《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 80: The General


As he led his forces into the colosseum Almar realized just how committed their enemies were to their alliance. In the back of his mind he’d been hoping a temporary truce made mere minutes before the battle would be shallow enough to fail or be vulnerable to betrayal. Unfortunately that hope had been misplaced and he needed to act accordingly. While the announcer prattled off the names of famous returning mercenary groups or participating noble children Almar got an idea. He would lead his forces until they were directly underneath the king’s platform. From that vantage point Rylen and his closest aids should quickly realize the conspiracy placed against them. What better way to show off the dungeon’s strength, as per the Boss’s request, than to annihilate a large bad faith alliance immediately after it was exposed? It would be even better if they didn’t loose a single member themselves.

Glancing over his shoulder Almar spotted 3 key groups amidst his targets. Of the roughly 500 fighters competing in the first round Almar counted around 360 of them as part of the Hunting Season. The 3 largest groups all had around 30 members each, while a few dozen smaller groups made up the difference. At first he could only tell the groups apart by their colored uniforms and distinct symbols but once the announcer took note of their movements he began shining special attention on them.

“Aha! It seems several different parties are already on the move! I believe the Jolly Masks are fighting for house Nightway this year, led of course by The Jester herself. Would you believe each and every one of her followers is given a hand carved mask from the lady herself? I’d love to know the story behind that tradition! Behind them in the red would be... Ohohoho! Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the Seadogs... Ever wonder who keeps our fishermen safe from unseen, undersea, monstrosities? Well let’s just say our Illian Navy certainly owes the Seadogs a favor or two! I for one will be interested to see if they fight as well on land as they do on the open water. And do I see the Casket Closers!? Not sure they’ll find many undead on the field today but I’d keep an eye out for them down there!”

‘Undead specialists?’ Almar thought as he slowed his walk ‘The Oni supposedly have some demonic heritage in them. Does that count? I wouldn’t think so given they’re very much alive.’

Scanning the scene for other groups of note the announcer continued “It would seem some sort of scheme has been conceived down there ladies and gentlemen! Many unaffiliated parties seem to have their eyes on the same foes, the infamous Dungeon of Season’s monsters! Could they be planning to give them a warm reception to our customs or is something more sinister at play? Regardless we’ll no doubt see some fascinating skills out on the field today! Of the monsters competing only 1 has ever been defeated within their dungeon home itself. Adventurers looking to open more of the mysterious dungeon to the world take notes! I’m sure you’ll face these warriors on your own in due time!”

Turning his back on the wall underneath the king Almar chuckled as he addressed his group “At least the announcer is unbiased. He ever makes a trip down to The Cascade I’ll give him a drink on the house for shining a light on this little charade.”

Everyone lining up in a semi-circle around Almar Aki asked while cautiously looking out at the small army slowly surrounding them “So... what’s the plan here boss? We can probably burst through the first wave but after that we’ll be exhausted. Skill strain’s going to be a bitch no matter what...”


Sitting down on the sandy ground Almar laughed “No doubt! Remember we have 20-23 opponents each to guarantee a perfect victory. That said... remember our opponent’s aim. They are looking to annihilate us to make us look powerless in face of their strength. If they go all out from the beginning like I’m expecting they should hit some skill strain of their own. There will be a good opening at that time for us to launch a counter attack.”

Olive the Glider lamia tightened her fists “So we just need to survive the initial attack from over 300 mercenaries you think? Easier said than done sir... even for us...”

Glancing up into the sky where a glowing countdown beginning at 100 seconds had been created Almar patted the ground beside him as he invited the others to sit down “Relax guys. Just do as I say and we’ll all make it to the one on one fights. I’ve got a plan.”


“30 seconds...” the woman known only as The Jester muttered behind her white mask “Your mages ready Diego? I want those freaks blown to pieces soon as we begin.”

The hunched over old man with a floating anchor behind his back answered in a grizzled voice “Don’t be a fool of course they are. [Preparation] holds for 1 full minute. Every single one of them started 30 seconds ago or they’re dead. It’s those dirty crypt crawlers you’ve got to watch over. Not one of them has been in a real fight in years.”

Appearing beside them both accompanied by a chilling wind Saint Assisi growled “Hold your tongue sea rat. Our duty is much more important simple whaling. And I assure you... my men are more than capable of monster slaying. Need I remind you we trained new recruits in the Dungeon of Fireworks?”

