《Soul of a Hunter》Chapter 013
"Merchant day!" Liam greets me as he comes down the stairs. "How long 'fore you think they'll be here?"
"They arrived last night," I remind him.
"Oh, right!" He says, then grins. "I've got my own money to buy stuff with this time!"
"Yes, you do," I nod.
Normally, I give Liam an allowance to buy stuff from the merchants with. Usually, he spends it on some fruit they brought with them that we can't grow here due to our climate. I typically buy a couple of bottles of wine, and if they have something interesting we could use, I'll buy that.
We eat breakfast, then head towards the center of town, where the market is set up. It lasts for one day, and includes whatever merchant or merchants arrived, as well as several of the craftsmen of the town.
It isn't hard to spot the merchants, as they're surrounded by townsfolk, who have no doubt sold stuff to the Elder Hunter for money if they didn't have money from Cam and me buying stuff. For our own craftsmen, they'll likely trade for stuff, though some might buy with coin as well.
Even if some things will be gone by the time we get there, Liam and I still check out the other stalls first, giving the townsfolk time to look at the imported goods.
Most of the local goods are made for this day, even though it happens every month. Things the craftsmen made in their spare time between orders and necessities. Liam decides to buy a new cook pot, even though ours will last awhile yet. He claims it's to be prepared, even after I remind him we probably have a few more years left.
I'm sure he wants to try his hand at brewing potions, and knows I won't allow him to use the actual cook pot for it. Liam buys a few more things that supports this theory as we walk. Small bottles, his own stirring rod, his own mortar and pestle, his own cutting board, his own ladle, and other such things.
For the most part, I just let him get what he wants. It's his money, and there's no harm in him attempting to make his own potions and salves, especially as if he gets talented with it, he'll be able to handle his own minor healing without using sacred power, too.
I don't buy anything myself. I don't need much, and what I do need, I usually buy or trade for immediately.
"The crowd's died down," Liam tells me, looking amusing with the big pot in his arms, his other purchases inside of it. "Let's go see what the merchants have, there's six of 'em."
"Yeah," I say. "It's a big group."
Normally, we have one, maybe two merchants show up. That's why everyone turns it into a big deal each month – they spend less and can save up for the big groups, like this. The bigger groups almost always have at least one merchant with pretty quality goods. Most of the market day is just everyone trading or buying goods from the townsfolk, and maybe one thing from the merchant or merchants, if they can afford it and there's something that interests them.
Cam joins us as we approach the merchants, though he looks a little out of it.
"Everything okay?" I ask.
"Yeah," he answers, giving Liam a brief look before turning his attention back to me. "I'll tell you when we're alone. I haven't seen Kain or the others."
"They're at the Elder Hunter's shop," I tell him. "Talking with the Hunters who escorted this group of merchants. Is that Ryan I saw?"
"Yep," he answers. "I was talking with him while he was setting up. He says he has something that might interest you, but didn't tell me what."
"Okay," I say.
Ryan is our most regular merchant. He travels in a three-month cycle, and usually brings pretty decent goods with him. The wine he brings is the best, too, brought from a city with vast vineyards with a variety of fields and wines. That wouldn't be what he was referencing, though. He knows I'm always interested in buying a couple of bottles of wine.
The three of us arrive at the merchants' stations. As with the townsfolk selling wares, they're sitting on blankets on either side of the street, three on each side. Ryan is the furthest from us, but we start at this end.
The first merchant has a variety of perfumes on his blanket, among oils, lotions, salves, and creams, gathered from dozens of towns and cities over his travels. He wasn't saving them for us, these just happen to be what he has in-stock right now, his goods change regularly. All of the merchants' goods do.
Cam examines the lotions, oils, and perfumes, before buying a perfume for his ma. I pick out a lotion for her, and another for the Elder Hunter. Cam and I take turns buying something for her each market day, and it's my turn this month.
While we do examine the other goods, not much interests Liam or me, though I do notice Cam lingering on some educational cards, which he buys as Liam and I are moving on and slips under his shirt. That action there tells me enough about what's on his mind and why he seems off. I do still want to confirm with him, which will happen when we speak in private later.
Finally, we reach the last merchant, Ryan, who has plenty of wine left.
"Hello, Rex," Ryan greets me with a smile. "It's good to see you again."
"It's good to see you again as well," I respond. "Which wines would you recommend?"
