《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 33- Where a bunch of kids meet


After the Patriarch’s declaration, we were immediately teleported to a massive simulation ground, it was too big to even be called a hall. It seemed to be built to host hundreds of thousands of people whereas most halls were just built for a few hundred. Why was such a large hall needed in the first place? It was not as if there were going to be parties of that size...right? I mean there was no way they could have hundreds of thousands of people partying right?

I gulped as I approached Meemauy, looking around to try to gauge the number of people present. I came up to her and looked up at her trying to catch her attention but she was far too engrossed in her conversation with one of the oldies. I pulled at her dress trying to get her to pay attention to me.

After doing it for what seemed like a hundred times (was probably five) Meemauy looked down.

“Meemauy, why is this hall so big?” I said

Meemauy looked confused for a second but then replied by saying, “ It isn’t sweetie, its a normal sized hall made to look bigger with illusion magic, it's a rather easy to do process, I am sure you will be doing it in no time. Now why don’t you go sit with people more your age” Meemauy pointed me to a part of the hall where several smaller Banmeru were sitting and engaging in conversation.

I headed in that direction, wondering who they were. If the other attendees at the party were any indication they should be people with remarkable social status, princes perhaps? Or other underage rulers? The existence of one and protocols surrounding it implied the presence of others in the past or present.

As I approached them, I noticed that there were a total of five of them, the most eye-catching being the girl from the table. By the fact that she had been present at the table and was currently being crowded by two of the other four implied that she was likely the one with the highest social status.

As I approached her I considered my approach. Should I go to her, bow and introduce myself? That was how men introduced themselves in the Fifth Dynasty that reigned over the palace. But according to what an Emperor had told his Crown Prince, it was imperative that he not bow first, even among equals.

According to him the act of bowing grants to the other person the opportunity to take the upper hand in the conversation and when dealing with nobles, this usually resulted in the loss of control over the conversation and that could be troubling for a ruler, nay it could be troubling for any noble for the entire power of a noble lies in being in control of things. Without control what truly differentiates a noble from a commoner? Nothing that’s what


Thankfully I did not have to take any approach as the girl turned to me the second I approached. “Your excellency, it is nice of you to join us. I am quite glad that I will have the chance to entertain you on this important day.” she said

“The honour is mine, fair lady, after all I find myself quite bereft of companions my age at this ceremony” I answered, matching her tone. I couldn’t help but notice that the way she moved was as graceful as...Ugh! The charisma was at work again.

“Well we shall have to remedy that shan’t we? Come let me introduce you to my noble companions.”-she moved towards the girl that was standing to her right- “This is Lady Paulina Murgovitch of the Empire of Sonetor. The Empire is one of the most powerful factions on Algrea, occupying about 10% of its landmass...even though most of it is a snowy wasteland.” she finished

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance Lady Murgovitch. I hope that this is the beginning of a fruitful friendship.” I said, lowering my head to acknowledge her status.

“So do I , your excellency” lady Murgovitch said, curtseying slightly

The girl then moved towards the boy to her left and said,'' This is Prince Fausten of the Lorinsian Archipelago. It is known to be the finest source of pearls on Algrea.” A nice way of saying that they had nothing other than pearls to offer. Nevertheless, politeness was mandatory.

“Happy to make your acquaintance young Prince. I hope that we shall come to be friends” I said, failing to differentiate this greeting from its predecessor more, hopefully the Prince wouldn’t be offended. As before I lowered my head slightly.

“Yes, I am sure we will Count” the Prince replied, emphasising on my title and not reciprocating the gesture. The brat did know that my title held more weight than his? After all, I was to inherit an Independent County while the Prince would retain the title only as long as his father remained King. And that depended on whether he kept getting elected.

Ignoring the Prince, the girl turned to the two standing by the wall, another pair of boy and girl. Turning to the boy, who was standing to the right she said, “ This is First Son Novel Walters of the Angralium Ministry. They are one of the main administrative factions of the AWC and hold dominion over 7% of the Algrean landmass.”


“This is a fine day that I met you First Son.And I hope that there shall be many more to come” I said, repeating the gesture. Hopefully that greeting was good enough.

“Just refer to me as Novel your excellency, unlike you my title holds no true power. I hope that perhaps our nations may be friends.” he said, also lowering his head slightly

“I hope so as well, Novel” I replied, really what was I supposed to say? No I cannot make such a decision at this moment? That would be beyond rude.

Turning to the girl on the left she said,'' And then we have Maiden Anuris of the Fair lands. They are one of the main military nations and while holding dominion over only 0.1% of the Algrean landmass, they have one of the largest concentration of elites on Algrea, ranking fifth in the maximum number of Graders above Grade 7”

“I am thankful to meet you, fair Maiden, I hope that this shall be the beginnings of a good camaraderie.” I said

“I too am thankful, good Count. I am sure that history shall note our sacrifice and valour in battle.” Anuris answered

“And finally you have me, I am Valuris Manuor of the Farewell Lands. The Farewell Lands are as you know, a Nation led by his lordship, Lord of the Farewell Lands and are one of the most powerful factions in Algrea.” Valuris finished

“I suppose I shall introduce myself also, I am Alforien Arlford, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane and Count of Launeior. Quite insignificant really.” I said

“Humph. False humility does not suit you Count, the Arford family is hardly insignificant, and being a future ruler of a Nation is something none of those present have a claim to.” the Prince replied, turning his nose up at me. Irritating guy.

“Well, perhaps you can brief me about my family’s power, I fear I am quite ignorant of it.” I replied, continuing the tit for tat.

“Well, who am I to refuse the plea of an ignorant person? Your family, you see, sits in an awkward position in the AWC and even in Algrea as a whole. The decisions of your founder have relegated the family to the nobility of a minor kingdom while having strength and resources as large as those of the greatest nations.”

“With the fine administration of the Patriarch your family rose to even greater heights, even dominating over Algrea as a whole for a time. Even now your family holds considerable sway in many Nations that do not have their own Grade 7s. Truly you should consider yourself fortunate to be born in such a family.” the Price finished

As I said. Irritating guy. Wonder if I should be ready for some form of ancient duel? After all, I might just get challenged now.








7 months


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator


[The Known]


[Otherworldly mana manipulation] [ Force of Will] [Conversion]


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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