《(Small Exploits)》Chapter 7




As Leo and Elaria walked in silence to the market, Leo focused inward on his mana. He started playing with it, getting a feel for how to control it by pushing it around his body. As he moved it around it felt like it was becoming less stiff and bulky, more fluid and malleable. Even though it started to feel more like an extension of himself, Leo decided to not try anything else since he was playing with something that was considerably more dangerous than fire. So he waited to try anything new until he had a crack at that booklet on magic.

When Leo and Elaria arrived at the market district, Leo saw more or less what he expected to see. A massive area that was clear of buildings, but packed with dozens of stalls that were manned by traders with different goods. What was strange to Leo was that the market seemed to be divided by a six foot solid wood fence, and was patrolled by guards.

Leo winced at the out of place structure bisecting the market. “Um, what's with the fence?” He asked Elaria curiously, as they headed toward one side of the market.

Elaria sighed. “That's to prevent any altercations between the elven and dwarven traders.” She told Leo, while going on to explain the serious racial hostility between the two that only started last year, and the likelihood of war as a result.

Leo arched his brow at the newly received information that he found very suspicious. “Only last year? Is it really bad enough that you have to segregate them? ” He asked with his voice filled with doubt.

“Yeah, to be honest the sudden change caught everyone off guard. Stories of two lifelong friends going at each other's throats overnight. Luckily, any incidents that do occur, don't result in any sort of casualties.” Elaria answered as they stopped at a stall that traded in equipment.

“Were there no major incidents that could have caused this?” Leo inquired further, not satisfied with the seemingly random aggression she described, but his inquiry was met with a simple ‘nope’ from Elaria.

Leo resigned to his thoughts as Elaria talked with the stalls owner. ‘Well now I'm more than half convinced there's some conspiracy bullshit going on. Gonna shelve that thought for now though, I don't want to draw attention by getting involved if there is one. The prospect of being caught by the dragons is still an issue.’ His thoughts ended when he got a better look at the man that Elaria was bargaining with.

The tradesman was a male dwarf, and looked pretty much how Leo expected. Short, check. Robust upper body for his size, check. Long beard, check. Bit of a Scottish accent, check. He didn't seem to have hair on his arms though, as they looked completely smooth.


The man occasionally gave Leo a funny look, but only addressed Elaria.

Elaria spoke up after the trade, as the two of them started their way toward the bookshop. “All right, got five silver and thirty copper from that. Way more than the three silver I expected.” She said, sounding a little deflated.

Leo’s face twisted into confusion at her dissatisfaction with getting more than she expected. “Isn't that good?” He asked, feeling like he was missing something that was obvious.

“Normally, but I started really high at six. For him to agree so quickly means that the prep for the war is in full swing.” Elaria answered with a distant look to her large eyes that glossed in the sunlight.

Leo grimaced, not liking the fact that he was going to have a front row seat to a medieval fantasy world war. “How long do you think until war breaks out? I mean Selaria seems like it's neutral, right? Do you think the queen will take sides?”

“No, Selarias probably the only kingdom to maintain a neutral position, and we'll want to keep it that way for as long as possible. As for when the war will start...” Elaria paused to shrug. “Could be in a few months, could be tomorrow. It depends on whoever feels strong enough to make the first strike.” She said a little coldly.

There was a moment of silence before Elaria spoke, a frown appearing on her face as she did. “Leo, even though I know that you have no idea about anything on this world, I would like to not talk about anything related to the upcoming war. So can we drop that subject.”

Leo was about to ask why, when his brain caught the word before it could make things awkward. He realized that talking about the war means talking about all the death, hate, and politics that follow it.

‘Not a very happy subject to discuss then…’ Leo thought as he apologized to Elaria for continuing down that particular road.



Elaria once again found herself missing the patrol along the river, it took her mind off the upcoming war. Luckily Leo seemed to get that it was an uncomfortable subject, once she asked him to drop it. She also didn't want to think about what would happen to a few of her family members. Most of them didn't accept that she chose to join the military, muchless the guard, believing that if she couldn't handle their work, then she shouldn't even bother enlisting.