"Based on your previous preferences," he stands and opens up a crate, pulling out two bottles before turning and holding them out. "I recommend these. You've had this one a few times, but this Raizar red is a new one, and has a touch of chocolate to the flavor. Same price as you usually pay."
I pull out the appropriate coins and hand them to him, then accept the bottles of wine.
"Thank you," I tell him. "Cam said you told him you had something which might interest me?"
"Yes," he answers, before opening another crate and rummaging through the goods inside, before eventually pulling out an item wrapped in cloth. Something fragile, then? "Here we are."
He turns around and sits, setting the item on his blanket. Carefully, he unwraps it, revealing a sculpture. It's of a youthful man, clad in nothing, with a pair of feathered wings stretching out of his back.
The detail on it is remarkable, from the lines of his muscles to the detailing in his feathers to the lines of his hair, to every last detail. The figure itself is only fifteen inches tall, each wing twice as long as the body is tall, though they're partially folded towards him, which is part of why he's tall. The man himself is only around twelve inches in height.
Made of clear crystal, it sparkles in the morning light. Seeing the figure reminds me of Kris's tale a couple of days ago, about the Hunter who had a pair of wings made of light. Two things like that showing up so close together? That's a sign from the powers that be, if there ever was one.
"I saw it in a market in one of the cities halfway through my route," Ryan tells me. "It made me think of you immediately, and your love of the tales of old. The figure is of an angel. In the stories from before magic came to be, angels served the gods in the heavens. Most were messengers, though some were warriors who protected the heavens, sacred places, and servants of the gods.
"Of course," he says. "We now know they're mere myths, but the item still caught my attention due to the lore behind it, and I knew you would have an interest in it. Would you like to buy it?"
"If I don't, will you have a seller for it?" I ask.
"I will find one," he tells me. "This craftsmanship is excellent, of a caliber that isn't found in many places. According to the merchant I purchased it from, it was made on the eastern islands, by an expert crystal worker. It's around around three hundred years old, and was once a pair, though as far as anyone knows, the pair was destroyed around two hundred years ago in a monster attack, and this one was barely rescued."
While some merchants might try to give a big history behind their wares, Ryan has never tried to pull that with me. He trusts Hunters, and knows how much the world relies us on. He'd rather tell us the honest story than make something up to make an item more attractive.
Because of that, I can trust in the history he gave me. This used to be part of a pair, and the pair was probably destroyed. Its age is likely as he said, around three centuries. With it being something related to the ancient lore, too, it does hold a certain appeal to me beyond its beauty. Normally, I just like listening to the stories.
Again, though, with it showing up here so soon after I was told about wings of light on a Hunter, this can only be a sign from the powers that be. Angels might not exist, but there's still something to a winged person.
"How much?" I ask.
"Due to its age," Ryan says. "The quality of the craftsmanship, and the history behind it, it's valued at five thousand two hundred."
"Whoa!" Liam's eyes bug out upon hearing the cost. "That's, like, more than I've earned! So far! That's a lot! Is it really that expensive?"
"Knowing Ryan," I say. "He's probably giving me a discount."
"I am," Ryan confirms. "I've taken off the cost of storing and transporting it. Small, isolated towns like this can use local Hunters even more, and while I know there isn't much use for money out here, I still like to provide luxuries when I can."
"I'll take it," I tell him. "I'll need to return home to acquire the appropriate amount first, though."
I don't keep more than two thousand for the markets, and that's because some of the good wines can run half that, each.
"It will be here," Ryan tells me.
"I'll be back soon," I say.
"I'm going to buy some more stuff," Liam tells me. "There's something I want to try, but I'm not going to tell you what it is yet."
Cam gives me an amused look.
"I'm going to buy a couple of more things," he tells me. "Then head home. I'll see you tonight."
"Alright," I tell him, then turn and make my way home, where I put down the bottles of wine before heading up to my room to access my chest of coins.
After collecting enough money to buy the figure, I make my way back to the market as I think over what the sign could mean. Even if I don't understand the sign, I still want to purchase the sculpture just because of the tale Kris told me. It might be a male with wings, but it still holds that connection and representation of an ancient lore.
When I return, I don't see Liam anywhere, and Cam is gone as well. Liam's probably sneaking back home hoping to avoid letting me know he wants to try making potions, while Cam has probably headed home, as he said he would.
