《(Small Exploits)》Chapter 8




Leo was going over the booklet on magic while he and Elaria were on their way to the clinic, so she could buy some medicine and get her injury treated. He was a bit irritated by the pamphlet, because it was an unfortunate waste of money, as it only covered sensing, manipulating, and discovering your mana, something that he had pretty much figured out on his own. He didn't tell Elaria about it though, because the kiss they shared before leaving the shop seemed to put her in a happy mood, and he didn't want to add to his list of screwups in regard to the beautiful woman.

'If I'm going to have an actual relationship with her, then I'd rather it not be built on guilt. So I'll find a way to make it up to her, because If I'm going to do this, then I want to do it right.' Leo mentally swore.

As Leo read the booklet, it started off in more detail on explaining how to assess and utilize the three requirements. Even though Leo could safely say that he is well above beginner in that regard, reading the descriptions of how they were supposed to feel the first time was ‘interesting’. Some people apparently equate moving their mana around to taking a shit.

‘lovely...’ Leo thought with a slight grimace, electing to skip over some of the more ‘descriptive’ examples.

[ The amount of mana a mage’s body can contain varies from individual to individual, but a mage with mana should be able to cast at least a few dozen spells in quick succession. Mana can regenerate passively, by consuming food, or by drinking a mana potion. ]

‘Wait, is there no way to measure mana?’ Leo thought disappointedly as he continued to read.

Leo flipped to the middle to find out how to start casting spells, and if there were any dangers in messing up a spell. As he read the beginning, he had to do a double take and reread over the opening summary for casting spells.

[ To use or cast any spells, a mage needs to have a simple understanding in the process involved along with projecting the intent of said spell. As long as a mage can visualize the spell properly, even if not entirely accurate, they will be able to cast said spell.

The more complex or demanding the spell, the more mana it will use. The amount of mana used for any given spell can be offset by how well a mage understands said spell’s underlying principles, but eventually the mage will hit the minimum limit of mana required to cast it.

The only danger from casting a spell is the spell itself once cast, the process of casting a spell is completely harmless. If a spell is cast improperly, nothing will happen and the spell will not cast. The spell will either have failed immediately from lack of mana, or improper visualization and understanding of the spell. ]

Leo scratched the back of his head in confusion, because the process sounded way too easy. “This, this seems too simple...” Leo said out loud in disbelief.

Elaria took a glance at Leo with a raised eyebrow, her expression that of skepticism. “What is? Magic?” Elaria asked critically.

Leo shrugged as they turned another corner, still slowly making their way to the clinic as they passed the inn. “Well, yes. From what this says, a mage just needs to have some basic education and a vivid imagination to cast a spell. There also seems to be almost no downsides for attempting to cast a spell, as long as you're not trying to purposefully blow something up in your face.” He answered, a little bewildered by the prospect.


Elaria cocked her head, but still seemed critical of his claims. “Basic education? Like math?” Elaria asked with slight confusion.

Before Leo could answer, He reflexively side stepped a woman who almost looked intent on bumping into him, the ability ingrained in him from his time dodging others in a crowded hall to get to class. “Well that, and a general understanding of the sciences.” He stated as he heard an audible 'tsk' from somewhere behind.

“Scien- what?” Elaria attempted to ask with a furrowed brow.

Leo was about to answer in detail, but the enormity of the subject stopped him. “Oh… Uhhh… Human thing.” He answered awkwardly.

Leo didn't want to explain actual centuries of human history, just to clarify what he personally viewed as ‘common’ knowledge. He thought that just because there were a few modern applications of magic, that they would have an equivalent field of study, but it would seem that since magic exists, people would neglect the physical study of the world in favor of creating more magical applications, if the length of the eras were anything to go by.

‘That explains why they've been stuck in a technological rut for so long though, and are not flying spaceships by now. Tens of thousands of years though, yikes.’ Leo thought whilst feeling a bit of pity.

“So if it's so easy Mr. mage then why don't you cast a spell.” Elaria said with a wry smile as she playfully taunted.

