《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 79: The Swordswoman


Once all the competitors had come out onto the field an announcer opposite the king’s platform began some speech. He rambled on about the history of the colosseum, why the tournament was being held, and other such propaganda. Mulan couldn’t be bothered to listen for long though. She was much too busy calming her nerves while scanning her surroundings. To anyone watching she simply seemed unfriendly or overly serious but in her mind she was struggling.

‘Should I have fought with them after all...? If the lord’s enemy has plans to interfere it wouldn’t be good to separate. Almar said it was fine though... I did tell milord I’d be fighting alone. He’ll be watching from the stands this time. If he sees me acting differently he’ll worry something is wrong. Is something wrong...? He’s always watched my fights. Why does this one feel any different? What is wrong with me?’

In the end Mulan was taken out of her intrusive thoughts when the announcer finally stopped talking. He’d just finished introducing various groups of competitors, eliciting cheers from the crowd, and a short countdown had appeared in the sky. Reading the tonal shift in the arena Mulan understood everyone had until the countdown finished to move around. In a mere 100 seconds combat would begin.

Immediately people began scurrying around to meet up with allies or uncover their rivals. Almar and his group moved to the far side of the arena underneath the king’s seats. As they moved more than half the arena moved with them. Like predators stalking their prey they didn’t allow the monsters to isolate themselves. It seemed Almar would have his work cut out for him.

Mulan noticed a smaller section break away from the “Hunting Season” group and head her way but they numbered no more than 15. Despite knowing her to be a [Named] it seemed the warriors were overly confident due to their superior numbers. None of them really caught her eye though. Because underneath the announcer’s stage a smaller group of warriors was forming removed from the Hunting Season members. Just a glance at their posture told Mulan each of them would be much stronger than the simple mercenaries surrounding her.

Heading in that direction Mulan passively thought ‘I may as well jump into the fray from the beginning. Almar certainly wouldn’t mind me distracting the bigger fish for a few minutes either. He can consider it my last gift to him before our own clash in the finals.’

Silently approaching the group Mulan was surprised to hear many of them laughing and throwing out taunts in a friendly manner. Best she could tell this group of warriors all knew each other, likely having traded blows in the very same tournament in years prior. Interestingly none of them seemed to be wearing Iduc’s mystery bands either.

“...brat? Things are about to get ugly around here for shrimps like you.”

“Indeed! To demonstrate my skill I must defeat the strongest fighters here. It would be an honor to trade blows with you Mr. Mycel.”

“Well... I know better than to stop a man in love. Just don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

The man speaking with who Mulan realized to be Ezekiel with his helmet on was remarkably relaxed. The broad shouldered, dark skinned man was standing with both hands on his hips, pair of hand axes still attached to his hips. He was a bit older than the other competitors, likely in his forties or early fifties, and seemed ill prepared when compared to the fully equipped Ezekiel. The muscular bald man was completely shirtless with only a plain pair of shorts for clothing. Regardless of his equipment and demeanor Mulan’s instincts told her he was powerful.


In addition to the bald man Mulan took note of 5 others. An incredibly short young girl with red hair dressed in some soot covered smith’s gear, an elderly woman feeding a white dove on her hunched over shoulder, a pair of brothers, one incredibly muscular with twin scimitars the other leaner and equipped in magician’s cloth, and a purple knight attempting to fold an origami crane and failing due to his gauntlets. While Ezekiel had received a friendly warning of some sort the figures took one look at Mulan before ignoring her. Except for the older woman who slowly approached the swordswoman.

“And who might you be dear?”

Wishing she had more time to calm her infuriatingly irregular heartbeat she sighed “Mulan.”

“You must have quite some confidence to have come over here. I fear our friendly bouts have garnered something of a reputation over the years.”

“I simply realized everyone over here knew what they were doing.”

The woman smiled revealing anything but a perfect set of teeth “That means you have good eyes! Those of us who aren’t professional fighters anymore come here every time there’s a tournament to make sure we haven’t lost our edge. We use each other to vent our frustrations as well. Simply beating down on the masses isn’t very satisfying.”

