《The Butcher of Gadobhra》Chapter 9: Death Perspective


You have Died. A wound from your fight with an Angry Sedgebull became poisoned. At least you died peacefully in your sleep.

You may re-enter the game in 2 hours 52 minutes. This is the amount of time until dawn of the next day. Your normal time until resurrection is currently 4 hours, or dawn. This can increase with multiple deaths in a short time period.

You may spend this time in the following ways:

-Reviewing the poor choices that lead to your untimely demise.

-Meditation or sitting quietly in a small natural biome.

-Logging out of the game. (Note: Because you are a Contract Worker this will cause you to incur a fee of 1 silver charged to your in-game account to cover costs of re-entering your pod.)

-Access the Global Data Base. (Note: Because you are a Contract Worker, this option incurs a fee of 1 silver per hour for GDB access.)

-Or perhaps you'd like to play a nice game of chess?

Ozzy was currently floating in a misty grey nothingness. This was familiar from previous VR games. He pondered his choices. No sense reviewing his death. He obviously died from the wound becoming infected. Death by sedgebeast was always going to be a possibility in his current job. Have to hit them harder and tell Lyle to not bring any of the damned red ones anymore. What were they called? He checked his notifications and brought up the message from the end of the fight. He hadn't really been paying attention when the fight ended.

Congratulations! You killed an Angry Sedgebull with a Caber!

Caber is a Primary skill for your class Contract Worker.

You have learned the weapon skill: Caber.

You earn 50 EP in STR and and 50 EP in the weapon Caber.

What the hell? Caber? Like the log throwing contests they did in those crazy Scottish games? This was a weapon? And a primary skill? I must have gained that from killing that sedgebull with a log. That's odd - we were told Contract Workers didn't have Primary Skills. It would be nice to look online for some clues, but not with that fee. Maybe on his next day off. Do we get charged a fee then, too? Damn it, ACME was going to nickle and dime them to death if they didn't start earning some in-game cash. Most of his 'paycheck' went to pod fees and out of game housing. Each worker would receive the bulk of their pay at the end of the contract.

Apologies. You are being logged out of the game. You will not incur any fees during your time out of the game and will be able to log back in before the expiration of the time until your resurrection. You will be required to take an examination to check the effects of several days immersion in a new MK7 pod.

With a hiss of escaping air the top of his pod slid back. The needles and tubes had retracted before he awakened - after they administered a small stimulant to help him get moving. The pod moved from horizontal to a more upright position and he was able to step out of it.

Greetings, again, we apologize for taking you out of the game. A sampling of pods are tested each day to make sure the MK7 design is functioning as intended. To not interrupt game time, this is done after you have experienced a death. Is this time convenient for you?

The words appeared in a floating hologram in front of him, coutesy of his neural link. "Yes, it's convenient."


Wonderful! Please step onto the area of floor with a red circle. Keep still for a few seconds while I conduct a medical scan and take a snapshot.

Ozzy looked down and saw a circle roughly three foot across on the floor. He noticed a similar one in the ceiling. He stepped over to it and both circles began glowing. There was a brief light from floor and ceiling and then a life sized hologram of himself appeared in front of him. It was like looking in a mirror in some ways. Ozzy saw a man in his late 70's, approximately 5'6" tall. What little hair he had left was grey and thin. His hands had numerous scars and burns from working with industrial solvents when he was younger. His left knee was slightly crooked with extensive scarring. He'd nearly lost that leg from a malfunctioning piece of machinery that exploded and spat out pieces of itself like shrapnel.

He looked exactly like what he was - an aging citizen who ate too much synthetic food and who had suffered from many accidents with not enough healthcare. If it was any consolation, living so much of his later years online meant that he only visited his body occasionally.

Your body has been scanned and no medical emergencies have been noted. You are still suffering from mild malnutrition, which will correct itself over the next 4 weeks as your pod gives you the needed amount of calories and proteins. Do you wish to make any comments for your medical record? Y/N?

Nope, no comments. Things were about as he expected. Nothing hurt more than usual. "I suppose my 'snapshot' was used to make my online Avatar? We weren't allowed to select our look. I look sort of like my younger self - just very generic."

