《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 73:


Face hidden in the flickering torchlit shadows a stern voice asked “Well? Has the seed been planted at least? Or did you manage to mess that up too you useless son of a bitch?”

Opposite the angry figure crackled an image constructed purely of mana in the image of General Fracknell, who winced at the figure’s words “I-I deeply apologize for my incompetence sir! I didn’t expect them to be incapacitated so easily. Like everyone else I thought the rumors were being overblown, and besides, how was I supposed to know the snake woman was a mage-!”

Slamming his fist into the underground wall so hard it cracked the figure shouted, “I ASKED IF IT WORKED NOT FOR AN EXPLANATION OF YOUR INEPTETUDE!”

Bowing so low on the ground his accolades were covered in dirt Fracknell answered fearfully “We believe so sir!!! Our insiders report they found the emblems and believed them from Undrass! I know we wanted him to fear leaving the country but-. “

“You misunderstand again my f riend ... Planting mistrust of those Undrass bastards was little more than a side goal! I wanted those passengers so mangled those monster fucks would come crawling to me for aid! Instead they come into a city where that “man of the people” king praises his actions wholeheartedly in front of the citizenry! Next time I tell you to kill some useless peasants bring someone who can fucking fight!

Face somehow even closer to the ground Fracknell cried “YES SIR!!!”

The figure sighed “You’re lucky I can’t have you replaced during the Iliad you useless fool... See to it you don’t fail me again or I’ll have you and your families heads.” They paused for a moment letting the threat sink in further before continuing “I will say though... it was outside my expectations that glowing freak of nature would bring them in alive. The interrogation with one of the court mages is set for tonight. I hope for your sake you’ve found a way to alleviate that problem. Otherwise you’ll be ousted as a traitor you know? Who knows what would happen to you in prison if that were to happen...”

Regaining the bare minimum amount of confidence required to answer Fracknell said “O-of course sir! Everything has been taken care of! By now he should already be done cleaning up and on his back with proof.”

“I saw you requested a rather large some of Rhilos from my assistant. Just who did you hire without my supervision?”

“Only the best would do sir! He was already in the capitol and we both know Fatal doesn’t fail a mission once he accepts.”


The figure gave a nostalgic smile “No he doesn’t... That one’s been worth the price since my younger years...” Nodding as if to assure himself of something he continued “Expect word from me both two and four days from now. I need to be present for the matches so I’ll be slightly delayed on the first day. As for the later... I’ve just heard word that islander bitch and her cronies have been sneaking around the back streets. Can’t put anything past the old hag so be ready to act when I know more. We’ve spent too much on this plan to let all these new variables screw it up now. Have the newest shipment of barrier stones to the northern border by next month. Corazen doesn’t know anything yet but she’s an observant one. If even one of those caravans is caught before entering the tunnels everything goes up in smoke. I trust you understand what I’m saying?”

“Your words are clear as crystal sir! I’ll send only my best guards!”

“See to it you do. Now, if you’ll excuse me, should you have done your job right we’ll all be moved to more secure locations before the night is over.”


Eager to let his aching legs rest soon Eli waited outside the interrogation room with Valentia and court mage Wilkor for what was to be a long night. It had taken some high level healing magic to fix the bandits who attacked the Brooksdam/Dungeon of Seasons caravan to a point where they could speak properly. Eli understood Sol’s newest monster Noire had been in the right but even he’d been shocked just how effortlessly she dispatched all of her foes at once. Not only had her attack been precise enough not to injure any civilians in the wagons but also powerful enough to put each of the targets on death’s door. According to what the healers had said each would have taken months to fully recover naturally, and even then there’d have been scars.

‘I hate to think what she’d have done if Sol didn’t ’t tell her to take them alive... Or what she could do if she got really serious... Especially here in the capitol l with so many innocents in strike range. Would I be able to act fast enough if she went rogue? If the y all act ed at once I... I don’t know if I could ...’

“Something on your mind captain?” Valentia asked with a furrowed brow.

Relaxing his worried expression Eli smiled sadly “No just letting my inner pessimist act up. Though I’m curious, if all Sol’s monsters went rogue do you think we could subjugate them fast enough?”


“Think that’s a possibility sir?”

