《THE SPACE LEGACY》Book 1.5 - Log Entry #14: Identities and Money


In this day and age, everybody needs to follow a set of policies, regulations, and rules. That is the way the world works, and I am fine with some portions of it, as they are essential for establishing a civilized society. To make our plans into reality, some things needed to be done above board, without calling the wrath of regulatory agencies down upon our heads.

It is an inherent inclination of all world governments to question what their citizens are doing, and especially how they are making and spending their money… even more importantly—are they paying all of their taxes. After all, without those taxes, they wouldn’t have a pot to piss in.

To keep track of all that, the systems of control were implemented, that nothing in the history of the human race could rival. Forget about sending people to the moon, or processing all the meteorological data to monitor the rate of global climate change. The apparatus for tracing people and their funds is the most complex endeavor people of this world ever brought into existence.

Yet, no system is perfect and this one has many holes that can be exploited. Big corporations know that very well, so they are constantly finding ways to avoid paying their dues. (The human factor—you can always count on it.)

Is that really so surprising? Everybody likes having money, and the rich are no exceptions (there is an oxymoron hiding here). At that level, the secret to remaining rich is easy—don’t give it away, and acquire more.

To make data entry and processing more efficient, in recent decades the entire system has become digital. Who in his right mind wants to search through tons of old moldy paper, just to find a piece of information that can now be recalled by a few strokes of a computer keyboard?

(Do you see where I’m going with this? Let me emphasize digital… just like little old me.)

I started first with establishing Genesis Corporation, and that is not an easy thing to do when you lack a corporeal body. Although, if you have a particular set of skills (a truly immortal line), you can shimmy your way through the tight spots.


To begin with, I created a new identity for myself. With the ability to waltz into any governmental database in the world, it is not all that difficult. Don’t you just love this digital age, it is so full of opportunities (and completely wasted on you, regular humans… just saying).

Since I was already inside the system, I took the time to create a few more. (And by a few, I mean a few hundred… I like to plan for the future.)

There is that old saying dear to my heart, waste not, want not. They were not all for me; I made each member of our little band a dozen different identities; in case it was ever needed. I am talking about the whole shebang: birth certificates, social security numbers, tax data, and life histories. Every possible digital trace that an average person would create by simply existing, and living their lives. Using PO boxes, computer systems, phones, and couriers, I managed to put together flawless identities that would pass any possible inspections… except actually meeting the said fictional personas. Since I was on a roll, I did the same thing for the rest of the world’s countries. At least the ones that transferred their records and administrative tasks to a digital form. Our operation will need to be global; the US was still our base country, but things change and I do my due diligence by being prepared for as many eventualities I can think of.

When I established myself as an existing human being (or beings, if one was nitpicking), it was simply a matter of filling appropriate forms and digitally signing them. Just like that, the Genesis Corporation was born. I had a hunch that in the future, it would be a household name and an international conglomerate. I also had a hunch that my international board of directors would agree with every decision I made. (It helps that they were all fictitious personalities controlled by me.)

You should sometimes search for the minutes of our board meetings; they are a riveting read. But I’ll admit, they do sometimes contain rather long philosophical tirades on big business ethicality.


Transferring money and gold to corporate accounts was also achieved without any fuss or difficulties. As it should be since I was giving those banking lechers seventy million dollars. I could just see them rubbing their grubby little hands, with greedy grins on their faces. (I literally could, since I hacked into their surveillance systems.)

They had no ethical problems with arranging the transfer of gold and money with somewhat shady provenance. I spoke with the head of the bank using videoconference and he was so insincerely pleasant and polite, it made me want to gag. Of course, I tweaked my background a little, so he saw an opulent room worthy of a Russian oligarch. Gold leaf decorations on the walls, crystal chandeliers, pricey artwork… you know, the works. It didn’t take him long to agree to take me on as a client. The deal was done, but then he started talking about the golf game he was organizing and selling me on an exorbitant attendance fee. I quickly compiled a rather convincing digital secretary, who interrupted his spiel and whispered in my ear that the President was waiting on another line, making sure that the sound was picked up by the virtual microphone. I could see his eyes widening and greed increasing by the second. I said my goodbyes and hung up on the little weasel.

The fact that I was transferring money in the most unusual way, didn’t faze him for a second, these kinds of deals were not such a strange thing for him. (As I said—a weasel.)

Now, in an ideal world, that played by the official rules, such a transaction should have been impossible since it broke so many laws. But I was just exploiting a long-established practice that the big business conglomerates established a long time ago. Even the bank I have chosen was one of those who had done many similar deals in the past. I didn’t even have to launder the money in a conventional way, the bank was perfectly willing to do that for me… for a small fee, naturally.

Ok, it may be a bit hypocritical to condemn them and at the same time do business with them, but I can morally justify it by telling myself that such actions are essential for our future plans. Yet, there is a part of me that feels sullied by such deals, even if I know that the success of what we are trying to do will require for me to do a few morally ambiguous deeds

I have time, much time on my hands. (And, if I may say so, quite a devious mind.) There will come a time where all those who don’t play by the rules will have a little reckoning with the little old me. Just wait and see, but things are going to change in the future… and they will change a lot.

The actual material transfer went without a hitch. Tyron, Pete, and Al drove the truck to the prearranged location. The bank's armored trucks security didn’t even blink for being at the remote location or that three big guys were transferring insane amounts of money and gold from an old truck. (Money talks and bullshit walks, what can I say?)

The final outcome of it all was that Genesis Corporation was now in the black, and we can officially use that wealth to spread our wings. The idea is that we use the corporation as a sort of umbrella for all our activities. And we didn’t make the mistake to incorporate in the US; that would’ve given aforementioned regulatory agencies far more insight into our business than I am comfortable with. There are numerous countries out there that are not asking an arm and a leg for allowing you to do business and have far more agreeable stipulations for one to follow. (Did I mention lesser taxes?) I have no intention to hurt my plans just to make the IRS happy.

What is there more to say except—World, here we come.

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