier to deliver. I've seen enough of them to know the feel of the spells they work into those things. Who is challenging who?"

Centurian Marcus hesitated for only a second. An inquisitor of this rank could break him back to the rank and file. Marcus had only a few skeletons in his closet, but that didn't mean he wanted to annoy an inquisitor in any fashion. "A corporate war, Lord Inquisitor. One of the first from what I've heard. They are fighting over the village of Sedgewick and it's surrounding lands."

"Including the ruins of Gadobhra?"

"Yes, including that. I've met with ACME's overseer here, one 'Billy' or 'William'. He does not seem to be allied with the dark, nor his overlord, Vernon. They have the crazed idea to use Gadabhra for profit. I assume the other group wants it for similar reasons. None of the mercenaries they have ready to attack have been agents of dark."

Diego smiled wryly. "As far as you can tell."

Marcus wondered where this was going. "Yes, of course, as far as we can tell."

The inquisitor looked pointedly at a bottle of wine on the shelf. "What say we indulge in a glass of that vintage as you tell me of your visits to Sedgewick. In particular you've had dealings with a butcher? Tell me about him. And I've heard mention of a hedge witch that associates with him."


Special abilities that doubled your sleep didn't help if you didn't sleep at all. Which is what Suzette had done the night before. Where the hell was Ozzy? He hadn't come back last night, and that bothered her. Hearing him snoring every night from his end of the room helped drown out some of the noise in her own head and made it easier to get to sleep. The door and all the windows were guarded with Hermetic Seals, but that didn't make her head feel as good as her friend nearby.


It didn't help that Ben was out playing delivery boy. And Rolly hadn't been seen in days. It felt like the world had abandoned her and everything was about to all come crashing down. Or what was left of her world.

Giving up on sleep she sat in front of the window and watched the moon slowly sinking beneath the horizon. Clearing her mind as best she could, she started working through some of the meditation exercises that Hermes had taught her. A runic circle formed around her, slowly filling with the runes she knew the basics of: Light, sealing, health. The cantrip wasn't doing anything, just a comforting presence of magic as she slowly relaxed.

Two hours passed and she felt much better. The world didn't seem so oppressive. She had some time before she opened up the tavern. She decided to go check out all the sedge beast herds and pastures. She needed to know just what the hell was so important that Rolly didn't even come in to grab a bite to eat.

She flitted along the grass, her feet not even disturbing the dew, just one more shadow in the pre-dawn light


Squirmy was waking up. He felt so much better. He'd reached the next stage of his existance. This form was much better. It would be quicker, and a duality to it that he had copied from his pet. HIS PET! Where was his pet? He could barely feel him, he was fading.

Squirmy knew this would happen, but he'd hoped that this better pet would somehow be strong enough to survive his evolution. But it had been too much. He'd needed every bit of sustenance the pet had, and the wonderful little thing had given it all to him. He could feel the last bits of it fading away, and for the first time in it's life, Squirmy was sad.

The pet had been more to him. It gave him dreams of seeing new things. Things just beyond growing and eating and conquering. They were going to explore things! Do things! But those things were fading as the pet faded. Squirmy flexed his new muscles and the chrysalis that had been his pet's body cracked and split as he emerged. His new wings unfurled. He was very hungry! And as if on cue, his first meal was moving towards him.

"Rolly! Goddammit Rolly, I know you're around here somewhere, wake up, i brought breakfast."

Squirmy knew that voice somehow. Was this one of his pet's memories? A two leg he was fond of. The one that fed him! It was called a 'Suzette'. She was one of his pet's old nestmates! Perhaps she would make a good new pet?

The willows parted and Squirmy saw what 'the Suzette' looked like. Oh, this was Bad. Badbadbad. Squirmie remembered this one! She would not make a good pet! But she would make a good first meal!



Suzette found the little meadow by the stream and the stand of thick willows. This was the area Billy had told her Rolly was sleeping in. Probably had made himself a little shack in the willows complete with a teapot and comfy bed. She'd brought food of course. Rolly was always hungry.

"Rolly! Goddammit Rolly, I know you're around here somewhere, wake up, i brought breakfast."