Your avatar online is based upon your real world body, adjusted for age. Your employer may have used basic templates for male and female bodies and added details from your snapshot. If you are not satisfied with your look, adjustments can be made at this time. Your Avatar can resemble you more closely, and can have some specific details altered. Please note that in-game effects, such as gaining physical stats, will also change your look. Would you like to change your avatar? Y/N?

Upon answering yes, options appeared that allowed him change things on his avatar's face and body. He erased scars and injuries, and set his hair color back to the dark brown it had been in his 20's. On a whim he added the mutton chops and thick sideburns he'd had on his last character. Thinking further he made his avatar a foot taller and more muscled. He knew that his increases in STR had already done some of that in game.

If you are finished please indicate so verbally and a new snapshot of this image will be taken. Your online avatar will adjust over a short time to match this new snapshot.

Thank you. You are finished with your medical check up, snapshots, and avatar adjustment. A representative will interview you now. Please use what attire is comfortable for you and follow the glowing line to an interview with Dr. Holmes.

Ozzy took a minute to take a real shower before putting on a green jumpsuit with the ACME logo on the front and back. Walking out of his room he saw a glowing line on the floor, probably one only he could see. It lead to a room where a woman in her mid 30's sat in a leather chair. A thin file folder was on the table. Of more interest was what was on his side of the table: A huge plate filled with what looked and smelled like roast beef and all the trimmings.


"Have a seat, and please grab some calories if you like. It's always good to put something real in your stomach now and then. Your file lists several names: Ozymandias, Ozzy, Oz the great and Magnificient, Ozwald, and Teddy. Which do you prefer?"

"Just Ozzy is fine. It's what I'm going by now; the rest are all past lives. Except for Teddy, that's what my brothers called me growing up."

"Ozzy it is then. I'm Dr. Myra Holmes. I'm here to answer any questions you might have about the program and address any problems related to your physical or mental health. This is your first death, correct?"

Taking another bite of the potatoes and gravy, Ozzy thought for a moment. "Yes, first time I've died in the game. From what I've seen it's a bit traumatic when you wake up. Why am I not feeling that now. And wow! thank you for the food, this is great!"

"Especially after groat muffins for a few days, I'd wager. As to the resurrection effects, those will hit you when you get back in the game. The game engine actually tosses a debuff or two onto you for a few hours. A bit of depression, some anxiety about dying again, a large chunk of melancholy. People react differently, but in general it's not fun. It's there to keep Players in the game fearing death a bit more than just having to take a time out. Between the effects and the possible loss of ranks, Players try really hard not to die."

"Wait, so the game can adjust my mood? That's a bit creepy."

"It's actually been happening for years Ozzy. Think back to raids in EQO2 when Dragons could use a Fear Effect. Not only did Player Avatars run away, the Players themselves were screaming in fright under their helmets. The effect triggered a bit of 'fight or flight' reflex similar to a horror movie. Things did have to be scaled back a bit. At first there were way too many sets of underwear that had to be changed. But the effects were popular; anything to make the game more real."

Ozzy hadn't done many raids. But he had heard about the Fear Effects. He hadn't really considered all the ways they could be used. Now he'd be experiencing them himself every time he died. Good reason not to die.

Dr. Holmes continued "Any problems in-game? How are the working conditions? Any thing bothering you?"

"Well, I was about to say, 'no, it's all fine; I'm pretty happy in the game.' But thinking back now, it's really a nightmare of an experience. I get up, each shit food, and then slaughter and dismember animals all day. What's really odd is I didn't mind it, and I'm not dreading going back to it. Is this more of the game adjusting attitudes?"

"It could be. I see on your sheet that you have a benevelent effect called Endure. That could possibly indicate a positive mood buff is being used. That would be something your employer is responsible for. You might try asking them. I don't work for ACME directly, and I'm restrained from commenting about how their perks for Contract Workers are set up."

Ozzy nodded, he and Billy would have to have a chat. "Ok, can you talk to me about Primary skills. We start with nothing, and just perks for secondary skills. Why are the combat, crafting and magic skills hidden? Every character should have dagger or brawling as a skill - and at least a few basic skills scattered in primary and secondary. It makes no sense."

Dr. Holmes considered for a moment. "Not something I know a lot about. I'm sorry. The corporations have a lot of leeway in how they adjust the abilities of contract workers, but I'm sure they have reasons for what they are doing. Maybe you can look at how things are set up and ponder those reasons? Oops... I think we are out of time, I'll have to move on to my next appointment. Please keep my card for when you are offline."