“Oh? You mean the ones these things beat? Obviously your “training” won’t amount to much then.”

Assisi rolled his eyes “Please. I’m only submitting my men to your presence to return a favor and gather intel. We aren’t motivated my greed alone like you.”

The Jester asked as the timer hit 15 seconds “Looking to learn what these monsters are made of friend?”

“I can’t be the only one worried about our future. These monsters may be playing nice now but what about in 5 years’ time when their home is 20 floors deep and they have fifty times their current number? I dare say it’s my highest priority to learn how these things die. If these things have any weakness I aim to find it today.”

“Just don’t get carried away.” She sighed drawing her rapier.

“Don’t worry about us.” Assisi said removing his large mace “I won’t let monsters show us up in front of his majesty.”

Arena going silent as the last few seconds counted down each of the 3 leaders felt mana swirling around them as over 120 mages prepared to release their spells. The “old sea dog” gave his men stern looks to ensure their performance while Assisi got ready to analyze which of his mages elemental spells proved most effective. The Jester however noticed something else. Mana wasn’t swirling around their teams alone. That alone wasn’t cause for concern, it was expected of competent fighters to prepare an opening skill to use. Some chose to attack and others chose to defend. This mana was acting differently however.

Using her [Arcanist’s Eye] The Jester felt an uneasiness in her chest when she followed the mana. When someone was activating a skill their mana would coalesce around the point of action. A swordsman’s mana would head to their blade, an archer’s to their quiver, a brawler’s to their fists, and so on. But the immense amount of mana creating a kaleidoscope of colors in her eyes wasn’t building around one person, it was swirling around several individuals at once, simply waiting to enhance every single one of them in some way. When she followed the trail of colors back to their origin she found one man. He was quite tall, had fins reaching out of his dark skin, and was wrapped in a cloak that left half his chest bare. The monster in human form was standing behind his force of only 21 fighters... with confidence? It was then the monster caught The Jester’s gaze and did something she’d never have expected. He smiled.



The Jester had no time to possibly reconsider her plan as the battlefield instantly erupted in battle cries, magic flashes, explosions, and screams. With the time left on [Arcanist’s Eye] The Jester had enough time to notice the mana surrounding the monsters change in hue to green as 2 red scaled and 2 indigo scaled snake women ran in front of their allies. It wouldn’t matter though, an almost endless stream of magic projectiles were flying towards them-

“WALL!” the same monster she’d been watching before screamed with such authority and purpose it cut through the battlefield and caused her to pause.

Rushing forward as if they couldn’t see the magic bombardment ahead of them the four snake women plunged both their arms into the ground and screamed in unison “[Terra Wall] + [Jade Bunker]”. From where their hands made contact a towering wall of both gray stone and green jade erupted out of the ground forming a shield of protection in front of the monster’s. No matter how fast their casting however the shelter couldn’t completely form before the first wave of spells reached it, failing to cover the empty space over their heads.

Spell after spell pelted against the makeshift wall, freezing, burning, shocking, and flooding it all at once. From their positions though The Jester and the other Hunting Season leaders could see the wall was repairing itself as soon as it was damaged. Best they could make out the 4 snake women creating the wall were being supplied additional mana by the others while the demons and eel man waited for it too pass. Not that they’d give them the opportunity.

Saint Assisi ordered loudly “Half of you arch your next spells over the wall! A pity we won’t see the results but we won’t let them make fools of us!”

The Seadog’s leader barked “Front liners! Get in close and break that wall! Use [Fracture] and [Shatter] at your discretion!”

Uneasiness growing in her chest The Jester simply motioned to her mages for a second volley and had her melee fighters stay back. She was willing to loose potential glory in exchange for seeing how the others faired first. A move that proved genius in hindsight.

Soon as the second volley of projectile spells was launched in an arch, assured to land behind the makeshift wall, the same commanding voice from before was heard again. His call almost seemed late to The Jester. He’d waited until the Seadogs and the smaller groups under their command were mere feet away from the wall. Too late to do anything. Or so it would’ve seemed to anyone unaware of an Oni’s strength and natural talent.


Just as the first of the spells passed over the wall 7 muscular figures of red, blue, and black bathed in a red aura leapt into the air, each with a long, black, spiked, metal back gripped firmly in both hands. Fully synchronized each of them completed their aerial spin and swung their weapons into the oncoming spells. Calling out a terrifying combination of skills as one voice.