Reexamining the group Mulan asked, “So you’re all retired?”

The small girl in smith’s clothing yelled “I ain’t that old yet! I just changed professions! The 2 dumbfucks over there got promoted off the frontlines, baldy is exiled, and paper boy has been working construction since he couldn’t get the knight skills. Don’t rope all of us in with the old hag!”

The more muscular of the brothers yelled back “You think we haven’t tried to get demoted!? Being “geniuses” sucks when you can’t use your gifts.”

“I still want to be a knight...” the origami man said with a depressed sigh.

As they all began arguing around a confused Ezekiel the woman smiled at Mulan “What I’m trying to say is you’re among likeminded people. Please feel free to unleash your emotions.”

“Thankyou for the offer but I’m fine ma’am.”

Counter turning red as 10 seconds remained the woman smiled upwards “Oh dear even I can see that’s not true.”

“You’re blind?” Mulan realized looking into her misty eyes.

“Don’t discount me because of it dear. Seems I’ll just have to help you get it all out the usual way.”

Removing her two feather blades as the timer reached 5 in sync with the others in this group Mulan felt herself relax slightly with the familiar weight in her hands. Around her everyone else seemed to pick a target at random but Mulan had hers already. The mage standing within the cluster of hunters come to take her out had been shooting her ugly glares for a while now.


Soon as the announcers voice reached her ears Mulan was running forward. As expected the mage instantly cast a spell and began molding the arena floor to their will. In only a few moments Mulan had a pair of enormous stone fists flying towards her from either side. To make things even more difficult those surrounding the mage thrust their spears forward. Having been personally equipped by the Dungeon of Oak’s master Mulan was hardly surprised when the spear’s shafts extended forward an additional 10 feet at rapid speed.

Tension easing within her mind as she moved her body without restraint for the first time it what felt like forever Mulan began her assault by leaping into the air and using [Reverse Orbit] on both her blades. Dodging the slow fists as they crashed into each other effortlessly with her speed Mulan slashed her blades directly in front of the fists allowing her skill to grab hold of them. While not a standard projectile by any means the skill worked on any sort of mundane ranged weapon. Sure the fists had been made with magic but rock was still rock.


“HYAAH!” Mulan cried as she sent the stone fists flying back into the ranks of her enemies.

Spears cracking against the weight of the fists her targets could do nothing to halt their approach and were sent flying back into the arena center. Before the mage could turn the fists to sand with another spell 12 of their allies had been sent back to the stands by their Miracle Bands. And by the time anyone could get the sand out of their eyes Mulan had blades cutting into their chests.

“[S-SINKHOLE]!” the mage screamed as the final 3 members of his supporters disappeared in a flash of light causing a 15 feet in diameter pit of swirling earth to open beneath Mulan’s feet.

Ordinarily she’d have just transformed into her hawk form with [Persona] and flown out but she under strict orders to stay as human as possible while within the capitol. So instead she untied 2 of the streamers tied around her obi and launched them into the mages shoulders. Straining the muscles in her tails Mulan used the mage’s body to pull herself forward and landing on solid ground. Turning to face her real opponents she discarded the pointless living accessory with a flick of her streamers, sending the mage down the pit of their own creation.

“What interesting weapons!” the muscular brother laughed “I want to fight her next Remus!”

Similarly in a good mood the more magically inclined of the two reached both arms out with a flourish “Agreed! Whenever you’re ready!”

Seeing no point in keeping her additional blades hidden Mulan took a low stance and began running towards the brothers with both her feather and tail blades out at her sides. Accepting her silent challenge the dual wielding brother charged towards Mulan with both scimitars outstretched. Remus meanwhile seemed to cast several spells in quick succession with less than obvious effects.

“[Rush]+[Hurricane Slash]!” muscular yelled with a massive grin on his face as he gained an instantaneous burst in speed and found himself inches away from Mulan.

