《Loremaster: A Progression Dark Fantasy》19: Class Obtained - Herald of the Celestials?!
"The youth was wrapped in radiant light and bore the chained crown atop her brow.
Roses spun from gold were threaded through her long, curly white hair.
Her face was covered by a shifting mask, first carved from the bone then shifting to monstrous mouths.
In one of her small hands rested a twenty-sided die and the other was a faceless stone figurate.
At her feet was a set of scales, perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Resting against her chest laid an onyx pendant encased in silver. The gemstone had been shaped to resemble an eye, or perhaps an eye looked out from its spiraling depths?
And when she spoke, magic lit up the world and made it feel new."
~ Records from one of the Purifiers in attendance of the Classing of the Herald
Serena had never understood how someone could be afraid of water until this moment. Black chains wrapped around her limbs, dragging her deeper into the inky waters, and when that failed, pale white hands held on to her.
If she listened, perhaps she could hear whispers of the deep or of the drowned maddened folk.
The hands were so gentle, as were the chains, and no bruising or harm was on her body.
Something moving in the growing inky darkness around her, drawing her attention to a white-haired man. Her eyes widened as the pale figure swam closer, the pain twisting a knife into whatever she could call for a heart.
Why does he resemble Senku even in the faintest?
And the stranger did to various degrees. It was more than skin deep and akin to a bittersweet longing for the past. It could be due to the connections to monsters and humanoids as he was different from her kitsune friend.
Pale blue scales covered his upper body that was hauntingly pale in the depths, while his lower half was a writhing mass of tentacles and the heads of wolves, panthers, and even a bear. Gills rested on his throat, and webbed sections stood out of his arms. Perhaps they were to manipulate the water flow?
The heads tore into the chains and hands dragging her down, each one attached to a wretched black tentacle. Black blood came from the stumps of hands as they reluctantly retreated to the depths of the ocean.
Serena's gaze lingered on the black blood around her and flinched at the gentle pressure of the clawed hand on her forearm. The unknown figure dragged her up toward the surface.
A bright light coming from the distant surface pushed back the growing thoughts of just going under and meeting whoever is trying to keep her with them. As she neared the surface, a ray of light pushed away the darkness and a pale hand pulled her out of the ocean and onto the pale golden shoreline.
The white-haired child started to cough up the water that was caught in her lungs, a far more symbolic gesture than a literal one given what she was.
“That is the last time I accept or do anything before asking a million questions,” Serena wheezed out in anger, her breath coming out panicked from the near-drowning. “He just forced me to drink some strange blue liquid. Who even does that?”
“The Lord of Oaths always did like to play tricks,” a man said softly as the owner held her hand in his. It felt like she was basking in the gentle warmth of the sun. “I am truly sorry that happened, but it is difficult to come in contact with the mortal planes when one was so separated from the day today.”
Her eyes focused on the peachy skin that belonged more to a gentleman or artist than a warrior or fighter, even as she felt strength from the fingers that lingered a bit too long for her liking. She skimmed over his appearance, taking in the outfit that would better fit a nobleman than what she assumed was a deity. Fine dress pants and shoes fit well with the jasmine silk shirt and cornflower blue vest over it. The pants, sleeves of the shirt, and a strange thin fabric that rested around his shoulders and neck, along with his eyes, were all cornflower blue as well. His yellow hair matched the shirt, falling to the neck with tufts sticking out of the otherwise wavy locks.
The slight smile he gave her, and the warmth in his gaze, were superficial, however. At least to her.
Serena smiled tensely before moving his hand away from her. As an extra precaution, she took a few steps away from the being, willingly heading back closer to the ocean and what might lurk within.
Better a known danger than a superficial kindness.
The strange golden being dropped the smile for a moment, looking at his hand with what she could only take as stunned amazement.
“Oh? A mortal who saw through your bullshit? That alone solidified my interest in her.”
Serena turned to the new, if muffled, male voice, and spotted someone rather unusual. There were no visible body features as his entire body had been covered up. He wore dark grey leather armor, with a hooded waistcoat. The bottom of the coat fanned out in the back to reach behind his knees, the outside color was a dark grey-brown with inside the color of seals. Trimmed in maroon with sections of coffee for the hood, and a black tricorn hat, he was rather fashionable and stood out. It was the pale gray mask with solid black holes where the eyes should be, and vague other humanized features that stood out as well.