"Welcome back," Ryan says when I approach him, the sculpture wrapped once more. He unwraps it to show me it's still there, then wraps it back up. "You are ready to make the purchase?"
"I am," I hand him the pouch of money. He counts it, then hands me the wrapped sculpture. "Thank you, Ryan."
"You're welcome," he smiles. "Until next time."
"Until next time," I respond, then return home.
When I arrive home, I check on Liam, who is out back 'just boiling some water' in the pot with a piece of parchment sitting on a stump beside him, then I head upstairs and unwrap the sculpture before placing it on a shelf. An angel, huh? Did that Hunter Kris told me about know about the angels of the ancient stories and do those wings of light for some strange reason?
Deciding I won't receive any answers on my own, and that it's unlikely I'll receive any at all, I decide to just admire the crystal sculpture. The craftsmanship really is incredible, there isn't a single trace of the tools on it, and the clarity is amazing.
After a few minutes, I make my way downstairs and out back, to where Liam is still working on his first potion attempt. He's sitting on one of the stumps we keep back here, another beside him.
"I'm, uh," he looks at the mortar and pestle in his hands, then looks at the pot, then at me. "I'm just practicing grinding herbs, since you're always grinding the herbs you use to season stuff with by yourself. It's about time I started helping more. Also, I'm just seeing how long it will take for the water to boil out of the pot."
"Good luck," I tell him. "I'm going over to Cam's to give his ma this lotion. I'll probably be back in a few hours."
"Alright," he tells me, then looks uncertain. "You'll be back before dinner, right? Because while I can fix myself something for lunch, I'm not that good at cooking."
"I'll be back before dinner," I promise. "See you, Liam."
I leave and walk to Cam's house, knocking on the door when I arrive. His pa answers it, giving me a disapproving look.
"Rex," he says. "How many times do I need to tell you? Just because you moved out, you don't have to start knocking to enter."
With his deep, gruff voice, he sounds a lot more frightening than he actually is, and that statement of his sounds more like an annoyed threat than him just saying something he's said a few hundred times, knowing it won't change anything.
"I know," I say. "I wanted to give your wife a gift."
I hold up the tin of lotion, and he nods, then lets me inside. Cam's ma is sitting by their fireplace, adding some chopped vegetables to the stew she is preparing.
"Hello," I greet her as I approach.
"Hello, Rex," she smiles. "You didn't have to get me anything."
"You know I do anyway," I tell her.
"You can put it on the shelf," she tells me, so I set it on the shelf nearby, along with several bottles and tins of perfume, lotion, and oils. Cam's gift is already here. "Cam went upstairs to do something. Did he already tell you?"
"If you're referring to what's been distracting him," I say. "Then no, he has not. That said, I did figure it out. The cards meant for teaching that he bought from one of the merchants, then hid, was enough of a hint."
She's pregnant and expecting a baby. I've sort of known for a little while already, but no one said anything, so I didn't ask. As Cam only started being off today, I'm guessing they told him this morning.
"We just found out last night," she tells me. "We're hoping for another boy, so that Cam has a little brother, and to take over the shop once Ian can't."
"Good luck," I tell her. "That's rather good news to hear."
"Yes, it is," she smiles.
"Not that you didn't already know," Cam's pa claps my shoulder. "We know you're one of those men who can tell when women are pregnant."
"I figured I'd wait for you guys to find out," I admit. "Especially after the last few pregnancies."
They've had four pregnancies since Cam was born. The first one, the baby died a few days after being born. The second one, the baby was born still. The third one, they didn't even know she was pregnant before she had a miscarriage.
Unfortunately, that's the way things are. Not all babies make it past a few weeks old, if they even make it there. The stories of the era before magic came to this world said that most babies survived and grew into adults. Most people had one or two children, not attempted and had as many as possible in the hopes that some survived.
Just another price paid by the arrival of magic in this world. Just another curse bestowed upon humanity. Monsters, lower infant survival rate, and difficult travels. No one knows how it happened, or why, just that one day, magic entered this world and changed everything, everywhere.
The actual stories of the change are fuzzy. For example, no one really knows how we found out about building the walls and Gates. Somehow, though, it was discovered.
"Hey, Rex," Cam says, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I look at him. "Ready to go visit the Elder Hunter?"
"Yeah," I answer.
"You boys enjoy your evening," his ma says.
