《Dungeon of Seasons》Chapter 67: Ouroboros


The following morning I felt somewhat guilty for my new N.A.S.A. allies. All three had stayed at the Frozen Rose, or rather within the Zone of Recompense, until early morning leaving them little time to rest before the Iliad proper began. The same could be said for my monsters but few of them needed a full 8 hours2 of human rest. Oni in particular only need 2-4 hours a night. Likely as a result of their nocturnal blood if I had to guess.

Speaking of my Oni and Lamia they will not be following me around throughout the day in one large group. Instead I’ll have them routinely break off to attend more specialized meetings in my stead. Things such as material procurement, exchange of technology, or even gossip don’t require my direct involvement. I’m not leaving them completely on their own though. Each group is required to keep at least one Lamia with them at all times and that Lamia must in turn make regular telepathic reports to Noire their queen. A pity I can’t reach anyone other than my [Named] outside the dungeon through the link but Noire should make a fine substitute.

Should any of them encounter trouble, verbal or physical, I will immediately dispatch my personal guard to go assist and then head over myself. And though it pains me to think about I won’t be so lenient with our more outspoken adversaries again. Things have changed now that I have at least a few allies in my corner I don’t need to keep absolutely everyone happy. Now I can hit back.

While walking to the castle before dawn we rendezvoused with the Crabro’s and Claire as agreed. They’d already dispatched spies to spread word about N.A.S.A. during the night but we still needed to make a public declaration. The declaration will also give them an excuse to stay by my side during the first joint session with King Rylen. One’s choice of seat holds great importance in the eyes of nobles so having two respected human masters by my side should shield me from my enemies scorn, if only slightly.

“Is it really alright to have all 3 come in with me? I don’t want to take up to much room.” I asked leaning against the castle wall.

Claire, in a new gray dress which shoulder’s emitted an ambient fog bank, answered “You’ll notice soon as we enter that bringing powerful attendants, servants, or even mercenaries is far from unusual. 3 may be a tad on the higher end but within the range of acceptability. I believe it was 7 years ago when Lord Garshis brought all 9 of his sons to observe the proceedings for their education.”


Glancing around the crowd, of which many were giving them a wide berth, I said “I suppose the idea behind bringing a powerful ally along is to make oneself appear more important?”

Claire gave me a small wink “You got it. Take General Fracknell over there for example. In recent years the western border he oversees has faced backlash for the exploding crime rate in the region. Many have called in to question his loyalty to the kingdom or even if he himself is involved with crime families. With that in mind look who he’s brought along.”

Following her gaze I found an older military man with a brown beard on the cusp of turning gray. The well-tanned man was wrapped from head to toe in military badges and regalia making clear his service to Illia. Beside him stood a redhaired woman in pearl white armor holding what looked to be a golden hammer. From her shoulders dropped a cape bearing the design of a grindstone erupting in sparks. A symbol that tugged on the recesses of my memories as familiar.

Unclear as to the woman’s identity I said, “I understand the meaning behind coming in uniform but unfortunately I don’t recognize his guest.”

“Well that would be lady Sai Kiralow, one of the nation’s most popular, and easily recognized, paladins. She has a stellar reputation for defending small villages beyond the militaries reach during monster breeding season in the summer months. The rest of the year she wanders the countryside healing the injured and teaching those less fortunate trade skills.”

Nodding in understanding I finished “So having someone perfect as herself stand next to our scrutinized general leads others to believe he is perfect as well. Especially a pillar of justice like she appears to be.”

‘It’s like having a celebrity endorsement on tv back home... Guess humans really are that easily influenced no matter what world we’re in.’

“Precisely. For future Iliads you should consider finding noteworthy individuals to bring with you other than just your citizens. Actions speak louder than words after all.”

“Is that really why old Ritzie brought me all the way here!? Here I thought she just wanted some company after what happened...”

