《(Small Exploits)》Chapter 14





“Daddy! Daddy! Me and Vipa found some Achor roots!” Allis yelled excitedly as she waved around a thick dirt covered root.

Father chuckled and gave the two small selarin’s a warm smile before speaking. “Now Allis, Vipa, you know you're not supposed to go out into the forest with those clothes, and you also brought a trail of dirt into the house. What would your mothers say if they saw you.” He said while raising a disapproving eyebrow.

The two selarin children looked at each other, then down at themselves, noticing all of the dirt patches.

Allis's hood slumped. “But we wanted to find where the root grows after you told us what it's used for.” She complained sullenly.

“And how are we supposed to learn about medicine if we don't look for the plants?” Vipa huffed as she crossed her arms.

Father leaned over to pat his daughters heads. “There's no need to rush things, you two. like healing, learning all the important things takes time.” The father explained to them with a smile.

“Vipa Venara and Allis Sphara!” Three voices called in unison from down stairs, with a commanding tone.

Father chuckled at the two, who winced at being called. “Tell you what, after you both get another lesson in cleanliness, I'll teach you both how to mix that root into a healing salve.” He told the two while leaning back in his chair.

Both girls perked up and rushed down stairs, and the father failed to suppress his amusement at the two as he turned back to read over some patient requests.

His eyes went wide at one of the requests. “Good gods!”

[Fifty gold to anyone who can help heal Lady Taipa Oxyur, noble heir to the region.]



Allis walked in on Vipa who was staring at a booklet in her palm. “Float! Levitate! Hover! Up!....Ugh!” Vipa cried out in frustration.

Allis smirked at the sight. “Did you really spend a copper on that crap?” She asked in amusement.

“Well if I didn't, then I wouldn't have known that I have, and can sense, mana.” Vipa said with a smug expression.

Allis gawked. “No way! You're a mage!” She shouted with excitement, her hood perking up with joy.

Vipa’s confidence faltered, her own hood slumping a bit at her sister's excitement. “I don't seem to be able to manipulate it though, I'll need a wand or staff as a focus. And the cost of those things are insane, it would be easier slaying a dragon than getting the coin for it. You wanna give it a shot?” She asked while waving the booklet around.

“I’m good, I'd rather not know than be disappointed for the rest of my life. Er, no offence.” Allis finished awkwardly.

“None taken, it sucks. By the way, how's dad's progress with Lady Taipa?” Vipa asked curiously.

“Great, he said that the treatment should finally be done by the end of next month. He's also been acting a bit weird, I don't know why but it seems like he's nervous about something.” Allis explained, ending with a bit of concern.

“Have you asked him about it?” Vipa inquired worriedly.

“Yeah, but he brushes it off every time, it's starting to worry me… And I can't help but feel like something's very wrong…"



“Oh you poor things, of course you can stay with us. I can't begin to imagine what it's like to lose your home and loved ones to such a horrible tragedy.” Lady Taipa remarked with her voice only slightly tinged with sympathy.


Father’s expression was that of a broken man. “Thank you for your... Hospitality, my Lady. I-We... Have no choice but to ask for your… Help, I hope it's not too much trouble...” He asked, his tone void of emotion.

Lady Taipa’s smile grew wide. “Nonsense, there's nothing I wouldn't do for the man who saved my life. It just breaks my heart that none of your wives survived the raid, you're fortunate you still have your daughters....” She said as her eyes narrowed at the pair of selarins behind him.

Vipa flinched at her words, remembering the attack and the screams of her mother’s being tortured and played with, and Allis held her closer, trying to comfort her sister the best she could. Unfortunately, even though Allis wasn’t trembling like Vipa, she couldn't hold back her own tears.

Father’s gaze shot to Lady Taipa. “Yes, they are all I have left. It's my job to prot- take care of them.”

Lady Taipa frowned, her face bordering on a sneer. “Yes.. that may be true, but they are pretty much grown adults. They will have to live on their own eventually, but it's unfortunate that the world is still filled with such dangers.”

Fathers eyes shot wide. “I-- Would be eternally in your debt If you could find a place for my daughters. They have nothing, and it will be some time before they can live without assistants.”

Lady Taipa’s smile returned. “I think we can come to an arrangement…”



“Too sweet! You stupid girl!” Lady Taipa yelled as she threw her unfinished tea onto Vipa.

“I-I-I'm sorry my Lady. It wont ha-” Allis said pleadingly, but was cut off.

“Excuses! Your fathers out helping my distant relative, so I don't have to hold myself back. Clean this mess up and keep this filth out of my sight.” Lady Taipa said in a huff, walking out of the dining room with sneering disgust.

