《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 29- Where we learn why Mages shouldn't try their hands at Face Slapping


Yuskevar, Administrator-City hall

Yuskevar’s face twitched as he desperately tried to formulate a response that did not amount to ‘Gah! Run! Monster!’ Sadly his natural instincts constantly telling him to run away from that dangerous predator of a woman did not help things along.

“I am..sure…..that...the other..Graders ..will also follow the laws...my lady” Yuskevar finally managed to force out,his words stuttering for the first time in three years, the last being when the the headmaster of his Institute had reprimanded him in front of the entire Institute for failing to follow a few of the Institute’s rules, on hindsight he should have known that the man was using his aura to embarrass him. Not one for disobedience, that one.

Deciding that he did not want to stutter for the rest of the day Yuskevar said,” Would you...mind ...shutting that bloody...aura off!” forcing his way through the restriction

“Yes, a little thing to learn, I might have to follow your laws little guy but I don’t need to do anything else, including restrain my aura. Just deal with it. But I suppose I can tell you my name, Amy Arlford. Nice to meet you!” THe woman said, causing Yuskevar’s eyes to widen. The woman was famous or rather infamous in certain circles.

Responsible for the fall of three different Institutes, the woman had a reputation for being hard to please and being a slave driver that believed in ‘hard lessons’ It appeared that Yuskevar was not getting away lightly today.

“Yes you do. Otherwise I will not cooperate with you.” The brat said shocking Yuskevar by actually showing sympathy for him.

“Oh, my dear I do not need your cooperation. You will listen to me or suffer the consequences”Amy said, her tone takin a tone that made yuskevar fear for the baby.

“Yes you do, you may be used to doing things your way, niece. But you may find that I operate on a completely different scale than you and I will make you regret your decision, and no one will change my mind on that.” The baby threatened, behind him Yuskevar saw a spell made of elements woven together come to be.

In all his years he had never seen such a spell form and Yuskevar had seen many. A baby that wielded such a rare spellform would indeed have the potential to perhaps even give the infamous ‘young mistress Arlford’ pause.


“Hah! You think your little tricks will work on me ? You are a hundred years too young to challenge me uncle”

Or not. Clearly Miss Amy had no intention of backing down as she summoned her trademark chain-rope that was known to ‘punish’ disobedient children.

Baby brick, soon to be named

I was furious. Ms Aloise had given me that ridiculous card stack. Ok, at least it did give me a lot of real knowledge. Meemauy wouldn’t let me eat Waffles but she had a reason, that much sugar wasn’t good for babies.Even the Teacher was helping me raise my admittedly, abysmal Combat stat.

But this Amy woman? She had no reason, no she was a sadist out for her . And I was not about to be it. I had had about enough of these people coming on to me with more work or their ideas of what was best for me. No one should have to suffer through that, and I had suffered it for millenia, no more.

Something within me snapped as I gained a notification.

Resonance detected!

Your current state resonates with your mana and the world around you, your actions may have greater consequences.


Crossing detected. You have been detected to be in the crossing period, a period reserved for those that have yet to open their notifications and see that they have crossed over. Though common, it is an event of significance and its conjunction has produced a dissonance in reality. Your actions may have far far greater consequences than you imagine.

I skimmed through the notification, but the fact that I had apparently crossed over to Primal while I wasn’t looking and that apparently I had some kind of power up did nothing to dissuade me.

I opened my System tabs trying to change things, first I tried to withdraw from the Arlford family.

As a minor you may not make such decisions.

The System. I really needed to teach it a lesson. I then tried to file a complaint against Amy with the Algrean World Council.

As a minor you must gain the permission to make such charges.

Current Guardian: Amy Arlford...Compensating...Status Added: Wronged.

Yes System I am being wronged, nice of you to at least accept that. Now for the next option.

A complete secession of Launeior from the Algrean World Council. It would be the first ever and would create a very big commotion. But maybe that was what was needed, a commotion.


