《I'm a brick! But why am I a Humanoid? [A Non-Level LitRPG with a Humanoid MC full of Magic, Drama and Comedic Undertone]》Chapter 6- Learning never stops, even for a brick


Three hours. That’s how much of my time was wasted reading this useless information. All I got for it was


A single digit number! I had been allotted a mere single digit number as my worth! I must find this system and lodge a formal complaint. By punching it in the face! I learnt that from one of the books. What was the title again? ‘Solmrwite’s Hysterical quirks of Algrea’?

Either way I was now to read some more...maybe they’ll all be as interesting as Solmwrite?

Another three hours later…

I am now officially disillusioned of the notion that I, by any definition, implication and correlation of the word, am a bookworm.

Like that sentence? I learnt from a book called ‘Salhiyour’s guide to basic grammar’. Thankfully now that I had finished with these boring irritants, I could move on to more interesting books. Like ‘Loyen’s A Summer Sojourn’ or maybe ‘Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice’

Another hour later. Shakespeare was useless, I don’t get why it’s so famous. Maybe because it was brought by a World Changer? Someone named David. Huh. Loyen on the other hand was a much better writer, she was writing what was called ‘Dramatical Romance’, apparently because the leads were male and female? And they interacted a lot?

Moving on...over the next several days I devoured one book after another, eventually my Wisdom came up to be



Six more than before, apparently negatives were more persistent than positives.

Time to sleep now. I went to sleep never having noticed that my father had been discretely adding books since...after the first hour when I ran out of books.


Maurise Arlford, Heir Candidate to the Earl of Cristanfor

Hilarious. It was absolutely hilarious.Maurise thought as he saw his son try to figure out romance,It was like watching a baby...try to adult things? It was funny anyway!


Well, fun time was now over.Time to deal with the aftermath of his decision a few days ago.Deciding that haste was in order, he [Rush]ed to the hall, where no doubt the five meddlesome ‘Elders’ were plotting their next move.

A few minutes later, Roseway hall.

As expected, the Elders were conspiring, they’d had the family property screen wide open to his family’s page when Maurise stepped in.

“So, using blackmail now, are we?” Maurise asked

“Not at all, Maurise! We’re just doing our duties as Elders”.Matilda said

Oops, I think I offended her with the speaker stuff. It was a lower ranked title against that vaunted Elder title she lusted after. Too bad she’d been stuck at Honorary Elder for the last five centuries.

“Oh and what duty would that be?”Maurise asked not at all convinced

“Dealing with the family’s holdings of course. We just realised that the off-world holdings are in flux. They have no lords assigned to them.” Matilda continued “ And since your son is the last noble in our family, we think that it is a good idea to give them to him. It will raise his ranking to count, but if his affinities are any indication, he will be more than able to match up.”

“You will pay for this Matilda” Maurise said, losing his temper “For years I have endured you and the rest of the family go on and on about the family’s honour and reputation and whatnot. What you don’t realise is that the world has moved on.”

“It is, unlike you, no longer stuck in the past.A non-violent, peaceful world has been formed around you and you are still preparing for war. Treating our many talented children as weapons. I say, no more! No longer shall my child or any other have to stay under your thumb and be groomed”- he practically spit the last word out-“I shall have no more of it-”


Maurise was suddenly interrupted by Elder Santurn, the only male Elder to attend his son’s stat reveal. “And what exactly shall you do? Take the Trial of Separation?” Santurn said, scoffing.

“Yes, yes I will” Maurise, to the surprise of the five Elders replied

“You have gone mad,Cousin, the Trial of Separation is a trial which has never, in the glorious history of our family, been crossed.” Anulise, the only blonde Arlford ever said.“It is social suicide to do such a thing.Think of your poor wife-”

Sadly for Anulise, Maurise had had enough “Don’t speak of that woman, I shall not hear of her. Prepare the Trial Elders, I shall attempt it in half an hour” he said and quickly rushed off.

Half an hour later, Roseway Hall

The hall,usually abandoned simply because it was too centrally located for anything other than family gatherings, was now packed to the brim with Arlfords, most of whom were just here to watch the show.

“Are you ready, Maurise?” Santurn said, his voice curt.

“Yes, Elder, I am.”Maurise answered, observing the basic formalities.

“Then it is time we begin, prepare the altar, light the path” Anulise said

“Prepare the altar, light the path” The entirety of the family that was present in the hall echoed.

As they watched an altar emerged from under the hall, passing through the floor and setting itself about 1metre in the air. Then the floor began glowing, drawing a path from Maurise to the altar.

Slowly, but steadily Maurise walked to the altar, then jumped to its surface, landing gracefully.

“You have initiated the Trail of Separation.” A voice echoed, completely surrounding Maurise. “To pass you must air your grievances in such a manner that I, who has been equipped with the minutes and records of all Elder meetings and have the additional support of some very helpful notes taken by Countess Matilda here, am rendered speechless. Do you agree to this stipulation?”

Taking a deep breadth Maurise answered,“Yes, i a-”

“Please note”, the voice continued, “that the use of any silencing spell is prohibited.”

“The use of any language-forgetting spell is also prohibited”

“The use of any speech enhancing spell is also prohibited”...It just went on and on this manner, speaking of spellforms, most of which Maurise had never heard of.

All around the altar, the mood seemed to change. Tables were set, space magic cast, and a veritable feast was conjured.

“You should join us Maurise, that list is very long” Anulise said

Shrugging, Maurise took her advice.

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