《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 81: The Secretary


[Unveiled] cast over her eyes Noire quickly scanned the arena for more hidden mages. Other than the 4 hiding behind the human dungeon masters she found 2 more cloaked figures. One was leaning out from within the colosseum interior, with a hand placed over their temple likely broadcasting their words with a skill. The other was a more immediate threat as they were walking down the stone steps towards the Chairman. A hasty analysis revealed no obvious weapons or ill intentions but that alone brought Noire greater concern. Mages don’t sneak around under [Invisibility] just for a better view of the field.

Switching over to mental communication and doing his best to keep his composure the Chairman asked in silent panic “So they aren’t doing anything? Maybe they’re waiting for an order, or not all of them are in position yet? Could be they’re waiting for the crowd to have their eyes on the match.”

[Marking] the cloaked figure approaching them Noire cautioned “I can’t ascertain a motive at present sir. Please remain calm. They aren’t yet aware they’ve been compromised, we should use that to our advantage. Worst thing we could do is make them act early out of panic.”

“You’re right ... any ideas? I’m stuck here.”

Down below on the field various mercenary groups, private militia, and hired competitors were now receiving introductions from an excited announcer. The mage within the colosseum’s interior dropped their hand slightly, perhaps indicating an end of communications, or perhaps an order? No sooner had she thought as such did the mages each drop down behind their respective dungeon masters, hands ruffling through their cloaks for something.

“Mary.” Noire called over the link stressing the importance in her tone “I need you to take out the one coming towards us. I’d do so myself but any offensive casting on my part would likely cause suspicion.”

Panting as she dashed towards them from across the stands Mary asked “I can’t see them! [Hunters Gaze] isn’t good enough for these guys.”

“Understood. I’ll need to use [Share Senses]. Be warned this may result in nausea as your vision will enhance dramatically over the course of only a few moments.”

“You saying your eyes are better than mine?”

Scales on the back of her hand humming a slight yellow Noire cautioned “You simply do not see the world as I do. Take a moment to get properly acclimated. The advantage of an invisible target is that no one will notice them disappear but nonetheless you must do so silently. I don’t doubt they have some sort of failsafe should they expire prematurely. Once you have the first within your shadow you must repeat the process on the others simultaneously. I doubt they can see each other given the need for a head operator but we can’t take chances.”

“Just cast the damn spell.”

Used to Mary’s curt responses Noire cast [Share Senses], ridding her own eyes of sight while allowing Mary to see with the added benefits of her magically enhanced vision. Now completely blind to the battle around her Noire subtly used the Chairman’s shoulder for support and awaited news. For better or worse everything was in Mary’s hands now.


While waiting for an update Noire heard Mary, perhaps accidentally, wonder aloud “Is this how she always sees...? It’s like staring into the sun.”

Mary’s observation was not without merit. Even without the effects of [Unveiled] and [Marking] Noire understood her sight to be something unique, particularly among mages. As any magic user gains new powers through their dreams they come to favor one particular element. In turn they become attuned to that element’s mana signature and learn how to find it in the world around them. That family of skills are collectively known as the [Mana Vision] tree. A passive skill it would allow mages specializing in flame magic to gauge temperatures at a glance or air mages to visualize wind patterns as if it was second nature. Noire being able to use every known type of magic without limit possessed every one of the [Mana Vision] skills. Meaning her eyes were always fueled with the power to visualize mana itself. When she was younger this had proven more of a curse than a gift. Noire could hardly look out at any of the dungeon’s floors without getting severe headaches from information overload. Even now she required glasses just to dampen the intense light constantly shining in her eyes. That said... her unique way of seeing the world did have its advantages. Measurements both magical and mundane could be done almost instantaneously. Neccassary output, distance, weight, force, angle, all these calculations could be completed in a single applied glance with great precision. To a mage like herself it was truly a blessing with limitless potential.

Blind but not unfeeling, Noire felt her [Marked] target suddenly yanked into the ground behind her. It seemed to struggle for a moment but went still before it could cry out in either pain or fear. The first target was down.

Through the link Noire and the Chairman heard Mary exclaim after a grunt of effort “Got him! Clones are on their... way... God damn turn it off!”

“Have you memorized their locations already?” Noire prodded, impressed with the dungeon’s top assassin and her skills.

“Yeah, so could you turn off the spotlights already!?”

Restoring both their visions to normal with a wave of her hand disguised as a brush of her hair Noire sat back up in her seat. No sooner had she done so did a short, soot covered girl collide with the barrier directly in front of her causing her to jump slightly. Glancing for a moment at the field she felt a fleeting sense of pride when the red around Mulan’s blade began to die down as her skill ended. If the positivity across their link was anything to go by the Chairman had almost leapt out of his seat in excitement.

Looking a tad embarrassed Sol shook his head and said “We’ll get a message over to Eli when the match ends and they’re setting up the singles matches. If all their operatives suddenly go silent I’m pretty sure they’ll flee.”