Their mana swirled around their weapons increasing their surface area to ridiculous proportions for such a simple skill. When they struck the magic projectiles thanks to [Repel] The Jester noticed the true horror of this counter. The [Swell] skill was usually used when aiding a fellow mage. It would multiply the size, durability, or power of any given attack spell by a roughly measured factor of 1.3. However the skill didn’t only work on an allies spell. So in this case... the oni had just caught the spells midair, multiplied them all in strength, and sent them careening back towards her backline.

As an even larger wall of elemental magic soared her way The Jester ordered for her own mages to construct a bunker to hide behind themselves. With so many mages it was only a few moments before a wall of earth several feet thick was safely covering them all. Countless spells rained down above the darkness of the stone bunker but it managed to hold. Her mages had to constantly pump mana into the dome until the returned barrage ended, causing more than one to pass out due to strain, but the majority of her forces were preserved. It was when the dome fell however she realized their mistake. Those on the frontline had been left defenseless until the storm of magic ceased. And during those few seconds they’d been decimated by the snakes.

Analyzing the scene in front of her The Jester pieced together what had happened. First, as they’d fallen from the sky the Oni had made a second swing on their jade and stone wall. That wall had then collapsed on top of those closest to it. When the wall fell it kicked a large amount of sand into the air, sand quickly further manipulated by the red snakes. Their enemy blinded the other snakes all moved in unleashing their attacks without mercy. Some front liners were frozen solid and entombed in crystal, others were covered in arrows or had been pierced clean through by magic spirals of glowing lights, and yet more were lying on the arena floor, skin turning any number of colors as poisons coursed through their veins. In mere moments just under 200 front line fighters had been eliminated by overwhelming force.

Assisi scoffed beside her “I-I know... not all of them were well practiced but... this is... how?”

“T-to move so fast... with such large bodies... how could they have-?”

Suddenly the hair on all three of the leader’s necks stood up as the air around them changed. Before it had simply been the high concentration of mana, but now? Now it course with electricity as a tall finned figure encompassed in a green aura made himself known.

“I believe I can answer that ma’am.” He smiled, casually twirling his electricity emitting spear in one hand.

Acting on instinct alone The Jester lunged forward with [Pierce] already activated on the tip of her rapier and [Boost] on the soles of her feet. In the corners of her vision she saw Assisi lunging forward with a glowing yellow glove, a holy symbol glowing red hot in his palm, and the Seadog leader’s anchor sweeping towards the monster’s legs. The three of them were veteran fighters. It had been a mistake on this man’s part to speak instead of-

“[Mako], max slider.” He breathed as his body became completely untraceable, shifting from muscular to lean in moments before disappearing. Next The Jester knew the Seadog was being swung by his anchor into the waiting arch of an Oni’s kanobo by the finned monster, now glowing red, knocking him out on impact with the ground. The aura around the monster changed in hue once again to green only for his crackling spear to be thrust through Saint Assisi’s chest moments later. As the Saint’s body began to glow and was taken away the monster breathed out in obvious discomfort.

“Guess... five max sliders is still my limit. I’ve got a long way to go Boss...”

Running forward with her rapier, activating [Excessive Thrust], as the exhausted mages behind her got ready to target the man The Jester asked in a mildly shaking voice, she’d never expected someone like this to be among those monsters “H-how are you doing this? The skill strain alone would’ve- huh?”

Following the tip of her blade with her eyes The Jester was horrified to find her strike had been useless. She had struck the finned man, now glowing blue, directly on his exposed chest and tattoo to no avail. Her sword’s tip hadn’t even broken the skin with how reinforced his body had become.

Pulling her forward by the tip of her own blade the man laughed as his forces eagerly ran toward the mages, his body taking on a red hue as his muscle returned and he wound back his fist “Lady I may not look it but I’m a support class! What kind of general would I be if I couldn’t get my soldiers through this?”

Unable to avoid the strongest blow she’d ever experienced, one that crunched her armor like paper, The Jester was sent flying into the barrier, directly in front of the king. Craning her neck backwards as she fell to the ground in dissolving light she watched in horror and respect as the finned man led his platoon around the arena as a unified front. Whenever someone was about to take a fatal blow the aura around them would flash blue to divert the blow, whenever another was in the path of an arrow they’d gain speed in a flash of green, and whenever they attacked their enemies would be basked in a flash of red. It was almost beautiful, how the man swam in and out from the frontline, somehow always where his troops needed him most.

“A general... indeed...”

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