The roguish man was sitting on a boulder on the shoreline, only a handful of feet away from her, and that only bothered her more. It was like he saw this as a joke or a game.
"Then again, drawing the attention of The Beast Lord, The Dark Truth, The Lord of Lies, myself, and our pretty boy Sovereign of Sorrow at your first commune is unusual enough." The man continued, and Serena knew he was a celestial of some status. "I wonder who else will heed the call."
The sand on the shore shifted and crackled with energy as a figure emerged from it.
It was a rather large man, carved from marble with eyes of rose quartz. The living statue was beautiful in a haunting manner and was clothed in the most mesmerizing tailored robes. When he spoke, his voice was as deep and rich as the mountains. "There seems to be many of our number who were summoned to this Classing."
"True, it is most peculiar." A woman announced as she made her presence known. The figure was clothed in fitted leather armor with the shoulder pads adorned in thick dark blue fur. Her forehead down to below her eyes was marked by dark blue ink, covering all the area while bringing out the sharpness in her forest-green eyes. A single line of the blue ink continued from the middle of her bottom lip down to her chin. Her ears were pierced by silver, and her hairstyle was unusual in itself. It was haft shaved and stylized in the front right side, while the rest was long and braided where it didn't fall to her shoulders. From inky black down to gray ending at ash, the transition was unusual. Especially compared to the plain spear she held in her hand. "Though she does seem to have the right attributes for us and our Pantheons. Otherwise, none of us would have answered her call. Or am I wrong, Erl King?"
The strong and polite if a bit distant woman asked Serena. No, she was addressing the figure behind her.
The long shadow of death finally swallowed Serena as she looked up at a rather pleasant and gently smiling young man. Where the sunshine celestial was bright but had no warmth, he gave off the chill of death but provided the company and care one craved. The young man was lean and tall, with knee-length platinum hair that turned to moss green at the ends. Prominent antlers that seemed to belong on an elk rather than a humanoid stood out on his skull. Small buds of flowers in the process of blossoming remained on the bone-white antlers despite the aura of death about him. His moss green gaze was calming to her, even as he looked like a normal peasant in appearance.
This Erl King nodded his head. "This was the first time that all of the Pantheons were called together at once. I admit to being curious about what this can mean."
The rogue chuckled, drawing her attention to him. "Let's see what her character sheet says then."
What is a character sheet?
Serena's question was soon answered as a familiar image of her records appeared physically in front of her face. She glanced around wildly, the screen following after her, and she saw that the others had a similar screen.
Name: Serena
Stage: Sah
Rank: Glass
Level: Peak
Species: Corpseborn (Formerly Royal Celestial)
Status: Sealed (Undiscovered/Unknown Seals. Need examination and research to discover more)
Titles: Pandora (Mother of Monsters), Loremaster, Craftlord (Ancient)
Knowledge/Expertise: Monster Studies Intuition, Magic Intuition, Fairyology Intuition, Dracology Intuition, Therianthropology Intuition, Vampirology Intuition, Yokaigaku Intuition, Mystic Archaeology Intuition, Ghostology Intuition, Eldritch Intuition, Mutagenetics Intuition, Paranormal Expertise; Brewing Intuition; Alchemy (Pure, Personal, Ancient and Dark); Artificing (Blacksmithing, Goldsmithing, Tailoring, Tool Creation, Inventing); Craft Improvisation
Abilities (Mental/Magical Skills): Novice Elemental Manipulation (Earth); Apprentice Elemental Manipulation (Light and Darkness); Journeyman Elemental Manipulation (Air and Water); Master Elemental Manipulation (Fire); Novice Taming; Apprentice Alchemy Manipulation; Novice Black Magic; Novice White Magic
Traits (Passive): Feral Mind; Monster Manipulation; Monster Attraction; Monster Companionship
Aside from that small amount Serena saw at a glance, there were far things listed. Techniques, which were Physical Active Skills were either Novice or Apprentice.
That was all well and dandy, but Serena felt there were serious changes in her previous life and hiding her own currently limited power. At the very least there were differences between her screen and the ones the celestials were seeing. She looked at the titles first for guidance.
Loremaster: Your burning thirst for knowledge in all its forms has rewarded you with the ancient title of Loremaster. The curiosity within you is seemingly endless and you must learn, discover, create, and find a way to use everything you encounter. With research, experimentation, and in the field practice, one can learn and master anything in due time. Allows the Possibility and Potential to unlock disciplines, schools, abilities, knowledge, expertise even outside of one's class and specializations.
