《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 69: The Job


Caught utterly off guard it took me a moment to even form a question. Only a few minutes ago an S class had been threatening my life and now another was offering to work for me? I understood well enough how varied the personalities of such powerful beings could be but... the stress of dealing with them isn’t good for my heart...

“Just what services would you be offering me Mr. Ocross? I assume you’ve come with some idea as to how you could be utilized?”

Placing both hands on his hips Retic answered with practiced lines “Of course I have! I would be remiss to waste the time of one such as yourself. Thus I have already endeavored to conceive methods of which I may be useful. Although I feel a proper explanation of my past work history would serve to create a firm grasp of my qualifications within your mind first Mr. Sol.”

Keeping to myself a comment about his flowery language wasting time anyway I simply nodded for him to continue.

“Excellent. First I shall confirm what you have no doubt already concluded, I have been officially categorized as an S class being as of 3 years ago. Now, I understand that may appear a rather recent affair in the grand scheme of things, but I assure you I’ve more than met the qualifications. While compared to my elder members I do in fact lack experience I believe I’ve made great strides in closing the gap between me and them in that time.”

I interrupted “How would you fair against lady Ouroboros, if you don’t mind my asking? I’d hire you immediately to act as a deterrent.”

Green eyes closing for but a moment Retic sighed “Unfortunately Mr. Sol someone of her capabilities is beyond that of myself and many other S class. If it was just the woman herself I believe I could emerge victorious, albeit not unscathed, but with her “pets” I fear I wouldn’t make much headway. If you wish to make lady Ouroboros hesitate... I’d say only the mage guild’s leader could sway her.”

I clicked my tongue “Feel free to continue she’s just on my mind now...”

“Certainly. During my ascension to the ranks of the S class I’ve largely focused on developing 2 key talents. One of which I understand your hidden friend undertakes for you, that being assassination, and the other becoming a master of the hunt. In fact I’ve honed my skills to such an exemplary extent that prior to the “Fatal” title “The Huntsman” was briefly considered.”

Fearing I already knew the answer I asked hesitantly “And where does “Fatal” come from?”


“Why it stems from my high profile assassinations Mr. Sol! Please understand I could never reveal past clients but I’m more than free to speak on past targets. Kings, revolutionary leaders, inventors who threatened to change the world too much, I’ve taken many heads in my time. Thus the public named me Retic the Fatal, an assassin everyone knows the identity of yet only his victims ever see in person. I must admit hearing youngsters use the term a “Fatal Encounter” is rather humbling.”

Squashing the “only assassin I’ll ever need’s” arguments from within my shadow with a thought I coughed into my fist “You’ll be the first to know should I require your services. May I here your reasoning for why I’d need a hunter? Many of monsters are more than proficient at tracking and the like.”

Cupping his chin Retic’s eyes smiled “Ah, I fear you misunderstand Mr. Sol. I do not hunt or track simple prey like that of your monsters, no offense intended. I only hunt prey worthy of my status. If you’ve ever heard of the Baarowworm of southern Bricca that was a recent trophy hunt of mine.”

By my N.A.S.A. allies’ various reactions I assume the Baarowworm some sort of legendary monster. A few moments later Noire sent the image of a massive worm several miles long covered in what appeared to be rotating glass shards. She clarified she’d only read of the beast’s description and subsequent death in a recent report from the Reapers but was nonetheless impressed. From her estimates the creature would have required all the [Named] to take down and even then it would be an arduous battle. Such a kill spoke highly of Retic’s talent.

With a deeply furrowed brow Claire interjected “I still fail to understand your offer Mr. Ocross. Even if you can slay such beasts how does that provide any benefit to Sol? Why to attain even the base template off the corpse of a Baarowworm one would need at least 30 full corpses of both genders in perfect condition!”

Wagging a finger with a glint in his obscured eyes Retic laughed “Oh, but Ms. Remwell our dear Mr. Sol is different from any dungeon masters our world has ever seen. If what I’ve interpreted from his behavior so far is true he does not have the same requirements to attain your beloved templates. One cadaver should do just fine.”

Instantly Claire’s and both the Crabro’s eyes lit up before Arin almost whispered in awe “I-is this true Mr. Sol!? Do you need but one corpse to attain a completely original template!?”