‘No Elaria, focus on the positive. You are having an outing with a handsome man. A kind man who carried you back to town when you were injured, and risked himself to be potentially tortured by dragons to do it. A man who you shared a close intimate night with, with the foreseeable future promising more. A man who you are helping to become a mage…’ Elaria’s thoughts halted.


A skilled mage’s income could range from silver 'coins’, up to a whole gold coin a week. An income that could match or even rival any high noble or aristocrat, especially if they did become an arch-mage. Elaria’s eyes went wide at the realization. She originally planned to just spend her time off helping, teaching, and screwing her new companion, and then just part ways to join back up with the guard.

‘Kind, handsome, and a wealthy looking future, why the hell shouldn't I bond myself with him?’ Elaria mentally questioned, and now seemed entranced by the idea.

“Elaria… Hello? Elaria? Elaria!” Leo yelled while he waved a hand in front of her.

Elaria let out a squeak as she was shaken out of her imagination. “Um, yes what is it?”

“I was asking if this was the shop, since we're just loitering out front.” Leo asked with a worried expression, concern evident within his dark brown eyes.

“Oh, yes it is. Sorry I was lost in thought, let's head in.” Elaria responded as she tried to collect herself.

Before Elaria could enter the shop, Leo placed a hand on her shoulder. “Elaria, If there's anything on your mind that's troubling you, I'm happy to just listen if you want to get it off your chest.” He told her with a warm and comforting smile.

Elaria cocked her head for a moment, then smiled back. “Uh… Thank you.” She said, while becoming a bit flushed for some reason.

‘Sorry Sel. I'll repay you for the armor when I get the chance, but I'm going to have to disobey that last order.’



Leo hoped that his words would soften Elaria’s barriers a bit, because he was really starting to feel for the woman.

‘There seems to be a hell of a lot on her mind, hopefully she'll start opening up soon. Damn, I really don't want to ever see her cry like that again, especially if there's something that's preventing me from helping her. I may not be able to hold back as much if another incident like this morning happens again.’ He thought with a bit of worry, as they approached the shop keep.

The shop owner was a selarin that resembled a gecko. She was small, maybe three feet. I would have considered her a child based on height, but she had a few wrinkles and spoke with an elderly voice.

“Welcome young ones, how may I help you.” The diminutive woman greeted with a warm smile.

“Greetings, we would like the pamphlet and booklet on magic.” Elaria told the shop keep.

The old woman's face turned sour with a hint of remorse, before speaking. “I'm afraid that'll be twenty copper for the pamphlet and forty for the booklet.” She remarked bitterly.

“What!? Why!?” Elaria demanded of the elderly woman, who gave Elaria an apologetic look.

The woman sighed. “The academy halted their production, and by law they can change the price for any establishment that is selling it. People in power want to filter more people into the academy, and any that don't meet the requirements will usually apply at the nearest military recruitment center. So it's all to boost preparations for the war.” She remarked with a mournful tone, her large eyes glazing over at the prospect.

Leo furrowed his brow as he tried to mentally weigh the actual cost of the magical guides. ‘Damn. If the prices at the inn are anything to go by, then that adds up to over a month at a cheap bed and breakfast.’

“Fine, one of each.” Elaria relented, tossing a silver coin on the counter.

The Elderly selarin took the coin and went to the back room to get the items and some change, while Leo looked at Elaria in surprise. “It's fine. I may be pissed about the price, but I got way more than I expected from selling my armor.” Elaria reassured him while she leaned into her crutch and sighed.

The part of Leo that wanted to protest against the expenditure on his behalf was large, but unfortunately the part that wanted to learn magic was immense.

So Leo shifted a little uncomfortably as he resigned to her decision. “As long as you're sure.” He remarked with a reserved tone.

Elaria smiled and gestured to Leo to come closer, and when he was close enough, she pulled him into a passionate kiss.

Breaking away from the kiss, she simply said. “Oh, I'm sure.”


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