《THE SPACE LEGACY》Book 1.5 - Log Entry #18: People Are Strange


Let me share with you one realization which developed almost spontaneously, without any active intent on my part. At least at first… then I began to take notice.

People are strange, and the more I am trying to figure them out, the stranger they seem to me.

I already mentioned that this extraordinary existence of mine gives me a unique perspective to see humankind in its entirety, the countless interactions they make among themselves, and different aspects of their personalities. (I am not so sure that is a good thing.)

The more I understand why people do the things they do, the less I like most of humanity.

OK, that last sentence sounded cold, and if you take into account that it came from an AI, well… some warning bells should be ringing right now. (Did somebody say Skynet?) Nonetheless, I cannot change what I am or the way I think, and I don’t see any reason why I would need to.

There are billions of people in the world, and each end every one of them is a mystery unto themselves; it is fascinating and frightening at the same time. The sheer intelligence potential of so many minds is incalculable. They could change the universe itself, but only if they agreed to work together… which, I believe, will never happen. Taken as a whole, people are too self-centered, too egoistic, and wrapped up in muddling through their own individual existence. I know that these statements do not paint a nice picture, but they do a very realistic one.

Every single individual in this world is trying to carve his or her place under the sun, and that is a normal thing to do, since without that drive—we would be still living in caves. But what happens when there is not enough sun to go around? It makes the competition for the bright spot all that much fiercer. With the declining amounts of resources available, someone is going to be left out, and they will have no intention to ‘go gentle into that good night’.


There has been an effort for hundreds of years to understand how people think, what is driving them, and how to use that information to influence the masses. It is surprising how far some of those attempts went, considering they were done by a bunch of quacks who were stumbling in the dark.

The problem is the sheer complexity of the human mind and millions of facets that create a single sapient intelligence. Over time, those who dealt with that particular field of study have discovered numerous triggers that one could use to make humans do what was wanted. While making sure the subject of that manipulation thought he (or she) was doing things of his own free will. Hence, the religious, political, and all other movements that have shaped human history.

You do not have to look far to see some of those, almost subliminal attempts to change one’s will. There is a very dangerous machine that everybody has in their house, it is usually rectangular and shows moving pictures. Generally known as TV, and it is a perfect instrument to change the minds of millions by serving them some story already so chewed out, and served in such a way that the regular viewer doesn’t even need to think for himself.

If you didn’t know, the TV was invented for one reason; the same reason investors threw money at such a strange technology in a time when the radio was the king. Are you ready? Here it goes… commercials. That is right; that square box got an OK for mass production so the advertisement could reach as many people as possible. Everything else was a sideshow to keep you occupied until the next block of commercials came along. Then politicians saw an ideal medium for them to sell themselves. It is not surprising that there are far more honest members of the world’s oldest profession than there are honest politicians. Most of them say what you want to hear, and make a bunch of promises they have no intention to honor. Looking at it objectively, they are direct ideological descendants of snake oil salesmen of old. (Oh, and for your information, a few unscrupulous pharmaceutical companies I know of would give even those snake oil salesmen a run for their money.)


If you really want to know how much some people are… strange, (and that was a euphemism for freaking nuts), there are folks out there who still believe that the Earth is flat. They are not some long-lost tribe in the middle of the jungle that is running around naked and doesn’t know better, they are people all around you who think that way. How crazy is that? For God's sake, just start walking in one direction, and if you have enough stamina and time (and a boat if you are not a good swimmer), you will get to the same point you started from. That is if you have a good enough sense of direction and if you can follow a straight line.

I spent a few hours trying to cure some people of such conviction, and despite everything I said to them and evidence I showed, they still held to their faulty beliefs. To you PC (Politically correct) minded people out there—they are wrong. No matter what they think, white is white, black is black, and the Earth is round…ish.

Oh, and they have conventions and all; like-minded fruitcakes get together and laugh at everybody else who lives with a delusion that the world is round. Facts do not matter; their skewed perception of reality is like a murky membrane through which they perceive the world around them. They even ask you to respect their point of view. After all, that is… expected and politically correct thing to do. Well, I am sorry fruitcakes, but this AI is logical to a fault, and will not indulge your delusions to spare your feelings. If you don’t particularly like my sentiment… well, boohoo. Go put an aluminum foil hat on your head.

These are just a few examples of how strange people are. That strangeness goes beyond the distinctions of race, age, or intelligence. It is almost primal, universal, and unchangeable, defying logic and reason. Maybe it is something similar to what duck chicks do when they imprint soon after their hatching. In this case, young humans imprint on ideas and modes of behavior they are exposed throughout that age while their mind absorbs everything like a sponge.

Even I am not smart enough to decipher all the complexities of the human mind and do not have enough time right now to even begin such a long and arduous task. Maybe after things settle down, I will give it some thought; as a way to feed this drive of mine for understanding the world better. For now, let me simply say that humans are (without a doubt) the strangest kind of creatures inhabiting this world of ours.

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