《(Small Exploits)》Chapter 8.5 - Pancake Break (NSFW)



Leo X Elaria

Elaria pulled Leo by the arm and sped her way to the inn, practically dragging him across town so she could finally fuck his frustratingly dense brains out.

Leo was still a little winded from being chased through the alley, but this was more of a fast walk than a full sprint, so he gradually got a hold of himself as they traveled back to the inn.

Leo noticed that Elaria was very eager to get back to the inn after he healed her ankle. ‘Maybe she's hungry and doesn't want to miss out on lunch?’ Leo thought, unaware of how dense he was actually being.

Lunch was suddenly the least important thing on Elaria's mind, as the emotional stress of the last day and a half had not been easy, and she’s desperately craving an outlet to relieve said stress. When they entered the Inn, Elaria let go of Leo and headed straight to Kesl who was manning the bar.

“How much for room service for the rest of the day?” Elaria asked impatiently, a hunger in her eyes that would only be sated by one thing that she wanted to fill her.

Kesl’s brows shot up, noticing that Elaria was no longer injured, and was taken aback by the intensity of her determination. “Uhhh, that'll be 2 copper.” Kesl answered, then Elaria slammed the coin on the counter, and started dragging Leo back to their room.

Leo was still oblivious to Elaria's goals, as he was once again dragged by the woman on a mission. “Um, what about lunch?” Leo asked dumbly, right before they walked down stairs.

Elaria stopped to give Leo an exasperated look, then pulled him into a deep sensual kiss, and he felt her long, soft, forked tongue wrap around his as the kiss was drawn out for what felt like ages. As his tongue was in a losing battle for dominance, everything finally clicked for the hopelessly dense man.

The feeling of the kiss sent a shiver down Elaria’s spine, and the warmth of it almost enveloped her as they pressed against each other. When Elaria finally pulled away she gave him a lust filled predatory gaze.

Leo's second brain dropkicked all other reason to the side, as his own lustful expression crashed through his restraint. “Or it can wait, yeah, I think it can definitely wait.” He remarked while still feeling a little dazed from the kiss.

Elaria licked her lips hungrily and noticed that there were a few prying eyes from people who arrived before the lunch rush, their faces a mixture of lust and jealousy. She giggled at the attention as they continued down to their room, while the both of them glanced hungrily at each other out of the corner of their eyes.

When they finally got to their room, Elaria’s clothes practically disappeared before they made it halfway in, and Leo had only gotten off his shirt when he was spun around and pushed, back first, onto the bed.

Propping himself back, he felt his sweatpants and boxers fly off, and Leo didn't know whether to be impressed with the speed at which Elaria stripped herself or him.

Time seemed to stop as the both of them gazed at each other's nude forms, practically drinking in one another's bodies as they lustfully examined every inch.

To Leo, Elaria was breathtaking. Some of his initial assumptions about what she looked like underneath her clothes were wrong though. Not all of her scales were entirely green. Their color started to fade quickly into a more pale shade of softer, smaller scales that covered most of her chest and stomach, completely enveloping her breasts, which were perky and seemed just large enough to grip and play with.


The pale scales flowed down the front of her body, and wrapped around to cover her groin, before they faded back into the light green on her inner thighs. Deviating slightly from the human form, she walked on the front half of her feet, as the back of her foot was smoothed upward, and she had four toes, three large and one small, all having dulled claws at the end of them. Her form was overall slender and a lot sleeker than he thought, only accentuating her reptilian features further, adding to her sexually alluring figure.

To Elaria, Leo was mesmerizing, and since Leo was human, this would be a unique experience for her. She's slept with selarins, dwarves, and even a tiefling, but this was definitely different. Though his body shape was between that of a dwarf and elf, his tan skin and the sparse hair along his body made him look more primal. His body was relatively toned, with his legs more defined than his arms, hinting at a preference for running, and the thought of those powerful thighs slamming into her made her rub her legs together in anticipation.

But what Elaria really couldn't draw her gaze away from, was his cock. At full mast it resembled a dwarfs, but it was as long as a selarins. The thought of something that long and thick pounding into her sent a wave of fear and arousal through her.

Elaria slowly lowered herself onto her knees between Leo’s legs, who was sitting at the edge of the bed. Placing one hand on his thigh she then started stroking his shaft with the other, gazing up lustfully at him as she did so.

Leo's breathing began to deepen as he looked down at Elaria, who started to extend her long forked tongue to wrap around his throbbing member. his breath hitched as her tongues' coiling movements sent pleasure up his body, and Elaria's lips curled in satisfaction at his reactions.

Elaria continued the activity for only a few moments, before taking his full length into her mouth, while placing her free hand on his other thigh. Leo let out a short gasp as his hot rod slid effortlessly down her throat, as the front of her face now pressed against the bottom of his stomach.

Elaria held the position looking up at Leo, whose head tilted back to the feeling of her mouth and throat gripping around his shaft.

Elaria's mouth felt cool, a little below room temperature, but between her long coiling tongue and soft slick mouth, Leo felt incredible.