Sensing opportunity Mulan called out “[Phoenix Coat]!” wreathing her body in red flames which lapped against her opponents exposed face and flesh. As for his strikes Mulan found parrying them into the sky an easy feet. Before the smirking man could recover Mulan planted both her exposed streamers into the ground beside him, using the momentum generated when she pulled them to send a powerful kick into his chest with a crack that made the crowds wince.

Foot still planted on his chest Mulan activated another skill “[Yatagarasu’s Talon]!” Sending 3 ethereal piercing attacks from within her foot. Normally the 3 spears would release from her talons but while in her humanoid form 2 would release from her toes and one from her heel.

“[Greater Reflection]+[Amplification]+[Inertia]!” Remus called out with a smile as his brother began picking himself up off the ground, struggling to take in much air with a new hole in his lung.

Mulan didn’t have much time to dwell on his abnormally upbeat attitude as 2 blades of wind cut into her back at an incredibly high speed, allowing them to carve further into her skin. Gritting her teeth in pain she just caught out the corner of her eye a gleam of light in the sky around her. It was obvious at that point what the brother’s had done. Remus was responsible for ensuring his brother’s fierce attacks landed no matter what, hence why the warrior had bothered using [Gale Slash] up close.

Perhaps noticing that she’d pieced their strategy together Remus quickly healed his brother with a touch and sent him back out to exchange blows with Mulan. Fortunately for her Mulan wouldn’t even need to come up with a strategy to combat them as another fighter appeared behind them, one who was similarly grinning.

“You idiots ready for your yearly [Remote Detonations]?!” the young smith girl maniacally giggled before grabbing both their shoulders where her hands left a scarlet red magic circle.

Remus spun on his heel and began “D-damnit Darla! [Mirror-! “

Interrupting his casting Darla snapped her fingers which acted as the trigger for spell. Instantly both brothers were engulfed in explosions so powerful Mulan was forced to wince from the waves of heat. The muscular brother was launched up into the air and had his Miracle Band activate when he landed in a thud. Remus wasn’t as lucky as his brother and was sent flying into the barrier around the arena where he painfully slid down, much to the crowds amusement.

Charging towards her unarmed Darla screamed to everyone in the vicinity “Everyone fuck off! I’ve got dibs on the new girl!”

Sheathing her left sword as the martial artist charged her Mulan readied her right blade by extending it out behind her. As a new pair of magic circles formed around Darla’s gloves Mulan slid her right foot back and readied her breathing. She needed to knock the strange explosive girl out in a single strike. Otherwise a close range fighter like herself would be forced into a defensive battle since just one touch would result in massive damage.

In an effort to reach Mulan faster Darla flipped into a cartwheel and activated [Ember Armor], to wreath her body in flames similar to [Phoenix Coat] and began casting explosion after explosion to enhance her speed at the apex of her movements. Should she have spent those moments using defensive skills things may have gone differently. Unfortunately for Darla the second she chose to attack Mulan head on her fate was sealed.

“[Sparrow Strike].” Mulan breathed out as she launched her body forward with her full strength. Her outstretched right blade hummed a bright red as 15 additional semi transparent swords appeared and traveled behind it. Usually her species exclusive skill was done with her entire wing. It had been during one of her sparring matches Mulan learned the skill took on a different form while using her [Persona] body. A bit more taxing on her stamina to create the ethereal blades but thankfully no less effective.

Experiencing 16 slashes of Mulan’s unfiltered strength proved too much for Darla to defend against and she was sent flying through the air at such a speed wind roared around her body. When she finally crashed into the arena’s barrier it was with such force the ripple she created visibly traveled several meters. If it hadn’t been for the Miracle Band holding her body together Darla would likely have become a stain on the colosseum wall.

Right arm shaking from the intense skill strain of her strongest single target attack Mulan held off from leaping into another fight and observed her surroundings. If the large glowing light was a sign the bald man had been defeated at some point along with any other competitors in the vicinity. Currently still engaged in a duel was the purple knight and the blind old woman. The pair seemed to be at a stalemate as the woman couldn’t land a noteworthy attack on the knight and he was too busy defending to strike back.