After cleaning the area, Allis took her sister to their room, though it was less of a room and more of a large storage closet.

Vipa broke down crying half way into the room. “I can't do this anymore, Allis. I-I just-”

Allis pulled Vipa into a close embrace, tightening it as her sister wept into her chest. “Shhh shhh, It's ok... It's ok…”

“Why did he have to marry her!? Why is she treating us like this!? Why can't we just leave!? Allis I don't think I can take much more…” Vipa cried heavily while her hands balled at Allis's uniform.

“We just have to work for another year for our contract to end, and dad will be back in another week so it'll be, ‘easier’.”Allis reassured her as she stroked a hand over the blue patterns on her gray scales.

Vipa calmed down just a bit, but still continued to sob softly. “But then he'll just go back out again…. If only I could manipulate mana…”

Allis couldn't form a response, and only looked over at the small worn booklet on Vipa’s cot, knowing that she'd been holding onto it like it would suddenly solve everything. Allis would never entertain the thought that she could be a mage, because it was more likely that she would have only two of the requirements, and she didn't want to constantly wonder if her life would be different if she just had the coin to buy a supplement for the third.

Allis felt Vipa start to cry again, pushing back into her chest. Allis’s eyes narrowed at the book, a desperate feeling of hope rising within her.


She knows what failing would feel like, but she would try for her sister.



“What do you mean you're not going to pay us, our contract is finished!” Allis growled in a simmering rage.

Lady Taipa rolled her eyes with an annoyed expression. “If you bothered to read it, then you'd know that payment is predicated on the client's satisfaction.” She paused with a smile. “And I am far from satisfied.” She finished smugly.

Allis slithered toward Taipa with a violent intent. “YOU B-” Her words were cut off, her father stepping between her and Lady Taipa, while he shot Allis a glare to make her back down.

Father turned to Lady Taipa. “I apologize for my- our, daughters outburst. May I speak with them in private so I can properly explain how things are supposed to ‘work’ around here. ” He finished with an obvious implication and a respectful bow.

Lady Taipa smiled at him with delight. “It's comforting to see you finally come around. Find me once you've put your spawn in their place, and I may renew their contracts.”

Allis and her sister were led back to their room, and father checked the halls to make sure no one was spying on them.

Allis felt betrayed at the way her father acted. “Dad, how could yo-” She cut short.

“Here take this, it's a three golds worth split between the two of you. Take it, leave, and never come back.” Father commanded as he handed Allis the small bag of coins.

“What, I don't understand?” Vipa asked.

Fathers eyes looked almost desperate as they darted between his daughters. “I-I can't explain, just take it and leave. Start new lives, have a family, be happy.” He begged.

“Dad, we can't just leave you!” Vipa yelled in defiance.

“Especially if we have to leave you with her!” Allis shouted with hatred.

“Shhh” Father hissed, before turning to check outside the room.

"I-you- just don't-” He stammered.

Seeing his daughter's stubborn expressions, he relented, his body visibly relaxing as he spoke. “You need to know the truth then…” He paused, while a dark shadow fell over his visage. “The move that I set up for us to live in the capital three years ago wasn't just because of the payment I got. It was because of Lady Taipa herself.”

Both sisters glanced at each other with confusion, as their father began to explain.

“During the time I was treating her, she became infatuated with me. I told her constantly that I wasn't interested, but that didn't stop her from… Attempting things during the final week's. I staved off as much as I could until I received payment, then I never went back.

That didn't stop her, she sent letter after letter, and gifts delivered by messengers. And the more I refused her ‘requests’, the more threatening they became. When I resolved to move us to the capital I went out in person to confront her, and tell her that I was leaving. She.... Did not take it well.

She cursed your mother’s, calling them the most vial things. She also threatened that if I left, then….” He trailed off as he let the implication hang.

“Dad… You can't mean…” Vipa said, utter shock crossing her face.

His face darkened further. “She was the one who orchestrated the raid in the area, and gave orders to kill your mother's”

Allis could not believe her fathers story, because it would mean that she was serving her mother's killer for nearly three years. “That's insane, over a dozen houses burned down and so many people were killed. How do you even know it was her.” She challenged, her stomach curling into sickening knots at the information.

He grimaced. “Because when I was caught trying to help your mothers, one of the raiders delivered a message from her. ‘Come back to me, or your daughters are next.’”

Utter silence followed his words, as the two sisters absorbed the truth of what happened. Allis was the first to break down, and was awash with tears for the first time since arriving at Lady Taipa’s estate.