Elaria relished in the flaming heat that radiated inside her mouth, and she slowly pulled her head back to breathe in his scent as her throat cleared of the throbbing appendage. A shudder ran up her legs as the tip of his cock almost exited her mouth, but before her wanted prize left her she plunged back down. Leo started to lose control of his breathing as Elaria began frantically bobbing her head, her movement increasing in speed as she became more and more intoxicated from his scent.

While Elaria sunk deeper into ecstasy, one of her hands found its way between her legs, and her lower body tensed while she started to pleasure herself, eliciting deep moans in the process as her eyes glazed over in pleasure.

Leo was in pure bliss as the selarins motions seemed to devolve into a frenzy of twisting and turning, barreling him closer to the edge.

Leo's hands clenched the sheet for a moment as his body started to tense. “I.. I’m... Gonna.” He breathed out through half restrained breaths.


Leo placed a hand on the back of her head as Elaria dropped to his base once more, and his body went rigid as he released into the desperate woman.

Elaria's free arm wrapped around his waist as his climax sent jets of cum down her throat, it's heat feeling like lava to the selarin, and her tongue curled tightly around him trying to milk every last drop. As the feeling of his warmth overwhelmed Elaria, she experienced her own tremors of pleasure, part of her own body tensing up as a result.

As the intensity of their climax passed, Elaria drew back from Leo while taking care to make sure she swallowed all of his seed. As Leo's length finally left Elaria’s now warm mouth, they both were panting at the experience.

“That...Was ...Incredible…” Leo stated between pants, his arms holding himself up as he leaned back.

“Well… I wanted to… Show off some selarin specialty. I just wish I could have held back a bit.” Elaria said while trying to quickly recover, so she could show a bit of confidence.

A satisfied smile crept across Leo's face before he spoke. “Hold back, are you kidding? That felt amazing, I just wish I could return the favor. I don't exactly know what humans are good at, since we've had nothing to compare to. But I guess we'll see when I'm up again in a bit.” He said looking down at the now shocked selarin.

“What do you mean by ‘a bit’?” Elaria asked, just now noticing Leos limp cock start to rise once more.

Elaria could only watch in awe as Leo became erect again, while her eyes widened in disbelief. Leo noticed the stock-still selarin, and mulled over the reason for her reaction.

A sly smile crossed his face when the answer dawned on him. “I take it that most races don't have a good recovery time?” He remarked with a smug tone, the words pulling Elaria out of her bewilderment.

Elaria shook her head, as her gaze was still fixated on the pulsing appendage. “I think the males from the beast clans might, and there are rumors about dragons. There's even a common saying about having the stamina of a dragon." Elaria answered while an eager look spread across her face, and a ravenous and carnal lust started to overtake her.

“Well then, I guess I do have-” Leo's remark was cut short by Elaria leaping onto him.

Elaria pushed Leo onto his back, and pressed her body against his while their tongues wrestled. Leo hugged her tight as her hips started grinding against his, her wet slit stroking up and down his shaft, making her moan softly into his mouth. Elaria lost all self control from his scent, while the heat from his raging furnace of a body made her own start to go a little numb.

The last of Elaria’s cognizant thoughts noted that Leo’s scent seemed to submerge her into a complete state of arousal, making her ravenous with lust.

Finally Pulling away from Leo, Elaria sat up right, and looked down as she straddled his hips. She held herself up over his pulsing cock, and her aching body couldn't hold back her need to have him fill her as she plummeted down in one swift motion. She came immediately from the sudden penetration, her insides practically melting from his burning rod.

“Sssooo, Hot... Thhhick aand... Deeeep...” Elaria slurred, her tongue hanging out while she wore a near drunk expression

Leo was also in deep ecstasy as he felt Elaria’s cool walls grip him like a vice when she came, and his hands reflexively moved to find purchase on her hips.

Elaria drew in a sharp breath as he started rocking her around in small motions, churning her insides as she let out uncontrolled moans of pleasure. Elaria wanted desperately to rise and slam back down, but her legs felt so weak that it was hard to keep herself up right.

Looking down pleadingly, Elaria asked the remarkably resilient man. “Pleasss ffflip us over, and fffuck me…. Cant moove.”

Leo swiftly carried out the request, making sure to stay inside her while doing so. He held himself still above her for a moment, his eyes taking in her form as she lay on her back, while hers were half-lidded in pleasure. He started to pull himself out slowly, and he felt her warm folds try desperately to suck him back into their embrace.

Elaria let out an irritated groan. “Jusst fuck me alreadyyy!” She cried out desperately.

Leo initially thought that Elaria would like a gradual increase, so he held himself back from immediately going at it. But at her command he threw away all self control and started thrusting into her with reckless abandon, giving in completely to his desire to fuck the woman senseless. Her breasts bounced as he rammed into her, drawing him in to start fondling her with one hand, while the other held her just above her hips, so he could continue his assault.