Her Loremaster title seemed to be unusual in that it covered knowledge and skills in any form not just learning the history or how to create something. In theory, learning how to shapeshift or how a monster's body works could potentially allow me to have access to the abilities of various monsters.
Pandora: Whether rumor or truth, you have caused people to suspect and believe you are the mythical Pandora, the origin of most of the monsters and non-humans. Or at the very least those known. Naturally, this includes Hybrids and beast folk. This belief mixed with fear and even devotion and awe from various species and factions attached itself to you and will be a great power for you. Allows the Possibility and Potential to befriend monsters, learn monster and non-human abilities and techniques, and anything else regarding them. Grants the Traits: Monster Attraction, Monster Companionship, Monster Manipulation, and Feral Mind.
Belief seems to be a rather powerful force now to cause such a thing to happen. If I were to weaponize this...
For a moment, there was a dark glint in her eyes as the possibilities unfolded in her mind.
Craftlord (Ancient): You have spent many years researching, discovering, and perfecting any profession and craft that you could. This has earned you the esteem of those around you, as well as being considered a legendary practitioner of the fine arts. Allows the Possibility and Potential to create in any of the Ancient professions and to learn new variations of them with ease. Allows one to teach others in this specialization.
So there is a massive difference between the knowledge of my time and the present. It took all her willpower not to scoff at that. My time? How could I so easily accept that my world is gone?
Her body was swaying from the urge to lash out and decry the unfairness of this world, and it was through the cold touch on her shoulder that she snapped back to the present. Serena looked up into the moss green eyes of the Erl-King and saw understanding. It was as if he knew what and who she truly was, and didn't hate or fear her and what she represented. He appeared to have no intention of telling the others either which was quite surprising.
Serena didn't know what game he was playing at, but she would take any chance at surviving she could. She turned her attention to the rest of the strange character sheet. As she observed it, more information about the parts she didn't quite grasp entered her mind.
Brewing Intuition: You have knowledge and skill in brewing beverages such as beer, coffee, liqueur, and tea. You can also brew other beverages such as decoction and herbal tonic.
Ancient Alchemy: You have the knowledge and skill of the ancient ways of creation and destruction. Your years at the side of cauldrons and measuring materials have brought forth great rewards. Allows the Potential and Possibilities of creating, modifying, enchanting, and restoring things in the ancient methods. Allows one to teach others in these Specializations. Grants the Applications of Elemental Manipulation (Gas, Liquid, Plasma and Solid) in regards to creation, Golem Creation, Artificial Life Creation, Property Manipulation (Augmentation/Reduction, Disintegration, Freezing, Fusionism/Fissionism, Melting, Physical Restoration, Refining, Restoration), and Reconfiguration (Amalgamation, Reshaping). Grants the Techniques of Alchemy Combat and Alchemical Entity Creation. Limitations are the following: Needs a laboratory/workshop and time to create. The effectiveness depends on your knowledge and skill level.
That seems to be about right. Pure, Dark and Personal Alchemy seems to be focused on beneficial, destructive, and body modifications.
Magic Intuition: You possess an uncanny insight into magical phenomena and all their myriad forms, allowing you to perceive and understand magic in unusual and ancient ways. Your ever-growing understanding will eventually allow you to modify spells, merge them, and even create unique ones.
Monster Studies Intuition: You possess great knowledge of the study of monsters. You research the behavior, abilities, weaknesses, and anatomy of monsters to pursue the documentation and categorization of them.
Mutagenetics Intuition: You have great knowledge of the study of mutagenic effects and substances. This allows you to understand the inner workings of mutations and mutated/corrupted beings. In time, you can even recreate or reverse engineer mutagen. Your vast knowledge of mutation allows them to create conditions to create mutants with the properties you desire.
Mystic Archaeology Intuition: You have great knowledge of the study of mystic artifacts, antiquities, runes, and other magical objects. You possess extraordinary knowledge of the effects and properties of each mystical object and how they came to be.
Eldritch Intuition: Much to the horror of others, you have an intuitive understanding of dealing with creatures beyond the borders of reality. This enables you to grasp/revise/comprehend eldritch body language, innovation, and the like. This affords a connection with outer worldly entities on a subconscious level, either communicating with them verbally or indirectly, i.e., mentally, emotionally, physiologically, and the like.
There were several specialized fields of monster or inhuman study which Serena found fascinating and seemed to check out.