Despite her disability the woman was certainly ruthless and on the offensive. From her baggy clothing she had produced a few dozen knives of various decals to fight with. Her technique was a marvel to observe as she used some sort of telekinesis to twirl the blades around the knight in a storm of metal. Miraculously the knight was largely uninjured due to a peculiar technique of his own. He had sheathed his sword and equipped a lengthy leather whip. As he danced around evading the knives the knight would swat down knives with the whip when able. Any knife touched would seemingly fold easily as paper and slowly fall to the ground having lost weight and sharpness. It was a battle hinging on two variables. How many times the knight could use his strange paper transformation skill and how many knives the blind woman had been hiding away.

“I shall be your next opponent Ms. Mulan!” a shrill voice called from behind her. Turning back Mulan was surprised to see Ezekiel was still standing. Though bloodied a bit and missing his helmet the haggard young man had definitely beaten Mulan’s expectations.

Hiding her skill strain Mulan unsheathed her second sword again and asked “You sure about this? You know you can’t beat me. You’d be better off waiting for the quota to be reach- “

“I’m afraid I cannot do that!” Ezekiel raised his sword with a shaking hand and obvious fear in his voice “I have sworn myself to win this in Ms. Navy’s name. If I am to be a man worthy of standing beside that brave woman I cannot simply wait for time to be up. I must leap into the fray and prove myself just as she did that night! On my name as Ezekiel Hadraas I swear it!”

Seeing the young man’s face made something stir in Mulan. He was coming at her with a warriors spirit! The very same she’d had when she challenged the evolved hawks and emerged victorious all those months ago. Had she really just tried to deny him the right to challenge? When had she forgotten that feeling? Her passion as a warrior?

No sooner had she asked herself the question did Mulan see the faces of the serpent sisters, Ouroboros, and Retic. It was then that she understood where her doubt was stemming from. She’d been with her lord for so long, since before the Covenant Caverns, before Burza, before humans had even reached the safe zones! She’d fought for her life to earn her position as a [Boss] and for the honor of being a [Named]. Almar appearing had been one thing but 8 more [Named] at once? Not a single one had gone through what she’d been through. Won the battles she’d trained for! Each had simply been born a leader. She had suddenly felt invalidated. With her lord’s attention on the 4th floor and on creating peace outside the dungeon he hadn’t needed a warrior... The others all had roles outside of fighting. Mary had the Reapers, Almar had the Cascade, Noire his secretary, and the sisters their tribes. But Mulan... she could only fight. And whenever she had the chance to perform her duty she had failed. Noire had faced the bandits, she’d been unable to face Ouroboros, she’d been completely overwhelmed by Retic. She couldn’t even perform the single task she’d been created to perform... But Ezekiel... this dumb human teenager was acting like more of a warrior in that moment than she was.

“I’ve been acting so stupid haven’t I...” Mulan whispered as her recent actions replayed in her mind.

Taking her apparent silence as a sign of readiness Ezekiel began charging forward after using a skill to wreath his left hand in flaming vines and making a fist.

‘That’s not even a combat skill.’ She chuckled internally as she readied her blades ‘He’s willing to charge towards an unbeatable opponent from his point of view all to prove something to the one he holds dear. When did I become any different?’

Deciding to give Ezekiel the honor of a proper exchange Mulan ran forward causing the boy to wince but not shy away. In his panic Ezekiel forgot to activate either of his 2 sword skills and out of respect Mulan neglected to use hers. As her swords collided against Ezekiel’s and he dug his feet into the ground, straining with everything he had against her overwhelming power, Mulan realized how simple yet beautiful the exchange was. And as she knocked Ezekiel’s firmly gripped sword into the air with her left blade while sending a single firm strike into his exposed chest with her right Mulan made a vow to herself.

‘I may just be a warrior, but I swear to be one worthy of being called His warrior.’

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