《THE SPACE LEGACY》Book 1 - Chapter 25


The Missile Silo

A Day Later

The operations room was packed full with every seat occupied. Michael looked around the table and saw the entire inner circle, plus those who were most important in the organization they created. Tyron, Pete, Al, Alice, Elizabeth, Max, and Anna were full-time residents of the missile silo, but for this occasion, the others have flown in after getting the summons. His father, Jack, Ben, and Dave completed the circle.

“I called you all here to get your opinion on recent events and to discuss the next phase of our plan for the future,” Michael said.

“Most of the world has seen those recent events,” Jack said, shaking his head. “I remember you saying something about flying under the radar. Recently, almost every move you make gets a prime spot on the evening news.”

“It couldn’t be helped,” Michael replied, “we couldn’t let such atrocities happen, no matter how much it messes up our plans.”

“I understand that, and support it, but Michael… you shouldn’t have let them see your face.”

He nodded, “Yes… that is going to change things. I didn’t have any choice; it was either that or to allow Hashim Osmani to detonate the C4. I saw it in his eyes, as much as he wanted to live, he was not bluffing. CCTV cameras captured my image, and even if Max used his digital wizardry to erase the recordings, there was still the President and two agents. We could not erase their memories. With a good sketch artist identifying me would be easy.”

“They will be searching for you, no doubt about it. What’s more, all the alphabet soup agencies will not let you be, no matter what the President says; they play by their own rules. And don't disregard the fact that they leak information’s like a sieve, so it won’t be long before foreign agencies’ smell blood in the water, and they have even fewer scruples,” Jack replied.

Michael had a sobering expression. “I know. And once they start digging, they are going to find the connection to most of you. Elizabeth, Anna, Ben, and Dave are the ones they will have the most troubles to trace. Max will try to muddy the digital waters for the rest. How long that will hold… we cannot be sure.”

Even Al did not feel that it was an appropriate time to make fun of something when around the table everyone was showing grim expressions.

But Michael was not finished, “That’s why Max and I came up with a plan. Max, would you explain.”

The AI’s hologram stood up from his chair.

“Once we found that the clue about the shipbuilders is on the bottom of the Mariana Trench, I realized that we need to have a base close to it. At first, I was planning to build only a small outpost, but our situation has changed since then, so I decided to greatly expand on that plan. To cut a long story short, I managed to acquire an island.”

“You bought an island?” Dr. Ross said incredulously.

“No, I didn’t buy an island, but I managed to lease one. Its name is Pagan Island and is part of the Mariana Islands archipelago. The most advantageous thing about the island is the fact that it’s currently uninhabited, so there are no nosy neighbors.”

“Wait a minute, isn’t that an island with an active volcano?” Michael’s father said in a concerned voice. “I remember reading something about it, years ago when it erupted.”


Max waved his hand and dismissed it as irrelevant data. “Technically, there is an active volcano on it, but it has been dormant for a while now. By my calculations, it will remain inactive for a decade or two. Anyway, the lease is for two years and by that time, it will be of no concern to us.”

“People are going to have a problem with that, whenever anybody tries to do something on those uninhabited islands, there are all those preservationist groups ready to protest about it. And how did you even get permission to lease it?” Anna asked.

“Let’s just say that certain politicians have a vast interest in keeping some of the things away from the public eye. Furthermore, all those who would have something to say about it have been taken care of. Their sudden financial windfalls will ensure we have peace and quiet for the time we are on the island. With the stipulation that after we leave, all traces of our occupation must be removed.”

“So, you basically used blackmail and bribery to get what you wanted?” Dave questioned.

“I wouldn’t put it so crudely but you are right, in general principles.”

“What are your plans for the island? Do you want us to move there?” Jack asked.

“For a period of time… yes. The distance and somewhat isolated location will help greatly with our security concerns. Yet, only relocating again is not a solution, it is not the final goal. This was always in the plans, but the circumstances are forcing our hand to move the schedule at a faster pace. I have already begun the construction of preliminary infrastructure. In essence, it will be one single structure that can be easily removed when we decide to leave. Here is the diagram.”

A hologram of a strangely shaped island appeared above the table, with the digital representation of Max’s finished structure.

“Max, why do I find that shape so strangely familiar? Tell me your building a giant Frisbee,” Al half-jokingly quipped.

“Is that what I think it is?” Dr. Ross questioned.

“Well, for one, it’s not the Frisbee Al, and Ben, while I don’t know what you’re referring to, I can safely surmise that you’re on the right track. After all, you gave me the original idea for it.” The smile on Max’s face had a large dose of mischief in it.

“It is a spaceship!” Anna voiced what everyone was thinking.

“And Miss. Miles gets the golden star. You’re right; it’s going to be a spaceship.” The AI cheerfully proclaimed.

“I cannot guess the dimensions, but that thing seems huge.” Dr. Ross murmured, leaning in his chair to get a better look at the diagram.

Max gazed at the image as a proud father would look at the favorite child. “It is bigger than any craft humanity ever built before. One mile in diameter, with the circumference of little more than three miles and with multiple levels.”

It took a few moments for the people in the room to process the dimensions of the spaceship.

“Jesus Christ, that is insane! Can that thing even lift off the ground, let alone reach space?!” Robert Freeman exclaimed.

“With enough Gravity-drives working simultaneously, it can. I am not saying that it will be easy to build this spacecraft, there will be plenty of setbacks that I can even now foresee. Our demand for materials will go up by orders of magnitude, especially for rare metals. Even so, with well-thought-out logistics, it can be finished sooner than you think.”


“What is this obsession with flying saucers with you? Transporters could be explained as a quirk, this one represents a pattern.” Elizabeth said with a smile.

