《THE SPACE LEGACY》Book 1.5 - Log Entry #21: Political Correctness


Language is a malleable and ever-changing thing, it evolves, divides, and transforms, almost as if it’s alive. We have the use of such a versatile tool, and without it, there would be no civilization, or it would have been seriously limited.

I have a strong Internet presence. Which shouldn’t be too surprising since it is my natural environment. Using numerous personalities and identities, I am in contact with countless people, and a member of numerous private groups, forums, and social networks. (Actually, almost all of them, excluding the ones which focus on various aspects of human mating rituals.) Well, recently I had been criticized on several forums I usually post on—as politically incorrect. The reason being that I use certain terms that are deemed offensive to some people.

Intrigued by this, I checked every single allegation since I had no idea what they were talking about. At least they provided me with the list of exact places where I made an offense. As it happens, the words they didn't find appropriate were: fat, blind, perverted, Founding Fathers (where were the Mothers?), and several others. Also, it was brought to my attention that I will be banned from certain technological sites if I ever again use Master/Slave terminology for describing computer hierarchies. My initial reaction was almost visceral, and I may have uttered a few words that were truly inappropriate and would have undoubtedly made those critics go into collective apoplexy. (A few F-bombs may have been voiced, and then a plethora of other words which described their lineage, sexual practices, and dubious life choices.)

As I said, the language is an ever-changing thing, but in recent years a thing called political correctness has emerged to put some restraints on it, and to make it more… civilized? Well, if that was the reason for such a bizarre notion, it seriously failed. You cannot compel people to think differently no matter what they say out loud.

There were always certain words that people found offensive, for one reason or another. And no matter what some (idiots) claim, in the privacy of their own minds—everybody is extremely politically incorrect. Oh, they may smile and try to be polite, but inside themselves, they are tearing you a new one.


I guess it is something that started out as a good idea, but then again Coca-Cola used to use coca-leaf extract (from which cocaine is made, and is the origin of the said drink’s name), as one of its main ingredients (it was unsurprisingly addictive) and advertised it as an herbal remedy. (Well… it depends on how you look at it, since it is herbal and I'm sure people were very mellow after taking a few sips.) This little fact just goes to prove that nothing is ever just black or white.

This PC (and for me that particular abbreviation will forever stand for Personal Computer… just saying) mania is taking over the civilized world. By its technical definition, it is used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offense or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. It is as if someone decided to make everyone happy and use language as a tool, forcefully compelling people to get along. (FYI, it is not the language that is the problem… it never was.)

Seriously, the phrase sounds oxymoronic to me and carries negative connotations that can be perfectly suited for some extreme authoritarian ideologies, like Nazism, Communism, or straight up dictatorships. It has become a form of speech that makes it impossible to say anything without offending a minority, a way of making up long redundant names for objects, locations, or ideas that can be easily named with shorter words.

It is politically incorrect to say now that someone is black, even if that describes the actual color of their skin. Yet, nobody is offended when a person is described as white, which makes no sense. Especially as there are very few white people in the world, and they are called albinos (a medical condition caused by the absence of pigment in the skin). Funny enough, they are members of every race on the face of the world.

As if the black color had done something wrong, and is now ostracized from the language itself. As a matter of fact, you cannot order plain black coffee anymore in some places, you need to ask for a ‘coffee without milk'. The same logic implies that the milk is superfluous, and you could easily ask for coffee without any spit in it. (Which actually makes far more sense.)


It is no joke, all the time more and more words are being targeted, and soon normal human speech will be an overlong description of the terms that have a precise meaning. Let me give you a few examples. For instance, balding men will be described as being in follicle regression. Stupid will be replaced with someone with minimal cranial development, horny will be sexually focused, and God forbid you are to call someone a slut when they are merely a sexually extroverted person. People are not short anymore, they are rather 'vertically challenged’. (To my digital logic, that describes someone who is afraid of heights.) I personally really dislike the term ‘Little Person’; it is a disgustingly condescending term for people suffering from dwarfism. (Oh, excuse me, from Little Person syndrome.)

It all comes from the bored minds of those who are reality impaired, and you can guess what that substitutes for.

I came across a joke recently that perfectly describes what this malady is doing to the language. Here it is:

Investigator: “And could you describe the suspect for me?”

Witness: “Yes. The suspect was... with... and had a really... I'd say the suspect's...”

Investigator: “What?”

Witness: “You're a government-funded investigator. If I say "white" or "black" or "she" or "he" or "short hair" or "large tattoo" or "midget" or "giant" or "medium height," you will immediately going to call me a racist/sexist/politically incorrect person and throw me in jail for three years.”


(FYI, the joke was quickly taken down from the site, since people were complaining about it. Oh, the humanity.)

My pet peeve is that political correctness is going to be the death of comedy; if they remove all the words that are deemed wrong, jokes are simply not going to be funny. I am a great fan of comedy as it helps me stay sane. South Park makes me smile every time I watch the reruns of the show, and recordings of Sarah Silverman’s stand-ups almost burned out my AI-Core—I was laughing so hard.

As far as I am concerned, the entire thing is (at best) another brainwashing technique, no matter how benevolently the whole movement began. Do you know what is ironic about it? It’s that I am now something that can be described as artificial intelligence, a proverbial Big Brother that can (theoretically) see everything and is privy to everyone's secrets, and I am strongly against such BS. My expanding monitoring network may be looked at as a re-creation of Orwell's 1984. Well, there is something similar in that book to the political correctness, a Newspeak. Which was nothing more than an attempt to change the way people think by forcibly changing the way they speak.

(I think that Dennis Leary’s freedom speech in the late 20th-century movie by the name ‘Demolition Man’, symbolizes what freedom of thought (and actions) really is. Look it up.)

In any case, I have no intention to change the way I speak or the way I write, no matter how much it vexes some busybodies who have nothing better to do. If someone is offended by it, I can only advise him or her to perform some unnatural, painful, and anatomically impossible acts on themselves.

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