The two stopped walking, and Leo flipped to the beginner spells to cast something. His face warped into confusion at the starter spell instructions.

[ Casting spells is relatively simple to accomplish, once the first spell is cast. To cast a spell, simply think of what the spell should do and result of said spell, then direct some mana into the action while calling out a few words relating to the visualization. Words are essential in this process to initiate the spell immediately.

To get started casting your first spell, grab a small item and place it in the palm of your hand. Visualize the object floating while directing mana to it, then call out a word that best represents your visualization.

Float, levitate, fly, hover, and so on are some examples.

If you are successful, then you will have successfully cast levitation magic. A simple spell that allows a mage to move objects without physical contact. ]

Leo's lips curled into a slight frown. ‘If it's all about intent and visualization, then I shouldn't need words. I would just need to force the action.’ He thought while closing the booklet and holding it out in his palm, then started to follow ‘most’ of the instructions.

“What are yo-” Elaria started to say, but her words were cut short as the booklet floated a foot above Leo’s hand.

‘Glad that worked, I would feel like an idiot every time I would have to yell out my spell.’ Leo thought as he began to spin the book aimlessly in the air.



Elaria didn't know what to say as she watched Leo mindlessly play with the floating booklet. She thought it would take him at least a month to cast his first spell properly, disregarding this morning's incident, and that was her taking into account that Leo was a summon. Elaria heard that most people at the academy take at least half a year, and he's figured it out while on a leisurely stroll.

She looked at his face, a childlike enjoyment spread across it as he started to make the booklet fly through the air. The mirth and warmth she started to feel as she stared into his eyes that glinted in the light, transfixed her. She was so taken in with him at the moment that she forgot about her injury, causing a pain to shoot up her leg as she leaned on it.


“F-fuck...” Elaria hissed at the pain, gripping her crutch as she clenched her jaw.

“Elaria! You alright?” Leo asked worriedly, the booklet dashing back into one of his hands, while he placed the other on her shoulder.

“Yess, I'm fine. I just forgot about something rather important. ” She said, trying to hide the pain before continuing. “Let's get to the healer, I'd like to head back to the Inn to make it for lunch if possible.”

Leo agreed tentatively, but he snapped to his booklet after a few moments as they continued to the clinic again, and he soon became completely absorbed into it. They spent the rest of their walk in silence, until they eventually arrived at their destination.

Entering the clinic they were greeted by the town healer, a six foot high selarin female with a long serpent half for her lower body. The young woman seemed regal and dignified, her time at the academy showing by how she carried herself.

“Greetings and welcome to my clinic. My name is Allis Sphara, how may I aid you today.” Allis said with a half bow, a practiced greeting that they've probably done hundreds of times.

“Well met, I am Elaria and this is Leo. I would like some physical treatment for my injury, as well as any medicine to help with it.” Elaria explained, gesturing to her swollen ankle.

Allis wore a slightly cold expression. “I'll see what I can do with some of the ointments and medicinal herbs, but I can't spare anything else. the local lord ordered me to start rationing medical supplies, so I can't spare much on such a simple injury.” She explained with a near practiced tonal speech.

‘Gods, everywhere I turn I'm reminded of the war…’ Elaria thought bitterly as she reached for her coin.

“What about magic?” Leo asked the healer curiously.

Allis scoffed with a mocking smirk. “ This is not some charity, the minimum price is 10 silver for that service.”

Leo gawked as his eyes widened in shock. “Why is it so expensive?”

Allis crossed her arms and let out an exasperated breath. “Because then everyone with even less than minor injuries would line up to be healed, and people tend to value self preservation less if it was so easy for someone to magic the pain away.” She explained as if she was speaking to a child.

Leo had an expression between disgust and resignation, before it faded into a mischievous grin. "As an aspiring mage, what would be the general knowledge needed to heal said injury, simply out of curiosity.” He asked Allis while he exaggeratedly waved his booklet.

Allis smirked and held a condescending tone. “Well you would need to complete years of study at the academy. Studying anatomy and how the physical body functions, just to be able to understand how to feed mana into the injury.” She said with her head held high, but a slightly dour expression betrayed her intent.

