《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 70: The Accusation


For the time being I decided to give Retic a “trial run” acquiring an uncommon monster as opposed to something mythical. With future floors in mind I asked him to find me a mundane griffon as I already knew them to exist in this world. He graciously agreed to payment upon completion and would deliver the corpse to the dungeon entrance where I’d have Azura make the trade for 15,000 Rhilos. It wasn’t a small amount of money by human means but when your lower floor creatures are constantly hunting each other and dropping coins everywhere it may as well have been pocket change. For every Wrath Sloth Daphne’s tribe hunts I easily make over 3,000 after all.

Wrath Sloths: Polar Bear sized green sloths that laze around most of the time. Whenever their hunger peaks however the lazy giants go into a berserker rage. Anything and everything that could be considered food will become such in its wake.

The man himself didn’t stick around long seemingly eager to begin his hunt. All he did was murmur something about “territorial mothers this time of year” with a grin on his face before disappearing. While strange my third encounter with an S class had been much better than my second. Not that it took much do so...

Only a few minutes after he left the gates of castle Bertros were opened and all those attending the day’s proceedings began making their way inside. Most stayed clear of our group as they whispered about our N.A.S.A. pact amongst themselves. It seemed many had been caught off guard by the sudden development while others attributed the action as a long time coming. [Alliances] had existed in this world long before my dungeon appeared and, excluding my unique properties, were a common practice between inexperienced and veteran masters. Said deals tended to be slightly in favor of the older more experienced dungeons but no details of our pact had been made public yet.

While listening in on our fellow attendees I put to practice what Claire had taught me earlier and began examining their guests. As expected many nobles and influential merchants had brought along young children in hopes of political marriages, rather disturbingly some even as young as 14 were dressed up. I’d been informed during our travels that many balls and private galas were being held over the course of the Iliad for influential youngsters to meet and establish connections. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately given the opportunities they presented, I’d not been invited to any such events. Not like I’d ever been much of a party person anyway.

Other than those shopping for potential spouses I picked up on a high concentration of military officers and adventurers. Having members of the Illian military present of course made sense as they would be reporting to Rylen like everyone else. What was strange were how low ranked many of them were. It wasn’t just generals or admirals in attendance, basically any member of a noble’s family belonging to the military was present, even if they’d likely just joined a year or two prior. And adventurers? Most seemed to be acting as bodyguards which was to be expected, but entire parties?

Picking up my curious gaze Mulan answered through our link “They simply understand their place and fear your power Milord. Not every noble has someone like Ouroboros they can call on at any moment.”


Unnerved by the vitriol in her tone I replied “I could do without the tense atmosphere though. This is closer to a peace summit than a war table. We just need to show we don’t plan on causing any more wars.”

Mulan remained silent for a moment before simply nodding and giving a basic “As you say Milord.”

The closer we all came to the castle though the harder it became to pay attention to the other groups. For towering all around were some of the most stunning shaped hedges I’d ever seen. To the left was a roaring green lion proudly standing atop a bed of lilies, to the right a knight riding his horse along a field of petunias. But neither of those could compare to the massive rose constructed phoenix rising from a batch of black and yellow flowers. The work of living art would easily be larger than Mulan in her true avian form. Naturally this piece seemed to be the royal garden’s central point.

Just when I stopped for a moment to examine the plaque beneath the stunning phoenix Noire cautioned “I’d advise you to keep your distance sir. There are several mana storage devices hidden within those flowers. Too many for simple upkeep.”

Instantly pulling by hand back from the possible magic weapon I asked “Can you tell what their function is? Don’t tell me this thing flies...”

“No sir, it seems to capable of pulling in vast amounts of energy before... doing something with it. I’m sorry but my knowledge on such machinery is lacking. If I had to wager a guess though it is likely meant to power something else. That would explain why so many more of these hedges hold such tools within them.”

I was about to ask my human allies what they knew but as each of them was still recovering from how my templates function I thought it best to spare them. In all likelihood it was nothing important as Noire was far from the only mage present capable of sensing magic objects. There was always time to look into it later. Besides the idea of shaping hedges into beasts had my mind positively spinning with possibilities. Sure I already have the Ursa Verdures for bears made of plant matter but what if I tried making hedges of other animals out of different material? Or maybe a monster made entirely out of sponge or coral? So many ideas for when I get home!

Ursa Verdure: Similar in appearance to bears the never before seen Ursa Verdures have large sections of their bodies composed entirely of plant matter. What plant life they’re made of changes how each Ursa Verdure interacts with the world. No matter the material they make for dangerous foes.

My mind filled with possibilities I almost missed the faint whisper in my ear. The mature yet endearing voice was carried by a cold breeze causing my [Projection] to shiver out of habit rather than purpose.

“Please meet me here after the talks today... I have an offer regarding one of the lost children...” was all it said before dissipating quietly as it came.

Absolutely sure I hadn’t imagined it I turned my head to find no one standing near us as before. Even looking into the passerby closer revealed not one even looking my way. Whomever wanted to meet me wanted to invite me in secret...


“You alright there Boss?” Almar asked tilting his head.