Tears started down Vipa’s face, but a steely expression held all the sadness back, and seemed to be turning it into pure rage.

“It's - It's all my fault. All of it! I should have sent you away before you signed those damn contracts. Now she's trying to hold your lives over me. Damn it! If I never took that stupid request! No amount of money was worth losing what we did, worth the suffering she put you through….” Father brought them both into a close embrace, as he started to break down at seeing his daughter's reactions.

Father pulled away to take in the sight of his daughters for what might be the last time. “You need to go, before she tries to keep you here.” He said desperately.

“But we ca-” Allis started, but was cut off.

“Don't worry about me, as soon as I know you two are safe, I'll figure out a way to leave her….and make sure she has no reason to chase you…” Father said in a hard tone

After they shared a heartfelt goodbye, the sisters left their father behind, and set out for the next region to be out of Lady Taipa’s influence. The trip was uneventful and mostly carried out in silence, until they finally stopped at an inn out of her region.

Allis slumped on the bed, as she wore an emotionless expression. “So what now? ”She asked her sister with a sorrowful tone.

Vipa sat in a chair across from her, and even though her face was a little placid, there were hints of a restrained rage that was just underneath the surface. “Well, you should head to the academy.” Vipa told her, but it almost sounded like a command.

Allis winced as she looked over at her sister. “I know it was my plan after the contracts ended, but after hearing the truth…” She said while trailing off.

Vipa’s voice hardened. “Allis, it's because of that you need to go. Do you really think after learning all that, that Taipa’s just going to let him go? The Academy basically gives noble status to anyone who graduates no matter where they originated. A mage that's graduated from the academy could have enough authority to get dad out of that situation.” She explained with a determination to her words.

Allis was surprised at Vipa’s sudden shift in personality, and took a moment to respond. “But, what about you?”

“I'll join the army, it can't be any worse than working for Taipa. And, if I climb the ranks high enough I can go after Taipa...” Vipa explained as anger and contempt radiated off her.

“Vipa! She's a noble! Even if you somehow become a general you won't be seen as having the authority to do anything to a noble!” Allis protested.

Vipa looked at her sister, a fire of anger and determination in her eyes. “Allis, she's the reason for everything that's happened to us. I'm gonna do it regardless if it's impossible, I just wanna make sure dad is safe before then. So?”

In that moment Allis felt her gut sink further than any time before. ‘Was it because of her plan or something else?’ She thought.

“All right. I'll do it.”



Allis had now spent three years at the academy, and she hated every moment of it, as the classes with any true blood nobles berated everyone else. And even though She enjoyed the classes on magic and natural world studies, especially those on healing, the other classes she was forced to attend felt wrong. They were essentially classes on how to behave like a noble, and all of them were required to graduate from the academy. It seemed like fun at first, but she caught herself acting terribly to people out in public. Which was kind of the point, but it felt like she was changing into Taipa, which sickened her.

Allis was studying in the academy's library when the head master walked in and told her that a colonel was here to speak with her. Initially baffled as to why someone from the army was there to see her, she soon connected the dots. When she realized who it could be, she went from a leisurely pace to speeding down the halls to one of the private rooms they were in.

“Vipa!” Allis shouted excitedly, moving to hug her sister.

“Allis, it's good to see you again.” Vipa said, returning the embrace.

“It's been so long, and you've changed so much. You're so...” Allis said, pulling away from the hug to regard her sister.

“Muscled?” Vippa said with a smirk.

Allis shook her head with a chuckle. “And a Colonel apparently. The hell Vipa, I never thought you'd even make it as an officer.”

Vipa glanced away with a guilty look. “I may have exploited a few loopholes, among other things, but I'll save those stories for another time. You might want to have a seat...” She finished while her face shifted to a grim expression.

“Vipa? What's wrong?” Allis asked while taking a seat.

Vipa broke eye contact before answering. “Soon after I made Colonel, I went back to Taipa’s estate and… It's- about dad... He's dead”

The shock of her words hit Allis so hard that some of her body went slack. “But… I only had a year left…” She said as tears started to form in her eyes.

“It wouldn't have mattered…” Vipa said coldly.

Allis’s emotions swung around to anger at hearing that. “ Wouldn't have mattered!? It was your fucking IDEA?! Do you know how much I've worked for this, not to mention the harassment from actual nobles, and you say it wouldn-” She was cut off.

“He killed himself the day we left!” Vipa yelled, tears already streaming down her face.

Allis slid out of her seat and dropped to her hands, her body unable to support herself from the emotional mountain that was dropped on her.