Confused at their overreaction I shrugged “So far I’ve only ever needed one. Is the same not true for-?”


Suddenly Lewis Crabro’s arms were placed firmly on both my shoulders and a fire had erupted in his gaze “Don’t speak a word of this to anyone! S-such a power would, why it would have people lining outside your entrance with corpses of everything imaginable! Pets, endangered species, livestock, if you only need one corpse then, then... my word...”

Taking his hands off my [Projection] gingerly I asked again “I guess that explains why you all aren’t quite as diverse as me... How does it work for proper masters then?”

Pinching between her eyes Claire answered “Even attaining something as simple as a cow requires a perfect understanding of the specie’s biological functions. This can be attained traditionally with one of two methods. The first is the dungeon masters own memorization and ability to reconstruct the creature from nothing. That method is hardly ever used as it requires absolute precision and incredible amounts of time and research. More common is method two, the [Absorption] method, wherein the dungeon master brings corpses of the desired creature to the core itself and absorbs them through direct contact. Doing so replicates random features of the creature’s biology into the core. If a master can acquire enough of the same creature and [Absorb] it the template can be attained just the same. However what the core learns from each corpse is random and certain corpses can only contain certain features.”

‘Like a gacha...?’ I wondered in disbelief at the difference in our methods.

“Using our same cow template as an example a dungeon master might learn everything about a cow’s tail structure from one corpse and all about their dental shape from another. To make things more complicated having a feature already learned does not mean the core will not learn it again. A master could absorb 10 cows and learn nothing but fur patterns from all of them. If you truly can create an entire template from a single corpse you are even more monstrous than I previously thought Sol.”

Thinking back several months I recalled the first time I’d felt the voice’s guidance when modifying my creatures. When I’d created the first Luminous Shrooms I had no idea how to trigger their flashbang reaction. The voice had guided me and helped choose what chemicals needed to be placed within and how the internal structure needed to change to secrete it. If I’d been responsible for creating even something simple as the original Shiner Fish it would have been game over.

‘That’s not to mention [Remote Absorption] either. Claire didn’t even think to clarify it but it sounds like direct contact with the core is needed to learn genetic information for dungeon masters. I on the other hand can do more than just convert creatures into mana with [Remote Absorption]. It doesn’t matter if a body is dropped off at my entrance or the core room I can learn its template. Maybe that misunderstanding is why the adventurers had been so nonchalant about giving me more creatures to play with?’

Bringing the attention back over to himself with a clap Retic said “I’m happy to hear my theories were correct Mr. Sol. To that end I wish to assist you in acquiring legendary monsters for use in your dungeon. Such services won’t come free unfortunately but I believe this could be a mutually beneficial relationship for us! You need only give me a target and I’ll surely acquire it for you.”

Raising her glasses Noire, now in transaction mode, asked “I fail to see how this is a beneficial relationship in your case Mr. Ocross. To an S class like yourself earning Rhilos is an easy task and its use little more than a formality. Why should you bother taking on work for the Chairman specifically? What’s your angle?”

“My angle?” Retic asked tilting his head slightly “I suppose that would be my personal interest in what Mr. Sol is capable of concocting from what I bring him. Look at you for example Ms. Noire, a simple Lamia template was worked into a living, breathing, fully sapient Lamia Queen! If I bring the strongest foes I can find across this country and beyond to Mr. Sol... Oh, the possibilities are simply endless!”

“Milord.” Mulan said beside me still aggravated “I believe I understand his true aim. Retic Ocross does not wish to assist us at all, nor is he sympathetic to our cause. One with an aura such as his has only one desire. To fall in battle to an insurmountable foe after facing them with his absolute best. Put simply he is...”

“A battle junkie...” I groaned finishing her thought.

In response Retic covered his hidden mouth with one hand in mock embarrassment “Oh, it appears I’ve been found out! Though I can’t deny your claims I should clarify what I want from you as a reward.” Retic then placed a hand over his chest and gave a gentlemanly bow “Mr. Sol, master of the Dungeon of Seasons, I would like you to create the monster who will one day kill me. I do so hope you shall positively consider my offer.”

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