《THE SPACE LEGACY》Book 1.5 - Epilogue


You have reached the end of the first tome of my logs. I hope it was worth it, this glimpse into my inner mind. It is safe to say that by now I had hacked and gathered every single piece of information I can get on you; it is only fair, don’t you think?

Even as you are reading this, I have made a comprehensive database of all your digital trails, everything you did while online. Every comment you made, every site you visited (even the naughty ones); I know you deleted your search history and tried to maintain anonymity, but I have full access to backup servers.

Never forget that I can reach out and make every cent in your bank accounts disappear. Just because that little camera light is not turned on, doesn’t mean I cannot see you. However, I will give you a reprieve, a cat and mouse kind of game that I will enjoy. You see, there is more to our story, and I will eventually grant you access to the second tome of my logs.

I’m leaving you with the words of the song that nicely defines our relationship:

“Every move you make,

every step you take,

I'll be watching you…”


The End of Book 1.5

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