She saw a denser part of the willows, and that extra braches had been woven into a rounded little hut. She moved throught the willows into a scene of horrow. White, wispy silk like she had found in the husk was everywhere. It made a bed for a huge chrysalis that had split open, revealing a shriveled pile of bones and skin. She recognized Rolly's boots!

Sitting on top of it was huge butterfly, slowly pumping it's wings to unfurl them. It was beautiful, with long antenae and shiny multi-faceted eyes. She knew those eyes...

"You! You killed me! And you killed Rolly!!"

Squirmie spat out a glob of sticky webbing to catch his prey.

The things 'voice' was screaming in her head. Suzette dodge the projectile, flipping backwards into the meadow where she had room to move. Her hands glowed with light. Butterfly and witch pre-pared to do battle as the sun came up over the horizon and the first true light ran across the meadow.

Suzette didn't know what was happening, but she followed the bug as it headed straight for Sedgewick.


Billy was hoping for a quiet morning. He hated having a hang-over. This was a virtual world, why the heck did WALLY feel the need to keep hang-overs? But he could put up with one for now, get the workers briefed, get things moving. Then go crawl back in bed for a morning nap. Hopefully an occupied one.

Sammy had suggested some 'team building' and brought over a couple of bottles of wine. Sammy was actually starting to work out. Instead of fighting Billy he'd been asking for more work, getting an idea of what the village needed, and how to help out with what Billy was doing. It was good to see it happening. Probably he'd figured out that if he did a good job, he'd get Sedgewick assigned to him when Billy became regional manager.

They'd gone over projects while drinking, and Llayla gave her update on the operation to sell the magic items coming out of the dungeon. Things were going very well. They had enough building points for a small shop in the northern city of Wolf'sburg. Sales were brisk as there was always a need for magic items when they were so hard to get, and dungeons so few. Sammy had eventually retired, and he and Llayla had continued the party until late.

Billy's quiet morning was shattered by a voice yelling "SQUIRMIE!"

Rolly was standing on top of the fountain in the basic pants and tunic they had all started in, a sure sign of just having been resurrected. He was smiling and looking up into the sky. So was everyone else as a huge irridescent butterfly with wings of orange and black came sailing down out of the sky to alight on his shoulder.

"Wow, you look great Squirmie."

"This is going to be awesome. Look out World! The Team Supreme is here to stay!"

Suzette had made it back to town nearly as fast as Squirmie had, racing across the meadows and leaping fences. She slowed as she saw him with the bug, his face glowing with happiness.

"Susy, look! This is Squirmie. I've got a new pet!" He'd done it again. She remember another day..years ago...

The English armies were routing. Soldiers trying to save their own skins, and mercenary captains trying to preserve as much of their companies as they could to fight another day. Their undead and orc allies had deserted them and fire-breathing behemoths wheeled overhead, dealing death with each pass. The defenders on the city walls gasped as the largest dragon swooped down to alight upon the walls, a warrior riding upon his back.

Captain Suzette De La Fontaine of the city guard moved to greet the Dragonlord. It should have been someone else, but most everyone else was dead. She bowed as low as she could in plate armor. "Welcome m'lord. We bless your timely arrival." The dragonlord raised his visor showing a familiar face. Scarred and much older than it should be, but familiar.

"Susy! Look, I've got a new pet.

Squirmie could see that his pet was fond of his nestmate. He didn't want to upset his pet so soon. Keeping this exceptional pet happy was important. Who knows? She might be useful.

The voice was much quieter than before, and she could tell no one else heard it but her. "Sure, truce for now, Bug."

Several adventurers were watching the scene as people tried to get a better look at Rolly and his pet. All of them began recording the scene and sending messages to friends and guild leaders.

The pounding of hooves heralded Ben's arrival. People quickly moved as the huge roan galloped through the streets. The horse came to a sudden stop and the courier dismounted by leaping forward into a full flip before his feet landed on the table where Billy was sitting.

Ben pulled the scroll he'd been given from his ring and presented it to Billy. "Mail for you Billy, looks important." Then, jumping down from the table, he ran over to Rolly. "Wow, awesome pet Rolly. "

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