"If you experience any emotional or physical difficulties, please give me a call. We really want to make sure the MK7 pods are working correctly and keeping you healthy. Nice meeting you Ozzy. Until next time. By the way, you have 1 hour and 8 minutes until you need to be back in your pod. Remember, you can pass the time by using the link to the Global Data Net for free during that period." So saying, she slid her card across the table and left. Ozzy finished his meal and picked up her card. On the back of the card was written 'Henchmen Inc.' and a data address, and the words "only log in from your pod."

Oh, interesting. Ozzy kept hold of the card, picked up his tray, and went back to his room. Shutting the door he sat at his terminal. He first logged into several of the game forums. There was a huge amount of talk about the game, with the usual drama, questions, and speculation. He did a quick scan of topics.

I thought I found a dungeon, but it was really an undergroud temple. Does anyone worship 'Hrsoko the Undeniable'? He made me an offer that I couldn't refuse and I want to know just how bad I screwed up.

I got killed by a dragon! Message me ingame and I'll sell you the location.

Someone explain the skill system for me?

Is anyone out there a contract worker? Hello? I think Momco is screwing me bad.

Which is better? Bastard Sword, Hand and a Half, or Claymore?

I'm only 12 in RL but my avatar is over 18. Why can't I get into a brothel? This is BS!

Lots of interesting reading, but he had limited time. He memorized the data address, then put the card down the refuse chute. Stripping out of the coverall and hanging it up, he went to his pod and activated the proceedure to log back into the game. He experienced the feeling of falling asleep, and then waking up in the formless grey void. Thinking 'timer' a clock appeared on the wall showing he had a little over an hour until he could log in. He selected the option to surf the GDN for a bit, then typed in the data address from the card. Immediately his screen filled with a series of messages.

Welcome to Hench INC. This is a secure area where we can talk. Follow the rules otherwise bad people find us and bad things happen.


1. Don't talk about Hench INC. "Heard this from a friend" or "it's rumored that...." are safer ways to pass info. Loose lips sink ships.

2. There are spies in every work group, so don't trust everyone. If you were wondering where Jerry gets enough money for beer every night, now you know.

3. Post interesting things you discover in this forum. Share the wealth. But don't assume it all applies to you, each corp is messing with us in different ways.

4. Don't pass on your Data address. It only works for you.

This was followed by a forum that had only a few topics.

Why I think combat is hard.

How much work is it to gain a melee skill. Does anyone have one?

Basic info about how combat works for regular players.

!!!! I gained a primary skill.

Is anyone else a demi-human? I'm 3% non human but I don't know what.

He selected the topic on finding a primary skill.

This happened the other night. I was supposed to be getting buckets of sewage out of the old sewer system under the stock yards. It's amazingly rank in there. I was just going to fill the buckets and go back up to dump them in the field. But this giant slime was blocking the exit when I got back. And more of them were coming from deeper in. I ran the only way I could down a side passage. There was a little metal door with a wheel on it. Turning the wheel opened the door and I got inside just in time to lock it as a whole mess of slimes came down the tunnel. Bad news! it was a dead end! A 10x10 room with a cot and a pile of rags on it. My glowstick was getting low so I search the cot, the rags, everything. The rags turned out to be a body, yuck! Mostly just old bones. But he did have a flint and steel on him. My glowstick was about to go out and I was freaking out at the thought of being trapped in a dark room with slimes pounding on the door. So I made a torch with rags wrapped around a leg bone. Yeah, i forgot why we used glowstones down there. First spark from flint catches the torch on fire, and ignites the methane in the room. So I'm doing STOPDROPANDROLL and screaming, and I opened the door to run for the water. Forgot about the slimes. Didn't matter. Everything explodes. Boss Pete is pissed that the sewers are sealed off now. But I didn't tell him how they exploded. Most everyone upstairs died in the explosion, so showing up dead was ok. And I got this new skill!

Pretty awesome, isn't it. Anyone else found cool new skills?

Congratulations! You have used fire in an inventive way to kill both enemies and allies and really cause a lot of destruction! For killing 87 slimes of various size, and 9 humans you gain the following:

Title: Sliminator!