“We didn't even have the chance…”



Allis got out of bed like every other morning since graduating from the academy, hollow. She went through the motions for getting ready for the day, had a shower, got dressed, and went to her clinic to heal the stupid. When she got to her clinic, it was just more going through the motions. Un-dust with magic, take inventory, and wait behind the counter.

Since the war started, she's had the excuse to not heal as many people by rationing. She was told by the local lord to do so, but the fewer people she interacted with, the better the day seemed. But as irritating as it was to deal with people, every time she had a day alone she was just left to her thoughts. The ‘what ifs’ that always seemed to plague her mind, no matter how much time had passed.

It was about noon when two people came into her clinic, a selarin and- ‘A what?’ She thought.

After greeting them with a forced welcoming cadence, she explained the usual story she gave every person that walked in.

The strange man then had the gall to ask about healing magic, from how he dressed you'd think he'd have heard of the prices. Then after asking about a few parts that make up the body he acted like he could learn healing magic on the spot. The notion that her four years and countless hours studying could be replicated on the spot sent her into a rage, she was only mid rant when he actually cast it.

Allis was speechless as she watched the magic completely healed a very damaged ankle. After the light faded, Allis’s mind raced at lightning speed trying to process what she just witnessed, some of those thoughts exiting her mouth as she did so.

‘WHAT?! This has to have been a trick, an illusion. No, it was definitely healing magic. Maybe staged, and he knew the magic all along? But then there'd be no point in even coming here! WAIT, HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING TO INITIATE THE SPELL! But that was magic and you just didn't even say anything!? No prayer! No chant! No words at all!’ Her thoughts mixed with her words.

Then a thought struck her yet again. ‘What is he?’ She had studied nearly all of the races, and this man didn't seem to resemble any specific one. As soon as she confronted him about it, the selarin grabbed him and they ran. Out of instinct Allis chased after them, shouting for them to stop, but she lost them in the winding alleyways.

Even though she lost the pair, she searched for them all over town until she exhausted herself into the evening. When she got home she could barely sleep, because for the first time in a long time she didn't feel hollow.



When Allis got out of bed she felt tired, but that hollow feeling was replaced with determination. Determination to find out who and what that man was, and why she felt like he held something, ‘Special? Important? Great? Meaningful? Significant?’, she was frustrated that she didn't know what it was and couldn't place the feeling. Her mind wouldn't let up on trying to figure out who the mystery man was, while her gut was screaming at her to find him. And this time, she would listen.

Instead of going to her clinic, she wandered the town searching for him. It didn't help that she couldn't recall his name, she never bothered getting to know people so what was the point. It was late into the morning when the people she started to talk to mentioned rumors of a ‘dragon’ residing at the inn. Allis brushed them off as the town's latest piece of gossip, that is until she overheard a few descriptions of the man. A combination of dwarf, elf, dryad and beast clan.

After hearing that, she headed straight for the inn. She was confused as to how such a rumor spread about him, but she remembered the selarin with him. She blushed at the thought, but shook it from her mind. Allis knew that the man wasn't a dragon. Even though dragons can swap between two distinct forms, he had none of the features associated with a dragon in their smaller form.

When Allis got to the inn, she asked the innkeeper about the so-called ‘dragon’, giving him a short description. He smirked and asked if she was looking for Leo, and that he actually asked about her earlier today before leaving. He gestured to the dining area and told her to ‘feel free to wait for him’, because he and the woman paid to stay for two months. Allis took a seat at the far corner to the left of the inn's entrance, so that she could block the door once they entered.

As Allis waited for Leo to return, she ordered her thoughts on what she knew of him. ‘He looks like a mish mash of different races, he can learn magic pretty much instantly, he can cast without the use of words, and he has the sexual stamina of a dragon. Gods, it's like the mans from anoth-’

Allis’s eyes went wide, the thought not needing to finish as the significance of it crashed into her. ‘That, that's not possible…. The practice is banned, going against every kingdom's laws... But even the law didn't stop Taipa from sending that raid… And it even explains why that selarin grabbed him and ran as soon as I asked about his race. He also knew about body structure well enough to cast healing magic, but acted like he never went to an academy…’

‘If he's actually a summon then he could cripple entire kingdoms, completely change the power balance of the world, kill any...one…’ Her thoughts trailed, as a plan formed at the back of her mind.

Leo and Elaria walked into the inn some time after lunch, and Allis set off to confront him. She resolved herself to use him by any means to get what she wanted. Though she didn't care for power, wealth, or even controlling the world. What she wanted was simple, it was something that she longed for ever since leaving Taipa's estate, and even more so when Vipa told her about their fathers death.



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