Whipping my head to find the source of the mockingly whiny voice over my shoulder I found myself at a complete loss. As within the wall I’d just been leaning against was a portal with a solid gold border containing the almost naked form of a dark skinned, woman with long dark blue hair. I say almost naked not because she was wearing loose clothing, but rather because her incredibly long hair moved to obscure anything that should normally be kept covered. The woman simply hovered in the portal’s dark expanse with an expression that said, “this is completely normal”.


Mulan, Almar, and Noire all braced but as the woman wasn’t exerting any ill intent they held back. It helped that the Crabros and Claire only seemed caught off guard, rather than fearful, of our interrupter. They even seemed to recognize her.

First to regain her composure Arin gave the woman a finely honed smile “Ouroboros it’s simply been too long! Is my little savior in their too?”

Completely shifting her gaze off of me the woman’s face lit up soon as she saw Arin “No way! How are you doing Air!? Or should I say Mrs. Crabro now? You sly girl bagging yourself a rich boy! Morin sweetie come look your favorite persons here!”

Soon as the woman called the dark world around her shifted. The entire expanse seemed to bend, stretch, and coil as it became apparent the woman’s surroundings were in fact organic in nature. A thought that terrified me to my very core given the apparent size of wherever the portal led.

The woman inside simply remained smiling as a yellow eye easily 3 stories tall opened behind her. It’s iris quickly scanned everyone outside the portal and narrowed on Arin when it found her. The eye gained some level of recognition before an ear grating screech bellowed from the expanse itself.

Covering her ears only slightly Arin waved “Hello Morin dear! Keeping my friend safe are we?”

Another completely alien screech of agreeance erupted from the expanse before the iris closed itself and seemingly moved away. Not that anyone was going to try stopping it.

The woman simply chuckled to herself “He’s acting all shy again! Sorry Air you know how he gets around pretty girls.”

“Regardless it’s good to see him doing well. I presume everyone else is faring well too?”

‘T-there’s more of those things!?’ I thought still shivering at the mere thought of the creature’s passive gaze.

Putting a hand on her hip the woman playfully chided “Of course they are! Who do you think I am? They’re all big babies when you keep them fed anyway.”

Giving me a sideways glance Arin attempted to steer the conversation “I can imagine! No matter their size your friends are all just big puppies aren’t they? You mentioned lady Ritzu did you not? Are you her guest this year my friend?”

Clapping her hands the woman’s face became one of complete realization “Oh yeah! I came over here to threaten that guy! Whoopsie! Hold on just a second Air, I’ll do this quick!”

With a flick of her wrist the woman opened two more portals. The first was directly next to her face and the second directly in front of mine. Gone was the friendly smile and nonchalant mannerism. This woman was now exuding a presence that put her “friend” to shame. Even I could tell this woman was completely beyond my monster’s level.

“You are Sol master of the Dungeon of Seasons correct?”

Voice shaking I half whispered “Y-y-y-yes to whom do I owe the p-p-p-p-pleasure?”

“You may call me Lady Ouroboros worm. Do you know why I’m here?”

I stood silent as the darkness beyond her form and whatever swam within it glared back at me.

“Well it’s because you hurt one of my good friends. Does a Mrs. Ritzu Yui seem familiar? Because from what she tells me you’re the reason her daughter is missing.”

A chill running down my spine I tried to answer but she immediately cut me off.

“I don’t want your excuses! Just know that the Yui family will reclaim their honor and rebuild their tower with your own ashes. For your sake stay out of their way from now on.”

Threat made more than clear the woman snapped her fingers closing the smaller portals. As I did my best to recover from the encounter with Almar keeping me on my feet, although a bit pale faced himself, I heard Ouroboros speaking to Arin from the larger portal again.

“I’m having a little get together with all the old girls tonight, you just have to come! I’ll get you at around 7, dress nice and keep your stomach empty!”

A second snap later and the portal closed leaving our group at a complete loss for words. It was almost a full minute before the tension in the air could fully disperse allowing us to take deep breaths again.

First to recover Noire asked the less than happy looking Arin “So... who was that?”

Arin sighed “An old friend from my adventuring days who’s gone by Ouroboros “The Unfathomable” since being recognized as an S class. And as it appears, a puppet of the Yui family.”

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