“Not at all. We’ve known Sol the longest out of anyone and I know he doesn’t go around picking fights. That said... his monsters aren’t as peaceful. Not sure if you heard about what happened outside the castle this morning but Mulan was about ready to commit a massacre.”

Feeling slightly awkward Wilkor chimed in with a cough “I was there actually. You speak of the strangely dressed swordswoman yes? Or I guess I should call her the hawk shouldn’t I? Indeed her demeanor was truly one of a caged animal after lady Ouroboros made her threats. If it wasn’t for her master I shudder to think what she’d have done. I’m surprised you couldn’t feel her intentions from the castle captain.”

A proponent for the dungeon monster’s good intentions Eli clarified “I’m not surprised she’s on edge. The city hasn’t been exactly welcoming so far. What do you think Wilkor? Could you subdue them fast enough?”

The older mage crossed his arms in deep thought “Well... I suppose it would depend on whether I could cast in time or not. If I could summon my [Ethereal Chains] I could pin at least one of them down for your men to deal with but... ah, and if the mage of their group knew the counter spell she could undo it in just a few moments. At the very least I’m confident I could slow them down. They are just monsters after all.”

Eli turned to Valentia curious for her input. She’d even sparred with a few of Sol’s [Named] while the reshaping of Brooksdam’s outer borders was being done. If anyone knew how they’d fair it was her.

Eventually she answered “I think it would be a much closer fight than I’d like to admit. While I’m confident I could at least hold my own against them one on one I fear I’d need to lose a limb

or two to edge out a victory against multiple. There’s also the matter of protecting civilians. If Almar for example went rogue what could I do to stop him from transforming and taking out who knows how many buildings in the process. Then there’s Noire or Mary, should either of them unleash their magic without restraint I doubt I’m fast enough to cover every civilian. In a rogue scenario I fear we couldn’t just send them into the skies for our mounted officers to take out like usual. Mulan could simply transform and cut her way through their entire unit. I don’t fancy a pegasi’s chances against her speed even in the air.”

Curious as court mages tended to be Wilkor asked “Let’s say civilians were not an issue. The standard open grass field scenario. Could the forces stationed in Centrilliam contain them quickly?”

“If that were the case... I’m assuming we’re adding the additional Oni and Lamia present as well here, I believe we could wipe them out but would still incur losses. From how the masters describe Mary’s fight against Ivan the Immortal she could likely engage several of our strongest at once.”

“Good thing she’s not in the capitol then huh?” Eli chuckled.

Face turning a tad concerned for a moment Valentia began “Wait, captain did you not- “

Suddenly from behind Eli the door to the capitol prison’s interrogation room opened on its own. They’d all been waiting for the prisoner to be brought into the room at which point a torch on the outside would begin to flicker. That torch was still cold.

Getting a bad feeling Eli ordered sternly “Stay behind me. Valentia you’ve got our backs Wilkor in-between.”

“I-is something wrong captain?” the mage began before realizing he wouldn’t get an answer.

Hand on his scabbard Eli peered through the door at what was emitting such a foreboding aura. Inside was what could only be described as a worst case scenario. Both the bandit leader and his escort had been killed, if their still pooling blood was anything to go by mere moments ago, and the door opposite where Eli was standing was swinging open. A door that led straight to the prison interior.

Activating [Quick Foot], [Weightless], and [Hunter’s Eye] on impulse Eli ordered “Valentia secure the prison! Wilkor get a healer down here to try and revive them! We should still have time!” before disappearing through the swinging doorway in a gush of wind. As he ran through the eerily dark and quiet prison halls Eli spotted dozens of other bandit corpses in their cells. Each and every one of them with a black arrow straight through their hearts.

Just as the effects of his skills began to wear off Eli found a single bandit’s body leaning against a window which had its bars removed. His magically enhanced perception spotted movement on the window ceil and as he used one last burst of speed to lunge for it he was left with nothing but a card in his hands.

Contract Complete. I must say this bunch was rather weak, not a single one even woke in their sleep you see, but a job’s a job. Should anyone see my work tonight and wish to hire me I’ll be hunting griffons in the Avarest Mountains for a short while!

- Retic Ocross

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