"You two do as well," I tell them, then Cam and I leave.
Every market day, Cam stays over at my place, so they won't see him again until morning.
"Did Ma or Pa tell you?" Cam asks as we walk.
"Yeah," I answer. "Though I kind of knew already."
"Yeah, I figured," he nods. "They told me after I woke up this morning. I was already asleep when the doctor visited. They want to keep it quiet until she's showing."
"That's normal," I say. "Liam's pushing the whole 'I'm not brewing a potion' thing."
Cam snorts.
"What kind is he trying to make?"
"Looked like a salve, actually," I answer. "Based on the ingredients. You're better at that stuff than me, though, you're the one with a ma who made them."
"What were the ingredients, and what did he have so far?"
I explain what I saw, and what I think was already in the pot.
"Yeah, sounds like he's making a salve," he tells me. "He'll have to reduce that down a lot if he's making it with as much water as you said, and he'll need to make sure he doesn't reduce it too much, or it'll burn. Once it cools, it'll be a salve for soothing rashes from a few different poisons."
We continue the walk in silence after that, and enter the Elder Hunter's shop as soon as we arrive. She's sitting in her usual spot, with no one else in here.
"Hello, ma'am," I greet her, pulling the second tin of lotion from a pouch at my belt. "We bought this for you."
"Thank you," she accepts the tin from me, then opens it and smells it. "Smells lovely. It reminds me of the cherry blossoms on the eastern islands I visited in my youth. That brings back memories."
"The merchant said," Cam tells her. "That it was made using oil from cherry blossoms on the eastern island, so that is the scent."
"It's a wonderful smell," she smiles. "Thank you, boys."
"You're welcome," I tell her.
"We're glad you enjoy it," Cam tells her.
"Is my brother here?" I ask.
"Kain and the Soul Strikers went fishing outside of town," she informs me. "They took the Hunters who escorted the merchants with them."
"Okay," I say. "Can you ask Kain not to leave with the merchants before seeing me again?"
"I will," she answers. "Enjoy the rest of your day, boys."
"You as well," I tell her.
Cam and I leave, walking to my home. Once we arrive, we fix ourselves some lunch, noting that a few pieces of fruit, some cheese, and some bread is missing. Liam's lunch, most likely. After we eat, we step outside, where Liam is sitting looking depressed, cleaning out the pot.
"Okay," he looks at us. "I realize now that you two probably figured out what I was doing. Um. Can I get some help? I totally failed that first attempt. I managed to reduce it down, but then the salve started turning brown and it was awful."
"Sure," Cam pulls up a stump stool, and once Liam finishes cleaning the pot, they make the salve together.
I watch them as they work, Liam listening attentively to Cam's instructions. For the most part, Cam lets Liam follow the recipe he received from someone. Judging by the handwriting, probably Cam's ma. Cam mostly only interjects when Liam is making a mistake, or misinterpreting the instructions.
"There you are," a voice says, and I turn to find Nick standing there, a basket in his hands. A trio of chickens are inside. "I brought you some chickens, in case you didn't have something for dinner yet."
"Thank you," I walk over to him and accept the basket. That reminds me, I still need to weave together Liam's basket. "I was planning on looking for something soon."
"You're welcome," he tells me. "Always happy to help you boys. Have a good rest of your day, Rex."
"You as well, Nick," I say, then he leaves.
I take the chickens inside and set them on the counter, then get to work making Liam's basket for carrying stuff from hunting in. After finishing it, I check on Cam and Liam, who are making a new batch of salve, the old apparently bad. Leaving them to it, I work on dinner, the two of them coming inside just as I'm setting it out on the table.
"Look!" Liam holds up a few tins, one of them open. "It only took me four tries, and I managed to make a batch of six tins!"
"Good job," I tell him as Cam and I sit. "Wash your hands, then come eat."
"Okay!" He hurries to wash his hands, then takes his seat. "It smells delicious!"
"Thank you," I tell him as I open the bottle of wine. "Since you're ten now, I'm going to let you have some of the wine, Liam, but you're only getting a little bit."
"That's fine!" He nods. "It's 'cause I'm smaller, so my body can't handle as much as you or Cam!"
He bounces excitedly in his seat.
"My first taste of wine," he says. "And it's one you really like! I can't wait!"
Cam and I chuckle, then I pour the wine.
"Let's eat!" I say as I set the bottle down.
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