As a minor you may not make...Error!

Status identified: Wronged...Confirmation gained Transmigrator No.9 has been wronged by his Guardian...Systemic protocols activated.

Transmigrator, you may now proceed.

Do you confirm the secession? Yes/No


Second Confirmation

Do you confirm the secession? Yes/No


Third Confirmation

Do you confirm the secession? Yes/No

Yes, System just get on with it…

Far Far away,deep within a palace so grand that even the baby brick would be hard pressed to critic it unfavourably lied a single heart.

It was crystal clear with not a blemish, its very presence calming. How would it not be? It added 13 million points of calmness. It was the single greatest artifact in Algrea, not in points given, age or power but in significance.

For this was the Heart Of Peace, the symbolic representation of the power of the Algrean World Council and a beacon of hope for all Citizens of its member nations on Algrea. Which was all of them as of three centuries ago. The Heart had grown and grown until it could grow no more and yet today it reduced.

Yes, the Heart Of Peace reduced, crumbles falling from its edges. Visibly the difference was minor, a single County meaningless before the monstrosity that was the Algrean World Council. But all of its Guardians noticed it as a notification was sent by the System to each Ruler of each member nation

Lauriena has withdrawn from the Treaty of Ages and thus seceded from the Algrean World Council

It was a short and seemingly unimportant notification, yet its importance was hard to overstate as it awoke Rulers so old and powerful that even Meemauy, one of Algrea’s ten most powerful people would prefer them to be asleep.

One brick still unaware of what he had wrought

I looked at Amy and smiled, “ Well that should do it niece, I hope you are still as confident as before.” I said

“Why wouldn’t I be? You think your little complaint to that old Grandma back at the estate matters? Let me tell you kid, that Grandma agrees with me, she knows that the only way to handle over privileged kids is to beat some respect into you. Otherwise the lot of you just go about thinking you can get away with anything just because your parents are rich or powerful.” Amy said, she may have continued if not for a very recognizable presence entering the scene.

“Is that so? I don’t remember agreeing with you but it must be correct since you say so”- Meemauy then turned towards me and continued- “And don’t you dare laugh kid. You have no idea what mess you just poked your way into.” There was genuine anger in Meemauy’s voice when she spoke the second sentence, one thing further enhanced by the simple fact that all around her auras equal in magnitude were appearing rapidly, as if someone had called a meeting of ancient monsters.

Wait. That someone wasn’t me right?

Before you read the stat sheet, please note that it has not been updated as of yet because the brick has yet to see his notifications.








7 months


Heir candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor, Noble of the Kingdom of Mistrane, Baron of Losphintaius,Transmigrator




[Otherworldly mana manipulation] [ Force of Will] [Conversion]


Strength[The amount of brute force one can use]


Endurance[The amount of time one can work continuously]


Flexibility[The range of movement of the body]


Precision[The accuracy of one’s movements]


Perception[The ability to notice nuances and advanced concepts]


Intelligence[The ability to comprehend the advanced concepts]


Wisdom[The ability to effectively use the concepts]


Aura Force[The ability to force your will on your surroundings]


Combat[The speed of one’s reactions, ability to process situations and other general combat abilities]


Magic Affinities

Fire[One of the greatest sources of Light and Heat in the universe, you have Greater Affinity for Fire]


Earth[Essential for life, earth is what renders things solid, you have a Greater affinity for Earth]


Mind[The consciousness and its relation to reality, you have Lesser affinity for Mind]


Chaos[Everything shall be anything but what it should be, no thing shall remain as it should, you have a Lesser affinity for Chaos]


Grandmist[The base substance that all subatomic particles are made off, you have Lesser affinity for Grandmist]


Space [The building block of dimensions, you have an Outrageous affinity for Space


Time[A mysterious force, you have a Minor affinity for Time]


Will [The force that propels you through life, you have Minor affinity for Will]


Force[The building block of Kinetic interactions, you have Minor affinity for Force


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