Explaining under my breath I whispered “Seems someone wants to meet us here later. Not sure who but they have an “offer” of some kind. Wouldn’t hurt to come listen at least.”

Arching his eyebrow he thought aloud “It should be safe within the castle grounds with so many big shots and their guards walking around... What an odd request though, perhaps they don’t want to be seen approaching us for some reason?”

“If that was the case they’d request a to meet in a more private location. No there must be something else in play that makes meeting after the meeting important. Can’t imagine what though.”

“Me neither.”

With our eyes scanning more than ever for our strange contact we continued on through the castle’s main door. We wouldn’t have much time to admire the historic architecture, somewhere between a government building and a cathedral, as the royal knights lining the hallway leading to the audience chamber were ushering everyone forward. As we were near the front of the pack we quickly headed inside as not to slow things down. It was at this point my Lamia and Oni representatives split off to go mingle in the gardens in my name, my best reassurances sent after them.

Inside the audience chamber was elegantly simple. At the far end of the room in front of a massive glass window overlooking an interior garden containing a fountain was Rylen’s red velvet throne. Positioned one step below the throne was the elongated, stormy gray, marble, table. The no doubt expensive piece was about 6 feet across but easily 60 feet in length stretching across most of the chamber. Behind the dozens of chairs large tapestries bearing the Illia’s rising phoenix were hung to ensure no matter where one sat they could feel its presence. Just being in the room I felt the weight anything said in the figurative heart of Illia would represent.

Me, Claire, and the Crabros walked our way down the table’s left side as directed until we found small paper name cards in accordance with the pre-planned seating arrangements. Naturally I was positioned between both other masters who themselves were placed next to long standing exporters of their dungeon’s goods. Farther down the table I spied Simmons batting his forehead with a rag and up near the throne sat Eli with Valentia by his side. Mirroring what the other private bodyguards were doing Mulan and Almar stood along the wall behind me while Noire, taking the position of my aid, stood directly behind me on the right. Mary of course was still hiding in my shadow but was remarkably quiet. Even if we could speak telepathically the room’s atmosphere conditioned one to silence or hushed whispers as everyone filed in one by one. Needless to say all other subordinates present were silent as they were stoic.

As my other masters exchanged pleasantries with their acquaintances I absentmindedly began playing with my namecard. It read simply “Sol: Master of the Dungeon of Seasons” which when compared to the other noble’s cards made me feel less accomplished. They all had lengthy lists of accomplishments, especially those in the military, but I only had my name.

It was while bending the card back and forth in my hands someone sat down directly across from me. Someone I was not in the least bit happy to see, Ringley Nelner. The young master had his characteristic smug grin, any sign of yesterday’s failure long lost from his expression and had brought 3 bodyguards of his own. Whose appearances seemed a direct mimicry of my own.

First was his black haired female “assistant” dressed in what seemed a tailor’s best attempt to recreate Noire’s suit. She seemed to be in charge pf note keeping for Ringley during the meeting but was struggling due to her new glasses. Standing behind him to the left was a large dark skinned shirtless man with the Illian phoenix tattooed onto his bare skin. The man seemed a reclusive sort but was routinely seen pouring trace amounts of water into his hair to keep it wet. Finally on his right was an attractive Asian woman doing her best not to trip in an admittedly good copy of a yukata. However she seemed to have missed something important about my samurai and had a pair of blades sheathed on her back.

I ignored his attempts to get a rise out of me and simply avoided eye contact. Thankfully none of my [Named] reacted either and continued on in silence. Surprisingly even Mary, who’d usually find the pale imitations hilarious, stayed silent and possibly grew a bit angry at the mockery. Or she was jealous. It was hard to tell.

After around 20 minutes of quiet murmuring the last of the attendees had made their way inside and been seated. Almost instantly a door near the back window opened and the room fell silent. We all stood as rehearsed and watched Rylen emerge and walk to his throne. Only once he had sat down and dismissed us with a wave did anyone return to their seat.

Posture befitting a king Rylen began “I now call the first meeting of the Iliad conference open. As it is the first day I have nothing to report at the onset. Whomever has an issue to present before us all please stand now and remember this is an open floor. Nothing is beyond limitations. No matter how trivial or momentous.”

Soon as the last syllable was out of Rylen’s mouth a man almost all the way on the end stood, a blood vessel threatening to pop on his forehead practically screamed “Milord! I wish to report to all those in attendance what I witnessed just this last evening!”

Completely unaffected by the man’s mannerisms Rylen simply nodded for the man to continue.

I however was taken aback when the man blatantly hurled a finger at me and yelled “I was lying in bed preparing for today’s activities when I happened to glance out my window. And what did I see but the Reaper herself! A monster composed entirely of darkness reflected the moonlight into my eyes as her own dug into my soul! I knew from her blood red hair alone she was the beast!”

Maintaining his calm demeanor Rylen asked dryly “And what is it you are accusing Mr. Sol and his creatures of Mr. Wisthfeather?”

Face turning red as he reached another octave he answered “Attempted murder! This monstrosity we’ve allowed to walk among us fashioned to have his pet demon kill me as I slept!”

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