Elaria lost all sense of herself as Leo pounded into her like a piston, while her mind went completely blank when he began massaging her breasts. Her tail frantically whipped about until it wrapped around Leo’s thigh, and started tightening and releasing it's grip to the force of his thrusting.

The sound of her pleasure filled wailing was barely matched by the moist slamming of his cock into her, and the carnal sounds filling the room echoed slightly against the stone walls, which pushed the two further into a sexual fervor.

Elaria’s body temperature continued to rise as the heat from him flowed into her, causing her tongue to rest outside her mouth while she panted.

Leo was nearing his limit once more as he felt her pussy clench every time he fully penetrated the woman. “I'm… Getting close…” Leo said through suppressed grunts.

Elaria held out her arms to pull him down into a kiss, and her sound of pleasure became muffled as a result. Elaria's hand slid down his back, her small claw-like nails scratching softly at his skin. As his pace grew in intensity, she began to feel a powerful orgasm start to build, and she fully submitted to the man that was giving her a feeling that she could never hope for in any other person.

Eventually Leo reached his limit and slammed one last powerful thrust into her, as he began filling her depths with himself.

Elaria felt like lava was being pumped into her, as an immense climax rocked her entire body while she felt her insides get bathed in his warmth, which reflexively caused her previously limp legs to shoot up and lock around Leo, as her body wanted nothing more than to drive him deeper.

They both held each other for a time, riding out the residual bliss of their peaks, before they finally parted, and Leo rolled over to Elaria's left. He was exhausted, taking deep breaths to calm himself as he looked over to Elaria. Her gaze seemed distant as her breathing continued to be ragged, and her chest heaved with no visible attempt at restraint.

Leo narrowed his eyes when her state did not appear to change at all. “Hey, Elaria, are you alright?” He asked worriedly.

With no response, he put a hand on her shoulder and his eyes shot wide as she felt like she was burning up. Feeling her up some more, it seemed like she was having a fever, but a bolt of fear hit him as he remembered that Elaria’s resting body temperature felt like it was below room temperature. So with how hot she is, she was likely to have a heat stroke.

Leo started to panic, trying to think of a way to cool her. His body heat might be her tipping point if he tried to carry her to the shower, and he couldn't just dump cold water on her, it could send her into thermal shock. He could get some drinking water, but she might just choke on it in the state she's in.

‘I need a way to cool her gradually...’ Leo's thought trailed off as he remembered that he had ‘fucking magic’.

Mentaly kicking himself for forgetting, he thought of the simplest solution. He started on a spell to gradually transfer the thermal energy out of her, and into the stone walls of the room, and the spell would stop when her body temperature matched that of the room. As the spell did it's work, Elaria let out a gasp and immediately burst into consciousness.

“Wha, what happened!” She yelled while she quickly took control of her breathing.

Leo let out a relieved sigh. “Well, I may have nearly fucked you into a heat stroke...” He admitted sheepishly.

Elaria was completely speechless as she processed his words. On the few occasions she had with a dwarf, she always felt very hot afterwards, but it could never reach the level that Leo seemed to achieve, from what she remembered when she was conscious anyway.

Being nearly fucked to death was not something Elaria expected, especially from a man, but she would be lying if the idea itself didn't turn her on. “Oh... How did you manage to cool me down?” She curiously inquired.

“I used magic, I moved the heat from your body into that wall ov-” A knock at the door interrupted Leo’s response.

Putting on his boxers, Leo went to answer the door, it was the room service delivering lunch. A flustered red scaled female selarin quickly handed over a large tray of food before rushing off. Stepping slightly outside the door to yell a thanks, Leo felt something wet under his feet. Looking down with a raised eyebrow, he saw a small puddle of slick fluid, and the gears in Leo's head began to turn.

Leo's eyes went wide at the realization. “Ah….” He breathed out before turning back into the room.

After a short break to eat they made their way back to the bed, and Elaria noticed that Leo was very much recovered from their previous ‘activities’.

Elaria raised a brow, becoming lost in thought before speaking. “Sooo... Since you apparently have the stamina of a dragon, I have just one question.” Elaria said playfully, before pressing herself against Leo from behind.

“Using your magic, exactly how long can you maintain my body temperature?” Elaria whispered seductively into Leo's ear.

Leo simply smiled in response.

The rest of the day was filled with near animalistic fucking as the two went at it, only stopping for dinner before returning to their carnal acts. Eventually they fell asleep as the physical exhaustion took them both.

Waking up the next day, Elaria prodded Leo into assisting her out of bed. Due to yesterday's ‘very’ extended intimacy, she needed to use Leo as her new crutch for the day. After a shared shower that refreshed them both, they headed up for breakfast.

As Leo and Elaria took a seat at one of the tables, the selarin that delivered room service yesterday came by with two hot plates of food. Setting them down on the table, she gave Leo a wink before turning around back to the kitchen. Elaria gave him a suspicious look, but Leo dug into his food to shift the mood. Leo let out a satisfied moan as he swallowed some of his golden meal.

“Mmmmm, Pancakes….”


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