《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 28- Where a few more people come in to play


I was pissed. How dare that Teacher reprimand me! I have earned my pride! My knowledge and skill in Casterfron Casting is unparalleled! Wait, what's Casterfron Casting?...Oh that's the magic type that one Court Mage tried to create but failed...and then I spent the next few centuries trying to make it work...Why didn’t I remember that before? Oh well that’s that.

Now for the important part, proving the instructor wrong and throwing it in his face. Now how to accomplish that? Hmm...maybe I could replicate something similar? Let’s see...I could make a randomized training arena.

What grade of automation though?...not high, these require too much power and not enough gain, a simple arithmetic one that randomly sends blasts of...I don’t have a Water affinity...I’ll just use Space. Yes! Lines of twisted space! No actual harm except some disorientation but it would be harder to avoid then the stupid water bursts! I’d also be able to practice mana sensing with it!

Setting myself to the task, I began weaving the spell. Yes weaving, after my latest realization I was switching to Casterfron Casting, why learn the Algrean way when you already know a better one? Besides, it was clearly more subtle. I weaved together the four walls, then set up the algorithm that ran the spell. It ran on a data core that held the various fronts of attack within the cage, really just all the possible combinations for the space tendrils to be formed. Thankfully the Casting worked in such a way that I did not have to do all of these calculations!

Soon enough, I had myself a training area! Excited to try my new invention I headed in and mentally started it...and hit a little problem. THe construct required a constant supply of mana. Way more than even the one run by Teacher because it ran on Space rather than Water. And Teacher was a Grade 2 at least. Oops, back to the drawing table.

How to get a mana supply? Casterfron Casting was mana intensive to a ridiculous degree it seemed as it’s constructs consumed a lot more mana then the Algrean variations. Apparently calculations required a lot more processing power. But I did have plenty of money...I could get Meemauy to let me access some of it? Or contribute some? That’s a plan!

I removed the communication apparatus that Meemauy had loaned me for just this sort of situation and pressed it.


“I doubt this is a real Emergency because you should be in your heavily warded carriage heading for that ridiculous mansion that Aloise woman owns. So tell me, what mad idea has struck your mind this day?” Meemauy. Always the critic.

“Well...I want to make a training spell and kind of lack the mana to run it...so any ideas?” I replied

“How’d you fit a training area inside a carriage? “ Meemauy asked causing me to look at my 1 acre large flying ‘carriage’

“1 acre is big enough?” I answered

“Oh right, I gave you one of the big ones...I should really stop giving you stuff, especially with this bloody mess of a County you handed me.”

I heard some background noise followed by Meemauy shouting- “No! I do not want your stupid gifts and flttery! And for the last time, your leader is really dead! Now stop pining over him and get a new one”- I then heard the all too familiar sound of Meemauy throwing someone out the window.

“So where were we? Ah yes, you needed a mana source. I’ll program the le damn carriage to go to the administration centre. It is about time you got a new babysitter. That Administrator of yours will do. Get yourself on that whatever administrative path that High Council of yours has, I am not handling your County for you any longer than I must. I don’t care that it needs you to be 18, you will inherit when you are...13.” With that the connection cut off leaving me shocked.

More work? Seriously? I was not impressed. Meemauy had gone too far! I shall rebel against her tyranny!.I shall...forget to inform that administrator about it! Yes that is it!

Suddenly the carriage twisted around and headed back to the city, presumably towards the administrators office

Yuskevar Roten, new Administrator of the city, the one now babysitting the brick.

There was little that troubled Yuskevor at this age. Over the years he’d come to realise that if one wanted to be successful in life there were two things one should remember. First, that no matter what the Algrean World Council said, the stats mattered. Second, avoid young masters that have everything set for their life from the get go at all costs.

Sadly it seemed that both of these things were against him today as he had not only been officially relegated to a slow grower by the Monulus Institute, his Instute of choice for his PHD and been then assigned to babysit a noble brat as his theses which was the only way for him to escape said relegation.


Life and its idiosyncrasies. That was a book somewhere, he should write it if it wasn’t, he’d probably earn a bunch of Intelligence points for it if he did.

Either way Yuskevar now had the distinct displeasure of waiting for a noble brat to land his huge palace, oh wait it was technically a carriage...it just had a massive 1 acre living room with a built-in Kitchen, play area and swimming pool.

Thankfully for him the noble brat decided that just earth jumping down was a better option. Good for him, Bad for the baby but who cares if one noble brat got his knee scraped? The brat was probably heavily warded anyway so he’d be ok even if he straight up jumped instead of making the Earth a completely Force-absorbing surface.

“So you are the administrator?”The brat said.

“Yes, my lord” yuskevar replied, fully expecting a list of demands that would have to be cleared with his boss earning him the ire of a person he did not even know yet. Apparently it was some Count that wanted to take residence here. The fact that his first order had been to pick up his son did not do much to inspire Yuskever’s confidence in him.

“So, Meemauy told me that you were the one to find for the mana source for my training cage.” The brat said

“I will have to clear it with the Count my lord but I am sure he will be amiable” Yuskevar said reflexively

“I am the Count, and I cleared it with Meemauy already, just get me the mana source, the money should have been supplied to you already.''The brat continued stunning Yuskevar into silence for once.

The thought that a noble brat was a Count was a shock to him. A County usually stretched for 300,000 square kilometers minimum. If the honored Transmigrator Donald Arlford was to be believed that was the size of a small Country on Earth.

Now the lives of all those people were the responsibility of a single brat. What has the world come to? It was for this very reason that the Transmigrator Donald Arlford warred all those millennia ago yet today once again it had appeared and right before his eyes too.

“Your excellency, may I ask how you are planning to govern your County?” Yuskevar asked hesitantly

“I don’t”-the words silenced all hope in Yuskevar’s heart-” Meemauy is doing the governing. I don’t inherit till i’m 18...that’s over 17 years from now” The brat finished, calming Yuskevar a bit

‘So it is governed by an adult...and they will probably train the guy for the position too.’Yuskevar thought, hoping that the system that ensured a semblance of Equality and Prosperity in Algrea was not falling today.

“So, what training will you be getting, your excellency?” Yuskevar asked

“Who are you? You are not the guy sent by Meemauy otherwise you would know more stuff” The brat said. Yuskevar could feel mana gathering around him, it was still gradeless but very close to Primal. An achievement for one so young.

“No shit Sherlock, he’s the idiot administrator from that fancy capital city of yours, I’m your guardian.” Yuskevar turned around to see a woman, stunningly beautiful but clearly trying to hide it beneath unflatteringly loose clothing and scars.

While she outwardly radiated no aura, her presence was definite enough that she was at least a Grade 3. No lesser could have avoided the wards around the city hall that were there to prevent someone ambushing incoming dignitaries...exactly like now.

“Ma’am I will have to request that you show some identification. As City Administrator it is my duty to log all visits to the city from those above Grade 1 and you are clearly beyond Grade 1” Yuveskar said, trying to hide behind his office.

“Ah, think yourself smart don’t you? Well guess what you actually are! Just a bit but that little wordplay there would probably give you some power over anyone under Grade 5. After all the CIty Administrator has authority equaling the noble he represents within his domain and this brat is a Count which has Authority over anyone under Grade 5. I wouldn’t put that to a test though, laws can be broken, sheer strength cannot.”the woman’s face twisted into a smile that Yuskevar could swear stretched beyond her face

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