《Loremaster: A Progression Dark Fantasy》17 - Second Chance Ranch


“You’re doing quite well. I wasn’t expecting your pain tolerance to be quite so high.” ~ Lines to run away from #1, as noted by Serena.

The rest of the trip home, even though the well traveled and safe paths, was quite smooth for the gang of hellions. First, there were no more incidents of killing creatures and having them explode hard enough to cause a chain reaction.

Serena could understand the rush one gets from battle or having to be in the moment. The sharp clarity that cut away all uncertainty and only allowed one to focus when being directly threatened was remarkably helpful. There seemed to be an added distance between the act of taking a life, however warranted, and the continued need to protect herself. The wolves were too tainted to be saved, likely even by Purfifers, but she couldn't help but shake the lingering traces of enjoyment at being able to fight and defend herself.

Loras had always been her shadow and dagger in the dark while Senku was her sword and shield. There was no need to learn combat maneuvers or training when she was so well protected.

Serena frowned as she looked out the carriage window, watching the wild forests turn to farmland and ranches. Tamed and neutral monsters and altered animals coexisted alongside humanoids, living and working alongside each other. Such a sight was heartwarming enough and gave her hope that there were some lingering traces of her own way of life here.

With each passing day, the bite of the betrayal stung less, though it could have been the distance as well that caused it. Over ten thousand years had passed since her original life, and the multiverse was little more than old wive's tales and rumors. There were so many civilizations remade and lost, and whole realities folded in and combined with this realm as they ceased to be, that lingering on what could have been was foolish.

At times, Serena began to wonder if there was a greater plan at play. If they wanted her existence gone forever, they just needed Senku to destroy her. Or have another Corpseborn do it. They instead settled on physical signs, as a part of her hoped it was done to show the world and create rumors, that she could not say or see anything. The burning at the stake was a bit overdone, as was that farce of a trial, but Serena figured it was out of their hands by that point.


The idea of them harboring negativity to do this to her without a good reason couldn't even last longer than a moment before Serena dismissed it. She had saved Senku when they were both far younger, tended to his injuries and even did all she could to provide for him as he originally left her. Loras was her twin, her original other half. She had read that some cultures and species believed that twins were one soul in two bodies, and in many ways that seemed to fit their dynamic. They always knew what the other wanted or planned, and were eager to support the other.

I can't imagine they would willingly harm me.

"One can never truly know the heart of another."

Serena flinched a little at the Lord of Lies voice coming from Soot, but more at what he meant. Others would only hear the squawking of a crow, but she knew that this familiar of hers was more an extension of the Oathkeeper than a normal bird.

Their carriages entered the giant ranch and farm to the right of the towering northwest gates. Night had long fallen upon the Mainland as they arrived at their home away from the road, the Second Chance Ranch.

Built and largely run by former slaves, the ranch had become the premier resource for easily harvestable and collectible monster parts. It was also home to dozens of sentient monsters, humanoids and non-humans. Traditional crops were tended to by constructs and the occasional undead while the massive craftsmen hall was always active. Those who could fight would travel to collect rarer ingredients for sale or become wandering merchants with a carriage of their own. Others traded and worked in the city in various professions.

Netherthorne, being the capital for the country of Katra was a rather unusual city. It was split into at least three parts, with the Second Chance Ranch being on the edge of the second and third part. The heart of the city could only be accessed through a passageway people had to walk on by foot, or through magic and teleportation. The tall, steep cliffs that shielded the paradise city of discovery and wonder were guarded by various Eyes, or specialized Hunters who could see each person's aura and track them with ease.


The second part was the giant city that she was more accustomed too. The streets were not only paved, but wide enough to accommodate four carriages side to side. The boulevards that acted as the thoroughfares to the center of the city from the gates were wide allowing ease of travel.

They were lined with trees and there were suitable walkways for pedestrians on either side. Streetlamps were powered by mana infused crystals and the better the neighborhood, the fancier the streetlamps were.

The main house of the ranch, which Serena and other weary travelers lived in when they returned was a large stone townhouse. It was three stories tall with what looked like an attic beneath a peaked roof. The neighboring house styles on the property were very similar.

When the carriage stopped in front of the earthern facade of the main house of Second Chance, the dark colored door immediately opened and a freckled middle aged woman with short curly pale green hair and a neat jade green dress shot out.

“Hello Molly,” The door to the carriage swung open and Arima stepped out, immediately embraced by the lively young woman.

“My Arima! Welcome back!” Molly then stepped back and cupped Kalani’s face, her eyes twinkling with affection. She seemed to catch a movement behind the two boys and tossed them to the side. She threw her arms open. “My Sera!”

Before both feet were on the ground, Serena was swept up in a tight, warm embrace. The crazed old biddy pressed her head against hers and kissed the sides.

“Molly, let them rest,” Marama said, a faint chuckle coloring her words as the huntress left the carriage and shut the door behind her. "Serena killed her first monster today."

Jolly old Molly let go of her and clapped her hands, excited at the possibilities. "Truly?! We should be able to make a grand feast for the achievement!"

Marama shook her head, noticing how her skin paled. "The wolves wouldn't have worked for the feast. They were heavily corrupted and about to succumb instead of adapt."

The happy mood vanished as the woman's jade eyes glinted with the meaning of the words. "How far away?"

"About a day or two ride with a normal carriage. Near a lake."

Molly nodded, displeasure clear as day on her aged face. "You should let the Institiute know."

"That's the plan. Same with getting these kids classes and enrolled." That was the first Serena heard of enrollment and even Arima and Kalani were taken aback by the sudden surprise. "It's the safest place for them with how the Mainland is going."

Eventually, the group entered the house and were able to get something more nutrious to eat than traveling rations. The adults soon shooed the kids away, leaving Marama to discuss several things with the others.

It was quite late by the time Serena was finally able to fall into her bed. She only had a few more hours left as a Classless, and would soon meet the new celestials face to face.

The idea of punching one of those uppity bastards was tempting but Serena knew where she currently stood. She was virtually defenseless and knew a very limited amount of information.

Ever since learning of the Moira Institute, their various affiliated organizations and businesses, along with centers of learning and research, Serena was more than ready to bet a hefty amount of gold on what she could discover there.

Serena closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Everything will be fine. No matter what happens, the celestials aren't likely to notice me out of everyone else. There are all kinds of other special kids who deserve their attention and care. I will just lie low, and get this ritual thing done and over with.

She could feel the judging stare of Soot and she knew she had screwed up.

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