《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 75: The Tournament


I didn’t have much time to go over specifics with Tushar before we’d been dragged to separate shelters when word got out about the attack. After I’d agreed to work with the tribe to destroy the Blight Polor had begun talking war strategy. A topic he quickly realized I knew little about. I may have won a war rather recently but I had also been carried by my powerful monsters. Compared to this centuries old elf with countless accolades and literal decades of experience their was only so much input someone who had yet to finish high school like me could provide in terms of strategy.

What he’d made more than clear was the need for aid sooner rather than later. The Blight herd was always growing in strength and numbers. Things were so bad the elves had recently moved entirely underground just to survive. Fortunately I had Lila working on the second version of our Tuning Textiles while we were gone. I’d given her free range to my rather large treasury and the new fleet of Shady Merchants to acquire whatever she needed to complete the project. Between her genius and her lab assistants I’m sure they’ll get it done in under a month, sleep schedules be damned.

Once we have enough of the Tuning Textiles made to outfit a sizable force I’ll send them north for the border. Having been invited by the northern general herself I had a feeling there wouldn’t be any problems moving a small army across the border. In fact I found myself questioning if general Corazen was hoping I’d join the battle herself. Maybe that had been her underlying intention for inviting me up north? Not that her desire for war mounts was entirely false. The initial force will consist mostly of Oni, Lamia, and mounts for the simple reason they can speak one on one with the elves. Better to send my approachable humanoids before sending my new murder sloths or giant scorpions I figure.

As for the [Named] I’m not sure if I should send them in the initial wave. Each of them can fit the role of general but having them on hand helps me run the dungeon. At the very least I could never send Noire away to complete a mission without constant communication. Even between the two of us managing the dungeon was becoming more and more complicated as we grew. If she couldn’t oversee all the little stuff while I spent our mana and approved projects or evolutions dungeon growth would slow dramatically. Just this trip to the capitol has taught me how much more convenient [Core Mode] is when working compared to [Projection]. Bodies are overrated is all I’m saying.

I promised the elves we’d meet up once everything calmed down but for now there was no telling when that would be. Some way or another, word had spread throughout the capitol in mere hours that a few hundred prisoners had been slaughtered while under the royal knight’s watch. Panic immediately spread through the citizens as all us Iliad attendees were transported to emergency shelters within the hollow city walls. Standing directly next to Noire and Mary I felt relatively safe but not everyone had a Lamia Queen or Stalker willing to die protecting them. Anything stronger than the nation’s pride and joy royal knights would instantly terrify your average person. So much so I spotted more than one family boarding up their windows or following behind us hoping to get their families inside the shelter.

Thankfully by the time we were inside the interior wall’s southern shelter Almar and Mulan had rounded up the remaining Lamia and Oni from within the castle grounds and were heading our way. I ordered them to assist any struggling parties along the way and take them somewhere safe. They both wanted to rush to my side or join the knights hunting the assassins but I reigned them in. Better leave the hunt in the hands of the informed royal knights rather than our well-meaning claws. If they needed or asked for assistance we’d happily grant it but now was the time to let the professionals work without distraction.


Within the shelter I led Noire to an empty area against the wall and sat down to mull things over. While she kept up communications with our other members I had Mary spy on the surrounding attendees and piece together what was known about the situation. Should the knights come asking for my help I’d rather know ahead of time what I was getting my monsters into.

A few minutes later she slipped back into my shadow and reported “Sure sounds like Eli fumbled on this one Master. All they’ve released publicly for now is that all prisoners from our bandit roundup were shot through the neck or heart by an unknown party. Gossip is him and Valentia were standing right outside the interrogation room when it happened.”

A tinge of worry flashed through my mind, “Were our bandits the only ones killed?”

“From what we know now it looks that way.”

Brow furrowing intensely I pondered “But why target random bandits? An assassination seems out of place doesn’t it? Stuff like that is saved for important individuals or... those who know too much.”

“Maybe they weren’t random bandits then?” Mary posed thinking along the same lines as myself.

“If that’s the case they may have been hired to target us specifically before we reached the capitol... Which means whoever hired them has enough power to kill a few hundred people right in Illia’s most fortified city without fear of repercussions... And if what we found on them to be true our mystery enemy is from Undrass. Just who did we piss off down there?”

“Whoever it is I’ll make them pay for messing with us Master. I’ll have my Reapers investigate Undrass in the meantime. Lazy shits can make themselves useful that way.”

Tension slightly cooled down I smiled “What did I tell you about verbally abusing your squad? It’s bad for morale.”

Listening to her stammer for an excuse I almost missed it when a familiar voice addressed me from the front. All of them looked like they’d just been in a rough fight but just one notion to Noire and she was healing their injuries in moments. It had completely slipped my mind our adventurer escorts would have been running around the city as well.

Glancing at my bruised Oni and Lamia I shook Lucas’s hand and asked, “What happened to you guys?”

Rubbing his left hand over his forehead as if he had a migraine Lucas groaned “We heard screams and went to help this noble being attacked in a back alley. There were 3 mages we got into a fight with but... we all got knocked out and roughed up pretty bad. When we all came to they were gone, along with an entire carriage worth of goods. I’m sorry for putting your men in danger while under my care Mr. Sol.”

Aki put a bruised hand on Lucas’s shoulder and bowed his head towards me “Boss it was us who went looking for a fight. These guys tried to get us here just as they were ordered. Blame our weakness if anything.”