Slimes and Jellies don't like you! Small slimes will avoid you if they can. When doing combat with slimes, jellies and other icky monsters you do 50% more damage. If using fire, you do 100% more damage.

Primary Skill: Arsonist

-You have proven your disregard for other humans along with your love of fire. You have gained the Skill: Arsonist at Level 0.

-You have gained 450 EP in the arsonist skill raising Arsonist to level 2. Arsonist is an INT based skill.

-You have gained 450 EP in INT. INT is now at level 2. Gain +2 Intelligence raising your INT to 2.

Ozzy wasn't about to try and duplicate that feat, even if he did find a sewer. Not much in common with his Caber skill, other than both were pretty odd skills, and both he and the firebug got them accidentally in crazy situations. He'd have to check back on his day off and see if there were more skills listed. He started to type up his own experiences, then decided to wait a bit. What if this was all an elaborate scam of some sort?

He went to 'Why I think combat is hard?'

I don't know about the rest of you, but combat is stupid hard. I made a shiv from a piece of flint and snuck out the other night to the beaver pond. Even at night there's usually one of the furry critters working on taking down a tree. So this fuzzy lump is chewing on a huge oak tree, and I sneak up to him with the noise from the river covering any sound. I get right behind him and stab him in the back. And fething miss! Just 'swish', nothing but air. So I try again and I hit his back, but the dagger slides off his side, not doing much. I expect the beaver to run, it's only the size of a large cat, maybe 15 lbs? Just a young one. But the damn thing attacks me!! It bit me in the leg and did 6 health damage. I stab back and hit his nose. He's bleeding a bit, but pissed. It was a crazy fight. He just kept biting me and doing little bits of health. Luckily, he got tired and was just sitting there panting, while I was going strong. So I start stabbing him over and over, but even with Mr.Beaver just sitting there, I'm missing most of the time. I think I could have won, but a spider dropped out of a tree, bit me, and I died.

I tried again the next night. The beaver must have gotten away from the spider, because he was working on that same big tree, and had a lot of wounds still. We fought a bit, and it was the same. Lots of misses, and not much damage. This time though, he started slapping his tail on the tree like a drum. Three more beavers ambushed me and I died. Beavers suck.

Anyway, what I'm thinking is I don't have any of the basic skills that every Player has. A guy named DarkDeath54 saw me resurrect and bought me a beer. He laughed a lot when I told him the story. He explained some stuff. See, for a Warrior, he gets a basic +30 to ATTACK, +20 to DEFENSE, +0 to his MAGICATTACK and +20 to his RESISTANCE. Every class gets some sort of these as a base. More MA for Wizards, more DEF for fighter types. Then they get bonuses for the weapons they use, and their stats. I don't think I got shit. My class is Contract Worker (Planter). I put groat seeds in the ground all day. I bet I have +0 ATK and I don't have a skill in dagger; my stats are all 0. 0+0+0. Stupid beavers. I'm going to try again - maybe with a rat or a mouse.

Well, that's not good. Have to test that for sure. It just didn't seem possible that he could kill Bulls with a sledgehammer but might have trouble killing a small animal. He'd find out soon enough. Workers got every 7th day off. This first one would be special - one way or another.

The clock counted down to 0:00 and he logged back into the game. He felt....horrible. Damn, it was like a hangover mixed with getting fired and your girlfriend dumping you - all at once.

Thank you for your participation in testing the MK7 gaming capsule. Our team appreciates you taking the time to log out and meet with us. We know your time is valuable and you will be compensated for it.

500 copper has been added to your in-game account.

Ozzy slumped on the table and watched the sun come up. Even knowing these weren't his emotions didn't help much. He contrasted how he felt with how he'd felt when out of the pod, and even when happily slaughtering cows yesterday.

The rest of the crew got up, ate, and mostly avoided Ozzy. They'd learned by now that the death penalty made people act bitter and grouchy afterwards. Ben patted his shoulder and let him be. Suzette seemed to want to tell him something, but then just told him they'd talk later. Soon it was just Ozzy and Billy. "You should, uh, probably get started Ozzy. I'm sure you'll feel better soon."

"Sure, but mind if we have a little talk first Bill? Just need to ask a couple of questions - get me head screwed on straight."

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