Nodding while following all 5 of Mary’s shadows, each seeming to absorb the light around them as they moved, Noire explained “Long as the operator is taken care of I agree. Being that we’re dealing with a group of mages I’m sure they have [Memory Locks] placed on every last one of them. Likely learned their lesson with the bandits.”


“A group of powerful mages... Too many of those don’t like me to narrow things down much.”

Sol pondered glumly “They aren’t wearing any insignia are they? Would be great to know where they’re from like the bandits.”

[Hunter’s Eye] overlapping her vision Noire scanned the mage’s clothes but found no such pins, flags, or family crests. Whatever group they were part of was being much more careful. In her eyes she did finally get a clear view of what they’d removed from their cloaks. Several pairs of necklaces that looked to have purple... fangs...

Barely remembering to speak over the link Noire cried out in panic “MARY! DO IT NOW!”

“I’m moving fast as I can you reptile!” she answered in a huff, clearly still woozy from the effects of [Share Senses].

From beside her Sol shot her a look of renewed worry. One she could hardly help from reciprocating. She knew those necklaces. They were very same item dropped whenever the Piranha Queen was defeated. Even worse she knew their effect. It was now more than obvious why the mages were targeting dungeon masters.

PARASITIC FANG NECKLACE: A necklace containing 5 of the Piranha Queen’s own teeth. These can be used 1 time to put another sapient under your direct control for 5 hours. After the 5 hours the sapient will realize that they were under your control and a faint purple scar will appear where the fang was implanted. Said scar can be removed with sufficient healing magic and the same sapient cannot be affected by fangs of the same necklace.

‘She won’t make it in time!’ Noire realized in horror as time seemed to slow. Around her the crowd was cheering wildly as Almar led the charge against the remaining mercenary groups. All eyes on the climax of the battle the mages were already executing their plan, the operator likely giving the order without bothering to check positions. They were aiming to maximize on the chance at success Noire’s own allies were creating!

‘If the dungeon masters are put under those mages control it would be catastrophic! All it would take is a single command and each of them would declare a dungeon war, [Alliance] withstanding or not. They could sign over control of their own dungeon before the necklace lost its effect, make a contract handing over all possessions, or even be forced to stand still while they were executed! What do I do!? They ’re already torn off the fangs! They’re hands are moving! We’re too -!’

“Do what you need to do.” Sol said, his voice cutting through the crowds cheers, it obvious by his tone he understood something drastic was about to happen “I trust your judgement.”

Eyes lingering on her creator’s [Projection] for a moment Noire realized something she never had before about him. No matter how bright her eyes made the world, how many different mana signatures, how many people, or how many colors, Sol was never hard to spot. He’d been that way from the very first time she’d opened her eyes. Despite being made of pure mana, a literal walking projection, his form cut through the light. He wasn’t brighter than any other, he wasn’t darker, Sol was simply where her eyes could always land and be freed of worry. No matter how strong her migraines got, how annoying her sisters, or how stressful her workload, he was always there. Sol had given her an outlet for her gifts. A purpose. Now wasn’t the time to hesitate or worry. She’d been created in confidence for moments like these. Times like these were when she had to do her job.

Scales taking on a visibly silver hue Noire tore off her glasses and thrust both arms out in front of her as information filled her mind ‘They’re too close to the masters to attack without unintended injury. From closest to farthest they are 45, 78, 130, and 149 meters away. Mary can handle the operator. Distance from the fangs to the master ’s necks is each approximately 2 - 3 inches. It’ll be close but... I can’t miss. I won’t.’

Eyes rapidly darting between her 4 strike points across the colosseum, each no larger than her palm, Noire cast [Barrier]. She didn’t have to worry about making them invisible. She couldn’t worry about alerting those around her to her magic. She wouldn’t worry about the consequences of letting their enemies know they’d been found out. All she knew in that moment is that she needed to buy Mary just a few moments.

Headache flaring as she simultaneously cast each of the expensive [Barriers] with such high accuracy even Retic would’ve blushed Noire stumbled while sweat formed on her forehead. Sol caught her as he glanced out at where she’d gestured. Over their shared link they both heard Mary let out a self-congratulating cheer as each of the mages was sucked into the shadows. Noire had lost 1/3 of her mana pool in an instant for [Barriers] that lasted little more than 3 seconds. And in doing so she’d bought Mary the time she needed.

Those in the stands around Sol and Noire gave them strange looks, perhaps believing them to simply be celebrating their friend’s victory on the field. Indeed looking down Noire was proud to see not a single Dungeon of Season’s participant had fallen. All were heavily injured, holding their heads as strain wracked their minds, and only still standing thanks to Almar’s support, but they’d done it. For a blissful moment everyone felt the pride of winning their respective battles. In that moment Noire couldn’t have felt prouder of what they’d accomplished. And in that moment even Noire with her incredible vision failed to see the iron bands around several surviving competitors slowly ingrain their roots into the arms of their wearers.

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