“Max, there is no way that thing will not go unnoticed.” Robert Freeman interrupted before Max could answer.

“Oh, it will be noticed all right; I could digitally change all satellite imagery, but passing ships and surveillance airplanes will undoubtedly get a look at it. We will not even try to hide it; Genesis Corporation may even make a documentary about it.”

“Say what now? I don’t get it.” Pete said.

“As far as the world is concerned, we are building an experimental inflatable biodome; that also answers your question, Elizabeth. It is the case where ‘need must when the devil drives. To make the whole ruse more believable, it is essential for it to be built in the shape of a dome, or of a discus, if you could see all of it. Genesis Corporation will outwardly use the biodome for the research into closed ecosystems. At first, it will be an inflatable shell, with the holographic layer showing a fake movie show of busy scientists working on benign research. Of course, underneath it, the ship will be constructed. The inflatable shell will be ready in a week. The first thing after that is building residential facilities so we can start moving people there.”

“And that’s how we will foil their plans in locating us,” Michael said. “Once we start gathering acceptable candidates, our exposure will be far greater with an increased number of people. You all know those that will oppose us are going to come after the family members, as soon as they catch any scent of the operation. Therefore, the plan is to move them first to the island. We can even transport pre-made temporary housing for those who are most critical, after that, as the new space becomes available, more people can be transported.” He looked at Jack. “How many of the people you recruited would be willing to move there?”

Jack contemplated for a moment before answering, “If you include the families… more than five hundred that I am sure of, and you will need schools for their children and basic facilities. At least a thousand more, if they knew what the ultimate goal was. Besides, a chance to live in a tropical paradise would not be something they would pass up on.”

“Dad, Ben, what about the scientists?”

His father was the one to answer, “Most of them don’t really care where they work from since they live in their heads most of the time. If you can provide adequate living conditions and a reliable Internet connection, we could have around one hundred and fifty ready to arrive in a few months.” Dr. Ross agreed by nodding his head.

Michael turned to the AI, “Max, did you manage to find out anything more about the ‘High Council’ or any of Hashim Osmani’s associates?”

“It seems that any leads or connections they had with him were swiftly eliminated. I have a bunch of dead ends, but I will not stop searching for them. By the way, I managed to clean most of Mr. Osmani’s accounts, and his generous contribution will greatly help with our endeavors,” the AI said smugly.

Michael shook his head and said, “All right, there some more details to be ironed out, but if everyone is in an agreement, we'll start this second phase of our plan.” After he got confirmation from every single person around the table, he continued, “Now, Elizabeth and Anna were so gracious to make us a home-cooked feast in the kitchen, and if I heard correctly, there was some mention of a three-layered chocolate cake. Let’s go eat.”

What followed could not be really described as a stampede, but there were some elbows involved.

The last one to leave the room was Al. He paused at the door and took one last look at the holographic projection of the Pacific island.

“Pagan Island… this will be fun.”

With that, his hunger took precedence, and he followed the direction of the enticing scents his nose was detecting.


The sleep did not come easy that night to Michael. He laid on the bed listening to Elizabeth breathing and watched the shadows on the ceiling above him. They were thrown by the pale moonlight from the completely realistic holographic window, mounted on their room’s wall.

So many things had happened which changed his life in a way he wouldn’t even dream before.

Michael Freeman that fell down that entrance shaft was a different person than he was now. Tired, crippled, washed-out, and a bit depressed. With no job and with a disheartening string of broken relationships that got him to wonder if something was seriously wrong with him. Now, the life he was living was the total opposite of all that. Sure, it was far more dangerous, with god knows how many people wanting to kill him. There was a freaking international criminal organization that was right now burning him in effigy, even if they were not sure who he was. They will undoubtedly cause more trouble in the future. Not to mention all the official government agencies that will soon be after him too.

At the same time, his life was graced with so many blessings he could hardly believe. This woman sleeping beside him was more than he could ever hope for, and for some strange reason, it seemed she loved him; there was no doubt in his mind that he was feeling the same towards Elizabeth Miles.

He had a real, honest to god spaceship, and so many more people who have become the integral parts of his life. They were all willing to follow him in this crazy dream of his, to reach for space with both hands and to carve out a piece of a more promising future for themselves. Far more than they could ever achieve on Earth. The team was back together, and he was so grateful for their support and all the hard work they did on his behalf. This improved body with an extended lifespan was nothing to frown about, either.

For all that, a new feeling was growing within him, a feeling of rage and anger.

Here he was, trying to do something good, to make a new future for humanity, while those that were on the darker side were trying to stop him, knowingly or not. So many people had chosen to do the wrong thing, to selfishly better themselves at the expense of countless others, and by doing that they have proclaimed themselves his enemies. Terrorists, slavers, drug dealers, killers and rapists, corrupt politicians… there was no end to those who embraced evil.

He will do everything he could to protect the innocents; it was not within him to cower in fear or to allow that evil to prosper if he could do something about it. It shall bring more trouble on their heads and was not the smartest thing to do. However, the memories of Anna after her attack and rape, Elizabeth in that cage, Natalie and Lee, the two ten-year-old girls that the pirate was going to sell to a whorehouse… made his face into a fierce grimace.

He now had the means to strike into the heart of those who thought themselves untouchable, and a group of people who would follow him to the gates of hell. The gloves had come off, and there will be no mercy to those he deemed unworthy of life. He will use all these advantages the alien spaceship gave him to reach out and touch them, whoever they were. It will not be a pleasant experience for those people, even if they manage to survive it.

If that made him the judge, jury, and executioner… so be it.

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