Paranormal Expertise: You possess great experience and knowledge in paranormal beings, including how to understand, detect, and combat against them. (vampires, monsters, aliens, etc.). Grants the applications of Occultism, Enhanced Combat, Enhanced Tracking, Spiritual Awareness, Weapon Proficiency.
Monster Attraction and Monster Manipulation were simply what they said. Monster Companionship though was very interesting.
Monster Companionship: Through miracle or chance, you can form bonds with non-humans, creatures, and monsters. These bonds are mutually beneficial in that you both protect and care for one another while assisting the other in multiple situations. The Limitation to this is that you are unable to make allies with certain monsters and creatures. Examples include savage, feral, corrupted, etc.
Feral Mind is equally as fascinating.
Feral Mind: Your body and mind have joined in creating a great and terrible state when you are under great physical pain, stress, and damage. You unleash the beast within to take down those around you. This creates an unstoppable rage that allows you to perform in vastly increased capacity, taking and inflicting damage that you couldn't or wouldn't in their normal state. Bestows Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Instincts, Enhanced Reflexes, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Survivability, Enhanced Violence, and Pain Suppression. Limitations: Can only activate every few days to once a week and can not be used for more than a half-hour without overstressing the body. (currently)
“Based on her knowledge, I think these would be good starting classes." The unnamed rogue said bringing her attention away from her screens to the new one that provided a list of potential classes.
Supernatural Detective: You have a unique affinity for the more magical and unusual aspects of the world along with possessing a hunger for more knowledge. This will put your skills to the test.
Monster Hunter: Your Expertise and Knowledge in various fields of Monster Studies and the Paranormal have allowed you to be one of the most effective Monster Hunters.
World Traveler: Your knowledge and willingness to explore and travel around the world, recording lost lore, and delving into dungeons is known. With this, it will be much easier.
Overlord: You were born and raised to rule, surviving challenges that would break a lesser being. With this class, it will be easier to build your paradise.
There were about five others but they all ended up being more professions or goals which were things that seemed more a natural extension of their skills than something worthy of a Class.
"I don't mean any disrespect, but these classes are professions or aspirations." Serena began and nearly stopped as their eyes turned onto her. "Unless they provide unique benefits compared to choosing the profession or learning it later in life, or has other differences, then the Class is meaningless."
The Sovereign of Sorrow spoke up, seemingly having been feeling these exact things for some time. "These are more specialties compared to the standard archetypes that we give out and have the people customize. However, I do understand your concern. If you are willing, I do know of a class that would fit you and would tie in with your titles along with the offered classes of Lord Luck. However, it is very dangerous and is a great investment of time, effort, and bonding."
Veles had told her to be ambitious and to be the very best, and while this deity of light was shady and suspicious as hell, as the Earthians might say, Serena was tempted. The Devil, it is said, does not come in red skin and hooves. It comes as something beautiful.
However, two could play at this game. Whatever was in store for me, I was more than ready for it.
"I am willing."
The world vanished in a rush of light and Serena found herself back in the altar room though things were odd.
Each of her friends and the two new brats were wearing a mask and had some kind of other artifacts.
Adelina carried a beautiful silver hand mirror and on her face was a mask made from green wood that complimented her hair and eyes.
Rama carried a book with a dragon on it and had the mask woven from wheat.
A raven perched itself on Arima's left shoulder as a mask made from ice and snow-covered his face.
Around her brother's neck was a pendant of a swirling black onyx. Deep within the black depths was an all-observing eye.
It made sense if these were signs of them being chosen or accepted by the celestials, but what does it mean when she had far more objects of power attached to her?!
Honestly, it made more sense if it was an attempt to claim her, and with that thought in mind, she looked at the artifacts.
A finely carved, featureless stone statue along with what felt like a twenty-sided die in her hands no doubt was connected to the stone man and Lord Luck. The balanced scales at her feet reminded her of that woman among them. The same pendant as her twin dangled around her neck and stared up at her. There was no doubt a mask on her face too, and there were various sensations of things wrapped around her hair. On top of her head was what felt like a crown to her.
All of this led the people around her and her friends to stumble over themselves in prayers. Loud weeping was heard and things only became stranger when she was asked what her class was.
Serena closed her eyes and turned her mana inward to pull up the information. In huge, rather intimidating letters stood out four words that would shape many things to come.
Herald of the Celestials
It was also at this moment, that Serena knew, she fucked up.
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