Leo's eyebrow shot up, but it showed off as being only passively impressed. “So a healer would need a basic understanding of muscles, ligaments, bone composition and blood flow to be able to heal, say a twisted ankle.” He inquired.

“Well just muscles and ligime-- Wait how do you-- ” Allis was cut off by Leo, a smile speeding across his face as he turned to Elaria.

“Thanks for the information, I was worried I needed to direct cells in some specific way or something.” Leo remarked with a confident smile.

As Leo raised a hand at Elaria's ankle, Allis huffed in indignation. “Really, healing magic isn't some tavern trick that you can attempt the first time. you won't even know the right words, and what do prisons have to do wit--” Her rant was cut short by a green glow enveloping Elaria’s ankle.

The swelling and bruises around Elaria’s injury disappeared in moments, and the pain that throbbed around it faded completely as the warm green glow began to vanish.

Leo spoke after a few moments of shocked silence. “Well, try walking,” He said with a bit of trepidation.

Hesitant at first, Elaria put her weight onto her foot, then she started walking, and then jumping. “It's healed! It's really healed! Leo yo--” Elaria’s excitement was cut off by Allis.

“WHAT!? This has to have been a trick, an illusion. Maybe staged...but that was magic and you didn't even say anything!? No prayer! No chant! No words at all!” Allis yelled, directing her frenzied words at Leo as she slithered closer and closer to him.

Allis's eyes narrowed as they seemed to analyze him. “Wait, I've studied the physiology of almost every race on the continent… What exactly are you?”

At that, Elaria elected to grab Leo by the arm and sprint out of the clinic, all the while a previously stunned Allis was yelling at them to stop. They ran ducking through alleyways until they finally lost her.

Stopping to catch their breath, Elaria looked at Leo, then at her ankle, and after a moment, back to Leo. A lustful look crossed her face as she pulled on Leo's arm, and started quickly towards the Inn.

'Gods, I may have found the perfect man.'


Inconspicuous watcher

Watching Leo get pulled back to the inn, the person let out a relieved sigh. “It seems that my task here has been completed sooner than expected…” The cloaked figure mused to themselves.

Walking into a deserted alley they pulled out an orb to speak into it. “Yez, It's me. It seems that I no longer need to constantly watch over the summon. So I should proceed as planned.”

The orb responded with a sharp and bright glow. “Already!? I thought you said he didn't know magic, shouldn't he start to try so he can protect himself?”

“He already did. He’s already learned to use strength enhancement, levitation and healing magic.” The figure told the orb, their words overlaid by a smug tone.

The orb continued to brighten in intensity, making the figure walk further into the alley. “All from scratch!? Just what the hell did you bring into this world that can learn to cast in a single day!?” Yez questioned accusingly.

The figure took a moment, a little hesitant to answer. “Does it matter, this gives us months of breathing room. I thought I would have had to step in a few times, but his new companion seems to be helping him along. Glad I didn't kill her in the forest.” The figure responded, trying to divert the conversation.

The orb's bright glow subsided. “She was the guard right? Is she trustworthy enough to advise? It would help if we had more information regarding him, we could work around any surprises.” Yez inquired.

The figure paused to think before speaking. “No, I think a more hands off approach is needed. I'll check in on them daily while I set up the next phase of the plan, but I don't think he'll be too much trouble to handle.”

The orbs glow continued dimly. “Alright then, but I don't like how fast you're going, so slow down. Also even though we want him to grow attached to the town, we don't want him to plant his feet there forever. He'll be useful in removing the council.” Yez remarked casually.

The figure tensed up, and their head darted all around for anyone listening. “SHhhh, You may be safe enough in a fortress built to protect against an invasion, but I'm not.” The figure hissed. “Anyway, I'll report back when we can initiate the next step, or if anything of import happens with the summon.”

The orb nearly blinked out, but spiked again as Yez spoke. “By the way, what's his name? If we want to avoid prying eyes, then we should stop referring to him as something that would draw so much attention.”

“He calls himself, Leo.”


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