Looking at the regretful Aki, reflective Iseri, and frowning Navy I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder in turn “You tried to help someone in danger. What kind of leader would I be to scold you for that? Sure they got away but you did save someone’s life tonight. I’m proud of you guys.”

“Boss...” Aki said a surprised look in his yellow and black eyes “I promise to get stronger so that I can better serve you.”


Iseri nodded while Gelm leaned on him for support “As do I. I’m ashamed of my display tonight. It won’t happen again.”

While holding a well-dressed man away at arm’s length Navy agreed “My behavior was unbefitting one in your service Chairman. I shall endeavor to prove that bringing me on this trip was not a mistake.”

A smile in my voice I dropped my hand from Aki’s shoulder “I’ll hold you all to it.” I pointed at the man Navy was holding back “Who is that by the way?”

“An annoyance...” Navy muttered rolling her eyes.

“A man who has found his purpose!” the man smiled attempting to hug the poor lamia.

Wishing I had Mulan’s [Intimidate] I put myself between Navy and the man “Are you the one they wished to save sir?”

Hearts in his eyes he nodded feverously “This incredible woman behind you risked her own life to save mine own my good man! The skill with which she summoned the water, the grace with which she flew with her spear, the pained endurance on her face as she protected me with her own body! Ms. Navy here is the perfect woman!”

From the side a presence so small and quiet I’d yet to notice her said in an irritated tone “His name is Ezekiel Hadraas sir.” She gave a small curtsy in her battle scarred dress causing the curly black hair she shared with her brother to bounce “My name is Dia Hadraas. I owe you and your subordinates my life.”

Returning her gesture with a bow I said “Please, call me Sol. I’m happy to hear they were around to help you. Do you know why you were attacked?”

She clutched her arm to her side “Not in the slightest... We’re not that important and we’re the 6th and 7th children of our parents. Attacking us would prove pointless unless they truly just wanted the money in our carriage.”

“Which doesn’t make sense given the obviously purposeful actions of the assassins we’ve all heard about tonight.”

Finishing up her healing treatment Noire lowered her glowing hand “You said you encountered mages Lucas? Were they working alone?”

He shrugged “They could have been part of a group I guess but they were definitely all mages. The one in charge was damn tough too.”

It took me a moment to understand Noire’s point before I realized what she was hinting at. From what Mary had just told us the assassins in the prison had been archers, or at the very least had left physical arrows in their targets. A group of magic thieves going after lower ranking nobles didn’t fit the established goals of the planned assassins. Could the two crimes be unrelated after all? But what were the odds of that...

Interrupting my thoughts Lucas recounted “I didn’t get a good look at the two we did manage to knock out but the really strong guy who took us out without even trying, I got more than a good look at him. He was easily 6 feet tall, had blonde hair like me, carried himself with this roguish charm, and was way too handsome for just some thief. I know I could pick someone like him out in a crowd. He was... odd.”

Before I could ask Lucas to clarify his strange description Ezekiel took Navy’s hand and got down on one knee. Despite wearing clothes that had quite literally been shoved into the gutter he smiled up at the lamia and winked. For dramatic effect he even materialized a flower of fire in his other hand and offered it to her.

“Ms. Navy, my gorgeous savior, I, Ezekiel Hadraas, humbly request you observe my performance in the capitol’s tournament 2 days from now. I swear to attain victory in your name. After I take my victory I shall present to you my trophy and ask you to attend the Iliad’s Closing Ball with me. I pray you will accept.”

She stared down at the man, then to me, then to Noire. Receiving no help from the dumbstruck me and a simple shrug from her [Boss] Navy was forced to come up with an answer by herself. The answer she settled on completely ignored Ezekiel’s declaration as she had no idea what to say. That said his words had intrigued her, perhaps just not in the way he’d wanted.

“How do I join this tournament?”

Misunderstanding completely Ezekiel began “Ah! Your kindness knows no bounds! Fear not Ms. Navy you need not protect me during the- “

Dia groaned “The tournament is held for Iliad attendees and their families/representatives only. It is supposed to serve as a way for nobles to settle grudges in a safer, more dignified manner than true battle. Although usually it turns into a giant ego contest between competitors on who can pay for the strongest mercenary group. You could probably join in as a Dungeon of Season’s representative Ms. Navy. Although someone here for a purpose other than the tournament would be rather abnormal. Not many high society types compete you see.”

Navy, Aki, Iseri, and even Noire albeit in a more reserved manner looked to me expectedly. I wasn’t necessarily against anyone competing in a tournament but what was the point? There were more important matters right now than winning a self-described “ego contest”. With the assassins and mages roaming the streets we should mobilize some sort of-

“Master I heard about that the other night. The tournament is part of the 3rd day’s festivities and everyone attending the Iliad will be there. If our new enemy is someone here in the capitol...”

“That would be the time they could make their next move without garnering attention.” I finished with a slight groan “Could be a good opportunity to catch them in the act...”

Dia nodded in agreement with what she took to be my dismissal of the tournament “Agreed Mr. Sol. Such a barbaric practice is ill fitted for modern society. I can’t believe King Rylen is trying to renew attention in it this year. Honestly... putting a Star Wyvern egg up as the prize is- “

Intense desire erupting from my chest I turned to my monsters with such passion even Irwin could feel it back home I ordered “You’re not just going to enter, you’re going to dominate!”

“”” Yes sir!”””

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