《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 68: Retic


It took a few moments for my mind to remotely calm down, and even then only slightly. Every time I closed my eyes to focus all I could remember was the swirling abyss that woman had been floating within. Just the quick glance I’d had betrayed the unfathomably depth and horrors that lay within. And that doesn’t even include Ouroboros herself, an S class capable of controlling the eldritch beings with an innocent smile on her face. A smile that could fade away at any moment.

Glancing around the castle gates I asked my allies “D-does that mean the Yui family still holds power? I thought Megun had control of everything before Mary.... well, did her thing.”

Clicking his tongue while looking around as well Crabro answered “As did I... Although I suppose the family still holds plenty of strong connections across Illia and beyond. Trade deals and political marriages don’t just disappear when the head of family goes missing. Especially close ties going back decades.”

Almar jumped in asking moments before I could “But why didn’t that chick fight on team Fireworks? She’d have been one hell of a war asset.”

“From what I’ve been able to uncover behind the scenes Megun was acting completely independent of the main family by that point.” Claire sighed. “Once she took over the family dungeon she revealed her true intentions and began radically overhauling the status quo. Naturally losing the dungeon hurt the family but the riches they’ve accumulated over the last few years are still their own.”

Rubbing my crossed arms to rid myself of fear I said “Then why are they bothering to target me?! From the sound of it we did them a favor removing Megun from power.”

Pushing up her glasses Noire surprisingly answered “Chairman should Megun have simply passed you’d be correct. However upon our fulfillment of the dungeon war’s terms we completely absorbed the Dungeon of Firework’s core, destroying the entire structure as a result. Being that their ancestral tower stood atop that dungeon’s entrance it was rendered a smoldering ruin should reports be believed. In all likelihood that is where their vendetta stems from.”


“Oh... Well is there anything we could do to fix that?”

Answering only across our link Noire said “Other than giving them one of our Unused Cores I doubt they’d accept any attempts at peace. Keep in mind the damage done to their public image and personal honor. I doubt they’d be terribly receptive sir.”

Rubbing my temples I asked aloud “Then is there anyway to make peace with their pet Arin? I don’t mean to offend but she seemed a bit scatter brained. Could we get her to change allegiances to our side?”

She sighed “Sorry to tell you but that’s unlikely. You are correct that she’s a bit... much sometimes but Ouroboros is incredibly loyal to those she likes. She might back off a bit when she learns of my involvement in our alliance but... I wouldn’t place your hopes on it. You may be better off finding another S class to deter her. Powerful as she is Ouroboros doesn’t care much for fighting those near her level.”

“Then we need someone in her weight class to join our alliance...” I paused momentarily considering Everest before remembering he was more of a free spirit “...Or we need one of mine to grow that powerful.”

Bowing lightly Mulan said “I shall endeavor to do so quickly as possible Milord. Never again will I freeze in the face of such a powerful enemy.”

Giving her an acknowledging nod I let a self-deprecating grin slip “Never seems to change does it... our end goal I mean. Every time I think our defense is strong enough to slow down an even worse threat shows up.”

Patting my right shoulder Almar grinned with me “There’s always a bigger fish right Boss?”

Resting on my left shoulder another voice agreed “Seems that way does it not? Side effect of getting strong is realizing just how many monsters there are above you I find.”

Slowly turning my head to the unknown voice I found an unknown man whose face was obscured almost entirely by the shadow of his hat’s brim. The rest of his body was wrapped partially with a red lined black cloak tied around his left shoulder, hiding the dark stained monster leather underneath. All I actually could see were his glowing green eyes that seemed to leave trails of light as he moved.


“Who- “I barely got out before Mulan’s feather blade was thrust between our faces. In response the man simply leaned back with both hands raised defensively.

“Milord!” Mulan yelled sending all 4 of her streamers chasing after the man in a straight line causing him to hop into the air in response.

Bending to the right as the lengthy blades unceasingly went for his throat the man said “Now calm down ma’am I just came over to introduce myself. No need for all these theatrics.”

Unrelenting in face of her prior hesitance Mulan leapt into the air after her tails with both blades drawn and ready to gauge out the man’s eyes. Her form grew even harder to track as it took on a faint green hue, evidence of Almar’s assistance. At the apex of her swing however Mulan’s body was forcibly halted. Looking down revealed all 4 of her streamers had been pinned to the ground by seemingly mundane arrows.

Landing beside Noire with an apparently drawn black metal bow the obscured man said “Any one of those shots could have been fatal missy. That should properly convey my peaceful intentions I assume? This fine lady here gets it.”

Dismissing the swirling flames around her arms Noire nodded “It is as he says Ms. Mulan please stand down.”


Relaxing his stance and lowering the tip of his now equipped spear Almar ordered “I only caught one of those arrows even with my eyes little bird. If he wants to talk that’s better for everyone.”

Evaporating his bow into a nothing with a wave of his hand the man seemed to smile “Glad to see you’re all so reasonable. If I had to make an educated guess based on your demeanor lady Ouroboros beat me here? Doubt she was as reasonable as myself.” His eyes took on a surprised glean “Ah! I haven’t introduced myself have I? My name is Retic Ocross but most know me by my “Fatal” title. Never been a fan of it myself but that’s what stuck.”

Leaning out from behind Almar’s tall frame I asked politely as I could manage “A pleasure to meet you Mr. Ocross. Did you have some business with me today?”

“Indeed I do Mr. Sol, master of the recently titled Dungeon of Seasons, or rather, my benefactors do.”

“If you’re with the Yui’s too I already heard it from lady Ouroboros. She made things more than- “

Cutting me off Retic said “Actually Mr. Sol I’m here in place of another family you seem to have turned against you. Similar to Ms. Ouroboros I am here to, ah how did they put it exactly? “Show that monster born fell spawn what happens to one who messes with the Osins.”. Not the most elegant phrasing I’ve ever heard but effective nonetheless.”

‘How many more threats am I going to receive today...’ I thought.

Much less afraid of this man than the unpredictable Ouroboros I said “Well let them know you’ve made their point more than clear. I won’t get in their way any more or incur your wrath and all that.”

Expecting him to disappear easily as he came I was surprised when Retic stood straight and wiped his gloves dramatically. His whole demeanor seemed to change from one of honed precision to one of casual conversation.

“Then that’s that job done! Now that my obligations have been accomplished let’s get down to personal interests.”

Raising a nonexistent eyebrow I leaned farther out from behind Almar “Personal?”

Putting one hand on his hip and the other out towards me Retic’s eyes narrowed “To put it simply Mr. Sol... I’d like to offer you my services.”

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