《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 31- Where the final namelist is drawn


Arianna Arlford (Meemauy)

Arianna was conflicted. On one hand, she felt that the baby brick was throwing an oversized tantrum.On the other, he’d been very close to being abused, just because she’d been lax in her watch over the High Council and its operations.

An abusive guardian. Never in her life had she had to deal with this kind of happening in her family. They were the family of Donald Arlford, compiler of the Treaty of Peace, liberator of Algrea. They were supposed to STOP the abuse NOT propagate it. Yet the High Council had done exactly that. Or was it that Council of Elders? Both of them were just as likely to be responsible.

But thankfully, it was now not her job to police these miscreants. Faurlen Arlford, her brother and Patriarch of the Arlford family had emerged. Despite the fact that he was three thousand years younger than her he’d somehow managed to become powerful than her, though she supposed it was because she had grown lazy over the years.

Unlike her more formative years she had chosen to lay back and enjoy the scenery instead. The scenery of Life that is. Despite having lived for 15000 years since her crossing to the 9th Grade she had only crossed over to the 10th a few centuries ago. It always made her laugh that the books described the strength of those on the various power lists as static. Little did they know that everyone had been improving.

There might have been very few Tier 10s back then, but now there were many more. Even if you ignore those that had crossed to higher Tiers and those that had let the worlds, there would still be a few dozen of them in the Arlford family alone. To say nothing of Algrea.

What irked her the most however was the absence of Narvin. A few months ago, she had broken one of his protection seals, expecting him to arrive within minutes. It had been months. Narvin never arrived. In fact he had vanished off the face of Algrea.

It was a disturbing notion. Hopefully her brother and The Lord of the Farewell Lands could find him. A missing Transmigrator was never a good thing. Perhaps she should give her husband a call. The change of Ages seemed anigh and Algrea may soon need the presence of Donald Arlford at its helm.

First though, she must attend to the Naming of one irritating brick.

The brick

After the figures left, it took five minutes for me to restart the carriage and head for the Arlford estate with Yuskevar. I dared not wander around for if there was one thing I had learned through my latest foray into the dark world of Algrean politics it was that. There be monsters, and that it was best to let them be. Otherwise they might just decide to eat you.


At least I got to see the Arlford estate from the sky this time around, Meemauy hadn’t given me any time to sightsee the last time we were there. It was a sight to see. The main Arlford complex was quite huge and frankly ugly to look at. But there were apparently individual manors beyond it that were quite tastefully done.

I quite liked the one with the brick structure. I stood out like its chimney that was constantly blowing out smoke. What were they doing there? Burning trash?

EIther way I had more pressing matters at hand. I had yet to choose a name. And frankly I had absolutely no idea what was best. I had that list of names...but they no longer felt appropriate. The encounter had reminded me of something I had forgotten. I was to be a ruler and my name should perhaps reflect that.

Now what was a good name for a ruler?Let’s see...I searched my memory for suitable names.First up from the names i had seen in the books was one particular that had caught my attention Abundiantus. It was apparently from an Earth language known as Latin and meant ‘plentiful’.

Then there was an Algrean name Woolworth, apparently it sounded similar to words in the Earth language English but had a completely different meaning. Here it meant the ‘seeker of prosperity’. And well, I certainly wanted prosperity.

Finally there was a name very close to me for some reason. Alforien. The name had no meaning. It was the last word uttered by a Mother as she and her son were killed in the palace’s grand hall in my last life. For some reason the scene had stuck with me, I always felt that the scene was incomplete...inaccurate somehow.

I had difficulty choosing between the three. The first was very complex and would fit right in with the Arlfords that praised all things Earth. But the second had a meaning I agreed with more. As for the third, it was...Emotional. And apparently I was an emotional person.

Sadly I had no more time to think about this as I landed at the gates to the main Arlford compound. Stupid ugly thing didn’t even have proper brick anchors. Its anchors were apparently made of enchanted gemstone.

But oh well, I’d have to improve upon Algrea’s architecture another time. First I had to deal with the coming conversation with...I had no idea who the conversation was going to be with. Meemauy? Patriarch what’s his name? My Father?

Suddenly one of the butlers that were around turned to me and said, “Your excellency, the honored Patriarch, Mistress and the Lord of the Farewell Lands are waiting for you in the Ramelonda Grand Hall. Please follow me.”


What was up with the name? Ignoring that every name started with R, the name was practically unintelligible. Did they run out names that began with R or something?

Well whatever. Hopefully it was better than this scenery. It had too few flourishes here! Too bad I couldn’t do anything about it. Yet…

Now for the important part of the day. The meeting. How was I going to act in it? Hmm...I couldn’t exactly go there expecting no questions. I was probably going to be interrogated. Now what would the questions be? What would I ask in their position?

First I’d ask why I did it. So I'll tell them about Amy and her treatment. That should get some points in my favour. Perhaps not many but some.

Now for the next. What else? They’ll probably ask if I knew what I was doing. The answer was No but…

Butler, Corin Salor (Temporary Character)

Corin looked at the little Count trying to think up a way out of the situation and felt pity on him. Frankly, to Corin the Counts actions weren’t even bad. The secession might have woken up a few oldies but said oldies shouldn’t have been asleep in the first place.

They had countries to run and things to do that had been left unattended for millenia. It was a wonder the Algrean World Council had survived this long with a bunch of incompetent deputies taking their place.

Mostly it was the deputies fighting among themselves while the world ran itself. It even did it reasonably well. Large sections of Algrea had poverty wiped from them. Even the city the Count had gone to was an example of this.

Granted the people did not have gainful employment but they did have free food, water and medicine. And in Corin’s opinion that should be enough. If it wasn’t then the people were just being greedy.

But that was not the point was it? What was really needed was for the little Count to calm down now.

“There is little need for all the planning your excellency, the Mistress understands your decision and I am sure the Patriarch will too.” Corin said

“How do you know what I am thinking?” the little Count said, suspicious in a veery cute manner.

“I don’t, it is apparent” Corin replied “Now how about some waffles?” The little Counts eyes brightened as Corin led him to the waffle station.

As they had the waffles and then headed towards the hall, Corin tried to calm the little Count’s worries by telling him stories of the Patriarch and the Mistress and how they had helped millions on Algrea.

Hopefully it worked, for while the Mistress and the Patriarch would not trouble the little Count, the Lord of the Farewell Lands had brought with him a rather troublesome little guest that may cause trouble. Nothing the little Count couldn’t deal with of course.








7 months


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator


[The Known]


[Otherworldly mana manipulation] [ Force of Will] [Conversion]


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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